The New Guy Pt. 01


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The trip to the ER was uneventful, save a few red lights. Traffic was a little heavy with people heading off to work that early in the morning. We got into the ER and got a room pretty quickly. No one wanted to be at a hospital at 6am on a Friday morning. The Dr. came in and introduced herself and went through the formalities of asking Amanda where her pain was, asking her some background questions. The nurse took some blood and urine samples and left for a few minutes and came back with an ultrasound machine, said something about checking her abdomen for some kind of blockage. The probe worked across Amanda's belly as we all watched the screen, looking for... well, something that I didn't know because I am not a doctor. I glanced at the nurse for the briefest of seconds. Her face was etched with a perplexed look. She stepped out again and came back shortly with the doctor and some weird looking microphone device. The nurse and her talked out of ear shot of me and Amanda. She and I shared a look of worry. I kissed her and told her that everything would be ok, and I'm here for her no matter what. The nurse came over to Amanda and started to push against her belly with the microphone device. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh came through the small speaker on the device. Then, without warning the whooshing sound was added to more whooshing sounds.

"There it is!" the nurse said as she beamed at Amanda.

I looked at Amanda, and slowly her eyes grew wide as if she had a sudden realization. Her hands flew up and covered her mouth.

"Oh my God!" she squeaked loudly, voice thick with excitement.

The doctor placed the ultrasound back on Amanda's stomach again and moved it around for a few moments until fuzzy grey background focused on a blackish circular shape. Two sets of fuzzy pixels flashed on the screen.

I pointed to the screen, "What are those?" I asked the doctor.

"Heartbeats," she said, and turned her head to me and smiled brightly. "Congratulations, Mom and Dad, you're having twins!"

Amanda wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged me tightly and kissed me frantically.

"I love you so much Dalus!"

"Twins?!" I said, as the room started to spin and get fuzzy.


"Twins?" I asked again for the hundredth time this morning.

Amanda giggled and spat into the sink, purposefully bending over and rubbing her soft, supple ass against my soft cock. She rinsed her toothbrush and her mouth and looked me in the eyes through our mirror.

"Twins!" she replied gleefully.

It was still hard to believe. Apparently, Amanda had not started her period. The doctor explained that minor spotting that can mimic the start of a period is common at the time of conception and throughout the whole first trimester. The doctor put her somewhere between four to six weeks along. The abdominal pain was a result of Amanda's body changing to accommodate the pregnancy, as well as dehydration. One hour and two saline bags later, Amanda was feeling well enough to return to work. In my defense, I did not pass out, but I had gotten a little lightheaded when the doctor delivered the news. We stopped at a supermarket on the way back to the apartment and picked up a few things, including a big bottle of prenatal vitamins.

It was well after 8am by the time we left our apartment and headed for work. It was tradition if you showed up late, you got donuts or pastries for the whole office. So, Amanda had me stop by her dad's favorite coffee and donut shop on the way into work. She was practically skipping when she came out of the coffee shop with the donuts and a small box. Her small, soft hands squeezed my hand tightly and she could not sit still the whole trip. Who could blame her? She'd just received the news she'd been waiting for since we first me practically, and she couldn't contain her excitement. It was kind of cute and girly, the way she was acting, on the verge of bursting with joy in my passenger seat. We rode the elevator from the parking garage up to the office, donuts in one of my hands, Amanda's hand in my other, still squeezing hard. The small box she had gotten from the coffee shop was held close to her chest and for a moment, I thought nothing would take that smile off her face. That is, until the elevator doors opened, and we walked into the office. Mr. Koffman was coming down the hallway from the break room, and as soon as he laid eyes on us, he lowered his coffee mug away from his mouth.

He leveled a scarred finger at the both of us, "You two, my office, NOW!" Scott bellowed, ensuring the whole office heard him.

Amanda and I shared a look of confusion and proceeded towards his office. I handed the donuts off to the receptionist and walked into Mr. Koffman's office and stood next to Amanda. Mr. Koffman stood at the door as we walked in, face laced with anger and frustration. We stepped into his office and the door slammed behind us.

"Where have you two been?!" he growled at us, before realizing what he'd asked. "Nevermind, don't answer that. I was young once and I have a fairly good idea of what y'all were doing. What I really want to know is what the hell two of my best employees think they are doing walking into the office at almost 10am?"

I opened my mouth to reply, "With all due respect Mr. Koffman, we were..." but he cut me short.

"Can it Dalus, I don't want excuses," he took a moment to take a deep breath and glare at us before continuing. "How do you think it looks to the rest of the office if I let my daughter and her boyfriend come into the office late without suffering repercussions? Dammit, I expected better from you two!"

His glare turned and zeroed in on me, "Especially you Marine."

"But Daddy..." Amanda pleaded.

"NO! Don't you dare 'but Daddy me' young lady. I looked past you two in my house doing only God knows what, I looked past the fraternizing rules we have here. Hell, I even turned a blind eye to the public displays of affection in the office, during working hours. I know you two love birds are crazy about each other, but this I cannot look past," his scarred finger leveled at us again, "I do not want to have this conversation again, this is your one and only warning," he huffed.

"Yes sir," I nodded.

Amanda said nothing, instead, she stepped forward and set the box on his desk.

"I got you a new mug from Pinky's. Figured you needed a new one after you dropped yours last week. And I really wish you would stop wearing your emotions on your face, it makes you look like a grumpy old grandpa."

Mr. Koffman eyed the box and the anger and frustration slowly ebbed from his face.

"Bribes will not get you out of trouble young lady, but it's a good start," Scott quipped.

Scott pulled a letter opener from the drawer in his desk and cut through the tape on the box. Slowly, he opened the tabs on the box, sneaking a quick glare up at us before reaching into the box and pulling out the brown packing paper. He pulled the mug from the box and inspected it.

"World's #1 Grandpa...Amanda, I think they gave you the wrong mug," said Mr. Koffman as he looked up at Amanda.

Amanda said nothing. Her head tilted to the side and she raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.

Scott's eyes went wide as the realization set in, "Wait, what? Noooooooo! Are you serious?"

"Twins," she said flatly.

"TWINS!" Scott blurted out.

Amanda's head shook up and down as a smile stretched across her face. Scott shot out of his chair with such force it fell over as he rounded his desk and embraced Amanda.

"Oh sweetheart! I am so happy! When did you find out?" He asked.

"This morning. Dalus insisted taking me to the ER after I could barely get out of the bed. Apparently, what I thought was my period was actually first trimester spotting, which is quite common according to the doctor. The abdominal pain is common too, but the fact I was dehydrated kinda just amplified everything," she told her dad as he hugged her. "I'm sorry, we should have called in, but we forgot with all of the mornings excitement."

"Completely understandable," he told her.

Scott's big hand reached over and squeezed my shoulder, "Thank you son. It does my heart well to know she's in such capable hands."

Scott rounded his desk again and sat in his chair, eyes damp with tears of joy.

"Please, let me pay for everything in the nursery, I insist," Scott demanded.

"Daddy, you don't have to do..." Amanda said.

Scott waived a hand, cutting off Amanda before she could finish.

"When your mother was pregnant with you, we didn't have much. The whole house, including Roy's room was beaten up furniture that we got from secondhand stores. I hated it. I wanted better for you and your brother, but I just couldn't. I vowed that when you and Roy grew up and had children of your own, that I would do everything in my power to make sure my grand babies wouldn't have to go without. I've made some decent investments in the past, and I have money set aside just for this."

Amanda eyes welled up and she ran to her father and hugged him.

"Thank you, Daddy!" is all she could manage as the tears welled up again.


Mr. Koffman announced that Friday would be a day off for everyone in the company, giving everyone a four-day weekend for the Memorial Day weekend. Roy and Scott left for Destin, Florida for another fishing trip.

Air was forcefully ejected from my lungs, snapping me awake. My eyes flashed open and as the room full of sunlight came into focus, Amanda's pink asshole and puffy pink labia stared back at me, less than an inch from my face. My cock twitched as I felt the tip slip between her lips into her warm mouth. Her tongue danced around my shaft as I slipped deeper into her mouth. I realized then that I had a raging case of morning wood. A warm hand wrapped around my shaft and followed her mouth up and down my length. Teeth pressed into my bottom lip, and my toes curled as she worked her magic on me. The pillow pushed against me as I threw my head back, overwhelmed by the sudden pleasure I had woken up to. Fingers appeared in front of me as Amanda rubbed her clit and fingered herself while pleasuring me. I moaned deeply as her mouth slipped me back inside and pushed against her throat. My climax was approaching rapidly as her hungry mouth worked its magic. I groaned and flexed my cock, attempting to hold back my inevitable climax. Amanda, feeling my cock swell and grow hard in her mouth doubled her intensity and sucked on the tip.

Damn this woman knew me too well. Unable to resist her pleasuring of my member, I surrendered to her and my climax. My hot seed spilled into her mouth and onto her tongue. She gagged slightly as the first rope shot out and hit the back of her throat, but she continued diligently. I squirmed, hips gyrating, abs flexing, arms unable to find something, anything, to anchor myself to as she sucked me relentlessly through my climax. My hands finally found purchase on the bedsheets as I pulled on them, cock softly twitching as the last vestiges of cum spilled from me into her mouth. Her lips remained locked around my shaft and not a drop was lost. Finally, I had to beg to stop, the sensitivity of my cock combine with the ruthlessness of her mouth was too much for me to bear. Her mouth parted from my cock with a wet pop, followed by a sucking sound. Smooth legs swung over my face as she straddled me, sitting on my softening cock. She opened her mouth to proudly display a mouthful of cum, spilling a little bit onto her chin. A gulp and a smile later, her tongue stuck out and wiggled around, mouth empty and void of my seed. She gyrated her hips, teasing my softening cock with her wet folds.

"Come on baby, time to get up," she said as she ran her nails down my chest and stomach.

I looked down between her legs, "I just was up."

She giggled playfully and slapped my thigh, "You know what I mean. Come on, I've packed us bags for the weekend. I want you to meet my friend Tia."

"Who's Tia?" I asked quizzically.

"A good friend of mine," she said in a tone and with a look that told me she wasn't telling me everything.

A quick glance at my phone read 08:12am, and sunlight was beginning to filter through the blinds and illuminate the room. Reluctantly, I eased myself out of the bed. After a shit, shower, and a shave, we finally hit the road about 8:45am. According to Amanda, Tia lived up in the northwest Georgia mountains, roughly 20 minutes from the Tennessee border. Yay, nothing like spending a Friday off making a seven-hour drive. Amanda made it as far as Albany before passing out on my arm. It was pretty smooth sailing until we hit Atlanta, which is totally expected on a holiday weekend. Once we made it up into the north Georgia mountains, it was at least a pretty drive. Green trees and fauna bordered the winding roads into the mountains with bright sunlight breaking through sporadically. Shortly after 6pm, we arrived at Tia's place. Her place was well off the beaten path, with a gravel road leading to her driveway. The house was a combination of log cabin and masonry architecture and it fit in quite well with the surrounding landscape.

Hearing our approach up her driveway, Tia stepped out her front door and waived at us as we found a parking space. Amanda practically leapt from the car as soon as I slid the gear into the park. Girly squeals of excitement and joy pierced through the otherwise quiet countryside. I grab our bags from the back of my truck and look over at Amanda and Tia, half hugging, half arms wrapped around each other, gossiping away like cheerleaders at a lunch table. They looked to be about the same age, and the familiarity they shared led me to believe they must have attended school or college together. Tia invited us in and showed us the guest bedroom, where I placed our bags. We were shepherded out her back door and onto the porch which had an amazing view. It was a stonework patio with decorative woodworking on the railings. There was a large break in the canopy of trees that revealed a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills and mountains. She motioned us to sit at her glass top table and pour everyone a cup of sweet tea.

"So darlin'," she started with her southern drawl, looking at Amanda, "Is this the fella you been telling me all about?"

Amanda blushed and nodded yes.

Tia's eyes turned to me as she looked at me, "Stand up for me please."

Something about the way she said that implied it wasn't a request. I looked at Amanda and she gave me a look of approval. Tia walked around me, looking me up and down, like a predator stalking her prey before a kill.

"May I?" Tia asked Amanda.

"Of course!" Amanda replied with all too much joy in her voice.

A hand slapped my ass and squeezed greedily. Tia and Amanda laughed heartily at my reaction, before Tia found her seat.

"Well, I certainly approve, and I might be just a little bit envious. He is certainly a wonderful specimen of a man," Tia said as she looked at me with a touch of mirth.

I shifted in my seat, feeling a little bit uncomfortable being put on display so lewdly.

"Of course, he must be quite the specimen since you've already surrendered your womb to him and are carrying his baby," Tia remarked with a million-dollar smile.

"Wha... how did you know?" Amanda asked, flustered her surprise was ruined.

"Darlin', you have that glow about you that only pregnant woman have. I knew it the moment you stepped outta the truck," Tia said in a tone that said implied she was offended Amanda even tried to hide it. "Besides, isn't that part of the reason you made the trip up here?"

Amanda sank in her seat, defeated and nodded in reply. There was an awkward few moment of silence.

"So, Tia," I asked, breaking the silence, "This is a lovely place you have here. How is it someone so young can afford a place like this all the way out here?"

Amanda and Tia looked at each other with a knowing glance and both broke into laughter.

Tia caught her breath long enough to ask me, "Sweetheart, how old do you think I am?"

I glanced at Amanda, who was covering her face and a smile with her hand. She gave me a look that screamed 'I dare you to answer that question'.

I cleared my throat and shifted a little in my seat, "Uhh... I don't know. Judging by appearance I wouldn't put you a day past thirty."

Another round of laughter from the girls. Tia reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

"Darlin', what if I told you I just had my 45th birthday?"

My eyes went wide. No way this girl, no woman, sitting across from me was in her mid-forties.

Tia's eyes narrowed into a predatory glare, "You'd be amazed at how different ways a man's cum can make you look and feel younger than you actually are."

Now it was my turn to blush. The girls shared a giggle as I squirmed in my seat, visually uncomfortable. Tia looked at Amanda with a look of mystery and nodded. Amanda reached under the table and squeezed my thigh.

"Babe, would you mind running the truck and getting my phone, I forgot to grab it, and I have some girly talk to discuss with Tia," Amanda asked gently.

I rose from my chair and gave Amanda a quick peck on the lips and took off through the house and out the front door. Checking the usual spots, I tried to locate Amanda's phone. It was a bright pink case with sunflowers and white polka-dots all around it, so it stood out just about anywhere. I looked under the seats, between the seats, floorboards, center console, glove compartment. Just about anywhere a phone could fit, I turned overlooking for Amanda's phone, with no luck. I walked around the truck and the driveway, wondering if she'd set it down on another vehicle and left it. Her phone was nowhere to be found at all. After a solid 15 minutes of searching, I admitted defeat and walked back into the house. I opened the front door and Tia was standing in her living room, waiting for me, completely naked. My hand flew to my face as I covered my eyes and averted my gaze.

"Tia! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..." I blurted out, embarrassed walking into the house without announcing myself.

Tia's fingers slipped into the front of my pants and she grabbed hold of my waist from my belt.

"Darlin', I appreciate your modesty, its noble, and adorable, but completely unnecessary," she said as she pulled my hand away from my face.

Tia's hair was dark, jet black. Her skin was golden brown from years of sunbathing on her patio in the summers. Perky, firm B cups jutted from her chest and complimented her 5'1" frame and curves quite well. Her pussy was completely shaved, and puffy, pink, swollen labia peeked out from between her folds. A runner's legs, tone and smooth fell down the rest of her body to her feet, complete with pink painted toenails. Her hand tugged at my belt as she crooked a finger at me, motioning me to follow her. I followed her through the house, her slender firm ass moving side to side with every step. For a woman in her mid-forties, she was incredibly attractive, and I felt a little ashamed and guilty that her figure started to get me hard. Sunlight blinded my eyes as we stepped out of the back door. When my vision cleared, Tia was standing behind Amanda, holding her cheeks in her hand. Amanda was on her knees, blindfolded. Her own panties bound her wrists together behind her back, and what I am assuming were Tia's panties, bound her ankles together. As I got closer, I realized that Amanda had earplugs in her ears.

"Uhhh... what's going on?" I said in a shaky voice.

"The real reason Amanda brought you up here," Tia exclaimed, softly running fingers through Amanda's hair. "She didn't know how to explain this to you, so she asked that I explain and show you what she wanted to tell you for a month now."

Tia's hands reached down and moved Amanda's hands like a puppet to my waist band. Amanda's hands felt around, undid my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and undid my zipper. Her fingers hooked my pants and boxers as she slid them down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them behind me. Amanda's hands felt around my legs and stomach until she found my hard cock pointing right at her. A few steps on her knees and she grabbed my cock and placed it into her mouth, sucking slowly, softly, sensually. Tia walked behind me and ran her hands up my back and along my buttock before kneeling next to Amanda, where she softly grabbed Amanda's chin as if to guide her mouth up and down my cock.
