The Magician Pt. 01

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Alex uses magic to redo his life.
16.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/17/2022
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Magic is real.

It took me most of my life to find it and to figure it out and finally understand enough to cast spells.

Magic involves the Wyrd.

Which is basically the first language in creation and it allows you to invoke control over forces that you have to fine tune.

Like the difference between creating fire and creating a fireball.

Magic is also contingent on the resistance of reality.

So the more likely something is or can happen the easier it is to cast.

Unseen is best, easier, the most common is physical changes, and then affecting other life forms, growing plants, good harvest and stuff like that is doable, mind control is doable, repairing things when you have materials is doable, sculpting materials is doable.

In all of this. Passive magic is easier and working in stages was easier.

Enhancing things is easier by feeding them magic.

And once you know the Wyrds you can just think them as much as say them.

Once I was sure that I had it down. I had spent so much of me doing that I was too old to enjoy having learned it.

How did I learn it?

Research, looking into the impossible, getting laughed at, learning all these unless dead languages as clues. And at a certain place at a certain point it reaches out to you and you get it. Again the magic reaches out to you. It's like you learn enough of it to get your brain tuned and then whoosh, you can see it, see the rest...

Well the basics.

Then you actually have to cast.

Then you have to survive your big casting.

A big casting is where we all fuck up and cast something we don't have power for and it takes life force. Which filters out the noobs who become fatalities.

If you can do all that you're a caster.

And I did.

And then slowly prepped and built my power and my plan before going back in time.

Now you can't go back in time in actuality, no one really can. What you can reach by projection is a fixed you.

Usually that's visions, dreams, low rent stuff like winning lotto numbers.

But you can go back and possess your younger self.

And yes you can change events and reality, it creates divergent split offs and their own reality.

And the consequences? Well running into other altered timelines. Other versions of you or another caster in the timelines then there is something huge that alters the fabric of reality or time and space on a large level.

Those like me that do this we're not threats to the multiverse, no one cares.

And if someone does we'll be done for anyways if we`re noticed by anything that strong.

I went back to when I was ten.

Mentally I was easy to take over and to settle into.

And the first thing that I started to change was my body.

Pre-puberty it was easy to get things started where I was going to become good looking and strong and fix my eyes and start growing into myself but bigger, taller and that was getting mystical pushes to be more like my grandfather's brothers both Uncle Charlie and Gerald were over six feet tall.

I push becoming athletic. I live on a farm and I put the drive in working on the farm to work my body out and changed down below to what I wanted instead of genetics.

Perfect teeth, tweaks to have clear skin, better face proportions and yeah, honestly, some really vain stuff.

I don't care, this is me with the power to change these things.

I started changing events at home too.

Magic in boosting the farming and soil for the three big gardens we had to grow good and scare away the bugs and pests. Better fatter chickens, more milk from our three cows and other things to test out my powers. Like making my older brother start not liking getting high, he's an addict in my time this time I make him get pretty sick when high.

And my sister I spelled to let things go easier and to date more, be smarter about guys more.

That was important Wanda isolated herself because she couldn't let shit go in school and home and that led to her not dating until she met her useless drunk of a husband and not seeing his as useless based on pride and inexperience, he especially will give her creepy vibes.

She needed the Help.

So starting a little starting help outs to my family.

I'm not close to them now or rather back then. Now I just wanted them to have a fighting chance.

And I used my magic to slowly increase my intelligence, memory, learning and started getting great grades and that's when I left the house.

Yeah, I left the house.

My folks were poor white trash and we never got along so it didn't take much of a push for them to get mad, at the you're better than us, too good for us, too smart for us and toss me out.

That's a hold over from my time, I stayed too long, took too much shit, the same shit as now but getting out was so much more an option. So as much as things were changed they still weren't and there were too many bad memories from my other life.

I could've changed some family things but I don't like them that much.

Not right now, maybe later.

It was easy to cast a few charms and have the welfare officers and social worker folks help get me emancipated rather than spend years in a foster place.

I got a part time job pumping gas at the busiest gas station in town and still went to school. I pumped gas full service and charmed the place to attract customers and I charmed full serve customers for tips. Just a light little liking me, finding me funny and pleasant.

My apartment was a one bedroom place in an older brick building close to school and that was fine by me.

I worked, took overtime on Friday and Saturday nights for a while and bought my furniture with the cash they allowed from child welfare and my own.

I bought a nice big good bed and decent sheets and pillows and comforters and the rest I got at pawn shops and thrift stores.

Magic is great for repairing things, a little spell lets you copy the old and degraded matter something is made of and replace it with new copied matter.

I do that to fix the apartment too and clean it.

I start doing that with all the comics I can lay my hands on repairing them, all mint, same ink, same paper.

That's huge because even the numbers and other telling marks are original. And I bag them and slowly build a collection from every place I see comics at.

I had a plan.

I use my powers more in school. A look at me, notice me charm.

And I made it universal...both sexes.

I sort of made the same friends but gave them a bit of a boost too.

Helping them with magic in small ways like clearing up acne and fixing voices, losing weight or putting on some muscle, and just to be a bro making sure they had more of the better sides of their genetics. And talents.... On Other people you can enhance talents by pouring mana into them.

Magic law prevents casting on yourself because you could enhance magic talents and become godlike. So the magic doesn't let you.

I enhanced them in things I knew they had gotten into later in life, I give a push too like a suggestive towards it sooner.

Kevin in music, singing, songwriting, playing stuff, Mike Rushton his mechanics, Mike Donkin his writing, Bruce with Farming and Troy with his boats and canoes, Steve with his art and carpentry.

Little boosts here and there, adding to their talents, passion, investing magic in them.

My friends, my geek friends stayed with me through tons of stuff in my time. They already earned this.

Made it so not all the shit people I knew growing up had everything.

I push other people noticing when the bullies were doing stuff or the popular assholes were doing stuff.

Some of the older douchelords I did spells on in revenge for stuff in my timeline.

Bouts of IBS or blowing tires or losing an exhaust pipe or cracking windshields on their shitty cars.

Even if they're little things I kinda act like incoming karma they deserved.

I push the LGBT+ kids with coming out strength and in everyone else I push acceptance or at least more neutrality.

Most of those kids in my timeline had rough times in this small town.

But once that is done things are good enough for the time being.

I'm friendly, even sought after but I didn't date.

Not yet.

I mostly worked to get things done in my life. From school to work and fixing stuff up like getting a decent computer everyone thought was junk and my TV, Stereo, and just busy. Aside from comics electronics from the thirst store became a thing for a while as I repaired and restored anything vintage looking. Then it`s records especially in their covers getting restored to looking pristine.

Restoration magic is the magic version of 3-d printing, only you're replacing the matter with freshened exact copies of the damaged or aged this you're fixing.

By seventeen I got myself an old cheap beat up car and slowly restored it with magic to just like new and classic and sold it and repeated that again.

Both weren't fancy or flashy but cost me a couple hundred and I sold them to a car lot for over ten grand each using a charm spell. I even bought all my tools with my work pay and even with using magic I did do actual work on the cars. No one watched really hard and no one cared what I was doing.

So no one really noticed.

I banked most of it except to buy my first car. A Cutlass Station wagon.

Then I took myself and my comic collection to Toronto's Con Expo and submitted them for auction after they were evaluated and made a pile of money.

I bought a shit ton of old comics from the quarter boxes to restore later filling the back seat and the trunk. And of course spent a bundle on gaming gear, books, stuff and posters and my motel.

I went and said hi to an uncle that lived up there in Brampton and stayed a month there at their invitation and they took me sightseeing and I shopped for souvenirs that my folks and family would like.

I also hit some of the bigger flea markets too and bought things to restore and lots of old wrecked comics that I could fix and vintage fantasy and science fiction toys. And things I know will be worth the vintage toy collectors in the future.

Star Wars, GI Joe, geel knowledge is really strong so I bought stuff to fix and hold for the future.

The money from the cars and comics I used coming home to buy my new place, an old house in the older part of town that was condemned was going for a few thousand because of back taxes and the two lots beside it and those houses. All the same deal, the local foundry went under and the work went to other parts of town. People moved and there were a few places like this.

I save the biggest as my main house and one for my garage and shop and the other didn't have a basement so that`s building materials and more yard.

And with my grandparents co-signing because of my age I bought it cash and left money in that account for future taxes and got all my building and repair permits and borrowed grandpa's tools and started fixing things.

I traded in my car for cash and a cheaper truck that was another beater and bought lots of lumber for fixing things.

My grandfather helped and my friends and we tore down what we needed to and at night after people left I re-formed waste wood to new wood and lumber. Other "Lumber" I created late at night by going to the local lumber mills and reformed wood chips and sawdust into lumber and boards and plywood and chipboard and with a little stealth magic no one noticed.

The property is pretty big and a big backyard and the very first thing I do is fence it off with a nice tall fence and a lattice topper so people mind their business. I stain the whole thing as well just so it looks really nice.

Then it was getting the place inspected then stripped and the only things that I can't really do are the plumbing and electrical which I hired to be done and sold more comics to pay for it and this time I'm working with some actual expert comic dealers in bigger towns.

I was very clear I have a source for these rares and if I'm ripped off I could go elsewhere. But I'm also very good about both of us making bank from the deals.

It's quick magical cash.

I threw a tear down BBQ and party and a few magical charms to get on the good side of the contractors and they got my place wired and piped in one full day.

I had a good BBQ too for all of that.

I went to a butcher and got it all from him and made a deal with me posting a sign from his place and even selling him on a few trends that weren't things yet.

Like buying packs of BBQ meats that are pre-marinated, or spiced, or premade skewers. I lie and say I saw it in Toronto but we cut a deal on the idea and I got a bunch of stuff cheaper.

Yeah, I needed magic charms to get the contractors to happen and food and honestly high school girls in skimpy clothes to get that to happen, but it happened.

The rest was friends and family getting the walls frame fixed and the plywood up, and then vapour barrier all in the September long weekend.

I'm Seventeen. I take the first month off of school and with help and putting "The Drive On." I got the outside siding done and the insulation done and then the drywalling, sanding and painting done, of course no one is around when I use magic to speed it all up. Or laying mystical insulation wards that will help heating and cooling and sound proofing. Grandpa is there a lot, even Dad and my brother showed a few times and well rednecks can swing a hammer.

I didn't turn them away and I even fed them.

Dad is grudgingly okay with my success even though my house is looking better than his... than home.

I ended the house stuff with a housewarming party and building my front porch/deck. I use the same butcher and put on another good BBQ and invite the neighbours and this time I got the buns from the local bakery and desserts too and asked for a sign for the party too.

While organising that I got some second hand housewares and things like my fridge and stove and other stuff I owned from my apartment. It's all a start.

I ended up tearing down the other place and built a garage and storefront over the basement and a concrete pad added for the garage section. And once the walls were up and the power and plumbing were done it's my spare time project.

Then it was off to high school.

A whole new school and new life.

I got ready, really ready for it.

A good haircut, decent cologne like actual good stuff and just a little, tight but regular classic jeans, leather jacket, leather boots and a nice watch.

I have my pheromones cranked mystically and perfect teeth, white smile, muscles and all of that and I register late for my classes and I take university track with Maths and English and Physics and then Wood and Metal Shop and round it off with French and Gym.

And I have a truck, which I'm slowly making better.

There's a lot of new people here, a lot of people I knew from before.

I got looks and stares and checked out and there were lots of whispers and that upsetting of the social order that was established in the other schools that I didn't go to.

I'm busy at first with most of the classes getting everything I need to catch up on and get make up assignments.

I also talk to the principal and guidance on my living situation and get policy squared away as well. Then I asked about me personally adding to the Shop budgets and talked about maybe using the shops to build stuff for my place and that I'd love to pay the extra lab fees and materials for that and making miniatures with pour casting with metal shop and or other projects.

And I tossed in some actual charm spells for that. After that there was no problem getting them on board. Especially with my paying for more materials.

I spent the first week catching up and exploring the weight room working out and showing my strength,my muscles, my build... entice them all... do things like sit ups with a free weight plate. I leave the jocks that tried to do like me in the dust.

On the flipside I checked out the computer lab, the few clubs we have and the library and seeing and catching up with friends.

I make a dent, they don't know how to class me and I don't fit in any cliques but my geek friends.

I mess with the super popular kids because I literally don't care, especially if they're seniors.

I tinker with things at home and use my truck to hit dumps and flea markets and thrift places and pawn shops and buy things I can magically restore.

Slowly filled my house with things that I like. If I actually need then so much the better.

Other stuff is pure fun, and I wanted sort of things.

A Gaming room with one wall that's all bookshelves and things for toys and miniatures and my comics and a space for watching movies and games.

A Living room with vintage furniture and shelving units and a good stereo, turntable, vintage record collections and a nice TV with movies and a nice bookshelf, a couple of area rugs.

My bedroom is nice with an attached bath and I brought in my old bed and parts of others and use repair magic to make a fancy antique looking iron framed bed like the fancy ones and spell it not to squeak and to be sleep charmed and healing charmed so you always have a good sleep here and feel better afterwards.

Washer dryer in the bathroom closet from my old place.

It was shaping up really nicely.

There was so much to do and try but my first big thing was getting ready for Halloween.

I talked to my boss and got boxes of full sized bars, chips and cans of pop ahead of time. I also buy a bunch of the mini's and halloween toys and just kinda fun junk and a stack of comics from free comic book day and get my friends on board to help out food, music, decorating, lights.

I went all out and bought the halloween lights and used magic at night getting ready to shapeshift bottles to look like pumpkins and ghouls and goblins and ghosts. Shape real looking skulls from cement I "recovered" and even faked tombstones that look real but are heavy plastic and have an end we can push into the lawn.

I made ten that say "Closer" with arrows pointing to the party.

And I made posters for it at school.

And gave some classmates and seniors some halloween card invitations with a free chocolate bar taped to it.

I got a lot of social credit there with that and I was the first party of the school year.

Then it was getting the backyard set up for a dance and neighbourhood party lights and the stereo set up and food with burgers and hot dogs and a whole bar of fixings and I ordered lots of pizzas and had a separate grill for some of the veggie and vegan stuff in case folks wanted some.

When it came to the party I had spooky music and stuff for the kids and fog inside the house when I opened the door and was dressed as Tarzan.

Muscles showing, abs showing, nothing really hiding my bulge.

Lots of looks.

Word got out fast on the treats and stuff and parents were impressed that I asked if there were kids home that couldn't come and I gave them extras for them.

After ten PM the dance started.

A little mass area spell kicked up peoples feel good chemicals and I gave them extra energy too and the dancing started.

And I danced with everyone, even some of the LGBT+ people and I pushed the good times as we had the best and first party of the year. It was a dry party but people didn't seem to care and we went until two in the morning for a lot of people and made some new friends and flirted a lot and actually had fun.

I actually had fun.

It had a big effect in school too.

Everyone knows who I am, there's tons of flirting but I don't really date at the moment but I invite people over to hang out and I know I disappointed a few girls but I surprised a few more. Food, invitations to gaming nights, watching movies, not having to be on girl social mode here and just relaxing.