The Lost Boy Ch. 24


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Lexi quirked a brow at Ian, a little surprised at how he was marveling at her very simple and kind of crappy store if she was totally honest. "Well um...thanks?" The fact that he also wasn't bringing up the fact that she had fucked him while he was chained up in a dungeon, and fucked him in a group of about two dozen girls in a wild gangbang was also a little surprising.

Ian strolled up to the desk and leaned on it, arms crossed on his tip toes, "It's good to see you! I feel like I was here for something...ummmm...what was it..." He played up his bimbo side and tapped his chin with one finger. "Oh right! I'm looking for my friend Katabin, apparently he's wandered off somewhere and we just can't find him. Could you help me pleeeease? It's really cold out and I just wanna go home, get into some PJs and snuggle." He pouted and batted his eyelashes, allowing his pheromones to flow a bit.

Meanwhile, Ronnie and Peter were both hiding inside one of the isles, heads ducked down and watching Ian work his magic. He was the distraction while they were going to go in and bust Katabin out. "My gosh, he should be an actor." Ronnie commented.

"I'm sorry Ian but I don't know anybody by the name Katabin." Lexi said, still baffled by Ian's attitude towards her.

"Awww...phooey." Ian pouted again, "Well...maybe you could help me out with something else then?"

Lexi shook her head, "Um...Ian I...are you sure you remember me?" It felt like he was flirting with her, and she thought she could smell a very sweet familiar scent coming from him.

Ian smirked, "Oh yes I do."

"Well...I guess that I should-" She started, getting ready to make up an apology for violating him on several occasions.

But before she could he interjected, "Pull out your dick and let me suck it dry?"

She jerked back, shocked by his words. Ian just stared at her smiling, "I...I thought you said you remembered me?" Why would he be flirting with her? They didn't exactly leave on the best terms by her knowledge.

"And I do, about nine inches, thick around the center, uncut..." He went on for a moment before boldly reaching over the counter and grabbing her crotch before she could react. Her eyes wide open in surprise, "Looks like she hasn't changed much either..." He whispered huskily, feeling up the hard rod tucked beneath her black pants.

"I-Ian...holy shit...I thought you' mad..." Lexi started, but bit her lip as Ian suddenly squeezed her cock through her pants, hard. "Nnnf!"

"Oh come on know I like it rough..." He focused a lot of strength into his fingers to firmly grope her clothed shaft. Squeezing it to both get a reaction out of her, and also to get a little revenge, knowing that he was squeezing it a little painfully.

But then again, maybe she liked that too.

Ronnie nodded, "Okay yeah, he's got her distracted, we should go now!" He whispered to Peter beside him. "We bust in, break up the movie, and try to unshackle him for when Cassie gets back. Just party crashing we got this."

"Wait..." Peter started, "Those are Succubi in there Ronnie, if they try to stop us, we don't stand a chance against them. And if they run before Ian can get to us, we'll probably be the next stars of a porno." He explained, Ronnie listening quietly as they both let the thought sink in, this plan was very last minute so now they were weighing the consequences since they may not get another chance to. "There's a very strong possibility that if this doesn't work we're probably going to be raped."

The brunette boy nodded, "I know...but Hell, been there done that at this point right?" He said half-heartedly trying to be funny. "We've both been fucked by Succubi's not so bad."

"I know but...Catalina..." He said sadly, "I don't want to be with anyone else..."

"That's why it's called rape Peter, we don't want it to happen." He glanced between Ian and Peter, "Our girlfriends will understand if it happens, I know they will."

Peter looked at him a bit solemnly for a moment before nodding as well, "Okay...and Ronnie, if only one of us can get away..." He began.

"Don't think like that man we're both getting-"

He was cut off, "I don't run Ronnie, look at me!" He gestured to himself, "I weigh like ninety-six pounds, I don't work out and the furthest I've ever run was home that one night from the Den Mothers club, and Catalina was able to follow me all the way there. You at least have a little meat on you, you're faster and stronger than me so if one of us has to run to get help its you okay? You have to get home."

There was a pause as Ronnie contemplated denying him this, Peter was always the little one in the circle of friends. The nerdy blonde with glasses who they wanted to protect and occasionally slap whenever he got 'know-it-all' on them. And look at him now, offering to sacrifice himself so that he could escape if need be.

That's when they heard Ian say, "Come on blondie...let's party..." The code term for when they should break into the back.

"Okay!" Ronnie hastily agreed, "It's time..." Peter and him nodded, taking a few quick breaths to hype themselves up. "Let's go!"


The far wall of the shop was blown apart into dozens of rocks and chunks of cement, a cacophonous boom ringing out in the space as half the store was virtually blown to pieces by a bright flash of gold and white.

Two large white-gold angel wings splayed out in a blaze of light.

Isles and racks were knocked over and old electronic equipment scattered about to the floor, Ian and Lexi were thrown off their feet as well as Ronnie and Peter. The towering form of Manachiel standing before them, the dust settling around him as his golden armor was manifested over his chest. His eyes flaring a fiery yellow as he scanned about the collapsing down building, barely sparing a second glance over the numerous bodies he saw strewn about the rubble. The place reeked of devil, so he could care less. All he was here for was the angel, and from what the other Succubus said, he was in the basement.

'Katrina lay in a heap on the floor of her trailer, she spat out some blood from her lips and held her shattered leg. She was covered in bruises from the excessive blunt force trauma, she knew she would heal but the damage for now hurt like Hell.

But what hurt worse was seeing the curled up, beaten and battered form of Yukio across from her. When Katrina wouldn't talk, he grabbed the youngest Succubus he could find and began turning his brutal beatings on her. That's what made Katrina spill the beans, Yukio knew nothing, and now she was knocked unconscious in front of her.

"I'm so sorry Yukio..." Katrina quietly whispered. She would heal, but not for a while...'

The door to the basement exploded into a hundred tiny pieces of wood and metal, the splinters flying about and scattering like tiny little daggers all over the bound angel and the two Succubi. The pair of them had put their genitals away and were waiting to hear back from Lexi in case they had another guest to join their party. But clearly, it was not the guest they imagined. Their camera equipment being throw about and if not breaking entirely, it was severely damaged.

Manachiel immediately caught sight of Katabin, naked and chained, then saw the two Sisters scrambling to rise up.

The fire flared within him, and the blades on the forearm of his gauntlet extended out. The twin swords jutting down at his sides and glowing with a divine blaze.

"Holy shit!" The black Succubus yelled out and quickly tried to make a break through the door he had just destroyed, only for him to swing his arm in a wide, sideways arc and slash at her across her stomach. The crimson liquid within her scattering across the wall as she flew backwards, spinning through the air and crashing onto the floor.

"You fuck!" Her friend yelled and jumped up to attack the giant man breaking the building down. She hopped onto his head and scrambled about it, scratching at his upper chest and face like a rabid cat. Her claws out and raking against the metal plates.

He almost felt a form of respect that this one was actually trying to fight unlike her friend, not exactly gracefully, but trying.

All he had to do to silence her though, was push out with his other forearm to shove her off of him, then raise his opposite one in an uppercut.

With the blades extended.


The glowing blades stabbing underneath the bottom of her chin and spearing out through the top of her head. She sputtered a quick splash of blood, before the magic maintaining her human form faded away, and her real demoness likeness showed. Red eyes, sharp fangs, short horns and sharp claws.

Uncaringly, he dropped her, retracting his blades into the armor and her body plopped to the floor unmoving.

"Holy fuck! Holy fuck!" The other one remained injured on the floor, coughing and spitting out blood from her own lips, panicked and trying to scramble away on the floor. "Wait a second, wait! Wait just a second!" She desperately tried to speak, to think of a way out of this.

The warrior wasn't even listening though, and narrowed his gaze on her, approaching with thunderous footsteps. Herding her into the far corner where she had no where to go, she put her arms up in a weak form of defense.

"Stop!" A strong, feminine voice called out behind him, and he knew instantly who it was. The same voice that he obeyed the orders it gave out for years.

He turned to the ruined entryway, and there the Sherriff, Ian and November stood, Cassiel, Peter and Ronnie behind them. The two mortals were scratched up, but thankfully the isle racks they were behind helped protect them from his loud entrance.

November descended the steps quickly, "Enough, back off Manachiel, let her go." She approached him, having to look up far in order to meet eyes with the taller angel.

Manachiel looked flummoxed, "What? Why?"

"Because I said enough, this is not the time for judgement. Katabin has been found and I will keep my word." She told him.

He scoffed, retracted the arm blades on his other forearm, "How can you protect them after this? How can you side with such evil creatures over the safety of your own angels!?" He barked down at her angrily.

She was unwavering in her stance, "I will remind you now that we are soldiers, and the judges of Heaven have already decided when force can be used." She told him firmly, "I will not have anymore blood spilt now that we have no reason to."

Liline watched this from a distance, surprised in this moment to hear just the feintest hint of what felt like compassion in Novembers typically stoic and bitchy voice.

Of course there is plenty of kindness and goodness in Angels, they're angels after all. Maybe she just didn't see it much because November is here on a mission, and technically she has no reason to be nice to Liline's kind. They are the Hell's Belles so to speak.

Ian however didn't spend much time listening to this though, he dashed by all the taller bodies and ran straight up to the bed with Katabin. Making quick work of snapping the cuffs that held him, and with a little help from Cassiel, picking him up off the nasty bed, and carrying him to the door. Ronnie and Peter helped clear some debris out of the way to give them a less treacherous path.

When they brought him to clear ground, they set him down, and Ian finally got a closer look at the odd collar around Katabin's neck. The metallic, brass ring clasped shut at the front, at first he thought nothing of it and tried to reach out and remove it.

But the moment his hands closed around it, something was wrong. A violent vibration reverberated through the collar, Ian could feel some kind of dark magic reacting to his touch. He quickly pulled his hands back, staring at the metal band surprised.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked.

"Take this off him, it' probably what's keeping him all dazed and shit." Ronnie said, reaching out to the front of the ring and unclasping it effortlessly.

Neither of the boys seemed to register that Ian had a problem with the collar, and still stared at it now as they set it on the floor.

Katabin's eyes suddenly started to blink, his vision seeming to coalesce to his surroundings. "Wh...wha..?" The first thing he saw was Ian, looking down at him with concerned eyes.

"It's okay buddy. You're safe now." Ronnie tried to help him up by his shoulders from behind while Peter took off his biker jacket to try and cover up the angels nakedness. Albeit a little awkwardly.

"" Katabin moaned, "Where's my Mommy?" Ian, Peter, Ronnie, and even Cassiel leaned back as he said this. His eyes darting around suddenly very awake, "I want her! Where is she? Where's my Mommy!?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Ronnie asked perplexed.

"Who is your mommy?" Cassiel leaned in.

"My Mommy...she...she's so beautiful...her red hair is so pretty...and she loves me! She's only mean to me sometimes because she loves me!" He started babbling, "I miss her, I miss her so much! I don't know why she gave me away...was I bad? Mommy!? I promise I'll be good! "He started calling out, "I'm so tired...I don't think I've slept in...a week, and I know you punished me with those ladies...taking me every day but every time they did it I was thinking of you! All twenty-six times I was thinking of you! I learned my lesson! I promise I did!"

Peter looked horrified, "Holy shit he's fucked up..."

"He's exhausted." Cassiel said, "Angels don't need sleep but we still need rest, especially if Succubi have been draining him of his energy over and over."

At this time the others finally came back upstairs, Manachiel now finally having stood down after Novembers commands. Ian looked over at him and the wreckage, and the...dead Succubus.

She was down the steps, nearly out of sight from this angle, but he could still see her eyes. Her lifeless eyes losing their color, staring up at him.

Granted she was not good, she was raping Katabin...but...Liline had technically raped him before. And now he was in love with the kind-hearted sweet woman with the Tsundere-esque front she put up.

Maybe jumping to the ultimate sanction wasn't the right idea. He looked back at the large warrior angel, seeing his eyes still fuming with anger and hate towards the situation. This angel was not a protector by any means, he is angry, rage-fueled, and hateful to anything associated with demonic power.

His wings harshly retracted into his back, returning the derelict shop to its natural lighting rather than the bright illuminated space.

But something else caught Ian's eye as the wings vanished. A fleck of red fluttered down from the wings, and gently floated to the floor a few feet away.

A single feather, not white, not glowing...

But red, and wet, dripping with a bloody hue.

"Whatever this angel is...he's trouble..."

November knelt down beside the boys, inserting herself into the huddle they had around the partially covered Katabin, "Finally we found you. I'm sorry it took so long young one." She lowered herself down to embrace him, picking the small angel up in her arms and feeling his bare back.

Her hands slid along the smooth flesh, naked, roaming along his spine...nothing covering him. They dipped lower to the small of his back and she breathed in his long, slightly messy hair.

He still smelled divine, but...intermingled with his radiance was the stink of sex. Lust plastered on his flesh, most likely where he'd had loads shot all over him.

She could feel her bone beginning to harden, and right away she released Katabin from the closeness of their hug then cleared her throat. "It's time to go home now."

"Wait..." Katabin started, turning to look over his shoulder. "Th-thank found me." He said suddenly, "I saw you...through the window. You came here, and were willing to use yourself to shield me."

Ian suddenly looked a little embarrassed to be in the spotlight, "Is that true?" He jumped hearing November ask this. Amber eyes locked on him.


"Will you come with me home?" Katabin blurted out, "Please? So I'll feel safe...please?"

"What?" November looked at Katabin like he was insane.

Ian wanted for a moment to say no, having felt like he'd done enough for one day. But Katabins eyes boring into his soul, looking still glassy from being on the verge of tears earlier just pulled at his heart strings too much to deny him. "" He sighed, "Okay."

There was a noticeable tick in Novembers posture at that, obviously irritated that the half-demon was going to be following them home.

But then...she looked at Ian again.

He was a little bundled up now but...he had a similar build to that other boy Feles, and even her angel Katabin.


"...Very can come with us..." Her mind beginning to turn the wheels of lust for a second time in her head.

Imagining the both of these boys...on their knees...tongues out around her cock...

"Stop...stop shouldn't be thinking like that..." Katabin suddenly leaned in and nuzzled into Novembers chest.

"Thank you, my lady..."



A.N. Once again, thank you all for being soooooooooooooooo patient waiting for the public uploads, especially in this trying time.

Reminder that more public uploads are gonna churn out quickly these next few days, there's a big backlog and it's time they come to the light!

See you next time!! :D

Next Chapter: The Temptations of War

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LatexZashaLatexZashaabout 1 year ago

Can't wait for the next one. What would happen if Peter actually tells cat that he wants to transition and grow nice little bee cups but still keep her little boy down there?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope you can pick up the series again. Can't wait for "The Temptations of War"!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I realy like this, though I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get a scene with Ien and Liline in her Sexdungeon

CasualnagaCasualnagaabout 2 years ago

Praise Vecna for the update

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

And then those succubus wanted to rape a boy to death and November sparing them is called compassion, no compassion would be destroying the evil that would hurt the innocent

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can somebody just kill the shit out of Sin or just annihilate that godforsaken town. Like she just mercilessly raped her son, like it’s not even hot it’s just depressing. She is by the far the most hated character for me and the most evil like please kill her off, the story would be x10 more redeemable but right now with her I wanna see everybody die. Honestly if I was Ian I would’ve killed my self by now and if Liline really does love him she would protect him by killing his mother but you know what she is probably just as evil as her and just sees him as a piece of meat as well

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

When the world needed him most, he returned.

FbjsFbjsabout 2 years ago

I'll wait as long as it takes but happy to see more. Took a bit to get back up to speed (-:`

Dawn191270Dawn191270about 2 years ago

So glad you are back , what an awesome tale thank you xx

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