The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 03


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*Silence* commanded Faria, making Alex's mouth snap shut, a look of wild panic on his face.

"You are going to listen to me, Alex," she said calmly. "And you are going to think about what I say. Masculinity has been a dead end for you from the beginning. Your body was built to be female. A gender where you finally have a chance to excel and thrive. And should you be ashamed of making that switch?"

A wide, cruel smile bloomed on Faria's face. "I'll be honest. Yes. There's always some humiliation at admitting that you're a failure. You started a ludicrously mismatched competition of masculinity with your bully, and you won't just lose, you'll be converted into his submissive little cocksucking plaything. But just because your complete surrender will be humiliating doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do. You were never meant to fly, little penguin. You need to learn to swim. I'm going to help you give up the impossible dream of being an alpha male, and embrace something a little more realistic for you: being a submissive girly slut."

Alex watched her with fearful eyes, his throat working as he still futilely tried to argue with her, fighting back against her mental control.

"It's true that you were born with this disappointment of a cock instead of a vagina," said Faria lightly, flicking the tip of his cock painfully with a forefinger. "But what is a pussy anyway? A place to make babies? Sure. But that's not a pussy's main purpose these days." Farias's fingers were now tracing ticklish curving trails on his inner thighs.

"A pussy is a tool for sexual pleasure, both your pleasure and your man's. A place to receive your lover's cock. The center of your feminine energy." Faria's finger slid between Alex's ass cheeks. She held her finger flat against his tight virgin asshole, applying gentle pressure. "Who says you don't have a pussy, under that definition? If you weren't born with one, we will have to repurpose another hole."

Alex was almost hyperventilating with the depths of his shame and fury but was unable to break Faria's command to stay silent.

"All men can experience anal pleasure. A man's G-spot is located up his asshole after all," said Faria confidently. "But most men consider anal play so taboo they refuse to even try it. It's a mental block more than anything. And Honey..." she gave Alex a saucy wink, "I am an expert at overcoming mental blocks. We will have your tight little pussy open for business in no time."

Alex didn't exactly look grateful. He seemed livid in fact. Faria thought he needed to relax a little. And she knew just how to help him.

*Programming mode. Silent. Serene. Open. My next words will be your new thoughts.*

Alex's furious expression smoothed out and his body released all of its tension, hanging loosely from the ropes that tied it to the dorm bed.

The first order of business was to make Alex feel progressively more uncomfortable with dressing as a male, while conversely making female clothes and actions feel more and more natural. This was why feminization was such a delicate job: it required subtle changes that got stronger over a long period. It might take months for the feelings she was implanting to become noticeable even to Alex himself.

*Every time I dress and act like a woman, it feels more natural*

"-feels more natural," Alex repeated the words, but his face twisted into an expression of confusion, indicating his resistance to the command. Just as Faria expected, this idea might take a while to sink in.

*Every time I dress and act like a woman, it feels more and more uncomfortable to dress and act like a man.*

This response came even slower, with gritted teeth. "-act like a man."

Faria felt like Alex was worn out enough that she could wring one more concession from him. Just a little further, then the budding slut could take a little break.

*My asshole is a powerful erogenous zone. I feel just as much pleasure from my ass as from my penis.*

Alex's face twisted as his subconscious mind tried hard to reject this foreign way of thinking. Faria waited patiently as the cogs turned behind his vacant eyes. Finally, Alex spat out the words, and Faria breathed a sigh of relief. Another important step taken on the path to womanhood.

Faria decided to go for broke. Might as well shoot for the moon.

*My ass is a pussy.* she said experimentally.

This time Alex's eyes moved slightly, almost as if he was coming up out of the trance. His body shifted weakly, slipping out of the total relaxation Faria had induced.

*Sleep, Alex.* said Faria, pushing down her disappointment. That had been a bit of a longshot anyway. Alex calmed again, this time closing his eyes and breathing deeply and steadily.

"I almost thought I had him on that one,' said Faria ruefully.

She turned to the other end of the bed. "But don't worry, he'll still say it before I'm done. He just needs a little more work."

"Well, what do you think?" continued Faria with an excited smile, speaking to her second target for the day. "Pretty impressive how much he's changed in just a few hours, right?"

Claire Estrada glared at Faria with impotent hatred, her mouth forced to stay closed by hypnosis. She had been bound to the opposite end of the bed frame from her boyfriend in a similar position, her smooth brown legs opened wide and tied down, her tight little pussy displayed to the world.

"But where are my manners?" said Faria with mock politeness, "I've kept you waiting and watching for so long. Now that your man is getting some beauty sleep, us ladies have the perfect chance to talk. Let's discuss how you can help your boyfriend become a better woman."


Something was wrong with Alex's basketball clothes. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He had worn these clothes for years, so he should feel used to them, but something felt off. The shirt felt scratchy, dragging across his nipples in a way that constantly distracted him as he walked to the rec center. It felt strange for his chest to be loose in the shirt: he had grown too used to the confining feeling of wearing a bra. His boxers felt too loose and flowy as well, and Alex couldn't help but feel like he wasn't getting the support he wanted from them.

He was probably just nervous about the game. Anton's idea was solid: getting to know some of the frat boys now would definitely pay off later. But it was always a little stressful for Alex when he had to meet new people. Especially with this weird, nagging feeling of being underdressed somehow.

Alex spotted the group immediately as he entered the gym. Nine guys milled around the court, laughing and passing the ball to each other. As Alex watched, two of the guys got into a joking fight, shoving each other and trying to get each other into a headlock.

They were just typical douchey frat guys, but as Alex hesitantly approached, it felt like their energy hit him like a wave. Raw pure masculinity. Tall, muscular men, trying to assert dominance over each other. He felt like he could almost smell their testosterone from here. Lexi rose swiftly without warning from where Alex had stuffed her deep inside, responding to the powerful male pheromones like a shark to blood.

Lexi's eyes roamed over the sweaty, powerful bodies of the frat boys. These were the kind of arrogant, dominant men who had big cocks to go with their bad personalities. A group of guys just like her daddy, Anton. The kind of men who would pull your hair and cum in your face and call you a dirty slut. Or at least, that's what Lexi hoped they would do...

Alex took a deep breath and counted to five, regaining control with great effort. What had come over him? Lexi was starting to feel less and less like a disguise, and more and more like a separate person. But even Lexi had never been that slutty before. The powerful wave of desire that had crashed over him when Lexi rose to the surface just now had scared him. Maybe this game wasn't such a good idea after all...

But it was too late, Anton had seen him from across the gym and came jogging over, waving and flashing that same damn cocky smile. Lexi surged forward again, responding with deep submissive lust just at the sight of her Daddy, flashing Anton a goofy, happy smile back.

"Lexi!" said Anton as he reached her, pulling her into his big muscular body for a hug. He was slightly damp and smelled like clean sweat.

"Hi, Daddy! Did you miss me?" asked Lexi happily, nuzzling her daddy's strong chest like a cat.

Anton held her at arm's length and grinned down at her. "I'm just joking, Alex," he said in a low, mocking tone.

Shit. Alex struggled to force Lexi down again. He had just fucking called Anton Daddy in public, while he was dressed like a man. Shit, not just dressed like a man. Alex was a man. "M-me too," he said, looking around Anton to see with relief that the other men didn't seem to be paying him much attention. "I was just joking around too, Anton." Something was wrong. Just the sight of Anton had been enough for Alex to completely lose his head. He hadn't fully anticipated how seeing Anton in person would affect him.

"You're a funny guy, Alex," said Anton with a knowing smile. "Now, let's introduce you to the boys." He laid a thick powerful arm over Alex's shoulder and turned to face the rest of the players.

"Um, wait A-anton, I don't know if..."

Anton ignored his feeble protest.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Alex, a buddy of mine from high school." The rest of the guys turned, their laughter and conversations stopping as their judging eyes fell on the new arrival. Alex could feel the weight of their stares, judging him, categorizing him. He had always hated being around "manly" guys like this. They reminded him of his father. He knew that he didn't measure up to their idea of what a man was. He could see it in their eyes. The game of trying to pretend he was more masculine than he was felt exhausting sometimes.

"You brought a chick to our pickup game?" blurted out a voice from the back. At first, Alex thought it was a joke, but none of the other guys laughed, just stared at him with amused disgust. Alex's mind reeled. Apparently, he looked female now even wearing masculine clothes. Even when he wasn't Lexi. The idea disturbed, and for some reason, intrigued him. Alex recognized the tall, smug fraternity president that he met on the night of his Birchwood initiation just an instant before he was recognized in return.

"Holy shit!" said the president with a look of shocked recognition that faded into a cruel smirk, "It's that fat assed freshman who failed the very first challenge! Nah, don't be fooled guys, he might look like a curvy bitch, but he does have a dick. It's tiny, but it's there."

Alex felt a subtle shift in the eyes of the assembled men. Before they had been dismissive of what they thought was a female intruder on their masculine activity. Now their assessment of Alex changed. He didn't like the broad grins that spread across the men's faces. He had seen that same look too often in high school. Usually on Anton's face.

"Well, we never actually met," said the frat president, swaggering up and holding out a hand, "I'm Mark."

Alex took the offered handshake, only to have his hand crushed in the powerful grip of the larger man. Mark loomed over him, more than a head taller. Alex felt a swooping sense of inferiority. Mark was taller and stronger than him, and had already demonstrated his dominance over Alex multiple times. First when he forced Alex to strip and mocked his nude body during the frat initiation. Then again when Mark had dismissively failed Alex out of the fraternity application process.

Alex couldn't help but feel small, weak, and powerless next to the frat president as Mark crushed his hand in an aggressive handshake. "Anton tells me you were on his team in high school. So we're all eager to see your skills on the court." Releasing Alex's hand, he motioned for one of his lackeys to pass him a ball, then shoved it into Alex's gut, knocking the wind out of him. The cruel physical act sent a wave of nasty chuckles running through the small crowd.

"You're on my team Alex," said Mark as he turned away. "And I think we'll volunteer to be skins this time."

Without hesitation, Mark and the other three guys on their team began pulling their shirts over their heads, revealing tanned, muscular physiques. Alex felt a dangerous and unwelcome stirring of lust as he stared at his teammates' glistening torsos. Yet another area where he simply couldn't measure up. Again he felt the strong sense that he didn't belong here. His eyes found Anton, who had been watching his interaction with the asshole frat president with a look of mild curiosity.

"Uh... Could we maybe be shirts tonight?"" asked Alex awkwardly. He stubbornly insisted to himself that the fatty bulges on his chest weren't tits, but he had his doubts that the cruel frat boys surrounding him would see them the same way.

"Why?" asked Mark with a leering grin. "What have you got to hide?"

Alex tried to think of an excuse, but the longer he stood there tongue tied, the stupider he looked. There was no excuse he could think of that would convince the bully in front of him to give up and put his shirt back on.

Alex had no choice.

He was uncomfortably aware of the stares of the other guys as he hesitantly pulled his t-shirt over his head. When Alex felt the cool air of the gym and the eyes of the frat boy bullies hit his nipples, they began to stiffen involuntarily, standing straight up from what Alex still insisted were just man boobs but had realistically simply become tits at this point.

The small crowd said nothing, but Alex could feel their eyes crawling all over his feminine body. They vibrated with poorly suppressed amusement. Mark turned and whispered something into the ear of one of his shirtless teammates. The other man nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Take it from the halfcourt, Alex," said Mark encouragingly. "Let's play."

Alex took the ball and dribbled it a few times. It felt wrong. Awkward. With every bounce, his chest jiggled in sympathy, drawing more stares and chuckles from the other men. He tried to tell himself that everything was fine. Guys went shirtless in public all the time. He was a guy. There was no reason he should feel so naked and exposed, no reason why his nipples, which had been growing larger and more sensitive over the past few months, should be this stiff.

Anton came forward to guard him, moving with smooth confidence.

Alex and Anton faced each other, unspoken tension crackling between them.

"Thanks for having my back just now," muttered Alex. He hadn't played basketball in a while, and his dribbling had become sloppy. It was like his muscles no longer responded like they used to. "When Mark was totally humiliating me." Alex tried to drive past Anton to the left, but the larger man shifted slightly, easily cutting him off.

Anton raised an eyebrow. "Did you need help? I don't typically come to the rescue of my guy friends when other people give them a hard time. My girlfriends, however... I don't let anyone give them shit."

"Shut up," whispered Alex, feeling a blush color his face. He tried to feint, then drive the other way, but Anton easily stopped him again. "I'm here as a man tonight, Anton. I mean I am a man. Fuck!" He looked to see if anyone was open for a pass, but they were all just standing and watching, not even trying to get open. They were clearly waiting to see Alex humiliated by Anton, the best player on the court.

Anton darted forward, and Alex was forced to turn, using his body to protect the ball. He could feel Anton's massive, muscular bulk behind him, pressing up against his back, his strong arms reaching around Alex's body to try to steal the ball. "But do you belong here, Lexi? As a man?" came Anton's deep, amused voice near his ear. "You came here to prove how masculine you are, how much you belong in the frat. And what have you done so far?" Anton's powerful body was bumping and pressing against Alex as he swiped for the ball, emphasizing their massive physical differences. If there was a ref, a call would have been made long ago, but the other frat guys just watched Alex's physical domination with leering eyes.

"You called me Daddy. You were immediately mistaken for a girl. You got pushed around by a big strong man. You turned on all the guys with your pretty little tits," the combination of physical contact and Anton's humiliating words were having an effect on Alex. Horrifyingly, he could feel his cock getting stiff in his shorts, and his breath was starting to get hot and ragged. "It's not my fault!" Alex whined desperately, "You're just trying to confuse me!"

"All you had to do was pretend to be a real man for one afternoon, Lexi," said Anton. Anton pressed his bulk against Alex's butt for just an instant. Alex could feel that he wasn't the only one being turned on by this conversation. "And you failed miserably."

Alex felt a sudden surge of defiance at Anton's dismissive attitude. Anton and all the rest of the guys had dismissed him immediately. Assumed that he wasn't a real man based on his appearance alone. Even now, in the game, Anton was toying with him while the other men watched in amusement. But Alex wasn't the weak little girl that they all dismissed him as. He had played four hard years of high school basketball, and, although he had never reached Anton's level, he had earned his spot on the varsity team despite being bullied. It might be hard for Alex to assert himself socially right now, but if these guys thought he would be easy to bully on the court, Alex would surprise them.

With a burst of energy, Alex pushed back against Anton, then whirled to the side, ignoring his bouncing tits for a moment as he drove swiftly to the free-throw line, raising his hands smoothly for a jump shot.

He made the practiced motion like he had done thousands of times before. Alex had always been proud of his jump shot. He would show these cocky assholes that he belonged on this court, and win some of the respect they had conspicuously denied him. The ball sailed through the air, watched closely by all of the players.

It fell well short of the hoop, dropping through empty air for a pathetic airball.

Alex just stood there, stunned, his arms raised after the shot. It had felt exactly right. His muscle memory told him that the ball should have swished through the hoop. How had he miscalculated so badly? Had he gotten weaker since he last played basketball?

Mark snagged the ball and easily hooked it in from under the hoop. "Why don't you just stick to passing it to guys who are a little more skilled, ok princess?" He said with a smirk, patting Alex on the bare skin of his shoulder as they set up defense. Alex was sickened to feel a twinge of humiliated lust at the condescending tone and physical contact from the horrible bully. He had to get his head in the game and focus on playing well enough to impress the frat boys.

But the rest of the game just got worse and worse. It quickly became clear to everyone that Alex was awful. Even the fundamentals of dribbling and shooting had become difficult for him. Alex knew that the problem was that he had become horribly rusty and his muscles were responding oddly, but to the men who didn't know him, it just looked like he sucked.

It didn't help that Alex's teammates insisted that he guard Anton on defense and Anton covered him on offense. Anton vastly outclassed even the skilled players, and he absolutely dominated Alex in every matchup.

Even worse was the effect that the frequent physical contact with Anton's muscular, sweaty body had on Alex. Almost every play involved Anton physically pushing or rubbing or looming over Alex in a way that brought his previous sexual submission to mind every time. By the end of the game, Alex was a blushing, sweaty mess, his breaths heaving as his erect nipples throbbed with desire. He had given up trying to hide his erection part of the way through the game: it was clear that his teammates had already seen it, and trying to hide it had made him even more pathetically useless at the game.
