The Honeymoon


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"You see, I seriously doubt Tom and Jill will be able to pay to keep your wife for another six months after this. So at that point she will have to find your wife a new owner or default on the loan."

Dan was confused and hurt. "She is using us to get herself out of trouble? How long has this been going on? I can't believe she would intentionally entrap us like this."

Donna looked amused. "I don't know how long this has been going on. I suspect it started after the three of you hit it off. But she actually IS looking out for your best interest."

"By selling us to anyone who can pay?" The horror of his situation just kept getting deeper.

"Yes, by renting you to anyone who can pay. You still don't seem to understand. Let me use small words for you. You are her slave. Your wife is her slave. You are her property. If she becomes a slave to someone else, everything she is, everything she owns will belong to them."

She paused. "In case you couldn't figure it out, that means you. And if you think I am bad, wait until you meet Master Bill. You will find out what a pushover I am."

Dan couldn't imagine anyone crueler than Donna. He couldn't picture his wife and his Mistress in the situation he was in now, let alone a worse one.

"Oh, and I should mention that your Mistress' slavery won't be like this. It will be permanent. So you see, if she doesn't rent you, then the two of you end up slaves for life."

She laughed. "On the bright side, he might just want her. He might have no use for the two of you. If that's the case I'm sure he will sell you, and if you get very lucky maybe you will get a good owner. I wouldn't count on it, but perhaps if you are good for the next six months I will bid on you."

Dan could no longer think clearly. His body hurt from the constant punishment. His spirit had been beaten down continually for days. And now, his life was becoming a real life horror story.

He spoke up. "I can't believe this is happening. Would it be possible to talk to Sara? I need to know if she is OK. She didn't ask for any of this."

Donna put her hand around his throat, gently but threateningly. "I see, and did you ask for this?"

"No, Mistress. I am just worried about her."

She backed away. "I see. Well, if you are that worried about her, it might not be too late to get her out of this mess."

Dan felt hope rising. "How? What can we do?"

"I am quite well off. I could offer to pay your Mistress' debt."

Dan wasn't sure she liked Donna's grin. "You would do that?"

The black woman laughed. "Of course, slave, but not for free."

Dan felt hope and dread rising in almost equal measure. "What do you want? "

"Simple, I want you. I want you to be my slave, forever. I know it's not how you pictured your life turning out. But you did want to see what it was like to be a slave. This is your chance to find out. And in doing so you will save your wife and your Mistress from the same fate."

Dan had been afraid this would be her reply. Did he have what it took to agree to this? He knew it was the right decision. He had to save his wife. And now that he knew the story he knew his Mistress didn't mean to do this to them. She wasn't exactly the person he thought he knew, but he realized that he still loved her.

"Obviously you will divorce you wife. You will quit your job. You will move in here with me. Your slavery to me will not be a secret, to anyone. Once we get everything arranged, you will never see your wife or Mistress again. You may not see your friends and family again. If you do, they will know you are my slave."

Dan didn't know what to think. Donna left the room to allow him time to think. She told him to take his time, but warned him that they might send his wife's resignation letter at any time.

Dan didn't really need to think. He knew what he had to do. He just had to work up the courage to do it. He steeled his resolve and waited for Donna's return.

When she did, he told her that he would be her slave, forever. True to form, she made him beg to be her slave. She made him state his eternal inferiority. But after a short time she was satisfied and went to call Tim and Jill and his Mistress.

He waited there for what seemed like hours. It might have been hours. He was starving so badly he wasn't sure he could walk without shaking. His bladder was ready to explode.

When she finally returned she had a look on her face that he had never seen before. She removed all of his restraints, including his chastity cage. She did all of this without speaking.

That was very unlike her.

Then, looking almost in tears, she put her hand on his shoulder in a clearly loving way. "Dan, I am sorry."

Dan was horrified. What could have gone wrong now? He hadn't thought his situation could get any worse. He waited for her to speak again, but she didn't seem willing.

"For what, Mistress?"

"For everything." She caressed his cheek with her hand. "You are a wonderful, sweet boy with a truly submissive heart. You didn't deserve any of the things I did to you this week."

Dan felt hope surging inside him. "This week?"

"Yes, it's time to take you back to Angelica. She misses you terribly. Your wife is on her way back now." Her demeanor had completely changed. She seemed warm and loving.

"You mean, all this..."

"Yes, it was just an act. Your Mistress would never do that to you. She wasn't lying. We really are old friends. I've known her for a very long time. She is a sweet, loving woman, and far too smart to get herself in trouble like that. She gave you to me because she knew she could trust me."

"Actually, I hesitated to agree to this. But I owed her. And I thought it could be fun. As it turns out, it wasn't."

She chucked, this time not an intimidating laugh, but an adorable one. "Oh, it probably was still more enjoyable for me than for you, but I promise you that I couldn't wait for it to end."

"I didn't mean ANY of those things I said. You are a wonderful boy, and your Mistress is lucky to have you. I can't believe everything I put you through. If you had been masochistic I wouldn't feel as bad, but you clearly aren' all. I just hope someday you can forgive me. I don't expect that you will though. I knew that going in."

Dan was confused. "So what was this all about?"

"There were two reasons for this week. You told your Mistress all of your wildest fantasies, including the ones you thought you would never live out. She felt it was important that you get to experience something close to true slavery at least once so that you didn't spend your life wondering what it was like."

"She knew that was a risk though. She knew that you might be so angry with her afterwards that you might decide that you didn't want to be with her. You see, you aren't really her slave yet. That's a decision you will have to make when you get home."

"There was another reason however. The reason she decided to go down this path, was not only because she wanted to give you your fantasy. This was also partially a test. You see, you and your wife are agreeing to be her slaves for life."

"Knowing her, if you really decide you want to go, she will let you. But this is still a huge commitment. She wanted to make sure that you were ready. You see, if you still think she is worth it after what she put you through this week, she can be confident that you are going into this with a sound mind and won't regret it later."

Dan was angry with himself. How could he have doubted her? She was looking out for him, as usual. Even knowing that it might cost her.

Donna filled the silence that had started to drag out. "I really am truly sorry."

Dan looked up at Donna. She looked awful. He took an unsteady step towards her and wrapped himself around her. He looked up slightly at the taller woman and saw the look on her face. He couldn't describe it, but he was glad he was responsible for putting in there.

"I am not angry. You did what she asked you to do. It hurt you to do it, but you did it -- for her sake and for mine. That was very kind of you. There is really nothing for me to forgive."

She wasn't crying, but there were clearly tears running down her face. "You can't possibly mean that."

"I do. If you think you need forgiveness, then I forgive you...and I thank you. Thank you for everything you did for me. I only have one request for you."

Donna looked him in the eyes, their arms wrapped around one another. "Tell me. If I can do it I will. It's the least I can do."

"If you ever need help around the house. I want you to ask Angelica to borrow me. Or if she thinks I need training from someone else, I want it to be you."

Now Donna was taken aback. "Surely you are kidding."

"I'm not, I promise. I feel bad. I completely misjudged you. I'm not going to lie, I hated you." He saw her wince. "But I was wrong. I can see now you are a fine woman, a classy woman. I want a chance to get to know the REAL you. "

Dan saw the look on her face and suddenly felt a tremendous sense of contentment. He had clearly made her feel better. He had made her very happy, and that made him happy.

They both agreed that they would try to see each other again.

Chapter 11 - The Ceremony:

Dan arrived at the house of his mistress the same way he had arrived, naked in the trunk of a car. Donna had offered to lend him cloths so that he could sit in the front, but he insisted on seeing this week through to the end.

He explained that she really didn't owe him anything, and that he would ride in her trunk any time. That had earned him a smile. He couldn't get over how quickly his feelings for her had flipped completely. He got the feeling the two of them would end up good friends.

When he arrived, Sara was already there, along with Tom and Jill. They resisted the temptation to run to each other, instead just sharing a look.

Their Mistress spoke. "For goodness sake, go to each other. You have both been through a great deal. You are free to do what you like until this evening."

Now they did run to each other. Wrapping each other in a tight embrace and kissing deeply, not the least bit worried about everyone watching.

A meal followed. All six of them ate together. No one spoke about the events of the past week, and Dan and Sara didn't dare ask. They didn't think asking would get them in trouble, but it didn't feel like the right time -- and in the end none of it mattered.

Angelica apologized for testing them and explained that she wanted them to get to experience some of their wilder fantasies before settling down with her. She explained they now had a decision to make.

Tonight there would be a ceremony. Jill, Tom, Donna, and a small handful of others would attend. Sara and Dan would be asked to decide if they wanted to live out their lives with each other as free people, or become slaves to Angelica once and for all. Angelica insisted she wouldn't begrudge either decision.

When the meal finished, the couple was separated. Each was taken down to their cage room by their former temporary owners, but they weren't put into the cages. They were free people again.

The two of them hadn't gotten much of a chance to talk over the meal. The others did most of the talking while they sat silently. Now they talked to their former owners about what the night might bring.

They either didn't know or wouldn't say what would happen. They just encouraged them to think about their decision. It wasn't one to make lightly.

Eventually they started hearing noises upstairs. After a time the couple was brought upstairs by their former owners and new friends. When they got upstairs, they saw Angelica, a man they had never seen before, and to their horror, Sara's sister -- the maid of honor form their wedding, and Dan's Manager -- a professional looking woman of about 60.

The couple stared, dumbfounded, as everyone in the room chuckled.

Dan was picturing the end of his career, while both of them wondered what Sara's family would say when they found out about their relationship with Angelica.

"Hey sis", her sister said -- sounding like a mischievous teenager despite being the older sibling.

"B...Beth", Sara stammered.

"Surprised to see me, I bet." That was an understatement. "Angelica told me about your arrangement. She wanted to make sure that you always had someone to talk to if you ever needed it. I have to admit, I was shocked. You were always Ms goodie two shoes."

"But Angelica and I have been hanging out and I got to know her and she seems like a good person. She even gave my husband some tips for rope bondage. Honestly, if I had a thing for woman I would be jealous."

Sara was amazed. "You and Jeff...?"

"Oh, it's nothing like...this. But we do enjoy spicing things up once in a while. I love bondage, and he loves feeling like he is overpowering me."

This was far more than she needed to know about her sister's love life, but somehow she felt better knowing that she wasn't alone in needing something ... her life.

Dan on the other hand knew that he should be freaking out, both about her sister and his boss. But after the things he thought were going to happen to him just a few hours prior, they just didn't seem like a big deal.

When the older woman turned to face him he simply greeted her. "Hello Ms Wood." He felt like he should say more, but he wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was for a situation like this.

"It looks like you have had an exciting honeymoon". She sounded very matter of fact, like this was all normal.

"You could say that. I know this must seem strange." He wondered how his Mistress had gotten her here, and why.

She laughed. "Strange is what keeps life from getting boring. And it's not as strange to me as you might think."

Angelica explained that she had met Ms Wood at a munch. They had talked off and on. When they found out that they both knew Dan, it was too much of a coincidence to waste.

The two got to know each other much better. They shared their past experiences. By the sounds of it, Ms Wood was more experienced than Angelica.

And now here she was. Angelica had wanted a witness that knew each of her slaves for this ceremony. She apologized to Dan, but explained that she didn't think most of the people he knew would react well to this. So it was fortunate his boss was into the scene.

She explained that she had started feeling out Sara's sister when she came to pick up Sara from "helping a friend clean". While Sara had been upstairs cleaning herself up and dressing, Angelica had been downstairs asking nosy questions about her sister's love life.

Before Sara had managed to join them, Angelica had worked her magic and talked Beth into helping her shop for an outfit she could use for on line dating.

The shopping took several hours, giving them a chance to get to know each other. They really hit it off. They found they had very similar and very complimentary senses of humor. Beth gladly agreed when Angelica asked her to help take pictures for her profile.

There was a great deal of girl talk while this went on, and by the end of it Angelica felt like she could share their secret with Beth. Still, she did it gradually. She hinted that she was into BDSM. Beth was intrigued. The pair then went into a great deal of detail about their respective interests. That convinced Angelica she could trust her.

Still, it was only just before the wedding that Angelica mad the big reveal. By that time Beth had put two and two together and suspected that was why her sister spent so much time here. Her only concern was how unfair it was to Doug.

She was shocked to find out they were both submitting to her.

Once the small talk died down, Donna walked to the front of the room and declared that there were about to begin the ceremony. Everyone took their seats, that is everyone except Donna and the three people involved.

Dan and Sara had no idea what to do. They simply looked at each other, then up at Donna.

Donna called Angelica up to the front, next to her and facing the audience. She then called Dan and Sara and had them stand in front of their Mistress. "Angelica, would you like to take it from here?"

Angelica spoke. She sounded very serious, very official. "You have both served me for quite some time now. You have served well. You have been tested, but have never failed me."

"The relationship we had up to this point however, is over. Today, we are here to start something much deeper. Today you are here to decide if you want to become my slaves."

"This is a decision to take very seriously, if for no other reason because if you go go down this path you will never again get to make a decision for yourselves unless I allow it. This is the ultimate commitment. If you decide to serve me, I will own you...forever."

The slaves each felt the weight of her words, but at the same time felt a tingle run through themselves at the thought of finally committing to what they had always longed for -- of always knowing there was a place where they belonged.

"Now, you each will be taken back to your rooms to think about your decision. Take as long as you need. When you are ready, tell your chaperons and they will bring you back to me. When you return, either kneel before me or go and sit with the audience. From this I will know your decision. I will not hold it against your spouse if one decides to go forward and they other doesn't."

Sara and Dan shared a look. Sara started to speak. "Dan, do you need the time?"

Dan didn't, but he felt it was part of the ceremony. He was debating his answer when Angelica spoke.

"I appreciate your willingness, but I expect you do take this seriously. Go. Be counseled. Then decide."

With that the couple went their separate ways. Dan was brought down to his cage room with Donna and Ms Wood. Sara was brought to hers by Jill, Tom, and her sister Beth.

Dan, as usual, didn't know what to say. Fortunately Donna spoke first. "Well, after what I put you through last week, I don't doubt your commitment to Angelica. But I suppose we should talk about something. Like the woman said, this is possibly the most important day of your life. I don't want you making a decision you will regret."

Ms Beth spoke. "Well, from what I am told one thing worth considering is the fact that you and your wife want different things from this relationship. You want to feel useful, to take care of people. It's all about serving her. You want to show your kindness and generosity"

Dan spoke up. "Sara is also kind and caring."

"She is. But that's not what she wants out of this. That's not what she gets off on. She is more sexual. She likes to feel used. She even likes a little humiliation."

Dan was surprised, he had never really thought that before. When he looked back though, he could see it was true.

"I am not saying the two of you aren't compatible, or that Angelica can't provide what you each need. And I am not saying there is anything wrong with what either of you want. It's just something to consider."

"That is true. I hadn't thought about that. I appreciate you bringing it up. Always the voice of reason..."

"Tell that to our director", she said with a laugh. "Donna, do you have anything else?"

Donna thought for a second. "No, not really. I know I should be playing devil's advocate here. That's my job and I want to do it. But I have known Angelica for years. I think I know her remarkably well. And after the past week, I feel like I know Dan."

"He has a very large, very open heart. He is a very special person who deserves to be happy, and I am more optimistic about this relationship than any I can think of."

Dan laughed. The two looked at him. "I'm sorry. I just ... those were wonderful words, and I really appreciate them. Its just that a day ago I would have never imagined you were so kind and caring."
