The Lampmaker Ch. 11 - Alternate Ending


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Rick chuckled. "Yes, you will Bridget. I forgive your foolishness, you understand your place now and what you must do. And as a reward..." Rick scooped her up and she laughed. Rick noted it wasn't the same foolish giggling laugh of the old Bridget, the carefree and playful one. It was sexy and passionate, but focused. A bit like Lacey. Rick smiled at that. Lacey's focused laugh was always one he loved as he knew the calculating and cunning Lacey was up to something when she laughed like that.

Rick carried his newly focused genie to his bed and laid her down. Bridget leaned back with a sly smile and slowly undid her top. She eased it around Rick's neck and pulled him down on her. They kissed passionately and her hands wrapped around his neck. Rick nipped and kissed her neck and shoulders and then down to her tits as she ground up against his manhood.

Rick reached down and ripped off her bottoms. Bridget's eyes flashed with a look of excitement and pleasure. Rick grinned at that. Bridget had always liked the slow passionate lovemaking instead of rougher sex, but she now appeared to like being shown who was in charge. Rick kissed his way down and lapped at her pussy. Bridget moaned and thrashed.

"I'm a kind Master am I not? I'm giving your magic pussy some magical attention. Do you like it?"

Bridget twitched and growled. "Yes Master! You flatter and spoil your slave! Such wonderful things you do to me! OH MASTER!!" She shouted as Rick's tongue found her clit and swirled on it. Bridget's legs slammed together hard around Rick's head and he pushed his face down harder. Bridget thrashed and thrashed and then tensed. She let out a howl that would have woke up the people at the bottom of the hill if they had been in the normal palace. Her twitching eased off and Rick pushed up on his hands and then lunged on top of her and slipped his cock right into her sopping pussy.

Bridget wrapped her arms and legs around him as if by reflex and let out a wordless grunt as she arched up into his thrust. "Yes Master! Fuck me! Take me like a whore! I am your SLAVE! TAKE ME!" Bridget snarled as she bucked under Rick's strong thrusts.

Rick was not in the mood for fun fucking. After being cured, and watching his slave Jewel twist Bridget's mind into a proper mindset, Rick wanted to dominate her and all the rest. He growled and pounded her hard. Her pussy molded around his cock; teasing and pulling, toying and tweaking. But Rick refused to cum quickly. Normally against a genie's charms even he couldn't last long if she was trying to make him cum, but Rick set his mind to breaking Bridget and pounding her until she begged him to stop.

Rick growled and sped up. His cock felt amazing as Bridget worked her body's charms on it, but he could tell she was surprised by his stamina and his ability to outlast her. After nearly an half an hour Bridget was gasping for air and begging Master to stop.

"Master! Please Master! I can take no more! Master please cum!!"

Rick let out a monstrous shout and came hard Bridget back arched so hard that Rick almost was afraid she would snap her spine. But she slowly eased down and flopped on the bed. She was able to give Rick one quick kiss before she passed out.

Rick stood and staggered. His domination fuck had taken a lot out of him. Fucking a genie was hard on a mortal, even one as strong as he was. Jewel steadied him and snapped her fingers. Rick was clean and in a robe.

"Master, I fully understand your need to dominate your genies once they have been adjusted. But you must be careful. Physically what you just did was VERY taxing and you could suffer a heart attack if you try that again unaided. The next time I must insist that you drink one of the magical potions Dominika and I have made which will enable you to perform this task without endangering yourself."

Rick nodded. "Yes, a wise idea. And you prove to be VERY astute Jewel. You did not interrupt me, you knew how that would enrage me yes?"

Jewel nodded. "Of course Master. And your dominance must be ensured in each slave. They will all be schemers and plotters and strong willed after I am done treating them, they must be bought into line."

Rick nodded and walked towards the door. "I will dine with my Queen now. Prepare the next dose for tomorrow. We will do one genie a day."

"As you command Master."


Rick smiled as his assembled genies bowed low as he led his Queen into the throne room and sat on his throne. Lacey took her place in an identical throne next to his and smiled down at her court. All of Rick's genies were present and all of them had been "treated" by Jewel, who also bowed low.

"My newest slave has done well. Even better than I had hoped actually. I am cured, I am of one mind, and all my slaves understand their place. And with Jewel and Dominika's help, we will ensure that future genies will not cause my mind harm."

At that all the genies rose and smiled. Lacey's hand traced over her Master's hand as she felt a rush of power. All the genies, every one, had been given the potion and had their minds "corrected" by Jewel. She and her Master had closely supervised Jewel's treatments and had made sure everything was done perfectly. All the genies were of an identical mindset; power-hungry, detached from mortals, imperious, arrogant, powerful, and fiercely dedicated to their Master and his vision of world domination. They were basically lesser copies of Lacey.

And Lacey was their Queen.

Lacey soaked up the evil smiles of the powerful genies, and knew that with their loyal help; soon she and her Master and King would rule this world.

Rick motioned to Jewel. "Jewel I have not made my wishes yet and will do so now. I wish for more materials to make another lamp. I wish for materials for another lamp. And I wish for materials for another lamp."

Jewel's eyebrows arched up a bit and Lacey and the other genies all had looks of surprise on their faces.

Rick laughed. "My pretties, you have all been cured but you miss the most important thing and the most simple thing. Were I to wish for changes to myself, I would undo what Jewel has done for me and eventually I would be back where I started. I'm already a genius, I already have the most brilliant and completely loyal advisors, and I have already been modified enough in the body that I don't need more changes and run the risk of wrecking myself again."

Rick rose and strode down to Jewel and kissed her hard. Jewel melted into his arms with a giggle and an evil smile. "My lovely slave has the ability to twist men's minds like clay." Rick pointed to Samantha. "My lovely slave has the ability to influence minds with media." Rick pointed to Evie and Dominika. "My slaves can make drugs and medicines that can turn any portal into my puppet."

Rick released Jewel and began to wander around his genies, nuzzling them and kissing them and fondling them. "I have a great general, a great financier, a great scholar, a great administrator, a great hacker, a great lawyer! What do I need to change on myself? Nothing my lovely slaves."

Rick smiled as he turned and kissed Lacey, who had joined him. "I will need more genie slaves though. Genies to rule areas of my kingdom, genies to advise my heirs, and genies to ensure complete loyalty of this world's mortals. "

Rick grinned and snapped his fingers. Lacey bowed and clapped and a large table with a large map appeared on it while a large whiteboard appeared at one end. "This my slaves is the initial plan. Jewel, grant my wishes and then all of you, take heed. Our conquest begins today."


"My Emperor, your commands have been carried out. The reconstruction of South Central LA continues. The peasants living there are all responding wonderfully to the conditioning and the special foods you have provided. I believe that we will have everything done on time and according to your plan."

Rick nodded at the Mayor of LA who knelt in front of his throne. Lacey nodded as she sat next to him. "My Master, this is good. Much goodwill has been earned by this renovation and the jobs you have provided. Your slaves will all be re-elected for this last time and your plan can continue with little modification. Soon we can do away with these sham elections and simply appoint your governors without issue."

"You have done well Mayor. You shall be rewarded." Rick snapped his fingers and a lovely Hispanic woman swayed in. She was dressed as a harem slave and she bowed low to Rick and Lacey. "Your secretary has been modified to your specifications, and she will serve you loyally. Under my laws, you may keep a Mistress, so have no fears about your wife. My doctors assure me she has been completely brought under our power."

The Mayor of LA licked his lips and bowed low. "My Emperor, you do your slave great honor. Truly, this world will be a better place once you have taken it."

Rick rose. "Of course it will. Now then, we are at the stage where I must place a proper ruler in charge of the city." Rick reached over and picked up a small bottle. He uncorked it and a puff of smoke issued out. A lovely young woman, with a slight tan and golden hair, stood there and bowed low.

"My Lord, I await your command."

Rick smiled. "Mayor, this is Lady Anna. She is a genie, specifically made by me to rule LA in my name. She will now take full charge of the city, through your office and begin the process of turning into a proper imperial city. You answer to her in all things."

The mayor bowed low again. "Of course my Emperor. I shall do my best to ensure that your will is carried out."

Rick turned to Anna. "You have your commands, leave me and begin your work."

Anna bowed low and clapped her hands and the mayor, his new sex toy, and Rick's Genie Governor disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Lacey kissed her Master hard. "It begins my Master! You now rule this city completely. Soon the entire West Coast will answer to you and we can stop hiding behind elections and enslaved politicians."

"Yes, all is working out perfectly. Now then, what to do with you." Rick said as he led Lacey over towards a young woman with dark black hair who was on her knees in shackles and a gag in her mouth. Her intelligent eyes betrayed a large amount of fear as Rick moved up to her. Nicole stood behind her with that slightly evil smile and held the end of the chain that was linked to a collar around the woman's neck.

"Master, this one is tough. She has proved resistant to Samantha's messaging and has been avoiding the special foods and drugs we have been providing to the masses of your people. She was about to flee the city and attempt to give her story to a news station in Las Vegas, but of course she was not aware of Ada's hacking. Her story, evidence, and herself are all in our possession."

Rick looked down on her. "Normally I would be intrigued by such drive for the truth, and the strong will you have shown. But as you have disobeyed imperial law set down by me by attempting to disrupt my conquest I must punish you."

The woman made some muffled sounds and Rick shushed her. "My dear girl, you do not have any rights here. This is part of my Empire, not the US or California or even LA, this is now my land and my law is the only one. I sentence you to ten years in the bottle with Ali. If at the end of that time you wish to be released I will release you, but I doubt you will want that. Not much of punishment really, but it will certainly make sure you won't be any problem."

Rick snapped his fingers and a maid glided over with a silver tray holding a large bottle on it. Rick picked it up and leaned down. He took the woman's hand and placed in on the bottle and the popped the top off. The woman's face took on a look of surprise as she dissolved in smoke. With a clatter the chains holding her fell to the floor and Rick popped the cork back in.

Lacey ground up against Rick and he smiled. "I do so love it when you do this Master. YOU are the law now. Hail to the Emperor!"

"HAIL TO THE EMPEROR!" echoed around the room as Nicole, Lotus, guards and servants all shouted it.

"Yes, hail indeed." Said Rick as he led his queen to his bedchamber.

Lacey smiled evilly as she glided along with her Master. The last six months had been an amazing time for her. Master Rick had made a great plan for conquest and with his genies he had completely taken over LA and all of the surrounding areas.

Every politician had been entranced and enslaved. With Jewel's knowledge of the human mind, Dominika's medical knowledge, and Evie's plants, and of course their magical abilities, humans had been easy to manipulate. Rick had enslaved every politician, appointee, power-broker, and major criminal in the area. With everyone answering to him, it had been easy to quietly take over and begin massive manipulation using Samantha's abilities with some help from Jewel. Magical drugs and foods had been quietly slipped into the population and soon the majority of LA was under Rick's thrall.

Lacey got wet just thinking about how people would bow and kneel when they drove by or walked outside. Rick was openly called Emperor or His Imperial Highness by nearly everyone now, and Lacey of course was called Her Highness or Empress.

Rick had made a new type of genie, a "governor" he called them. Weaker than Genies like herself or the other original ones, they were made to govern mortal areas as Rick's direct officers. While linked to a bottle, they were not obedient to the mortal who rubbed it but only to the throne and whomever sat on it. Lady Anna was the first and she would rule as Lady Mayor of LA in Rick's name.

Lacey smile broadened as she looked at the two women on the couches who rose when Rick walked in. After setting his plan into motion, Rick had finally gotten serious about making an heir. He had put Lacey in charge of finding the perfect concubine for him to mate with. He had told her to scour the earth and she had.

The two women in front of them now were both stunning beauties, and much more besides.

The first woman was a tall, shapely blonde, blue-eyed beauty with a mix of Nordic and Slavic features. Her name was Catherine and she was the current Miss USA. She was twenty two years old, just graduated from Miami, and was top of her pre-med class. Despite being from a rich family, she had put herself through college on a full ride academic scholarship, and she did triathlons.

The second woman was a bit shorter, but just as toned and in shape. Danya was a rich heiress from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and her flashing eyes, dark skin and jet black hair made her a beauty that was just as amazing as Catherine. She was twenty five, very rich, very spoiled, and had been the Queen of Rio's Carnival two years back. She was a jet setter and counted royalty and the top 1% of the richest people in the world as her clique. She was also a driven business-woman who had forcibly taken over her parents company at twenty one and had improved it.

Both women had grace and poise, were smart, driven, and tough. In short, perfect breeding stock.

Lacey had whittled it down to these two from nearly one thousand initial candidates. But try as she might, she honestly couldn't make the final selection. So she had informed her Master and today he would pick one.

Lacey removed her arm and sat down on a divan. She smiled at the two women, who smiled back.

"Ladies, I'm so glad you could come today. Please, allow me to introduce Rick. Rick this is Catherine and Danya."

Rick smiled and took each by the hand and kissed it. "Enchanted to meet you." He told them both and Lacey smiled inwardly as she saw both of them flush at Rick's attention.

"That's it you weak mortals, feel Master's power." She thought as Rick sat between them.

"So, you two are the final candidates for our proposed business arrangement. You both seem rather perfect." Rick said as he started talking to them.

Lacey leaned back and smiled as Rick talked to them for a while; pulling out answers and making them giggle and laugh, and scoot in closer. Rick soon had his hands around both of them and they were snuggling up to him like little girls to a teddy bear.

Both women thought they were here for a different reason. Catherine thought she was interviewing for an amazing internship at Rick's medical company and a chance to work with some of the top scientists and medical researchers in the world. Danya thought she was here to discuss a business partnership with Rick's corporation.

After an hour of discussion, both women were nuzzling Rick's neck and giggling. Rick smiled and stood up. "I have made my decision. Lacey, bring us some wine, we need to toast."

Lacey pushed a button and a normally dressed woman came in with a bottle and four glasses. Rick poured everyone a drink and then raised his. "I have decided that given the scope of my operation, I can partner with you both. So here is to success of our arrangement."

Catherine and Danya both looked a bit surprised by this, and then they looked at each other and smiled. "Well, here's to be being partners Danya." Catherine said and held up her glass.

"Yes, cheers." Danya replied and they both drank. Rick and Lacey didn't and just watched.

As soon as they tasted the wine, both women's eyes widened and they tipped back their glasses and drank the whole glass. Their arms then dropped limply to their sides and Rick smiled as their eyes rolled up for a bit and then back. A distant, glassy look in each of their eyes made Lacey smile. She stood and walked up to Rick.

"Can you two hear me?"

"Yes." The two women replied in unison.

"Yes Empress."

"Yes Empress."

"Very good. As of this moment you are now royal concubines. You will move into the palace, and you will have sex with your Emperor and Master until you become pregnant. You will bear his children, and once you have given birth, you will be either bred again, or retired to live a life of pleasure as befitting a royal slave who has done a great service to their Master."

Danya frowned slightly and Catherine shook her head a bit. Rick moved over and kissed Danya. Danya melted like ice cream on a stove into his arms and when he broke the kiss Lacey heard a "Yes My Lord, I will do anything you wish."

Rick smiled and said "I know, there was never any choice." He moved over and kissed Catherine and had the same effect.

Rick moved back to Lacey and nodded. Lacey smiled and snapped her fingers. Several servants appeared and Lacey addressed them.

"These two women are now the royal concubines. Have rooms made for them. They are to be kept healthy, proper food, workouts, and checkups by both Dominika and Jewel. They will be the mothers of Master heirs and as such are the most important treasures in the palace."

The servants bowed low and then one maid took each woman by the hand and led them off with a blissful look on their faces.

Lacey wrapped her arms around her Master and they kissed. Rick growled and swept her up into his arms and began to head for the balcony.

"Both Master? I thought one would be enough." Lacey purred in his ear. Rick laughed as he laid her down.

"I decided to hedge my bets. My first child born will be my primary heir, but it is good to have a backup. I am also thinking that maybe taking some more concubines for a second tier of rulers might not be a bad idea. Of course, none of them will compare to my Queen and My Empress. My greatest creation." Rick said as he slowly stripped off Lacey's silk dress and licked at her perfect tits.

"Of course Master. None EVER will."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

I prefer the first ending. This was too meglamaniacal...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This Alternate Ending deserves 10 star score. Have read the “Queen” already, love it. How about "Emperor" too?

MoosetalesMoosetalesalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Read the series "THe One Who WOuld be Queen".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The true and the best ending, elevating the whole story significantly. Will you consider sequel base upon this great ending?

TheDandyTheDandyabout 3 years ago

While this alternate ending was interesting, the original ending was more in line with the deep seated persona of Rick's and justice for Lacey with all her conniving deceptions. Ali's "fall from Grace" was totally a disappointment in that he had been loyal to Rick from the very beginning and didn't deserve to be relegated to oblivion, although, that would have been Lacey's vengefulness at the forefront. Altering the other loving, faithful genies was also a bit extreme even though it would be logical to do that to them as a means to gain their support in the goal toward total domination of the World.

As far as the writing and storytelling by the author, it was excellent and one of the finer reads available. I trust that more such quality tales are in the offing and I look forward to them in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
True ending

This is the true ending

_scheherazade__scheherazade_almost 6 years ago
( . Y . )

wow O_O!..IM not even sure how to give a reaction other than saying this is a completely different take from the original.

it's dark..but it does show what Lacey even wanted!...

but it looked so amazing in the end!....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Further alternate ending

If Rick is to be world Emperor, why does he not allow himself to ignore sexual laws and take as a sex slave women in his own family, particularly if he is now the arrogant and powerful Rick.

When someone become wealthy and/or powerful family members are always guaranteed to try to get in on the action, whether it be a sibling, parent, grandparent, cousin , aunt or uncle, they always come out of the woodwork to get some of that power and/or wealth and Rick will be forced to deal with that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

this one is great alternate ending,but yeah, similar with first comment about evie corruption, evie was the opposite forces/faction leader that oppose lacey, the impact on exposition of her corruption, i think will give additional satisfaction to the story ending rather than doing it on the background

still great story nonetheless, and can't wait the follow up sequel to the lampmaker, the sooner the better,but take your time

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Only complaint is I really wanted to read evie’s corruption. Otherwise great alternate ending.

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