The Mountain Clans


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I looked up at him, confused as he turned me to face him and lifted me to stand on the bed. When he pulled me close and kissed me, I was stunned and I stood there frozen and not understanding. Why was he doing this?

He pulled back breathlessly, his eyes still shining as he began pulling my dress off. I stood there dumbly, terrified that I had just agreed to something that I hadn't meant to. He held me at arms length, looking me over, his eyes still shining. When he let me go, he started pulling off his own clothes and I really began to panic.

"Konani?" I asked, my voice shaking. "I don't... I don't..."

"It's alright, Iti, I know what needs doing. I will take care of everything."

I swallowed hard and looked away quickly when he shoved his pants off quickly. Taking my arms, he laid me on the bed, climbing over the top of me and kissing me again. Tears welled up as I clenched my fists and tried to think of a way out of this! I didn't like Konani this way and I never would have agreed to be his wife if I had understood!

His hand, huge and calloused, slid down my arm to my hip and then in. He worked his fingers in, even though I was holding my legs shut as tightly as I could.

"Be easy, Iti," he whispered breathlessly, kissing my cheek as his fingers fumbled and tried to work their way in. "Open your legs for me."

"Konani!" I pleaded.

"Shhh, we have to stay quiet, Iti."

"I don't want this!" I sobbed.

He paused, looking down at me, looking my face over. "It... only hurts a bit the first time, Isola. I will be gentle."

"Please, Konani!"

"You're my wife, Isola," he told me as if me saying no to him was against some rule.

Was it? Here? Was I not allowed to say no? Even if I hadn't meant to say yes to being his wife?

I closed my eyes miserably and his hand went back to trying to work it's way in, bruising my thighs. "Open your legs!" he commanded again. Not harshly, but insistently.

I let him force my legs apart, shaking my head as his large fingers clumsily searched, pressing too hard as he prodded and pushed. When one of his fingers finally found my entrance, he pushed it in with a hard thrust and I let out a cry of humiliation and shock at the painful intrusion.

"Shhhhh," he panted, wiggling his finger inside me as fast as he could. It was uncomfortable and off putting! "You like that?" he asked breathlessly. "Is that good, Iti? Get excited for me, get ready for me and it won't hurt so much when I take you. That feels good, doesn't it? Mmmm, you feel good. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around me!"

"Konani, stop!" I pleaded, trying to squirm away from his intruding and uncomfortable finger.

"Mmm, I know, Iti! I want you now too!" he whispered, easing his finger out of me, then shoving my legs apart. He licked his fingers quickly, then rubbed the wetness over my nether lips as I grimaced. When he reached down, I felt him press the head of his cock to my mound and I shook my head again.

"Please don't!" I begged.

"Shh!" he hissed urgently, clamping a hand over my mouth. "We must be quiet!"

I tugged at his wrist, trying to pull his hand off of my mouth, but he was strong and he held it there. He seemed agitated now as he reached back down and pressed his cock to my slit again.

I cried out into his hand, breaking down into sobs now, but he didn't stop, shoving his hips forward. I screamed in pain and terror as he drove into me and his hand clamped harder around my mouth.

"Quiet," he grunted, his voice strained as he laid on me. Clutching me close, his mouth on my temple as he panted, he started humping his hips, pushing his thick cock into me shallowly. He said nothing, did nothing else, just squished me and crushed me against him with his arm as his hips pumped away and he panted into my hair.

I lay there, unable to move and hardly able to breathe as the pain began to ebb. I didn't care, it was still horrifyingly unpleasant and I was miserable. I didn't want to be Konani's wife!

He grunted suddenly, his hips going still as his cock twitched inside me and he filled me with his seed.

I whimpered in revulsion and he finally rolled off of me, laying on his back to breathe heavily and catch his breath. "That... that was nice, Iti," he finally told me, still breathless. "I was told it was nice... but it was better than I'd imagined. Did you like it?"

"No," I whispered, turning away from him and curling up.

"It won't hurt the next time," he promised, rolling to his side and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't... I didn't say yes to you, Konani. I didn't say yes to marrying you. I thought you were going to bring me here to live with Oni! Keep being my guardian."

He went stiff, his hand tightening slightly. "I see," he finally spoke. "I suppose you will have to learn to care for me, at least try. You are my wife now and a wife has duties to her husband. I want to make it nice for you, Iti, and I thought... I thought you liked me too?"

"I liked you as a person... not as a husband. You kept me safe, you were nice to me, you comforted me. You are... like a father to me."

"I'm not THAT much older than you," he scoffed.

"I just meant that, that's how I see you."

"Perhaps you can try and look at me in a different light? It is done, Isola. We were blessed by the king after you said yes and we just consummated. It's irrevocable."

I lay there numbly, tears falling as my heart broke. Konani got up and got dressed, then leaned in to kiss my temple.

"I will be good to you," he promised. "Get dressed and come out. Oni will want to talk with you."

After he shut the door, I eased up, trying not to wince at the pain, then got dressed slowly. I stepped out and Konani looked at me worriedly as Oni turned and smiled, tears welling in her eyes.

"Little Iti!" she called happily. "I am so pleased! You are my grandaughter now! Come and sit! I am making midmeal!"

I sat gingerly, not looking at Konani as I faced Oni. I tried to smile at her, but my heart was heavy. After a few moments, I spoke up. "I'm not feeling so well, may I go and lay down?"

"What is the trouble?" Oni asked softly. "Head? Stomach?"

"I'm only tired and overwrought," I told her, squeezing her hand. "I will take a small nap."

In the huge bed, I buried myself in the blankets, then cried myself to sleep feeling miserable and angry.

Konani woke me, his face full of sadness. "It is time for dinner, Iti," he spoke gently. "Come and eat."

I got up, still unable to look at him, then followed him out front. Oni looked worried as she looked me over and patted my shoulder when I got close enough. "You will come around," she promised.

Konani had told her?

I looked away, blushing.

It was awkward, eating in the silence, everyone uncomfortable. I stood as soon as I was done and went to sit near the fire, staring into it as Konani and Oni began talking softly. I stayed there for a long time, thinking about my parents and what was happening below. Would I ever find out? Would Leilani be alright?

"Iti!?!" Konani called loudly, as if he'd said it more than once. I turned and looked up at him. "I said it's time for bed?"

I got up, still sore and started to the room, but Konani caught my arm, swallowing hard. He started pulling me to the smaller room and I shook my head and tried to tug away from him. Taking hold of me with both hands, he picked me up bodily and carried me into the room.

"Stay quiet this time, Isola," he told me, not looking at me as he undressed. "Take your dress off."

"Konani! Please! I still hurt and..."

"You're my wife," he whispered harshly.

I flinched back, then miserably took my dress off.

He lifted me again, laying me on the bed and shoving my legs apart almost roughly, like he had expected me to resist him. I whimpered slightly and closed my eyes, turning my face to the wall as he moved over the top of me again.

His wet fingers rubbed over my mound and I grimaced again in revulsion. Why? What had I done wrong? His hard cock pressed against my slit and he shoved in without waiting. I let out another yelp of pain and he immediately dropped onto me and clutched me against him hard enough to make me lose my breath. His hips worked rapidly, his shallow thrusts making him pant into my hair again. His arms were hurting me as he squeezed tighter and tighter, all of his weight on me.

"Can't breathe!" I managed, a low whine, trying to bear the pain.

He relaxed his hold slightly, but didn't slow down, his hips pumping and shoving his fat cock into me less than halfway. He let out a low grunt and pushed in hard, his cock throbbing again. I clenched my teeth, unable to imagine my life in this misery.

Konani rolled off of me again and laid next to me, trying to catch his breath. "That is so wonderful," he breathed. "Did it feel good that time?" he asked me, turning to face me.

"No," I whispered.

"You're probably just still a little sore. Next time it'll be better. In the morning."

I closed my eyes, my heart dropping. How many times was he going to demand this of me?

He got up and pulled on his sleep pants, then tossed me a gown that he must have put in here while I was either asleep or staring into the fire.

I felt sick climbing into the huge bed, Oni sleeping on the outer edge. She knew I wasn't willing as much as he did. They didn't care. I turned away from Konani and curled up, letting tears fall silently.

I was still awake when the front door slammed open and soldiers poured in with torches. Konani and Oni sat up to see what was happening, but I stayed down, huddled in and hiding. This wasn't going to be good.

Wakea strode in behind the soldiers as two of them leveled crossbows at Konani.

"Things have changed," Wakea announced. "By order of the king, Isola is mine."

"We were already blessed and consummated!"

"The king has dissolved your union."

"Why would he do that?" Konani demanded, getting up.

"Because he is me," Wakea growled. "My father died earlier tonight."

"Leilani?" I cried, sitting up fearfully.

Wakea looked me over, his look hurt. "She is fine, being held for now, but the medica said it wasn't her. His heart was not up to the task of bedding his new wife. Come now, Isola. Don't make a scene."

"She's my WIFE," Konani yelled angrily.

"Would you commit treason again, dog?" Wakea sneered. "Stand down. Your choices are stand down willingly and being stationed back at the gate or being dishonorably discharged and hanged for treason. Either way, Isola is mine!"

"I care for her, you don't! She is a momentary toy to you!"

"Isola," Wakea commanded, his head high. "Come here."

I swallowed hard, but didn't hesitate again. I climbed across the bed and when I got to the end, he picked me up and held me close to him.

He didn't say another word, turning with me and carrying me out to a small, enclosed carriage. Quickly wrapping me in a blanket, he pulled me close again.

"Isola, why?" he asked softly, hurt in his voice. "Did you believe his lies?"

I looked down, humiliated and too embarrassed to answer his question.

"Didn't I make things nice for you? Make you feel wonderful? Show you how good it would be and how well I would treat you?"

I began trembling as tears welled up. "I... I didn't like the other... the thing you force me to do with my mouth."

"Isola! Isola, you'll never have to do it again, you only need say you didn't like it! I thought you would like pleasing me as much as I loved pleasing you!"

"You did not ask."

"No... I didn't... I thought you would want to. I wish you would have told me! I'm not a monster, Isola! I don't care what the dog told you! I never meant to hurt his cousin, let alone kill her! She came at me with a knife, saying she would cut off my cock since I wasn't using it on her. I had no desire to take her to my bed after doing my duty, but she was insatiable and angry and... I didn't mean for her to be hurt. I only pushed her back so she couldn't cut me. Her broken neck was her own fault! All you ever need do is say no, little one! I would never force you to do anything. Look at me. I will never do that again, I will only spend my seed within you and only with your permission. Do you hear me?"

"Even if it's a wifely duty?" I asked softly.

"You will be my wife, not my slave. I have no want to force you into anything you don't want. The first night we must consummate, but that is the only time it is required. Is that how it is in the downworld? You must do as your husband bids even if you don't want to?"

I blushed and looked down, not wanting to say that Konani had forced it. Why had he done that if it wasn't really a law? I didn't understand it at all. And Oni had let him. My heart hurt so badly.

"What will happen to Leilani?" I asked softly.

"I will call in one of the chiefs to wed her and go be my proxy in the meadowlands, rule from here. She seemed genuinely upset over my fathers death."

"Aren't you?" I asked softly.

"Yes and no. He was about to force me to marry yet another troll to gain more power. He had no care for what I wanted which is why I am so against it. I was sorry to hear it, but I also knew I could save you from the dog and I did so as soon as I was able."

"What made you think I needed saving?"

"I saw the false front he was giving you. After he was sent to the gates, he began looking into the downworld, becoming enmeshed in things that didn't concern us. He became angry and bitter towards my father. If he abandoned his post, he would be hunted down and killed, but if he convinced my father to give you to him, he could go to the downworld and use you to reclaim the throne. Use your armies to come at us here. He had a hate for my father and my father knew it, but he didn't see what I saw. He thought you just wanted a downworlder because he was fascinated with them. He was placating him so that he'd stop his rhetoric against him. It was a bonus that you were lovely, but his heart is hard and he was focused on hurting my father. It would not surprise me to find he is behind my fathers death. Disrupting the balance up here so it would be easier to come against us. He didn't think I would come for you with you married to him or after he had used you. He underestimated how I feel about you," he told me as the carriage rolled into the large cave to the stables.

He got out of the carriage, still carrying me and strode militantly all the way to the throne room, his guards hurrying to keep up with his long strides.

Near the dais, there was a man in all white and two women standing on either side of him with vestments in their hands.

The ceremonies were combined, first the bonding ceremony, then the crowning.

He'd come to get me before he was even crowned? I peeked at him, a little warm inside.

He didn't wait as soon as the ceremony was finished, scooping me up and again and hurrying to his room.

"May I see Leilani in the morning?" I asked him softly.

"She'll be released as soon as the guards and medica have determined the cause of death. You'll be able to spend all the time you want with her."

"Thank you," I whispered as he set me on a stool near a large copper tub full of steaming water.

"I'm sure you understand," he murmured, his cheeks red.

"Of course," I answered, standing.

"Do you want a servant in here or... I can stay and do it?"

I blushed and tried to hide a thrilled smile. "You can stay," I whispered, trembling with excitement. He'd asked!

He was my husband.

The thought didn't make me sick to my stomach, on the contrary, it made me a bit giddy!

Wakea helped me stand, smiling slightly. "First I'm going to slice that gown off of you," he told me, his voice low.

I looked up at him, my lips parted in anticipation as he pulled me up and turned me, pulling his knife from his sash. I shivered slightly as the blade whispered through the fabric with ease and the gown fell away. He did the same with my underclothes, tossing them aside before tucking his knife away and turning me again. Lifting me from under my arms, he put me in the hot water as he gazed down at my face adoringly.

Swallowing hard, I hunched down in the water and he chuckled as he picked up a cloth and dipped it in the soap. He was gentle and when he found my ticklish spots he had me giggling until I begged him to stop and splashed water up at him.

His eyebrows climbed as he looked down at me in shock and for a moment I thought I'd made him angry. Instead he jumped in the tub with me and held me to his chest, tickling me until I was screaming and kicking my feet, laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Finally, he stopped and held me to his chest as he nuzzled my shoulder. Finding the cloth again, he started washing, this time lingering on my breasts and then between my legs. I laid my head back on his shoulder and turned towards him as my breath hitched. Dropping the cloth, his deft fingertips took over, circling my bud slowly until I was breathing heavily into his neck and holding on to his hair with my arm wrapped around his neck.

He let go suddenly and stood, peeling off his clothes quickly as he smirked down at me with his beautifully shining eyes. Dropping back down, he pulled me back to his lap in the same position, turning to kiss me as I wrapped my arm around his neck and turned to him. It was tender and soft, full of affection. Reaching down, his fingertips began their slow circuit again as he kissed me and I moaned into his mouth.

I knew what he was about to do when he lifted me up his chest and reached under me and I wasn't afraid. I was thrilled!

He let out a hissing breath as he eased me down on his long, slender cock and I groaned. I was still sore, but he still felt good gliding into me, especially when his fingers went back to my clit. He lifted me slowly and eased me back down with tender kisses on my temple as I got lost in the beauty of it.


This is what making love should be! Not the horror of what Konani had forced on me.

Wakea enjoyed giving and was incredibly gentle, making sure he didn't hurt me. Making sure I enjoyed it. It was bliss.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Mmm, for what little love?" he asked, his breathing labored.

"For saving me from him! For showing me... ooohhh... for showing me what this is supposed to be like."

"Oh, my sweet little one. You've seen nothing yet! I'm going to give you the world," he breathed.

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JayGirlJayJayGirlJayabout 1 year ago

Will there be more??! This was so good!!!

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderover 2 years ago

Man, there is a lot going on here. Deff need a ch2. 5Stars! Loved it.

Auri22Auri22over 2 years ago

I just saw your pinterest. Wakea is out of control hot 🔥

Konani is pretty hot too but wow Wakea is just gorgeous

RaindropStarRaindropStarover 2 years ago

Very well done! Got me hooked really quickly. I felt like Lani, ready to sink my teeth into the lot of them. I was just as surprised as she was when things didn't work out the way she had hoped, with Konani!

AuburnMermaidAuburnMermaidover 2 years ago

Please make a chapter 2!!! I loved this story!!

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 2 years ago

Fascinating story that was well told. 5* from me.

nowanowaover 2 years ago

Something I appreciate about your writing is I'm never entirely sure where it's going to go. All authors have their own patterns, but I feel like you're constantly trying new things. I do wish there had been one or two more scenes making it clear that Konani wanted her for power and might have been involved in the kings death. I felt like it came a little out of left feild, but it's an interesting idea.

Oh also I'm glad that when you write women who can't have children it's not their entire personality, they aren't seen as monsters, and for the most part everyone in the story's ok with that. Obviously it's an incredibly difficult thing for a lot of women to deal with, but some stories treat it like a character flaw when it's just like... a medical thing.

Qwerty678Qwerty678over 2 years ago

Spoilers- It was nice to drop into Little Sprite’s world again. I appear to be bloodthirsty and wish Wakea had slaughtered Konani, but then he’d probably have to have gone after the other grandchildren and it’d turn into a whole thing. In my mind, Lani finds and and murders him and possibly Oni too. I’m on the fence there.

Auri22Auri22over 2 years ago

Awww that was sweet.❤️ Wakea ❤️

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