The Law of Jungle Ch. 04


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"Ashmita, today you look so marvelous and beautiful that I can't wait any longer, I wish that I could fuck you now and here," said Dipankar.

With a seductive smile, Ashmita said, "Have patience dear, we are not far from Bungalow and Tribal villages, any tribes could step in here, we have to find a secluded place."

The pebbled road took them again closer towards their destination. It was a small road with thick forests on both sides. There were many monkeys, peacocks, and deers. The wonderful scenes and the wild animals made them forget all the tiredness. Before they decided to take some rest between the walk as they were pretty exhausted but the energy, they got by walking together cracking small jokes, and sharing their fucking experience of the night made them fast. Occasionally, they would stop and would kiss deeply on each other's lips. During this moment, Dipankar would grope and squeeze her breasts from the above of her dress.

Ashmita would give him a playful slap and would say, "You naughty boy."

The sunless sky covered the woods over the treetops which created a canopy over their heads. The crimson and auburn foliage was a magnificent sight, as this was the season known as Fall. There was a gentle breeze, creating the single sound of the rustling of leaves. The leaves appeared as though they were dying to fall out of the tree and join their companions on the forest floor. Together with pine needles and other flora, the leaves formed a thick springy carpet for them to walk upon.

Along the way fallen timber accompanied thickets of weeds. A lazy mist hazed their vision, making the horizon seem like one from a storybook. The area was imperturbable as if it was keeping a secret hidden deep within itself. They might have crossed more than 2K.M. away from Bungalow, then they noticed a high place, a small heap, and a mound surrounded by a lot of trees with green grass around 15 feet above the ground level. They climbed above which was very easy to them through hard soil. They reached a canopy of a small forest, full of big trees with green grass on the earth.

After reaching the above Ashmita exclaimed, "It's like a mini paradise."

Both of them looked down and could see patches of small green meadows, some are open and some are with bush and small trees just adjunct to the mound and surrounding the mound with canopy where they were standing. Dipankar led Ashmita to nearby a cool place under the shade of trees where thick grasses under the trees were waiting for them.

Dipankar smiled, and said, "Ashmita, this is our aspired and destined place."

Bipasha reached the shady place of the jungle where the sun was hidden due to the thick foliage of big trees. The atmosphere was dark and shadowy. The ground beneath the stiff leaves was slightly wet and moistened. The cold, brisk air invaded her lungs, she exhaled, her breath visible. She stepped over fallen branches and tugged by thorny vines. A red-tail hawk screeched overhead; this was a sign of good luck. After a while, she came across the pond with a vine bridge over it. She crossed the vine bridge and took the pebble way led to a dense jungle on both sides then she reached the valley. From a distance, she could see two human beings climbing up on top of a small mound full of green vegetation. She was sure they must be her papa and Aunt Ashmita. Bipasha started moving towards that side.

"Let us sit and take some rest on this fallen tree," said Debasish.

They drank water from the flask. They were sitting very close.

"I was waiting eagerly for this moment," said Debasish and tightly embraced and kissed Madhu.

"Do you know, from that night I am hardly at peace? I always dream of you. Madhu, I cannot survive without you," said Debasish.

"Really!" exclaimed Madhu with a seductive smile.

Then Madhu could see a bulge in Debasish'pant. She extended her hand and to tease him just squeezed it.

"Ohhh, you silly girl, what's are you doing? Should I pounce on you here?" teased Debasish.

"No, never here. Let's go ahead somewhere where nobody could see nor hear us," said Madhu smilingly and stood up.

They passed another tree whose branch extended out but zig-zags up and down as if it had three elbows. They descended from the flatbed of land, down to a creek that flowed through the narrow valley that must be carrying rainwater falling from the top. The creek was a considerably smaller one. Laying across the creek was another derecho-felled tree. Some sort of critter had crawled on this, using it to avoid the water below and as a shortcut up the hill. Its claw marks were covering the limb, a few were more clear, it looked as if the creature almost slipped off. Its claw marks showed a desperate cling. It must be a wolf or hyena. They stepped across it. Descending towards the creek led them over moss-covered rocks and limbs.

They came across a small cave-like tunnel made by nature with open in two sides hardly a length of 15 feet. They entered the tunnel. Outside the tunnel, the hill walls were large stones, covered in a thick layer of moss, some of which had started to fall off due to heaviness. Both of them walked through the tunnel, in the mud and water; the creek echoes inside. They looked above. Drainage holes were lining the ceiling, one was clogged by a giant root of a tree above. On the other side of the tunnel cave, they could see a fallen tree burnt by lightning blocked the path with 4 feet above. Though the way was flat, the walls of shale towered above them, limiting the routes. Both of them had to crab walk under, crawl over, duck again and found their way around the thorny collections of bare blackberry bushes. Finally, into a clearing, still surrounded by sharp shale, there was another wall covered in inches of thick, healthy moss.

Madhu placed her hand, taking time to stroke the furry wall. Her hand left an imprint. She wondered how long that would last. Back down the steep hill up and up the thorny tangle. Going down was easier. The summit was literally overgrown with thorns, there was no clear path through. It was, again, impossible to see through the tangle of limbs and saplings and more thorns. Briars and branches caught her legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Debasish, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before them. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them. Somehow, they made it through. They were close to breaking off this path.

Now they reached the valley. Resting underneath the shade of the trees, Madhu found herself appreciating the scent of pine needles; its ambiance. Encompassed by the thick heavy air, Debasish watched as a single sparrow fluttered high above the emerald forest. A few feet next to her an eager chipmunk hastily scampered from tree to tree. The forest, Madhu realized, was home to many wild creatures. In giving protection and food, the forest was gladly rewarded with the company of these animals. Beyond the horizon, Madhu could see the community of newly formed saplings. The forest was pure and clean, as though it had never been disturbed by man and his vicious life-killing machines. Peacefully sleeping under the dark gray sky, the community of mighty timber had not a care in the world.

Just near Madhu high above her was a canopy made from the trees on a mound and even though the sun wasn't visible, there was a level of comfort in knowing that the forest was sheltered by branches.

"Hey Debasish, should we climb up to this canopy? I think that must be an attractive place," asked Madhu.

"No, this place below is fine. We should lie around here," replied Debasish.

Hardly they were aware of the fact that Dipankar and Ashmita had already reached the top in that place. It was also unknown to both the pairs that the left and the right path to the jungle near the Bungalow had been merged into this particular place.

Arpita crossed the creek and she could see there was a bone half-submerged in the creek. She climbed through the deep leaf litter and over the rocks back and entered into a small tunnel. Arpita passed the tree, that was struck by lightning. The teak tree was split in two and fell down the shale wall. She saw the evidence of the burn and a smoldered residue at the base. Nature had a cruel way of recycling. The downed tree had to sprout green leaves in its middle part. It was blocking the way but Arpita easily crawled under it and she saw human footprints there (Debasish and Madhu had passed a few moments ago). She could also see the imprint of a hand on the moss wall. Then she saw the path going down the hill.

The trek down this hill was not easy, thorny blackberry bushes and fallen trees impeded her progress. Arpita looked up the hill that she just descended, and wondered how the return would go. Keep moving, the next hill would be easier, she thought, there were no thorny tangles, just treacherous leaf litter that would give under her feet if she didn't find the right footing. The trick was to dig her boots into the ground as if she was on steps. These hills were steep. Finally, at the top, she looked back at this little spring valley, she was not that high up, but it was a marvelous view. Here, there was a dilapidated tree stand, falling apart from years of neglect and weather. Surrounded by deep leaf litter, there was a patch of rich dark earth, a buck had probably marked his spot, his round pellets were nearby. The saplings caught her hair as she walked by.

Arpita could finally see the clear, blue skies, along with the sun. She was no longer under the protection of the branches and now more than ever is when she wanted to know the reason the path brought her here. That questioning didn't take long, because right in front of her stood a grey, stonewall the size of the trees. It seemed to have been established years ago, considering the fact there were green vines all over it. She had an instant reflex to see what was over the wall, and at the first touch the stone turned out to be cold. Usually stone used to be rough, so it gave it a sandy and somehow powdery texture. It left her hands dirty with light-brown colored dust, but it didn't stop her from continuing to climb the wall amid the heat. Climbing the wall, was not as difficult as she assumed, so using the vines she went on top and just admired the scenery. It was almost like the walls were in charge of not letting any noise there. Then she could see the green valley behind this stone wall surrounded by trees and grass. In one of the open places, she could see her papa and Aunt Madhu.

Bipasha reached the top of the mound. From distance, Bipasha could see that her papa was sitting on something, and Aunt Ashmita was talking to him. Bipasha wanted to give a sudden surprise to them, so she walked through the long shrubs bending her head so that they could not be able to see her, she approached a safe distance and could hear their conversation.

Dipankar was sitting on a small but wide dead log under the shade of a big tree. The upper part of the log was worn out due to erosion and it had become flattened resembled a mini-bed. Ashmita lifted her legs and placed the toe of her leg on the log near him, her ankle only an inch away from his grasp. She felt, rather than saw, that his gaze was upon her.

"Where shall I begin?" She stopped and leaned back on the log, directly in front of him.

He gripped and lifted her leg. The leg openings of her blue-colored knee-length loose denim shorts lifted, sliding up her thighs, and his gaze shot to the revealed set of white lacy panties through the leg openings. Ashmita licked her lips and unbuttoned a pearl button of her shirt. He flared his nostrils ever so slightly. He stared at her fingers. She undid another button. He became a statue. A rather alluring, attentive one. She continued unbuttoning the rest of the buttons. She didn't open her shirt, hoping he'd notice her breasts were unhampered by a bra. The only sound there was their hot breathing.

"Don't stop now," cried Dipankar.

Their tongues tangled and she reached up and clasped her hands behind his neck. He released her hair and unfastened her shirt on the front. He interrupted the kiss to pull the shirt up and off. He opened her shirt, revealing ample cleavage. He tossed the shirt on top of the clothes lying on the grass and looked down at her. Her body was a delicate combination of voluptuous and powerful.

Ohh my God, what's a shame! Bipasha wanted to die herself there, Aunt Ashmita was getting naked in front of her papa and they both were in an intense kiss and embrace. She couldn't believe her own eyes what she was witnessing.

Then Ashmita unhooked her bra and her round big 36D breasts popped out. Her dark pink cup-sized areolas and nipples hardened at the thought of his mouth teasing her skin. Dipankar eased up and took each in his mouth in turn, giving oral supplication like a starving infant. At first, he suckled with both hands on a single breast to guide the nipple to its haven of warmth. She rubbed her leg against his thumb. He touched her ankle, lightly at first, before running his fingers up the back of her calf. She pushed her hips forward, her loose leg openings of shorts lifted further up and over her thighs. Dipankar made a low, primal sound, melting a reserve within her.

"Do you like what you see?" asked Ashmita.

Their eyes locked and she smiled. She traced a finger along the bottom of her lip. She stuck just the tip into her mouth and sucked, playfully removing any doubt of where this was going.

"Hmm," she whispered, "What do you want?"

He closed his eyes and moved his hand over her knee. She went beyond merely teasing him to wanting to feel him deep inside her body. He returned his gaze to her face.

He stood, pushed back her shirt all the way, "You're one beautiful woman."

He shifted forward and touched between her thighs. The feel of him edging along her exposed skin ramped up her desire. She unbuttoned her denim loose shorts which fell on the ground and she was only with her white lacy panties. He pushed aside her panties, drawing a gasp from her lips. She was doing it—taking control of her desire, with a man who drove her wild in that night which even her husband was not able to do during their long conjugal life. A tiny voice inside her wondered if that was such a good idea to leave her husband for this man. Dipankar flicked his thumb across her clit, releasing a tide of pleasure, and she drowned in longing, her inner voice silenced. A thrill beyond belief billowed up her legs.

"Do you know I've been thinking about you only day and night ever since I fucked you in that night?" his voice was husky and seeped in desire.

"Me, really?" She moaned.

He flicked his fingers over and around the spot she craved him most.

He chuckled, "I think you were only interested in one thing...the fast fucking. Nothing else. This is exactly what you need, isn't it? A woman like you should be properly fucked at least once a day."

Ashmita's body buzzed with a solitary yearning to have him take control. If only she could let go of the reins, stop micromanaging her life.

"Shut up and do it then," she teased.

He laughed and thrust his finger inside her. She leaned back on her elbows, bracing herself against the log, and lifted her other foot to straddle. He slid two of his fingers into her, curling and rubbing. He pressed and swirled his thumb, releasing shimmering sensations from between her legs.

"Is this what you like?" he asked.

"Mmmmmm," responded Ashmita.

"Damn it, tell me," asked Dipankar again.

"Yes, yes. I could ride your fingers all day. I'm going to come," Ashmita tilted her head backward and gave into pleasure.

He stood between her legs, fingering her, and she couldn't hold back. She was about to climax.

"Not yet," he stopped.

She wanted to be touched everywhere, and her body craved it. He planned on touching every inch of her and continuing to do so until she automatically leaned into him when he neared. She'd already forced him to desire her. To have any peace, he would have to train her to want him and only him. He pushed her unresisting thighs against the log and kissed her pussy intimately. He tugged on the outer lips, nipping her slightly. He almost smiled when the passion he could feel inside her flared higher. He speared her canal with his tongue and was immediately rewarded as her muscles tightened around his tongue and she produced more nectar, which he quickly devoured. Her clit was prominent in its fleshy home and he considered its plumpness an invitation. She clung to the log, her G-spot so overstimulated, her muscles clenched and unclenched. He sucked her clit into his mouth and she moaned deeply. She lifted her hips, thrusting against his suctioning mouth. He absorbed her pleasure, monitoring it carefully. She gasped and moaned continuously now. He had to be careful. He needed to bring her to the brink and not a step over.

"Oh, right there. I'm going to come," she whispered.

He released her clit with a groan of his own. He kissed the flesh of her inner thigh before doing the same to her belly and sides. If he wasn't going to feast on her pussy, he wanted to plunge his cock into her. But he wouldn't. Not until she asked.

"What are you doing? Are you not ready?" her voice was plaintive and she bucked beneath him.

The sound of him unzipping his pants was all she needed to hear. She lifted her head, and he pushed her backward on the log. He lifted her knees. He grazed his cock along with her sensitized opening. Ashmita was gazing upon his big pulsated cock which was throbbing up and down. Her face reached near the cock and she kissed it. She inhaled sharply and moaned.

Till now, Bipasha was witnessing everything as her father was sucking the cunt of naked Aunt Ashmita, and she was feeling wetness in her cunt as a hot wave of lust was flowing through her body. But when her father started getting naked, it was height and she said herself no. Bipasha closed her eyes, how could a daughter see her father naked and fucking another woman? It was a sin for her to witness this and she blamed and cursed herself to come here at this unfortunate moment. She turned her face from them and was very angry at them. The hot tears of anguish rolled down from her eyes and she decided to return without being seen by them.

Dipankar said as if he had studied Ashmita's mind, "Would you give your head?"

Ashmita nodded her head. He felt the back of her throat before she ran out of the shaft. She took a deep breath. He felt it all the way to his toes. She watched his face as she sucked, pulling back until she sucked only the tip of his cock before taking him in again. She gained speed and he tightened his hold on her hair. She gasped around his cock. Her tongue swirled as she maintained a tight seal around his shaft and increased her speed. He felt one of her hands begin to mold and caress his balls. It was simply too much for him. The sight of her on her knees before him, the glassy desire-filled look in her eyes, the tight sweet suction of her mouth, and her warm hand stroking him sent him over the edge. Her eyes were heavy with desire.

"You're breathtaking," he said, "See, I knew you were a good sucker."

"My turn now, Are you in safe period?" he then asked.

"Yes," replied Ashmita.

Dipankar pushed forward with one single, hard thrust and pulled back on her knees as he plunged deep inside her. She was ready for him when he slammed into her. He moved his hips, thrusting into her again and again as if fuelled by unbridled lust. He hardened his lips into a jagged line. She was torn by wanting to give in to passion with the man she had tormented for days by not talking to him and ignoring him. She pressed her forehead against his shoulder, digging her fingers into his arms. What she'd give to let go and let him deliver her into the realm of delicious sensation. For once she'd love to scream loud enough to bring the whole world to here. He stopped moving. She opened her eyes and took in his arched brow and his hands on her hips. She stared back at him, uncertain of what to do.
