The New Build Ch. 03


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"Is it going to get you into any trouble if Jay see's me going down on you?"

"You think for one second I care what he thinks? I hope that he watches you and gets jealous.", but looking over to where he was, I didn't need to worry. Jay had his cock pressed between Heather titties, and it looked like he was in Tit Fuck Heaven.

Water and the sweet taste of pussy mixed together in my mouth as Aly sat on the edge of the pool and I delved into her sex. She seemed very tense at first. Legs tight and pressed together against my head. Body straight and proper, almost as if not allowed to enjoy what was happening. I started to think that maybe she would ask me to stop, but slowly she began to come around. A hand to the side of my head. Fingers toying with my hair. The palm of her hand pulling my mouth closer. Lifting one, then the other foot to the edge of the pool. Legs parting to allow absolute access. Releasing my head. Leaning back with an arched torso. Groans of pleasure. Wetness flowing onto my tongue, and very unexpectedly, a massive orgasm.

Aly erupted. Her body shook and trembled. Her legs flapped like wings and not once did she look over at her husband.

Even though I had been with both Heather and Amy earlier, I was rock hard. Aly's pure raw beauty and sexuality would do that to any man.

Kissing my way up her belly I stopped briefly to nibble at her dark brown nipples, but Aly wanted my tongue in her mouth. I found that her tongue tasted of good cigar and even better rum. I would have been content just kissing this beautiful specimen all night, but she had other plans.

"Make love to me Frank."

I felt her body shudder as I lowered her into the water so that we could both walk out of the pool. We headed directly to my lucky lounger. If one day this old thing ever breaks, I plan to have it bronzed. When it was delivered to the house 5 or 6 years ago, I never once imagined or dreamed that I'd end up banging 3 of my neighbors on it. Sue, yes. The neighbors, no.

Checking the surroundings, I could see Amy and Doug doing their thing. Amy was not a fan of Doug, but she liked sex and knew that she would have to give herself up to others, to get what she openly wanted. Heather was on her hands and knees while Jay was behind her giving it to her doggy style. Dilly and Sue were off doing whatever it was that they loved to do.

"Help me." Aly had the end of the chair lifted off the ground and motioned me to pick up the other end. Turning it the high back now faced the pool. "Sit." I followed her instructions and plopped my wet ass down on the cushion.

Aly looked over at the pool and then bent and took me into her mouth. She sucked and bobbed, leaving a trail of saliva on my shaft. When she had it good and soaked, she sat up and pointed me toward the gateway to heaven.

"I just wanted you to know that I'll do that for you." As she spoke, she lowered her meaty lips around my cock.



Her lips pressed against mine as she bounced up and down. Unlike our first time together Aly now moved differently, like she was trying to show me why I should have been with her first. Raising up so that my engorged head was just barely inside of her, she would lower back down to a point where I was bottomed out inside of her. All the while her pussy would clamp and release, clamp and release. She was working me over with her inner muscles.

I watch myself easing in and out of my lover. The sight of her meaty brown lips pulling back to expose her inner pink every time I exited her, had me mesmerized. Her hard ass touching my thighs. Her perky brown boobies with their hard coal nipples dangling in my face, the then her head pressing her cheek against mine. It was all too much, yet there was something magical about the whole experience.



For the second time in the past little while Aly had told me to be quiet, but the bite marks that I was sure she was leaving on my neck and shoulder hurt. Two could play at this game. I lowered my head and caught her left nipple between my teeth.

"Fuuuuuuuck." She growled, enjoying the lovemaking pain. "Do the other one Frank, and I'll cum all over you."

It wasn't a challenge, but I took it to be one. I switched tits, grabbed an ass cheek, squeezed it and clamped down gently on her nipple with my teeth. As promised, Aly collapsed onto my chest.

"Jesus Frank."

My hips kept moving upward. Aly caught on quickly and bucked along in time with me. Seconds later, I filled her with what I knew would be my last load of the night. It was reckless to cum into her when her husband had been wearing a condom all night, but neither of us was smart enough to care.

"Aly, you're so fucking sexy. Absolutely gorgeous. I want to keep you all to myself."

And she was. Laying naked on top of me, she was the sexiest thing in the world.

Without a lot of fanfare, the night was over. Jay called it. He proclaimed that he had "banged" all the women at the party, he was tired and if he hurried, he'd still catch some of the sports news and highlights on the tube. Aly whispered apologizes to Sue and me. She tried to correct the words of her husband, but in her heart, she knew that it would be the last time that they would ever be invited over.

Doug and Heather appeared to be mid-domestic when I closed the garage door behind them. Dylan was...well, he was Dylan. He was following Sue around the yard like a puppy. Picking up empty glasses, wet towels, used condoms and whatever else was laying about. Amy on the other hand was still naked and eating taco dip.

"I think that we should go back to the beginning, when it was just the 4 of us." Amy had had a few drinks and wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind.

"Oh, you do, do you?"

"Yep. I like Heather and Aly alright, but Doug and that other guy are assholes...they're not much fun. If you know what I mean?"

I did know what she meant. From Jay and Doug's point of view, she was the prized hog at a Texas County Fair. They both wanted her and everything that went along with it, but they didn't show her any respect. Maybe it was because she was the youngest woman at the event or perhaps it's because as Amy says, they are assholes.

"Well babe, you ready?"

Dylan and Sue had put everything in the trash and were standing hand in hand. Amy noticed how close they were. Every inch of their shoulders, hips and legs were pressed against the other.

"No. I wanna stay longer." Amy wasn't planning on going anywhere soon.

"Come on Amy, let's not overstay our welcome."

"How big is your bed, maybe we'll just sleep over? Whaddya think Sue?" Uneasy laughter filled the backyard, but I'm not sure that anyone but me thought that it was a bad idea.

"King size, but it might be tight with 4 of us. Frank likes to stretch out."

Not wanting to let it go Amy came up with more plans.

"We'll just cuddle up close."

Dilly liked the idea enough that he started chubbing up in his shorts. I on the other hand, wanted to go to bed, and sleep.

"Look, as good as that sounds, I think it's a bad idea. Let's call it a night."

A round of "ah's" filled my ears. So, I looked right at my own wife to question where she thought this might be going.

"What, you think that this is a good idea?"

"No Frank, I don't think that any of this is a good idea, but I think that it might be a fun idea." Dilly and Amy's "yeahs", told me that it was 3 against 1.

"Well fuck it all to hell. Alright, but I'm not sleeping 4 in a bed."

I flipped the switch and the backyard that had doubled as a Roman orgy playground, fell to the darkness of the night.

It wasn't talked about, but it was understood. On the landing just inside the garage door, I kissed Sue goodnight as I had thousands of times in the past, but this time I headed downstairs with my lover, while she headed up with hers.

"Daddy, this is going to be so much fun."

"Not as much as you think. I came a couple of times already tonight. I might be done. You feel like a shower?"

The warm water along with Amy's tiny hands soaping every inch of my body did bring me back to life, somewhat. I returned the favor for her, washing her hair and washing the sins of a lust filled night away from her body.

"Daddy, would you think it was gross if I used your toothbrush?" I nodded no.

Under normal circumstances the answer to that would be a definite yes, but my tongue had been in every one of my little vixen's holes and had enjoyed all the tastes of her body. So, using my toothbrush with toothpaste wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for me.

Pulling back the blankets on the bed where I had once fucked Aly and Heather, Amy jumped in for what I assumed would be her turn.

"Oh my god, tonight, will be the first time in months that I use a blanket. It's so freakin hot in our place."

I had forgotten that they didn't have A/C. With the heat today, sleeping here tonight would probably be a treat for them.

Fresh and awake, Amy leaned in for a minty kiss. "What do you feel like doing Daddy?"

"You're the quest of honor baby, you tell me."

Never shy about her sexuality, Amy fluffed a couple of pillows, leaned back, spread her leg wide open and started to touch herself. It was a private show for me. I watched her play with her hard nipples while she rubbed her fingers across her hard nub and dragged them through her deep damp furrows. One at a time she plunged digits in and out, but her tiny fingers just couldn't cut it. She wanted and needed something more, and she had no problem letting me know when she was ready.

"Can you lick me Daddy?"

"Anything for you baby."

If you had asked me an hour ago, I would have told that I was done for the night, but here I was, tongue sticking out of my mouth ready to eat up this sexy little creature for the second time tonight and my cock was well on its way to being ready to go also.

Her sweet nectar coupled with the fresh scents of soap made me even harder. I lapped at Amy for what seemed like an hour, using my tongue, my fingers and even my nose to please her. Finally, she crossed the finish line in what was one of the hardest orgasms that she had ever had with me. Collapsing back, she crossed her legs to cover her wetness and put a finger between her lips and teeth, faking modesty.

"You like that baby?"

Her head nodded as I laid down beside her.

"That was so good. Doing it in your house makes it feel so real. Like it's meant to be." I wanted to stop the conversation right there, but Amy kept talking. "You do that soooooo good Daddy. Dylan's good at it too, but you always take your time and make sure that you please me. You always think of me first. Can I bounce on you?" Well lucky me.

"For sure."

It would be a night to remember.

For the first time in my home, her petite body climbed up on me. Grabbing my shaft into her hand she rubbed it around until it found its target and sank down.

Amy moved slowly. Her hips swaying along to an unheard melody. Every movement of her body screamed sexuality. This wasn't fucking, no this was love making, and Amy was making love to me, a guy as old, if not older than her father.

Our lips pressed tight as our tongues explored. Amy's arms snaked beneath my neck and pull my head up off the pillows. Her tits crushed themselves against my chest as she groaned into my mouth, when she came.

My cum bathed the insides of my petite blond lover. It was over for the night. It had to be. I was done. There was no more to give. Amy curled up to me and I pulled the blankets over us.

"I really do love you Frank."

"I know you do." And that was the problem. I knew Amy. I knew what she wanted to hear. I tried to stop myself, but figured that I was already in too deep, so I said it. "I love you too baby."

There was nothing shy about our morning. Dylan was flipping pancakes in his underwear. Sue was making coffee in her robe and appeared to be naked beneath it, while Amy sat at the table in one of my shirts and I can say for sure that she was naked beneath it.

Breakfast lingered on and on. Lots of small talk with just enough touching so as not to make our spouses jealous. And when it finally came to the point where Amy and Dylan departed, it was done so without any animosity.

Sue and I spent the rest of our Sunday puttering around the house and yard. I kept the garage door closed so that no unexpected visitors showed up on our doorstep and we basically hid away for the day.

Dinner was a strange array of leftovers, some hot, others cold, but all of them consumed in near silence.

"So, what's up." I knew my wife and I knew something was on her mind.

Her sheepish look stayed with her for a second, but after being married for as long as we had been, she knew that she could tell me anything.

"Turns out that the third time wasn't a charm." I knew what she meant, but I let her say it. "I mean, Amy seems to hate Jay and Doug, and I, well I can do with or without. I mean, just like you, Jay's got a nice cock on him and likes to fuck, but he's just not into it, and he's quick. So, it looks like we might be better off going back to the original gang of four."

"I'm fine with that, or we can quit it all together."

"Yeah. I guess we can." There was a long pause before she spoke again. "Frank. How would you feel about one more time? Dylan invited us, well me actually, to go away with him to his parent's house."


"4. There would be 4 couples there including him and me." Sue read my mind. She knew exactly what I was going to ask.

"Do you think that Amy will be okay with that? Letting you go away with her man for the weekend?"

"It was her suggestion. She doesn't want to be a part of the family fantasy that Dylan has."

"And you do?"

"Well, I guess I'm not opposed to it."

"Is it something that you want to do?" Sue nodded. "When does this all take place?"

"2 weekends from now. We would leave sometime early Friday and we would be home Sunday night."

"Have fun."

"Frank, are you sure that you're okay with this?" I knew that how I answered would be important to how or if things continued. Our weekend trysts with other couples balanced on how I answered.

"We've done some pretty crazy shit in the past month or so. I don't think you meeting his family could be any worse, as long as you enjoy yourself and only do what you like."

Her breath and lips tasted like crab dip. "I love you baby. Thank you for understanding."

What wasn't to understand. My wife was fucking the hot stud that lived behind us. Me, I on the other hand, I was fucking the stud's sexy wife, and 2 other neighbor ladies.

I volunteered for an out of state assignment. It let me be away from the craziness for the next 10 days. Returning home late Wednesday night, when I awoke in the morning, Sue was gone to work, but her suitcase was open in the spare room and was packed with all the things that she would need, including lots of her sexy undies. It looked like she was ready to go.

Ear buds in. Music cranked. I focused on my neglected yard. Trim, weed, cut, water. When that was done, I vacuumed the pool and cleaned the filters. The yard was ready. Beer fridge open, visual count of cold beers, check. Enough beer for the weekend. High octane fuel for the GTO, check. I was well prepared for a weekend alone.

Sue and I sat down to eat but our late dinner, and it was quiet. We had vacationed away from one another on many occasions, but never when we knew that the other planned on having sex with the neighbor and possibly 2 or 3 complete strangers.

"I smelled gas in the garage. You fill up your goat?" She was making small talk.

"Yeah, planned on going to cruise night on Friday, then I'll head over to that Pontiac swap meet on Saturday. See if I can find anything cool."

"Who are you kidding Frank? You think all that stuff is "cool", don't you?" She had me there.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes they have a t-shirt or 2 that I don't have." Sue smiled and shook her head. If I wore a different car related t-shirt every day, I could probably go almost 3 months without ever wearing the same one twice.

I stayed up and watched a west coast baseball game, but Sue was in bed early. She was getting all the rest she would need for the weekend.

The fateful morning finally arrived. Dylan's older, but sporty little Asian car held a cooler and his suitcase. Sue put hers in the backseat and without a wave, they headed down the street. Sue and I had said our goodbyes in the morning. I reaffirmed to her that I was alright with what the weekend was. How could I not be? Unlike me, at least she had asked permission.

It was 10:45am and a little too early to start drinking. I really wanted one but thought better of it. Especially if I planned on driving anywhere later, so I opted for a quiet swim. I had left the garage door closed so that I could dissuade any would be visitors.

It was almost paradise. Hot sun beating down. The singing voices of various birds that were chirping along to the radio and the sounds of...nothing. I say almost paradise, because in my bones I could feel something brewing.

At 12:00 sharp, the back gate opened and in stepped Amy and she had brought along a surprise.

"Hey Daddy. Look who came over to play with us."

Dylan / Amy

Doug / Heather

Jay / Aly

Frank / Sue

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

I was going to say that I hated the ending, but how can I hate something that didn’t exist?

I’ve read quite a few of your stories and this was one of only two that I really disliked. Oh yes, you really should get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The women's distaste for Doug and Jay and Amy's arrival when Sue is away was a perfect segue to some girl-girl action, especially since Heather had been into it in college and there were other small girl-girl contacts in the past three chapters. Also a great jumping off point to a daisy chain, 3 on 1... missed opportunity.

This story, while entertaining, except for Chapter 1, seemed a bit out of your normal patterns and the ending made no sense. You are better than that...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Holy schnikes!!! Don't stop now!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry, but there is no way that this is an ending.

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