The Job Offer Ch. 02


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When she pulls his head down harder on her shoulder, he got the message right away. She wants him to give into his primal urge and bite her. And so he does, with no remorse. He bites her hard, even knowing that he will never draw blood but the joy of what if he could send her spiralling. Both hands are cupping her breasts. Squeezing them tightly and slowly release then to slide down to her erect nipple. With his thumb and forefinger, he pulls on her nipple outward as he drives his cock home, deeper into her. He can feel her reaching a new orgasm, which causes her to clamp down on his thick cock. However, his need takes precedence and continues to drive in and out of her tight channel. He needs it to claim his dominance over her. Her tight channel milks his cock, making him much harder to drive it home.

He is giving her a rock hard sensation. The bite, squeezing her tits and pulling on her nipples. Fuck, it feels so good to feel his dominance over her. Driving into her for his needs, giving her orgasm after orgasm. Now he is driving into even harder when her channel is tight as she endures her third orgasm. Then clarity hits her like a ton of bricks. He needs to cum and is searching for it. He's driving it harder into her tight channel, and so she helps him by ramming backward onto his hard cock. Pushing it deeper into her; it excites her as she rides the wave of her current orgasm. She turns her head and says, "Let me know when you're ready, Master."

His cock is pulsating as he drives it in deeper and harder. Soon the sensations are too much for him and his balls tighten up. He moans, "Fuck me" and immediately feels his cock come out of her channel and then engulfed into her warm mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, and he loses all self-control but drives himself to continue to fuck deeper. Soon his eyes roll backward, his hands reach out and grab the back of her head as he shoots his first volley of cum down her throat. Fuck, it feels so good, but instinct hits in and he pulls back and thrust back in to milk his cock to shoot more. After the third volley, he lets go of her head and she takes over by bobbing up and down his shaft to milk his cum outwards. He reaches out and places both hands on the wall for support. The need was so high. Feeling a little off from the after-effects of cumming, he looks down at her and sees that she is really into pleasing him, which brings a smile to his lips.

She licks her lips, satisfying the internal slut with more of his fluids, she stand up and says, "Thanks, I needed that." With a smile on her lips.

He just can't help himself; leans down and kisses her lips once more. He pulls back and sees her reaction and says, "I am not done with you yet." Dives back in and continues to kiss and fondle her assets.

Taken aback, it shocked her that her Master wants more, but doesn't complain; instead opens up and continues to knead his shoulders, to feel his arms around her and to entice his cock to get harder and to drive deeper into her holes.

She loves the feel of him in her arms; the feeling itself is like being needed, wanted and, sometimes, protected. However, feeling his hands caressing and kneading her body tells her he is dominating and is taking what he sees fit. She thinks to herself, I can't get enough of him. I am his and he is mine. He makes me so wet and yet gives me so many wonderful orgasms. Part of her would love to just keep him in bed and just keep devouring him, but knows that he is something more. She can't see or visualize it just yet, but the feeling doesn't escape her. She is just glad that he wants her with him, always; and that's what she wants.

Suddenly she's lifted and pressed against the wall. She helps support herself by circling her legs around his waist and crossing them to lock in. Once against the wall, she feels his fingers dig deep into her heart-shaped ass and spread her open. She feels her lower lips opening and being nudged or poked a bit and then it dawns on her; he is hard and ready to take what he wants. She is shocked first; he bounced back quick and second; she is very sensitive at the moment. Then the rapture happens. He slowly inserts his massive cock back into her sheath. Immediately, she tightens up and cries out her release. Thinking to herself, his cock is so magical; every time he inserts into my cunt, I cum so hard.

She clings to him by digging her fingers into his shoulders. Her eyes are in awe of this man and of what he is doing to her. Slowly but surely, he pulls out his cock and slowly pushes it back into her, but harder. It's slow at first, but with every drive into her, it feels like she is being slowly pounded into the wall. The pace eventually increases and slowly but surely she can feel him edging deeper into her channel.

He wants to claim all of her and to do that; he has to go deeper. Suddenly, his tip of his cock nudges her cervix. Pulls out and then thrusts in harder; trying to open it up a bit. Every time he hits that area, she moans with pleasure. Guess it's a sensitive spot for her. Hearing her moan just entices him to thrust in deeper and to get further into it.

She doesn't understand what's happening, but once he nudges her cervix, a light bulb goes off within her. She thinks to herself: he wants to be where no man has yet to claim. He wants all of me. Unconsciously, she combs the back of his head, and makes him look at her.

He says, "You're MINE."

She says, "I am yours, Master. I am your three-hole slut and yours for the taking. Claim all of me, Master." And with that, she tightens up her legs and bringing him closer.

Once he hears her confession, a change washes all over him; this thrusts become quick and harder. Slowly, he is prying open her cervix and entering it. With each thrust, little by little, he is beginning to tab the back side of it and her moans get louder.

Suddenly, her eyes roll back into her head, and the moans seizes to exist until a scream leave her lips which is followed by her clamping down so hard and orgasm like no other hits her hard. Her whole body shakes from the impact and then something weird happens. She has an out-of-body experience. Her spirit/energy form is floating above them and sees Master trying to drive in deeper but can't move. The friction of trying to move is causing his cock to engorge and become very sensitive. Soon, his balls retract, and the urge to shoot his load is unbearable. With a grunt, he shoots his load into her.

The force of his load shooting against the back of her cervix rocks her into another hard orgasm, which, in the very essence, rocks her to the very core of her being. With that, pulls her spirit back into her body to experience the earth shattering orgasm. She can't control herself and let's go. Her whole body is literally convulsing as if she is having a seizure or something; gibberish escapes her mouth, followed by drool that drips down her chin. Eventually it knocks her out cold.

Sam has claimed another part of her, however, winded from the exertion of going deeper into her. He would like to pull out but can't due to clamping down on his cock and that she is out cold. Getting restless, he slowly turns around and slides down and sits on the floor; still cradling her in his arms. The heat of the shower is relaxing, but slowly the temperature decreases and becomes cold. He then drifts her body into the cold spray, hoping to wake her up. Slowly but surely, she rolls her head. He lets go of her derriere with one hand and begins slapping her face to wake her up. After the third try, it jogs her out of a stupor and wakes up.

She has no recollection of where she is or how she got there. It takes a few minutes to get her bearings and realizes what transpired. She feels warm being in an embrace with her Master even though the cold water hitting her back. She smiles at him, and says, "Hello Master, how are you?" Trying to be serious, but comes out with a giggle of sorts.

Sam is happy to see her awake and present; he reaches up and slowly turns the knob to turn off the shower. He looks at her, in all smiles, being stupid, but asks, "Can you let go of my cock and stand up?"

She looks down and says, "Sure, I can do that." She slowly lets go of his cock and stands up.

Feeling his cock being released is like a breath of fresh air; but seeing her stand up and seeing her mound just millimeters from his face. He reaches out and wraps his hands on the back of her thighs, pulling her ever closer. He leans forward and licks the hood of her clit in a circular pattern, and then kisses her mound. The jolt of electricity of his tongue rubbing her clit sends an energy surge and wakes her up, and she is back to her normal self. He then says, "Welcome back! Where did you go?"

Being dumbfounded, she replies, "I have been with you this whole time. I have never left."

He rolls his eyes but reaches out for her to pick him up.

She grabs his hand, pulls him quick and easy.

He smiles down at her but says, "Not figuratively, but you are right. You didn't leave, but you were out cold for at least 15 minutes, I would say. I could hold you up, but sat on the floor. Luckily, the heat ran out on tap, and turned to cold, to help wake you up. I am just wondering where did you go?"

It shocked her she was out for over 15 minutes. For her, it seemed like a few seconds went by. What the scary part; she has no recollection.

He sees her emotions and being out for over 15 minutes scares her. He then pulls her close and gives her a hug, but then asks, "Did you have another premonition or something?"

The hug helps her calm down and brings her emotions inward. She then says, "I don't know, Master. I have no recollection. For me, it's been only a few seconds, but for you, it's over 15 minutes. Nothing is coming to mind, but perhaps in time, I will get an image or a word/phrase that will help. On a distinct note, thanks for sticking around and not leaving me alone." Sounding appreciative.

Sam steps back and is shocked by what he is hearing. He grabs her hand and places it in the center of his chest. He then looks down into her blue eyes and says, "I am your lover, dominate, and companion. I love & cherish everything about you; I would never leave you. Besides, I couldn't, anyway. You clamped down on me so fucking hard; I couldn't pull out. My guess is that you have a highly sensitive cervix and I guess my cum knocking on the back of it knocked you out cold. Guess I have some powerful cum." He says with a laugh.

She hears his words and again it warms her heart and to the center of her core. He isn't wrong; he is powerful.... she shakes uncontrollably and relives a vision of sorts. And then it happens in a flash. She sees a dark figure, all in black but massive. She has never laid eyes on a being this large. The only word that jumps out of her is- alpha. The vision dissipates, and she is back in the real world once again.

He reaches out to her and holds her steady while she goes on her vision quest. He hears some gibberish but makes out some words: black, massive, large-being, and the word- alpha. Then she is back to normal and in his arms once again. He rubs her back to calm her down and motions her to follow him out of the shower to dry off. He dries off first but sees that she is still confused and then helps her dry off with a towel. Then picks her up and carries her out of the bathroom, and out of her bedroom. He takes her to his room and then lays her down. Grabbing some boxers, he slides them on and joins her in his bed. He cuddles up to her, laying her head on his chest and continues to knead her back with his hand to soothe and calm her down.

There is really nothing like it... cuddling up to him. Being close to him, feeling his hand rub your back, play with your breast or even grab your ass. You just want to be in his arms forever. It's so soothing and yet titillating. You don't want it to end. It's paradise.

She pushes herself up and slides her taunt nipples across his chest and looks into his eyes. For a split second, she takes all of him and suddenly leans down and kisses his lips. It is a sensuous kiss, but cut short. She tilts her head back and says, "I love you, Master." And with that, moves back down and rests her head on his chest.

His cock within his shorts stirs with that kiss, but it was her nipples sliding up that teased him a bit. Trying hard to control his raging hard-on and his feelings, he says, "I love you too, baby. Did you want to talk about it?"

She takes a deep sigh but says, "About the vision I had. Not at the moment. But if you want to talk about us, then I will talk."

He continues to knead her back and pull her ever close to his body. He then says, "Ok, what's on your mind?"

"Master, I enjoy being with you and I can't get enough. I would love to keep spending time with you in bed or in your arms forever. I have never felt this way with any man; you make me cum so hard and keep giving me new firsts. Like today, no one has ever travelled so deep into me before and rocked my world and clearly knock me out cold with your cum. You care for me so deeply, including the beast within. You alone have openly heard my fears and shown me a potential future with you. Having you by my side makes me feel stronger. You do a lot for me, but it sounds silly. I wish I could do more for you and fight alongside with you, but I can't. All I can say is, you are my everything. All I want is you, Master. No one else." She says to him with affection.

He takes in what she said and feels her love & dedication. He then says, "Baby, I love you so much and I, too, can't get enough of you as well. You have a rocking body that my eyes clearly can't look away or have my cock settle in my pants for long. You alone took my virginity and were my first for all of it. I enjoy being with you always. You have showed me a new world (BDSM) and claimed me as your dominant. Yes, I want more of you. Every time I take you, I want to claim you and there is a part of me that wants to come out and bite/mark you to show the world that you are MINE, but I can't. I wished they had turned me so I can bite and leave my mark. On the flip-side, you are still married to dad. I am not blaming you, just sharing my thoughts. Without you, I would be a living wreck, but having you by my side has opened me up to new possibilities. You keep my cum flowing and moving me forward. I love your devotion & dedication to me. You are my 3-holed Cum Slut and I wouldn't change that for anything." With love back.

It moved her beyond belief with his statement and his words. She crawls up and kisses him with lust and passion. It lasts for a while, but suddenly he stops her from continuing.

Sam apologizes to her. He sees her lust and love for him. He sits up and pulls her upright and says, "I wish I can give you my blood for this to work, but I want to do this."

She looks skeptical; what does he want to do besides already sharing our love for each other?

He then places his right hand on her chest, where her heart should be. Then grabs her right hand and places it on his chest where his heart is beating. He looks at her, feeling nervous, but smiles. She looks skeptical but amused and smiles back. He then says, "I, Samuel Harrington, III want you, Allesandra Tinari to be my lifelong partner. To be my submissive/partner. To be with me always. To love and cherish, my ride or die, to be my everything. I love you with all my heart and want only you. What do you say?"

She tries to keep it together and sees what he is trying to do. Tears of joy stream down her face. He is so beautiful with his thoughts and words. She chokes up but says, "I do."

Her answer warms his heart, but waits to hear her confession.

She bites her lip and tries to control her emotions; she then says, "I, Allesandra Tinari want you, Samuel Harrington, III to be my lifelong partner. To be my dominant/partner. To be with me always. To love and cherish, (She chokes up but continues), my ride or die (With a smile), to be my everything. I love you with all my heart and want only you. What do you say?"

He looks at her, seeing her emotions, the tears and love. She is so beautiful. He then says, "I do."

She can't keep it in any longer and the tears of love and joy fall. I truly love this man with all of my heart. She wonders what's next.

He leans forward and whispers in her ear and says, "One day, I will leave my mark, but for right now, this will have to do." With that, he takes both of his hands and caresses her cheeks and wipes away her tears with his thumbs, then leans forward and plants a kiss on her lips. Starts off with a peck but grows further into a full-blown deep kiss of passion. He pulls away ever so slowly but bites her lip as he goes. Clearly, they both are hungry for one another again.

She says, "Master, I want you so badly and I want you in my mouth."

He smiles back and says, "Baby, I want you too. I want to lick and devour you with my mouth."

There is no more fear in her. She turns and heads south but then spreads her legs and moves back to plant her pussy at her Master's face before lowering herself and pulling out his cock from his boxers. She slowly strokes him with her right hand.

He is awe and splendor; seeing her ass makes him smile, but seeing her salivating cunt makes him happier. She wants him just as badly. He grabs her cheeks and digs in with his fingers. Leans forward and smells her. Fuck, she smells so good. Then he says, "I love you, baby."

She licks her lips and says, "I love you, Master." And they are both off to the races and lick and suck each other into submission till each is cumming on his face and mouth and the other down her throat. Clearly, they love and cherish each other.

After they both consummate their union, they go back to cuddling and chat some more about themselves, their wants/dislikes, desires and how to be better for each other. In general, just enjoy each other's company. Soon, time flies and another day is finally gone. Wrapping her up in a tight embrace, he leans forward and kisses his slut/partner on the neck, wishing her a good night. Having her ever so close eases his mind and soon Sam falls asleep with her in his arms. He tries to sleep and think about nothing, but her words from her premonition play within his mind and wonder what they mean until a picture of his own forms.

But when he does wake, he loses that picture. He can't hold on to it because something or someone is pulling him awake. The pressure around his cock is throbbing and wakes to find his Baby-girl sucking on it. He wakes to find her between his legs, sucking on his 8 inch cock; trying desperately to pull out his cum for her delicious lips to devour. Best way to wake up your mind, he thinks to himself and is glad he has someone who enjoys waking him up like this. As he slowly opens his eyes, something is different with her today... she's dressed and no longer naked. He takes a while for his eyes to adjust and the shock to wear off, but indeed she is wearing clothes. She is wearing black yoga pants and a blue-zipped in front sports bra that is half zipped and showing a lot of cleavage.

She looks up and sees her master staring and in shock, but stops her ministrations and says, "Morning, Master. I know I shouldn't steal your strength in the morning, but I can't resist. Sucking you every morning feeds my inner cum-slut and makes her/me happy. It also puts a smile on my face, and on starting my day with you, Master." She resumes to stroke me with her right hand and licks/kiss the underside of my shaft from the balls up to its crown. Then she licks the top, swirls her tongue around the head before bobbing down and slowly taking more of his cock down her throat.

God, she is so good; she knows how to suck a magnificent cock; he is thinking to himself. Just seeing her lips devour his shaft and taking it all down her throat, balls deep, has him trying to keep his composure. His balls are screaming, 'FUCK' and just wants to give in and shoot their load down her throat, but his brain is trying to last longer and to find out why she is wearing clothes. He tries to make some coherent sentence, but it comes out in stuttered form, "I'e ar u.. ah, ah, ah, w,ww, wearing, ah, ah, c, clothes?"