The Honeymoon


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Donna laughed, but looked sad.

Dan wanted to give her a hug, but wasn't sure it was appropriate. Instead he looked to Ms Wood. "Donna went way out of her comfort zone to help me. She really helped me prepare for this. I really owe her a huge debt, and I look forward to replaying it."

Now Donna was smiling. It was the biggest smile he had seen from her, and Dan felt wonderful for putting it there.

She put his hand on Dan's shoulder. "It was an honor. You don't owe me a thing, I promise."

After a pause, she went on. "I really do feel like I should bring something up for you to think about. Angelica will control everything, or be able to: finances, your job, when and if you have children...but you know all this don't you?"

"Yes ma'am. I do."

Ms Wood spoke up. "Then I guess you have everything you need."

Back with Sara:

Sara was fidgeting with anticipation. Jill put a hand on her to calm her. "I know you think you are ready for this. You might be, but we need to make sure."

Sara broke in. "The three of us have all talked about this for a very long time. I am ready."

Her sister sat down next to her. "I've never known you to be so decisive. I've never imagined you could want something like this. You have always been so ... I don't want to say prudish..."

Suddenly reminded of her sister's presence and knowledge of her private life, Sara looked down at the ground. She was briefly annoyed, but quickly realized her sister meant well. She was lucky to have someone to finally confide in.

"I know. I have always been the boring one. But I never knew what I was missing. I know this sounds strange, but this makes me feel more alive than I ever have before."

"Well, maybe I should see if she has any more openings." Beth laughed. "Seriously though, I am happy to see you finding yourself. You know I will support you."

"I know. You knowing about this will take some getting used to. But I know I can trust you, and I am glad you are here."

Jill cut in. "I'm glad you have such a supportive family. But we really do need to make sure you know what you are getting into. Angelica charged us with this. I am sure you understand."

Sara nodded.

Jill continued. "This relationship won't be all kinky, all sex. She could even decide you need to be celibate."

Sara hadn't considered that.

"It could be downright boring. She might not always have as much time for you as you would hope. She might need you for everyday things: cleaning, errands."

"She could give you a diet plan, a workout plan, make you change your hair. She could tell you to start listening to different music. She could force you to do volunteer work."

"This won't always be a big adventure. Just like in any relationship, the 'new' will wear off. When it does, will you still want to serve her?"

Beth was a bit taken aback by the amount of control her sister was giving up. Angelica had described this to her, but somehow hearing it like this, her sister about to give up her decision making for the rest of her days, made it seem much more real and far more serious. "Is this really want you want, Sara? I am with you either way."

Sara reached out and squeezed her sister's hand. "I am ready."

When the slaves were taken from their rooms, they had been expecting to be taken to Angelica. Instead they found themselves in a small room in the basement, again face to face with each other.

Ms Wood and Beth stayed with them while the others went back upstairs. Despite being almost certain, the two slaves confirmed they had made the same decision.

Ms Wood explained that the ceremony would begin once they came upstairs and knelt. Angelica had composed a statement, like vows for a regular wedding. The two future slaves would stay here until they came up with theirs.

The two got to work.

The two slaves entered the room. Angelica was sitting in the front of the room, looking radiant. The couple moved silently. Despite the audience, they never took their eyes from their Mistress as they moved to the front and knelt before her.

Donna silently moved to the front of the room. She situated herself beside Angelica. She had changed cloths and was now wearing a skirt and a smart looking jacket. She looked very statuesque, particularly standing over the seated Mistress and her kneeling slaves. She spoke.

"I have a few words. First, I want to thank you all for coming here today. And I want to thank Angelica for allowing us to be here to witness this. You all came here to see these three people become a family. I would like to think that being here to witness it makes the rest of us an extended family. I know that they all are grateful for your support."

"I have known Angelica for quite a long time. I love her like a sister, so I was happy to hear that she had met someone. I was happier still, if a bit jealous, when I heard she met yet another someone." There was a polite chuckle from the room.

"I will be honest. I thought she had found herself a nice distraction. I didn't expect her to be able to keep up a relationship with two people, particularly after finding out how old they were."

"But they surprised me. They were mature for their years, or so I was led to believe. She went on endlessly about them both, singing their praises. After a while I felt like I knew them. I am sure I speak for Jill and Tom when I say that it was truly a pleasure to finally get to know them this past week."

Angelica and Donna were the only people who saw Beth looking around curiously.

"I only got to spend time with Dan, but I have talked to Tom and Jill at length and I know I speak for them when I say that they were both just as advertised."

Beth's look was very confused now. Angelica suddenly realized that she should have made time to fill her in on the events of the past two weeks. She made a point to do that as soon as possible.

But that would have to wait.

"Angelica, do you have a statement to make to your slaves?"

Angelica cleared her throat, suddenly unexpectedly nervous. "Dan, Sara: you are giving me a precious gift. A gift like most people will never know. I hope you know how much I appreciate it."

"I understand the trust you are putting in me. I understand the responsibility I have to you both. I vow to do my best not to break your trust."

"I will love you, cherish you, protect you, fight for you if needed. I will do my best to help you develop into the best people you can be, not just for my own benefit, but for yours and those around you."

"I will hold you close to me and keep you safe for as long as I live."

Dan was taken aback by her words. He knew she cared, but he hadn't expected anything like that from her. He found himself fighting not to let his emotions show. He knew now beyond any doubt he had made the right decision.

Sara just looked up at her Mistress with loving eyes. She suddenly longed for the touch of her Mistress.

Donna spoke up again. "That was lovely. Sara, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes ma'am." Donna motioned for her to go ahead.

"Mistress Angelica, you are kind and loving, strong and powerful, beautiful and erotic. You knew exactly what I needed. You WERE exactly what I needed. You filled a hole in my life that I had always felt but didn't understand."

"I am convinced that no one else could have filled that hole like you did, like you continue to do. That is why I am here, giving myself to you. The rest of my life is yours."

Angelica smiled.

Donna turned to Dan. "And you, Dan?"

"Mistress Angelica, I don't even know where to begin. I respect you more than I can put into words. I adore you. I want more than anything to make you happy, to show you how much of myself I am willing to give to make you that way."

"I thought for years that what I wanted was impossible. I thought I had to chose between having a family and having the chance to submit. You showed me that I didn't."

"Not only that, you found the other person who would complete me. You taught me to submit, and introduced me to the person who would be my equal and loving parter. I owe literally everything I have to you."

"So it is because of this debt that I owe you, because I trust your judgment more than my own, because you make me a better person, and because of my sincere wish to make you as happy as you make me that I want to be your slave. You already own me. But I sincerely ask you to make it official."

Everyone in the room was touched by the words the three had chosen. Donna needed a second to compose herself.

"In that case, Dan, Sara, do you promise to give yourselves over totally to your Mistress? To swear to always communicate open and honestly with her? To strive to be the best slaves and companions that you can be for her? To always put her and her needs above your own?"

The two spoke in unison. "I do."

"Angelica, do you take these two as your slaves? Do you promise to accept the depths of their devotion? To repay it by creating a safe haven where they can express who they truly are? Do you promise to always remember your responsibility to them, to their safety and continued development?"

"I do."

"In that case, could we please have Beth and Dianna come forward?" Donna watched Beth's sister and Dan's boss come to the front. "Would the two of you be so kind as to give the keys to Dan and Sara?"

Dianne, Ms Wood, looked very serious as she handed Dan the key. Beth looked a bit lost, but lovingly set it in her sisters open hand.

"Angelica, if you would be so kind as to collar your new slaves?"

Jill and Tom stood and brought a pair of collars to Angelica. Now , other than the man neither of them recognized, everyone assembled was standing around them.

Angelica stood up. She held the collars before the two slaves, allowing them to read the engraved metal. They were identical. They each had Dan and Sara's full names, followed by 'proud slaves of Mistress Angelica'.

She put one onto each slave in turn.

Donna looked at he couple. "Now, if you will, give your key to your Mistress. She will lock it in place, symbolizing her ownership of you. With this, you will officially become her slave."

Dan and Sara each held up their key. Their Mistress locked them both in turn.

Everyone assembled applauded. The slaves felt a mixture of peace and anticipation. They felt tremendous satisfaction at finally starting their lives with each other and their Mistress, and for surviving the past two weeks. The finality of it all was reassuring, but also exciting.

Their Mistress felt a sense of completeness, finally collaring not one but two slaves that would be hers forever -- amazed at the control they were both giving up. She would have been disappointed, but would have accepted less from them.

She had been grateful to meet them and have them submit to her. But as the relationship developed and continued to deepen she started to see their potential.

They were the thing she thought she would never find, someone willing to give up complete control. She still felt honored and flattered at that. It was a grave responsibility, one that she was determined to live up to.

Angelica spoke up. "I am not a big fan of collars. They aren't always practical, so I have a surprise for you. Now that I own your bodies, I am going to mark them. Mark, if you want to get your things I think we are ready for you."

The man neither of them recognized left the room. "Mark here is a fantastic tattoo artist. You are both going to get my brand, so to speak."

She held up a picture. "This is what you will be receiving. The two hearts represent you. You can see they are chained, with the two chains coming together above them. I am sure you recognize the fairy above them holding that chain. You have seen that fairy on my shoulder. That is my mark and represents me."

"Anyone who doesn't know you can assume that it has some vanilla meaning, that you two are chained together in love. I'm not sure what they will think of the fairy sprite above them, but I think it's artistic enough no one will think anything of it."

"Unless of course they know me, or have seen my tattoo...then I think the meaning will be obvious."

Sara insisted on going first. Her sister held her hand throughout. Dan followed. He tried not to grimace. He couldn't help but hope there were no spankings anytime soon.

With the tattoos done, Mark went forward and showed off his other skills as a DJ. The rest of the night involved a great deal of laughter and dancing. It was a lot like a normal wedding party, with the exception of the fact that two of the participants were least to start with.

Angelica couldn't help but notice that Beth was clearly not comfortable dancing with her sister and brother in law unclothed. She was a trooper, she still danced alone and with the clothed members of the party. She tried dancing with her sister, but clearly didn't want to get too close to her.

Angelica had both slaves go put on pants, and a bra for Sara. Beth clearly appreciated the gesture. She relaxed and really got into the action after that. She couldn't help but think these people were not at all what they expected. She had thought they would be scary, but she found herself fond of all of them.

It was a long night, everyone enjoying themselves and no one wanting to be the first to leave. Eventually however, people began to tire. People began to break off and sit down to eat, drink and chat.

Dan found himself talking to Ms Wood. He had always respected her a great deal. They got on well. He thought he knew her fairly well, but he had never imagined she had led such an interesting life.

Despite all her kinky adventures, she seemed almost motherly to him. She always had, but more so now. He found himself grateful that she was here to go on this journey with him. One more way his Mistress took care of him, one more thing he owed her.

Angelica had paired off with Donna. When they caught Dan's eye he could tell they were talking about his time with Donna. He imagined she was probably still feeling bad. He determined to help her stop doing that if he could.

By the time Mark announced the last song, Sara was already asleep in her sister's lap. When the song ended, Angelica announced that everyone was welcome to stay the night. They were both too tired and in some cases too drunk to drive home.

Mark had work the next day and took his leave. Jill and Tom were grateful for the offer and opted to stay. Angelica went off to make up a guest bedroom for them, but when she returned she found Beth was now asleep as well -- her head resting comfortably on Donna's long thigh.

Donna, now unable to move without waking her opted to sleep in the living room, showing Dan yet again how much he had misjudged her. For his part, Dan was laying next to Beth and his wife, resting but not asleep.

Angelica told Tom and Jill to help themselves to the guest room and proceeded to lay on the floor herself. She took Dan's head and laid it gently in her lap.

Ms Beth for her part laid down to give Angelica somewhere to lay her head. Jill and Tom, not wanting to be left out followed the others to the floor.

And so they all slept, one big, loving extended family.

The next morning everyone awoke slowly. Despite waking and needing to use the facilities, the first to rise continued to lay there -- both from exhaustion and so as not to wake the others using them as a pillow.

Eventually everyone came to, feeling tired but content. No one could help but feel close to everyone assembled. They all knew they now had more friends than they had the night before. These were going to be special friendships, they could tell.

Angelica and her slaves made breakfast for everyone. They all ate, enjoying the last of their time together.

Jill and Tom were the first to have to depart, having a long journey ahead of themselves. Ms Beth and Donna helped clean up and then took their leave.

That left just Beth and the couple. Beth seemed hesitant to leave her sister, but she knew she couldn't stay forever.She congratulated the couple and went to make her exit.

Angelica could sense her apprehension. She promised to take good care of Sara, and told her that she was welcome here any time.

Beth was surprised to find that she wasn't worried about her sister. Despite how strange this all seemed to her, she felt genuinely close to Agelica, and found she was fond of most of the other guests. She trusted them.

Plus she was still curious about this lifestyle. She wanted to learn more. She wanted to find out how she get get her husband more involved. She promised that she would be back.

And then suddenly the three of them were alone. Now that the guests were now gone, Dan and Sara once again disrobed. Only this time, Angelica followed suit.

The trio still had three more days together before the two slaves had to return to work, and they were going to make the most of them. As they all made love, they talked about their future together.

Living arrangements, finances, rules of the house; there was a lot to discuss. Luckily, they had a lifetime together to figure it out.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I had to stop reading after the fourth cloths. Don't you use a search engine to look up the correct spelling of words? It makes you sound like an imbecile.

One cloth I could put down as a spelling error but not after that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

clothes, not cloths

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow, the comment about being mentally deficient was harsh, no one forced you read all 8 pages, jerk. As for the story, cool concept, but lacking in any real sex.

Wfd821Wfd821over 3 years ago

Well done

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