The Old House on Drury Lane


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Feeling playful, Andi did a little striptease, leaving a trail of her clothes behind her as she shook her sweet little bootie all the way to the bed. And I was right behind her, rock hard and just itching to see her on her back with her eyes covered, as I explored every inch of her.

She got on the bed and crooked her finger, and I crawled up, then rolled my eyes and groaned when she slipped the blind over my head. "On your back, big guy," she murmured, as she brushed her lips across mine and kissed me.

My heart was pounding, wondering what she was going to do to me. Then I felt her tongue touch the tip of my cock, and I literally stopped breathing.

Holy crow. This was like a dream come true. As she licked me up and down, I was so pumped, my hips instantly shot up to meet her mouth. I could feel my eyes rolling all the way back in my head when she sank me into her mouth and started sucking. "Oh, man that feels incredible, Andi," I murmured, twisting my hands into her hair, wondering how I could be so lucky.

"I never thought I'd enjoy doing something like this, but it's kind of fun with you," she said with a smile in her voice, as she licked me up and down, rolling my balls between her fingers.

As she kept sucking and licking, and sliding me through her fist, though it felt crazy good, I really wished I could have the pleasure of seeing her lips stretched around me.

Then she surprised me again, when she pulled the blindfold off, took me in her hand and sank her little pussy down and mounted me. "I love looking into your eyes when we make love," she whispered as she slipped her tongue between my lips and kissed me as she rode me.

Okay, now I was officially in heaven. Damn, I was glad I'd married this woman. She might have been a little timid at first, but I loved how she'd become so comfortable about exploring her sexy side with me.

The way she was clenching me inside her, it didn't take long and I felt that indescribable tingle shooting right down my spine, straight to my balls. She kissed me as I came, leaving me breathless.

Then I decided, she'd had her fun, and it was my turn. I got her on her back and slipped the blindfold over her eyes and she gasped in surprise, though she still giggled a little nervously when I took her hands and cuffed them over her head on the headboard.

As I parted her legs, I loved the way her chest was heaving, sure I'd never seen her more aroused. Her scent was unreal as I kissed her quivering pussy, and gave her a little tongue-sex, licking and lapping and sliding a couple of fingers inside her, till I had her squirming on the bed. Nothing in the world was sweeter than watching her climax. Seeing every inch of her tremble, her nipples proudly erect, and her breasts quivering, as she tossed her head from side to side, and cried out, "Luca, I'm coming!"

I chuckled, as I licked around her little love button. "Already? I guess you get off on being naughty."

She nodded, "I think I do."

My eyebrows shot up to my forehead. Now I had feeling that our sex life, as incredible as it was, was only going to get hotter. Seeing as we'd unleashed my innocent little bride's wild side.

I uncuffed her, but left her blindfold in place when I made her yelp and I flipped her onto all fours and took her doggy-style. Which we'd discovered that she really enjoyed. And so did I, clutching her hips and being able to watch myself push into her body as she moaned and pushed back harder with every thrust, was such a beautiful way to make love.

Working a finger around her clit, we both began to groan as I thrust into her nice and deep, till I felt her shuddering, as we climaxed together.

I tore off her blindfold, and we collapsed together on the bed. Wrapping her hand in mine, we both looked at each and smiled as we fought to catch our breath. "I love this with you," she whispered. And I just couldn't stop smiling as I wrapped her in my arms and held her tight, till we both fell asleep.

To say we enjoyed our honeymoon, would probably be the biggest understatement ever.

When it was time to fly home, Andi looked a little wistful, I guess because of all the fun we'd had. "It's just so beautiful here, I almost hate to go home."

"We can always come back, and spend another week or two."

She nodded as we got on the plane. "I'd love that."

Things were pretty hot with us when we got home, too. We kissed more than we ever did, and we made love pretty much every night, exploring everything we could think of.


I was downtown, checking out a house, and since it was still early, I thought I should drop in and say hello to my dad, since I hadn't seen him since the wedding. "Hey, Pops." I walked in and waved to everyone in his shop, gave my dad a hug, and put a double espresso down on the little table beside him.

"Hey, how's married life treating you, Luca? one of the regular's asked me, chuckling, I guess expecting me to start complaining about my wife. But since I felt like the luckiest guy in the world, being married to a sweetheart like Andi, I shrugged and told him the truth. "It just keeps getting better every day."

My dad pointed at me, smiling. "Now that's a man in love."

He had that right. I was crazy about her, and could hardly wait to get home, so I could have her all to myself.

I chatted with a few of the guys while my dad finished trimming a guy's hair. Then I looked at my watch, and thought I'd better get going before the traffic got bad.

"Hey, Luca, before you go, I want to show you something," my father said, pointing at the back door, as he brushed a bit of hair off his customer's neck, and let him see the back of his head in the mirror.

I waited till he was done, and followed him out back to his garage.

When he opened the door, I didn't know what to say, they were just so cute. A pretty little reddish- brown dog was on her side in a bed that he'd made for her, nursing four adorable little puppies.

"I found her in here last week, right after she'd had them. I guess because the garage is heated, she snuck her way in here to have her babies. Now I've got to find them all homes. You know anybody who wants a dog?"

I shook my head, looking into her big brown eyes, wondering what Andi would think if I came home with a puppy, especially after what we'd just been through with Taz. "Andi and I had a dog for a few weeks. But the owner showed up and took him back. And I don't know if we want to go through something like that again."

"Well, I don't think anybody's going to come looking for these little guys, since their mother's a stray."

It was cute watching them nurse, they just looked so helpless. Finally, I shrugged and said, "Let me think on it, okay?"

"There's no hurry. They gotta be weaned before they can go anywhere. And your uncle Sal said he might take one, but he's gotta check with his wife first."

"You know Pops, if you put a picture of them up in your barber shop, you'll probably find homes for them in no time."

My dad smiled, as he pointed at the tiniest one, with a little white tip on its tail. "Isn't that cutest thing you've ever seen? With the hours I keep I could never have a dog. But I'd love to keep that one if I could, he's such a sweetie."

I gave him a quick hug and promised, "I'll get back to you, after I've talked to Andi."

"Make sure to say hi to her for me."

"I will."

I decided not to mention the dogs when I got home. Andi had dinner ready, and she met me at the door with a kiss.

When my dad called me one afternoon and said the pups were ready to go, I told him, "I was thinking we'll just come over and take a look at them, and see what she says."

He laughed. "I don't think she'll be able to say no, once she sees them."

He was right, too. Andi took one look at the reddish- brown furballs, reached down and picked up my dad's favorite, gave it a little nuzzle and said, "Oh, I would love to take you home."

When my father said that he was the last one left, and that the rest had found homes, we looked at each other and decided that the little guys would have a home with us.

Then she looked at the mother dog, looking back up at her with those big brown eyes. "But what about the mother? Has anyone offered to take her?"

Dad sighed, shaking his head. "I even offered to pay to get her fixed, but nobody wants a dog who's just had puppies."

"Then what if we took them both?"

I wasn't sure I heard her right. "You want two dogs?"

She nodded looking down at them. "They can keep each other company."

I shrugged, knowing when I was beat. "Okay, Pops, we'll take them both."

"Have you named them yet?" Andi asked my dad as she cuddled the pup.

"I call the mother Bella, because she's so pretty. And the little guy is Pico, because he's still so tiny, he's my little piccolino."

Her eyes glimmering with excitement, Andi gave my arm a squeeze. "At least we won't have to worry about what to name them." And when my father was out of earshot, she whispered, "And your father might come and see us more often, if he wants to see the puppy."

I nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right."

When we got out of bed on Saturday morning, we walked into the kitchen together, and Andi stopped and pointed her finger at the kitchen cupboards. "Luca, look what's hanging from the cupboard. That little witch is back." She looked at me, like I'd had a hand in it. "Did you bring it back up from the basement?"

Holy crap. I couldn't believe it was hanging right where I'd first put it. And I thought everything was okay, now that we'd gotten married, but maybe not. "I threw it away in the garbage when I found it outside. And I don't how it got there."

I looked over, surprised to see Andi was smiling. "You know the medium at the sƩance said that sometimes spirits use things to communicate." She nodded at the dogs. "And I've got a feeling, now that we're married and we've got a little family with these two, that Elizabeth is just letting us know that she's happy for us." Then she reached for my hand and placed it on her belly. "Especially now, that Elizabeth's getting what she wanted, and we're going to have a baby in the house."

I stared at her belly and back up at her face. "Are you serious?"

She smiled. "Yes. I checked twice, just to be sure, and we're going to have a baby, Luca."

I was so happy, I picked her up and kissed her as I spun her around. Then I thought I better put her down, in case I hurt her. "Are you feeling, okay? You're not having morning sickness or anything, are you?"

"Luca, I'm fine. I'm only a few weeks along."

"Oh, wow. Wait till we tell our families. They're going to be so excited. Especially your mother, with this being her first grandbaby."

"I think just to be on the safe side, we should wait a few more weeks before we tell anyone."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Yeah, probably a good idea to wait." Though I don't think I'd ever felt more excited.

I covered her flat little bell with my hand. "I can still hardly believe there's a life growing inside you, that we made together." She lifted my hand to her lips and kissed my fingers, looking a little misty-eyed.

Not really caring that we were having a moment, the dogs were getting excited, because they wanted out. Andi took a look out the kitchen window. "It's so sunny out, we should take them for a walk on the beach, and let them have a run."

"Yeah, there's no snow on the ground, so there's no risk of you falling."

She just rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I'll go get my coat." I couldn't help it, I knew I was going to be overprotective, now that I had two of them to worry about.

Whenever they got on the beach, Bella and Pico loved to run around in circles chasing each other. We were both laughing at how fast they were scooting around. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed a big dog come running at right them.

My heart in my throat, I grabbed them up, hoping he wasn't going to attack them. Then a lady walking behind him, called out, "It's okay, he's friendly. He loves seeing other dogs and just wants to play."

Then Andi's eyes went wide, when she recognized him. "Luca, it's Taz!"

I got down on my knees in the sand, and Taz was so excited to see me, he kept trying to lick my face, his whole backend wagging like crazy. The owner walked up to us with a man on her arm. "Oh, it's nice to see you two again. When we first met, I don't think I even introduced myself, I was just so happy that I'd found him."

She extended her hand. "I'm Joan." And she smiled at the man beside her. "And this is my boyfriend, Kevin."

"This is my wife, Andi, and I'm Luca." I looked at Andi, and I blurted out, "And we're going to have a baby."

"Well, congratulations," they both said at once.

"Yeah, I just found out."

Andi was shaking her head at me, but was still smiling, I guess realizing how excited I was about becoming a dad.

Knowing we frequented the same beach, I told them, "Well, we should probably get back home. But we'll probably see you again, and the dogs can have another play date."

Andi and I both gave Taz a little pat before they wandered down the beach.

Andi took me by the arm, smiling up at me. "Well, Papa, I guess we should call the family and tell them our news, before they hear it from someone else."

When I phoned my mother, she was tickled pink. She asked about the due date and how Andi was feeling. I told her the baby should be due around September, then I let her talk to Andi.

While Andi was telling her mother about the baby, knowing she'd be a while, since she'd want to tell all her sisters the news, I popped out and bought an old-fashioned looking gold picture frame. She'd just got off the phone and saw me placing the picture on the mantel.

"Oh Luca, that looks perfect there."

I nodded looking at Elizabeth and her beau William smiling back at us. "I figured they were responsible for all of this, so they should have a place of honor in the house."

She laughed. "You mean because she haunted us, till we finally got together?"

"No. If Elizabeth hadn't put that stipulation in her will, we never would have come to see the place, pretending to be engaged. And we wouldn't have bought the house together, or ever gotten married." I stroked her belly. "Or given Elizabeth what she always wanted, the joy of seeing a child growing up in this house."

Andi circled her arms around my neck and kissed me. "And from what Lacy said, she really wanted to see this place filled with love."

"Well, she got her wish, because I do love you," I said as I drew her against me and gave her buns a little squeeze.

"Hmm, and I love you, too."

"So, I was just wondering, now that you're pregnant, can we... still fool around?"

She gave me a wink. "You bet we can."

Naked in our bed, looking up as Andi eased her way down on me, clenching around me tight, with a very naughty look in her eyes, I realized I really did have it all. A gorgeous, sexy wife, a new baby on the way, and this big beautiful old house, where we could grow old together.

Okay, so the house came with a spirit or two living in the attic, and a persistent little witch that kept popping up when we least expected. But I figured we could live with it. Especially when I got to make love to the cutest little redhead in whole wide the world.

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SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfun10 months agoAuthor

What a nice surprise to see that this story was nominated for as a Reader's Choice pick for October 2022, and is a nominee for story of the year. Thanks to everyone who read this and enjoyed it!

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

Love those red heads!


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Nicely done, a romance story that really fits the category!!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Outstanding story. I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much.


SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for your kind comment, and for pointing out that it's been pirated.

Unfortunately, the thief downloaded 20 stories off of Literotica, including this one. Now I'll have to jump through some hoops to prove that this story is mine, in order for Amazon to take down the pirated copy.

texquilltexquillover 1 year ago

I see that a pirate has posted this story for sale on Amazon! "by Ashwin Kr | Nov 4, 2022

Kindle Edition"

Great story - certainly 5 stars.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Mature category? I felt like this was a romance, a really good romance! 5/5

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 1 year ago

Great fun story! A bit different than most Literotica fair but a fun read. I enjoyed it from start to finish.



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Their initial time(s) in bed seemed a bit hasty and forced. I almost laughed out loud when he first went down on her. At that time in the relationship it was unbelievably premature. I know this is fiction and the ghost part was a mechanism to get them together, but it was stilted and fake. Sorry. 4* for an otherwise fun story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

had me griped from start to finish

PickFictionPickFictionover 1 year ago

An excellent story, as I expected it would be. It was longer than most, but it held my rapt attention all the way through. I had to read it in two sittings and could barely wait for the second to come around. Cleverly conceived and excellent for the season. Best of luck in the contest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A very enjoyable read like all of your stories. Thanks.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Hi, S&F, really fun and sexy story! It was a fun concept (I read an article about tenancy in common onlineā€”yes, it is real) and the haunted /ghost aspect was a great twist. I liked the parts with the dogs, too, including the emotional parts, and was smiling when the surprise I was expecting at the end came to pass. Great job, five stars, and good luck with the contest!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
great story

Well told, not sure why it was in this category as there could have been at least two others that would have been more to the point as age was never an issue for any of the characters, but hey; I found it and love it!! Any mistakes were noticed only by frustrated or paid readers. Great stuff, thank you so much for sharing!

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