The Long Ride Pt. 02


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"Yes Shari I do, you're not upset are you?" Callum asked as he sat down beside her, he had worried she would be once he started dating. A warm smile graced his lips as his daughter shook her head.

"I like her too Daddy, does she make you happy?" Shari asked, looking up at him. Unaware that Itzel had returned just in time to hear that question.

"Yes Shari, Itzel makes me very happy," Callum said, as his hand brushed along the back of her head. Itzel's fingers pressed lightly against her lips feeling them tremble at his words.

"Is she going to be my new Mommy?" Shari asked, with child-like innocence.

"I don't know honey, that kind of depends on her. Would you like her to be?"

"Mmmhmm," Shari nodded vigorously.

Itzel quickly wiped away her tears, she had hoped Shari would be accepting of her when she came into Callum's life. Shari was, after all, the first one she fell in love with then she fell madly in love with her father. How could she not? Callum was everything she had been looking for. That was the reason she moved thirteen hundred miles; to find someone she could spend her life with, to grow old with, to bring new life into this world with. She just hoped and prayed this feeling they shared lasted and was not just something due to the lust that normally is around during the beginning of a new relationship.

"Sorry it took a little longer than I hoped, the machine was fritzing on me," Itzel fibbed, she didn't want them to know she was listening outside the door.

"I hope the salad is to your liking," Callum said, popping the top of his container as Shari wasted no time digging into her food.

"It is Cal, thank you for getting it, and coming to have lunch with me," Itzel said blushing, as she held his hand across the table. Feeling her skin heat as his thumb brushed along her hand.

"You're quite welcome Itzel," Callum said, staring deeply into those steel blue eyes of hers.

Itzel's body brushed lightly against his as they held hands while Shari ran around looking for new books to read once they had finished their lunch. Resting her head against his shoulder as she wore a smile on her face as Shari ran up to her father to hold the books she picked out before the two of them went through them before picking out three that she wanted to read.

"Cal, what's going on Monday?" Itzel whispered.

"Vanessa wants us to go to couple counseling," Callum said, wondering how she was going to take that.

"Do what?! You better tell me now if you have any lingering feelings for..." Taking a dry swallow as those dark honey brown eyes darkened in his anger. Anger she had never seen in him before.

"I'll tell you this now, I do not have any feelings of that kind for her. She killed that the day she told me she wanted to abort Shari; we clear?" Callum asked, trying to keep his voice below a whisper.

"Crystal," Itzel nodded. "Then why are you going if it's not to get back together?"

"Why else," Callum said, jutting his chin towards Shari.

"Okay, what does Shari have to do with this?"

"She wants me to be somewhat friends with her mother, so she doesn't have to choose between the two of us," Callum sighed, rubbing his temple at the headache Vanessa was causing him.

"But is it a possibility that she would choose her mother?" Itzel asked, fearing she would lose the little girl that she was beginning to think of as her own.

"Not a chance, Vanessa would be the one that would be fleeing with her tail between her legs. But..."

"Shari needs and wants her mother," Itzel said, finishing his sentence for him.

"Yeah," Callum sighed.

"I understand Cal, I wish you didn't have to be around that woman, but I do understand why you're doing this. Tell me am I prettier than she is?"

"A thousand times more," Callum said, with a coy smile on his lips.

"Smart answer," Itzel said, returning his smile. Her lip dragged on her teeth after the small kiss they shared nothing like what they did behind the closed doors of his home. Yet she did love the taste of him on her lips.

"Itzel, Itzel!" Shari said, tugging on Itzel's left hand.

"What can I do for you, you beautiful angel?"

"Are you going to be my new Mommy?" Shari asked, point blank.

Itzel's face burned as she became speechless. Even though she already knew they had talked about it in the break room. To have it asked directly to her was another thing altogether. It would seem her tongue failed to move as Callum's eyes had a sparkle to them as he too waited for an answer.

"Come with me Shari... nah-uh you stay right there mister, this is girl talk," Itzel said, wagging her finger at him as he started to more. "I promise we aren't going far," she said, as he nodded in understanding.

"Yeah Daddy, girl talk, boys aren't allowed," Shari said, turning her button nose up at him in that adorable fashion.

"Aye, aye, ma chérie," Callum said, seeing Itzel eyes widen in shock.

She so didn't know he could speak French. Wondering what else she was going to learn about him. Also wondering if he would call her his darling too.

"So Shari," Itzel squatted down as they stood behind some bookshelves three rows away from Callum, "would you like me to become your new Mommy?" she asked, using Shari's words.

"Mmmhmm," Shari hummed. "You're funny, you make me laugh and you hold me like Daddy does," she said, feeling embarrassed as she looked down before quickly looking up like her father had taught her. "Daddy is happy when your around. I can see it. I know I'm small and don't know everything, but I know when he's happy, and Daddy is the happiest when your around. Please don't hurt my Daddy."

"Oh honey, I do like your dad, a lot, but you have to understand that we're just starting our relationship; and me becoming your stepmother is a very long ways away. But the moment we're there you'll be the first to know, okay?" Itzel stated brushing a few stands of hair behind Shari's left ear.

"You promise?!"

"Pinky promise," Itzel said, with a warm smile as she held out her pinky. Biting her lip at how cute Shari was a they shook on it. Breathing heavily into Shari's neck as she hugged her. Trying not to cry at how good Shari felt in her arms. She knew it was far too early to get attached to her and yet she couldn't help it. Shari just felt so right in her arms that she never wanted to let go of her. Wiping her eyes as she rose, a warm, loving smile formed on her lips as Shari took hold of her hand. Callum had told her Shari didn't hold hands with just anyone, how that one gesture warmed her heart.

"So..." Callum's words were stilled as Itzel kissed him passionately not caring if they were at her place of work. "Hummina, hummina," Callum muttered at his loss for words. Itzel's steel blue eyes flared in want enjoying how she could make that brain of his befuddled.

"Come Shari, lets pick out those books," Itzel said, leading Shari over to one of the reading tables that dotted the open floor space. Peering over her shoulder noting how Callum's eyes were on her swaying ass as her jeans showed off its curvature.

"Tuesday night, just you and me, do you think you can find a sitter for Shari?" Itzel whispered as she stood in his arms as Shari waited in his truck once they had picked out three new books for her.

"I can try, do you want to go out, or would you like for me to cook us dinner?" Callum asked, knowing full well she could feel his hard-on as it pressed against her mons Venus. Watching how she sucked on her lower lip as his right hand gently squeezed her ass. Then feeling her hands sliding into his back pockets, her eyebrows wiggled taunting him as she gave his ass the same treatment.

"You don't mind if we stayed in do you?" Itzel inquired, loving the feel of his rear in the palms of her hands.

"Chicken parmesan okay with you?"

"Mmmhmm," Itzel hummed her eyes lustered as her breasts pressed against Callum's hard chest.

"You want to come by later tonight?"

"I would like that," Itzel nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you then," leaning in getting one last taste of those velvety lips of hers, "I better let you get back to work."

Itzel stood on the side walk waving to Shari and Callum as he pulled away. Placing her hand over her heart feeling its rapid beat, knowing that he was indeed the one. She couldn't explain it, it was just something her body, her heart, and her soul whispered to her mind.

"Oh, I'm so in trouble," Itzel whispered as Callum's truck disappeared into the distance knowing she was totally in love with him. Not that she would tell him yet, nonetheless, she knew she would love no other like she felt for Callum.

Chapter Six.

Monday, 5:55 pm.

Callum sighed heavily as he pulled up to the office of Angie K Rotter. The therapist that Vanessa had chosen to side with her he assumed. Repeating the mantra in his mind that he was doing this for Shari and no one else. Venting his frustration onto his steering wheel before he had to go face his ex-girlfriend. Knowing he was probably going to be tag teamed by the both of them. His mother had picked Shari up from school so she wouldn't have to see the anger in his eyes he had for her mother. Hoping that this nonsense didn't last months, he had no wish to deal with Vanessa for that long. Blowing out a breath as he noted Vanessa was standing patiently at the front entrance as he exited his vehicle.

"I'm glad you made it Cal, is Shari okay?" Vanessa asked, once Callum drew near.

"She's fine," Callum said, in a monotone voice.

"Staying at your parents?" Vanessa guessed having to be content with a nod. "Shall we?" she spoke gesturing to the door.

"Let's just get this over with," Callum grumbled.

The waiting room was like any other therapist's office; white walls, bad chairs, and lots of magazines. Fake plants dotted the corners of the room to give that stale room a more lively feel to it which to Callum it did the opposite. All it did was reinforce the fact that everything in that office was fake.

"Mrs. Blake and Mr. MacRoe?" Angie called out as she stood in the doorway of her office. Her blonde hair was parted from the right side of her head allowing her long flowing mane to drape down the left side and onto her shoulders. Her black frame glasses glinted as the artificial lights struck along their plastic frames. Her light red lipstick shaped her lips alluringly as she smiled warmly at her newest patients. Instantly she could tell there was a deep divide between the two of them as each sat on opposite sides of the room. The woman appeared to be open and willing while the man was closed off and eager to be somewhere else.

"Yes, I'm Mrs. Blake," Vanessa said, rising from her seat and holding out her hand to Angie. "Thank you, for seeing us," she said, shaking Angie's hand.

Angie noted how Mr. MacRoe reluctantly got up from his seat. She could tell without even reading him he didn't want to be here, and that was going to be her hardest obstacle they were going to have to deal with.

"Not a problem Mrs. Blake," Angie said, smiling at the woman. It wasn't odd for nonmarried couples to visit her, yet she did note the engagement ring and wedding band on Vanessa's left hand. If they were having an affair with one another then she wanted no part of it. "Shall we adjourn to my office?" she asked, inviting them in. While Callum shook her hand she felt nothing in it other than the strength of his hand. "So tell me," quickly writing down in her yellow pad at how Callum had dragged the chair nearly across the room from Vanessa, "what brought the two of you here today?"

"As you can see Callum and I have our issues," Vanessa said, gesturing to his coldness.

"And you're free to get the hell out of our lives like you've done for the past eight years," Callum spat.

"Not going to happen Cal," Vanessa said, glancing over at him.

"Ours? Explain Mr. MacRoe?" Angie inquired as she took note of his anger. Wondering if he had anger management issues or had a genuine right to be that angry with Vanessa.

"We have a daughter together," Callum stated.

"Ah. So tell me which one of you is the legal parent of this child?" Angie asked, thinking it was Vanessa.

"I am," Callum stated proudly.

Angie's eyes shot towards Callum it wasn't unheard of that the father had custody of the child or children that were born from a relationship; however, it wasn't common either. "So tell me Mr. MacRoe what's your daughter's name?"


"That's a beautiful name," Angie said, smiling at Callum to ease the tension in the room.

"She didn't think so," Callum said, nodding to Vanessa.

"I was sixteen Cal, I would have thought Oompa Loompa was a better name than Shari at the time," Vanessa said, looking over at him.

"Come again?!"

"Callum, he was my high school sweetheart, you were!" Vanessa stated as Callum rolled his eyes. "He was the first boy I ever had sex with, one day we were hanging out by this little pond he and I used to go to for a swim when we would skip class together. One thing lead to another, we... had sex in the water. Next thing I knew I was pregnant with Shari..."

"And for nine long months you and your damn parents made my life a living hell," Callum cut in.

"Mr. MacRoe care to elaborate?"

"You have children?" Callum asked, with a pointed look.

"Yes, two boys," Angie nodded.

"Then tell me," leaning forward, "how would you feel if say you had to prove to the State, time and time again that you could be their parent. Every day you had to face off against your," glancing down at her ring, "husband, his parents, and the State while they tried to force you to agree to the death of your child. How would you feel when his parents dragged your name through the mud for nine long months as you fought for the right for your child to live? Tell me how would you feel?" Callum asked, heatedly.

"We aren't here to discuss that Mr. MacRoe," Angie said, shifting uneasily in her chair.

"You would hate them too, I can see it," Callum said, hitting the nail on the head.

"I'm not going to answer that," Angie stated knowing that was true. "We're here to work on the relationship between the two of you."

"We don't have one," Callum said, leaning back in his chair. "Kind of hard to have something like that when someone runs away for eight years. She even said it herself she wasn't going to let her own daughter know about her and her husband if she could have any more," he said, wickedly. Knowing that was going to dig that dagger deeper into her heart.

"Cal that's fucking low," Vanessa hissed.

"Is it true?"

"Yes, but that person isn't me anymore," Vanessa pleaded.

"Oh, how so?"

"Can you have more children?" Vanessa asked, pointedly.

"I don't... yes, I can," Angie said, noting the determined look in Vanessa's eyes.

"Well, I can't. Look at me I can't have another child at the age of twenty-four. Do you know how earth shattering that is?!"

"I can speculate," Angie nodded.

"It nearly destroyed me, if Henry wasn't there I would have probably killed myself, and you wouldn't have cared would you?" Vanessa asked, looking over at Callum.

"How would I know if you had or hadn't," Callum said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not like you kept in touch all these years. You only came back because they screwed up and you can't pop out any more..."

"Mr. MacRoe, let's not delve into the use of degrading one another," Angie said, noting how Vanessa was on the verge of tears.

"How can you be so cruel Callum?" Vanessa asked, with a trembling voice.

"How the hell could you think of killing my child?!" Callum roared. "Not once, not a single damn time throughout that whole ordeal did you and your parents even say you were sorry. No! You only cared about your own damn selves. You didn't give a damn about Shari! No you went off and partied and fucked whomever you pleased. I called you numerous times for you to come see her..."

"Mr. MacRoe, why did you do that if you dislike Mrs. Blake so much?" Angie asked, interjecting.

"Because I'm a damn good father?! That's why!" Callum growled. "It's why I'm sitting here looking at her and not at home playing with my daughter, because for some odd damn reason Shari wants you in her life. Reasons that I can't fathom, seeing how you haven't given a damn in eight years about our daughter. If I wasn't I wouldn't be sitting here and listening to her spin this shit to make her look like she's misunderstood. No, here I am listening to her, and her parents trying to take my daughter away when she has no damn rights. Aren't ya?!" he asked, his heated glare burned into Vanessa's hide.

"Is that true? Are you actually trying to take his daughter away from him?" Angie inquired, as she took notes.

"No! How can you think that Cal?!"

"Shall I remind you of what your father said, and what you said three days ago?" Callum asked, with a pointed look.

"Cal what I said was only to get you to talk to me. I've never intended to take Shari from you, you have to believe me. You're right, I wasn't a very good mother to Shari when she was born, and for that I'll forever hate myself. Do you think I don't wish I could go back in time. To hold my baby, to sing to her while she's cradled in my arms. To feel her suckling on me, to be there when she first took her first step, to see every single thing I missed out on because I was selfish?! And don't you dare say I didn't think about her in all these eight years!" Vanessa shouted tears streamed down her cheeks as she gazed at Callum. "I thought about her every day, every night, every damn second!"

"They why did it take eight years to hear one damn peep from you?" Callum asked, accusingly.

"Because I was fucking scared okay!" Vanessa yelled breaking down into loud sobs as she buried her face in her hands.

"Please elaborate Mrs. Blake as to why you were scared?" Angie asked, once Vanessa had calmed down enough to speak coherently.

"I was scared t-t-that you would hang up on me. Call me names, yell at me, do everything in your power to keep me away," Vanessa said, with a trembling voice. "I was sixteen Cal; I wasn't ready to be a mother yet. I know, I know so were you. But don't you see I didn't have your damn fucking fortitude! I'm so, so sorry that we put you through that. Nothing I can say will ever make up for all that me and my parents did to you. I don't even know how you put up with it all, and I'm so glad that you did, because without your strength Shari wouldn't be alive right now; and I wouldn't be able to hold the only child I'll ever be able to have. I didn't know about what Mom and Dad were doing until you took us to court by then you'd stopped talking to me unless it was through your lawyer..."

"Did Mr. MacRoe attend the ultrasounds and the prenatal screenings before the birth of your daughter?" Angie asked, noting how Callum wasn't moved by her display of emotions.

"Oh yes," Vanessa nodded vehemently. "Cal didn't miss a single one even though my parents tried their best to interfere until Cal's parents got the courts to grant a restraining order on them preventing them from being there," she said, not missing that little smirk of his.

"Mr. MacRoe, at any time during her examinations, did you comfort her, give her reassurances or anything like that?"

"Fuck no."

"Why not?" Angie asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Would you be all sweet and loving to the person that was trying to kill your kid?" Callum retorted.

"I see," Angie said, quickly writing down her observations. "Let me ask a question to the both of you, are you still in love with one another?"

"No," Callum and Vanessa answered.

"I kind of killed that, didn't I Cal?" Vanessa asked, looking over at him seeing Callum nod in agreement. "When did you stop loving me?"

"The day you said you wanted an abortion, and it gradually eroded from there," Callum said, plainly.