The Journey


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The rest of the day went without incident. However, enemy presence became more and more noticeable, as they neared the capital. They weaved their way around their groups, and eventually, found their way onto a rise, overlooking the capital. They dispatched of a couple of scouts, and then could take their time observing the area.

"All the small clans are here, it seems," E'gwin stated. "Sooner than expected."

"Seems that way," Za'ira agreed. "It amounts to quite the force."

"That it does. Good thing, they're lousy fighters, most of them."

"How can you tell all the clans are there?" Jared asked. The sky was cloudy, so there was no moon, or starlight to help them.

Ar'thas glanced at Za'ira, who merely shrugged. "It never came up."

With a snort, Art turned her attention to the Prince, who saw her eyes begin to glow. "We can see in the dark, Sweetie. Now, what do you want to do, Z?" she asked her friend.

"I've already told Jared of the passageway by the coast, that leads straight to my sister's home. Our best bet, is to go through there," Za'ira replied.

And they set off, at a strong pace, and managed to remain hidden, under the cover of darkness. While Jared could hardly see anything, he trusted his friends completely, and followed in their wake. An hour later, they found the coast, and quickly descended the cliffs. Once they were on the shore, they discovered something that turned Jared's companions blood cold. Footprints. A lot of footprints. A few led toward the hidden entrance, and quite a few back.

The group sprinted toward the entrance, but a few yards short of it, E'gwin raised a fist, and they crouched down, behind a large rock, to listen in, on the voices of a few enemy soldiers.

"I say we go in," one said, in a gravelly voice.

"You got a death wish? We were told to find this bloody cave, and send for reinforcements, once we had. I'm going to follow orders," another replied, his nasally voice echoing. "You forget already what happened to Zitak? He disobeyed. Wasn't heard from since."

Za'ira let out an inaudible sigh. They hadn't gone in,yet. She peeked past the rock, and discovered there was only the pair of them there. She gave her friends a motion with her hand, at which Ar'thas, and E'gwin nodded, and quick as a flash, the three Futas rounded the rock, and easily took out the two orc males.

Once that was done, Jared joined them on the other side, and the group quickly entered the cave, and began making their way along. In short order, they came upon a roughly hewn tunnel, and E'gwin found an unlit torch on a wall. She lit the torch, and Jared had to shield his eyes for a moment, while he adjusted to the light.

E'gwin led them further in, but Za'ira made her way to the right hand wall, and began feeling it with her fingers, muttering to herself.

"What is it, Za'ira?" Jared asked.

"Seems to be alright," she muttered, and waved them on.

They travelled for a few minutes longer, until they came upon a sturdy door. Za'ira reached into a pouch on her belt, and produced a large key, which she opened the door with, and when they were all in, she took the torch of E'gwin's hands.

"This is going to be rough. Get ready to run," she warned her friends, and touched the flame to the wall, and lit a fuse Jared hadn't noticed, earlier.

They ran as hard as they could, along the corridor they were in. Then they heard the first explosion, and it rocked the corridor, and dust, and small pebbles fell onto their heads. Another rumble, as a second explosion occurred. They rounded a corner in the corridor, and there, in front of them, were long, steep stairs, and a small door, at the top.

The third explosion shook the corridor, and Jared could hear the corridor begin to collapse behind them. He and the others raced up the stairs as quick as they could, and not bothering the a key, that time, Za'ira simply threw her body against the door, and slammed through, and the others followed, and landed in a heap on the floor, as a the stairs began crumbling, and a large cloud of dust blew in, through the door.

Jared found himself staring at the pointy end of a large halberd, being wielded be a tall female orc, with a stern expression. She wore the same armour, and skirt as Za'ira and the others wore, so he assumed she was a Futa.

Jared smiled sheepishly at her. "Hello."

She simply stared at him, and Jared let his eyes roam over her, quick as a flash. Her breasts were smaller, and she was more muscular than his companions, her appearance more rugged. Her head was shaved, and the tusks longer, but Jared couldn't help but find her attractive.

"L'yra, it's us," Za'ira croaked, from beneath Jared, who quickly rolled off her, and scrambled to his feet.

"Za'ira?" The Futa asked, and glanced at E'gwin, and Ar'thas, and smiled a relieved smile. "It's good you're here," she said, and helped Za'ira up, while Jared did the same for the other two.

"We received no word since you left, and your sister has been beside herself with worry for a while now."

Za'ira sighed. "Where is she?"

Ly'ra jerked her thumb toward a long corridor to the left. "In her rooms. I sent her in there, when the explosions started. What the hell happened?"

"The enemy found the entrance, Ly'ra," E'gwin said in a level tone. "We had no choice, but to level the caves."

"There goes our way out," Ly'ra sighed. "Still, you did the right thing." She eyed Jared warily. "So. He's the Prince, is he?"

"I am," Jared said firmly, and offered her his hand. "Jared. It's good to meet you, Ly'ra."

"Likewise," the Futa said, and shook his hand. "Go on, Z. Your sister's waiting."

Za'ira led the her companions down the corridor, and to the door, leading to her sister's room. She banged on the door, three times, and had barely lowered her fist, when the door was yanked open, and a pair of strong arms pulled her in, and wrapped themselves around her. She responded in kind.

After a while, Queen T'alis let go of her sister. "I was beginning to despair, Z."

Za'ira simply grinned. "When have I ever let you down?"

The Queen smiled at her sister, and turned to the others, and her smiled grew even wider. "E'gwin! Ar'thas!" She gave each Futa a long, tight hug. "Seeing you two safe makes me so happy."

"As are we, to see you in good health," E'gwin said, and Ar'thas nodded her accord. It was good to be home.

And finally, Queen T'alis turned her gaze upon the Prince, who was leaning against a wall, watching it all, with a smile. Noticing the Queen looking at him, he quickly pushed of the wall, and inclined his head. Then he stared. Twins? The Queen was the spitting image of her beautiful sister. The only difference was how they did their hair. While Za'ira braided hers, T'alis seemed to prefer to keep her wavy hair in a high ponytail.

Steeling himself, Jared offered his hand in greeting. "I, Prince Jared, son of King Marcin of the Kingdom, am humbled to stand in your presence. May I have a chance to prove myself worthy of standing in your halls."

The Queen cocked and eyebrow, and looked Jared up and down, before accepting the handshake firmly. "It is I who am humbled by your own presence, Prince Jared. May it be so, that I am worthy of your visit."

With the formalities out of the way, T'alis led them into her rooms, and into a dining room, and bade them to sit. She clapped her hands, a pair of orcish females hurried to the table.

"Food, and mead, quickly! My guests are hungry, and thirsty. In an hour, I want you to draw them a bath, and let us know when it's ready."

The pair of them bowed their heads, and rushed out. Then the Queen leaned back in the chair. "So, what happened? You were supposed to be here weeks ago."

Jared and Za'ira shared a look, and nodded at each other. Jared cleared his throat.

"It all began, when Jaspar and I were set upon, by a group of assassins, outside of the village of Bywater..."


By the time the story was done, T'alis had to call upon every ounce of self control, to not grab the Prince, bend him over the table, and fuck him senseless. She had been expecting a milksop, not an accomplished warrior. And she owed him a debt she could never repay. She didn't want to even think, what her life might be, without her Za'ira.

The two serving girls entered the room, again, and informed the travellers that their baths were ready. T'alis rose from her seat, and gestured for the serves to leave.

"Go, and clean yourselves, and sleep. We'll talk further in the morning. Za'ira. A word, if you please."

Once Jared, E'gwin, and Ar'thas had quit the room, and the door closed, T'alis grabbed her sister, and brought her in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues began duelling, but neither emerged victorious.

Za'ira, always the stronger of the two, albeit barely, wrestled T'alis to the wall, and pinned her hands above her head, as she began nibbling on her throat. She licked her way up to her ear, where she began whispering.

"Did you miss me, sister?" Za'ira slid her hand down T'alis' chiselled abdomen, and began undoing the laces on her leather briefs. "Have you not had any relief, since I left, my love?" she asked, and finally had the laces undone."

"No," T'alis whimpered, and gasped as her sister reached into her briefs, and gently grazed the full bush, then fondled her meat.

"Oh, my poor, poor little sister. We can't have that!" Za'ira breathed into her sister's ear, and began stroking her cock, which was beginning to harden.

"Wiggle your hips, love," Za'ira commanded, and T'alis instantly did as she was told. The fur lined leather slid down her powerful legs, and the fourteen inch monster sprang free.

"Ooooh. Fit to bursting, as always," Za'ira cooed, and smiled when a literal flood of precum flowed out of the tip. She began jerking her sister more insistently, which caused T'alis to gasp in pleasure, an opening Za'ira grasped, and began ravishing her open mouth with her tongue.

Then suddenly, the Queen began bucking, and shaking. "That's it, darling. Cum for me. Cum for your big sister!" she hissed, and moved to the side.

At that exact moment, T'alis erupted. A massive torrent of cum, burst from her cock, and onto the dining table, coating it in a layer of thick, pearly white cum. The Queen sagged back against the wall, and almost fell on her ass, but her sister grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Za'ira," T'alis mumbled into her sister's neck. "I was so scared, when you disappeared."

"I love you too," Za'ira replied, and kissed T'alis on the top of her head. "Nothing was going to stop me from coming home to you, beloved."

T'alis disentangled herself from Za'ira, and gave her a sly smile. "Not even your Prince? He's awfully cute, you know."

Za'ira chuckled. She should have known her sister would pick up on their connection, almost immediately. "You've no idea, sister. We've done some things, together, and I can't wait to fuck him."

"You're waiting until the treaty has been signed?" T'alis asked, and went to pour herself some mead. When she didn't find a single mug, that hadn't been blasted with cum, she settled for drinking from the pitcher itself.

"Yes. We felt it was prudent, not to reveal our relationship, before everything was settled."

T'alis chewed her bottom lip. "Lucky bitch. A male. That ass is going to feel so wonderful around your cock, dearest."

Za'ira smiled. "Our cocks, T."

The Queen was a little confused. "What?"

"E'gwin, Ar'thas, and I are going to share Jared. Our two friends are completely smitten with him, and he with them. And I think Art, and E deserve whatever happiness they can find. Besides, we four have always loved each other, and with Jared involved, it can only grow."

"Four of us?" T'alis asked, and handed her sister the pitcher.

"The goddess wants you and Jared to Bond, and in so doing, tie all three realms together," Za'ira said, and took the pitcher of T'alis' hands. " And it's very feasible, with him being the grandson of High Priest Kashiro, and the son of King Marcin, and Bonded to you... He's going to become the most powerful person on the Continent."

T'alis remained quiet for a while, as she pondered this new information. "I'm going to have to speak with Jared on this. While I think he is a very good candidate for a Bonding, I'd like to hear his thoughts on the whole thing. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with how his life's been planned ahead, as if he has no say in it."

Za'ira shrugged. "Isn't that the way it has always been, among the ruling class? Even here, in the Hinterlands? One of us was always meant to take over as queen, and we were raised to become what we are. Is it really that much different? Sure, there wasn't a goddess meddling with it, but..."

"You think he's willing?" T'alis asked.

Za'ira grinned at her sister. "Oh, yes. I'm fairly certain he can't wait to have your cock in his mouth. He's become quite the cum connoisseur. True, he's only ever had mine, but he craves it an awful lot. You'd best have the treaty signed as soon as possible, because I've made it clear, that no Futa may do more than kiss him, before I've claimed him with my cock."

"Oh, you evil bitch!" T'alis hissed with a grin. "And just how well are the other two taking it?"

"They're 'frustrated', I believe E'gwin called it," Za'ira said, and roared with laughter.

The Queen snickered. "Oh, well, they won't have to wait for long. Most of the hard work was already done. Really, the only thing that's missing, is Jared's blood, for the signing. I know he's going to want to read it, and probably make some changes, but I think you can expect to be balls deep in his ass, by this time tomorrow night."

Za'ira moaned at the thought. "Can't wait!"


Jared and the others, followed the serving girl down a corridor, that went the opposite way of the Queen's. E'gwin, and Ar'thas bid bid him good night, before disappearing into their respective rooms. The orc led Jared to the last room, and left him to his own devices.

Jared examined the room, which was not too large, but it was comfortable, but he was a bit surprised to find it lacked a bed. Instead, there was a bedding on top of a slightly raised part of the floor. It was made up of a lot of furs, and looked very comfortable.

Jared put his pack on the floor, by the door, and began taking off his clothes, and was soon buck naked, and he quickly got into the steaming bath. He leaned back with a satisfied groan, as the hot water enveloped his sore muscles.

He stared at the ceiling, his mind wandering to Za'ira and her sister. Queen T'alis. They were twins! He was ever so slightly annoyed with his lover, for not mentioning it, but he was also extremely happy, because T'alis was just as gorgeous as her sister. Jared nibbled on his lip, and began wondering what it would be like, to suck, and lick her cock.

Shaking his head, he set about cleaning himself. What the bloody hell was wrong with him? All he thought about these days, was cock. And cum. Lovely, warm, and satisfying cum. He got out out of the bath, and quickly dried himself. He was about to dive beneath the furs, when the pack caught his eye.

He clenched his anal ring, and took a deep breath. Why not? He reached into the pack, and brought out the box with the plugs, and the jar that contained Za'ira's cum. He brought both to the bedding, opened the box, and let his fingers roam across the phallic-like objects, and finally, they rested on the largest one. It was time to step it up, if he wanted to be ready. If he was on the top of his game in the morning, then his ass would be filled with a scalding hot Futa cock the following evening.

He opened the cum-jar, and scooped up a good amount of the viscous fluid with two fingers, and before he could stop himself, he put his digits in his mouth, and sucked of the cum. He let it rest for a moment on his tongue, before he swallowed it. Delicious, but not even close to what it tasted like, straight from the source.

He lay back on the bedding, and began coating the large toy with a very thick layer of Za'ira's cum. Once that was done, he placed the tip against his anus, and began pushing it in. Focusing on relaxing his sphincter, he applied a little more force, and the toy popped in, which made Jared gasp in pleasure.

He was honestly a little surprised, since he'd assumed it would hurt a bit, but there was nothing but pleasure. He slid the fake cock further in, and felt it stroke across his prostate. His cock began rising, and was soon at full mast.

Once he bottomed out, he began thrusting it in and out slowly, and every time he pushed it in, again, it stimulated his prostate, making his cock leak precum. He kept at it for a while, until he felt himself getting close to cumming. Then he stopped abruptly. His lover had taken a vow of abstinence, so was it really fair, for him to please himself, while his mistress wasn't?

No, that wouldn't do. He removed the toy from his ass, reached for a good sized plug, and put it in. He rose from the furs, and went to the bath, and cleaned the large toy cock thoroughly. He noted he could move freely, and without any discomfort. He tried sitting down, and felt fine. Perfect. He could keep the plug in, as much as he wanted.

Crawling under his furs, Jared felt butterflies in his stomach, just thinking about Za'ira's cock inside his body. Yes, tomorrow would be a great day.


A very early knock on the door, woke Jared from his slumber. One of the serving girls strode in, carrying a package.

"You are summoned to the Queen's study, milord. I have brought you fresh clothes, and new boots. Please make haste," she said, and quit the room.

Jared quickly put on his new clothes, a finely woven, dark green tunic, and fairly snug breeches. Once done, he made his way over to Queen Talis' study, and was found the four Futas, who were all poring over a map, of some kind.

"Good morning, Prince Jared," the Queen greeted him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did, thank you. Now, what's going on?"

Za'ira picked up a roll of parchment, and handed it to her beloved. "Ku'ldak and his army," she said with apparent disgust, "have sent us an ultimatum."

"An ultimatum?" Jared asked, and took the roll off her hands.

"To hand you over to them, by tomorrow morning, or they storm the capital," Queen T'alis said gravely.

"I had a friend of mine, who's moving about the enemy camps, leak the news of your arrival, Jared," E'gwin said.

"To force them to make a move?" Jared asked.

E'gwin smiled at him. He wasn't half bad at this. "Yes. And now that we know for certain what they want, and have a time frame to work with, we can plan accordingly."

"And what's the plan?" Jared asked, and put down the parchment.

"Ar'thas sent him a hungry stare. "We kill them all."

Jared frowned. "Isn't that taking it a bit far? To kill all those orcs?"

Queen T'alis scowled at Ar'thas, before turning to Jared. "Don't listen to her, Prince. Obviously, we're not going to kill every orc out there. What we're hoping to do, is kill their leaders, and thin their numbers enough, to deter them from trying again."

Jared nodded. That plan sounded so much more reasonable. Ar'thas groaned in disappointment, however, and threw herself into a nearby chair. E'gwin, and Za'ira ignored their friend, and turned their attention back to the map.

"If Art's men come at them from the back, and we come rushing out of the gate, we'll box them in," Za'ira commented, and tapped the map with her finger.

E'gwin nodded, but was rather sceptical. "For that to work, we must break through their first line almost immediately, or we'll be stuck, with our backs to the wall. Literally."

"Or, we can challenge Ku'ldak to single combat," T'alis interjected.