The Perfect Beginning Ch. 03


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Super sexy!

Flipping down his panties, "Look what she did to his bush!" 

"Oh my god, I love it!  It's so delicate...and pretty!  And the panties make it all perfect!"

Being emotionally handled this way, being objectified physically and sexually caused Tim to erect.

Tim had a nice cock; maybe even a perfect cock, biggish without being so big that it was work.  And it was kind of cute in panties, not that she longed for a cute cock.  No panty cocks for Becky.  Becky wanted Man-Cock that would put her in her place.  At any rate, doing as Michele said had become paramount to Becky.  Helping her with this was easy in that she was a natural actress.  Almost everybody thought she was a bimbo but she was anything but.


Sitting in the Lounge, Tim reflected and felt a little unsettled.  He'd hoped that his best friend would suggest to him that Michele was just playing with his emotions as she had since they'd been together.

"It's not like I've not been in a men's locker room, you know. From what I can tell, I'm looking about like everybody else."

"Don't tell me the boys in the locker room are walking around with hard ons? No way."

"No, of course not."

"Oh my god, that would be amazing!" Becky would love to be in a room full of hard, young men. "That's where I want to be," she laughed while unsure if she was joking.

No, definitely not joking. A real stud farm! Died and gone to heaven.

"Yeah, that's part of the magic and excitement of it all. When they are not excited, they mostly look the same. Then he gets excited and magic happens. It's beautiful...when you realize he's big, at least. The point is, when they are soft, they all look the same. You can't know if he's a boy or a man until he gets hard. That's when he shows us who he really is."

"A big cock is like, the most exciting discovery!  We girls talk with one another so word definitely gets out."

This made sense to Tim as he'd overheard his share of conversations between guys as they discussed sex and different girls at school. 

Becky conveyed both seriousness and rapt joy as she continued, "But the most exciting thing is when I discover it on my own.  It's so wonderful when you are opening that Christmas package and you know in your little-girl heart that it's going to be good and then you lay eyes on it and it's bigger and better than you hoped for.  Love that! 

"Oh my god, getting a little light headed over here.  Starting to melt. Some girls need that, sweetie.

"I guess not every girl needs big.  I'm sure medium or average is...sufficient, like good enough for many.  But this much is true, I've never, not once in my life, ever heard even a single girl hold out her pinkie and say she wanted small.  And sorry, but a baby-dick will never be a girl's prize, she'll never like...want it.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but that's part of why I liked being around you from the beginning."

"What do you mean?" he asked confusedly.

"I mean, I felt totally safe around you.  You weren't coming on to me and I knew you weren't going to hit on me."

"What are you saying?  How could you be so sure?  I might have hit on you.  You know I think you are like, the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Well if you want me to just come out and say it, I will.  Okay, first there was Michele.  People like us don't leave people like Michele. 

"And yes, I had a sense about her being stronger than you. 

"Besides, I knew right away that you weren't...that you...that you had a small penis.  There, I said it! 

"Small guys just know I'm out of their league.  I mean, you are a great looking guy.  It's just're a little guy.  I don't always know when they are big, but I can always spot a little-guy."  She smiled. 

"And I like that about you," Becky tried to say encouragingly.  "I like that you are a little-guy. It's a little boy way. It's part of why we are friends." 

It's no big thing.

She nearly laughed but then felt badly. She hated saying this to him and hated even more the devastation she saw all over his face. 

She reminded herself that Michele came first and with Michele's imagined satisfaction, Becky was able to derive her own pleasure in this. 

"You and I could never have been together like that.  Even without Michele.  Don't think less of me, but I need real''s my weakness," she said trying to bare some small part of the guilt.

Though he thought their physical needs were different, he understood where she was coming from.  It hurt, but he understood.  Kimberly and Becky knew the truth which was that in certain ways, their emotional needs were the same: they both craved submitting to a dominant and controlling partner.  And in Tim's mind, big cock was naturally dominant.  Tim reasoned that it might have been because he had a small penis that he responded emotionally to Michele's commanding presence the way he did. 

It's nature's way.

"Besides, you have a bit of a reputation, you know.  I did not hear of it until after the Halloween party, but it only confirmed what I already knew."

"What do you mean?"

"Tim, everybody here knows you have a small penis.  Tiffany let the cat out of the bag. 

"I'm sure it makes sense to everybody who knows, why you hang out in the Lounge every day.  You belong here.  This is your safe place...with girls. 

"And it's probably why the girl's here even tolerate you coming here.  Being so small, we just kinda see you as one of us, just one of the girls."  She smiled brightly.  "You fit in because they feel safe around you.  They don't even really recognize your masculinity in like a practical, social-sexual way; if that's even a word.  You know what I mean.  You are safe.  You are one of us.  You fit in!  At least in here, you are just one of the girls.  Enjoy it.

"Now don't worry about it!  It's okay, some girls...  You know it doesn't even matter.  Just stay on Michele's good side because I think that's why she puts up with it...or allows it.  Just always be your best, little self.  God, you are sooooooo lucky."


On this day, she was content to just make out with the girl.  Besides, Tim would be home pretty soon.  There was something so exciting about having something so beautiful, so physically perfect.  Becky's  dependent need was just as beautiful to Michele as her perfect physical beauty.  Becky knew herself and unlike Tim, did not at all struggle with her nature and well before any kind of physical intimacy, demonstrated her submission to Michele.  Michele knew the girl needed to make herself vulnerable to Michele. 

Michele had come so far in her understanding of herself, her predatory nature, her drive for intimate control and dominance, that she recognized and understood her reciprocal.  She understood well her power over the Beckys of the world.  

Michele was awash in sexual power and she could not have been more pleased...or so she thought.  As they kissed, or rather, as Michele kissed Becky, the older girl reached her hand between her legs and began rubbing herself feverishly.  Michele thought it so animalistic and her energy so frantic.  After Becky orgasmed she was compelled by her nature to reveal one of her deepest needs to the young, controlling girl to whom she was absolutely drawn.  

She whispered into Michele's ear, "I'm a nymphomaniac.  I like, totally need it.  All day long." 

Knowledge was power and she wanted Michele to have more power over her.  With knowledge of her dark secret, knowing that Becky brought herself to at least ten or eleven orgasms a day, that she often made herself cum in the bathroom stalls at school between classes...and sometimes in class, gave Michele all the more power.  She consciously wanted to be more vulnerable to Michele.

Michele smiled.


Coming up behind him, "The best news!"  She minced her way quickly around the bench and sat down.


"I asked Michele," Becky paused and settled herself.  She almost referred to the young goddess as Ms. Michele.  "I asked Michele and she said I could go with you to get mani/pedis next time you all go!"

To Tim, it was not exactly the best news


"Honey, I'd like you to wash and wax the kitchen floor.  You don't mind do you?"  She patted his head as though he'd already agreed and she wanted to show her condescending approval.

Looking up from his studies, "Michele, I...I want to but...but..."

"Good, then do it," she began to unload her backpack on the dining room table where they did their work.  "When you are finished, you'll find a list of chores sitting right here for you on the table."  She smiled at him.

"I...I can't.  I mean I want to," he lied, "but I have a big final Tomorrow.  It's kind of critical."

"It would mean a lot to me if you did the kitchen though.  Don't you want to make me happy?" she smiled at him.

"God, yeah, totally," he said enthusiastically, now sort of wanted to do the floor only because it would make her pleased with him.  "It's just that I need to do well in this class.  I'm going to be sending out applications soon and well..."

"You know baby, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."  

This immediately put Tim on edge.

"What does this relationship mean to you?" she asked bluntly.

"Um...everything.  I'm in love with you, Michele."

"That a boy.  But I wonder if you really mean it? You know, like really."

Tim now knew he was in deep, dark water.  "I do, I mean it.  You are my everything."

"Your 'everything'?"

"Yes!  Oh my god, I'm so in love with you!"

"You are so sweet."  She ruffled his hair as though he were a young boy.  "I've been doing a lot of thinking and I know that one day I might want to take your hand in marriage."  

Isn't it supposed to be worded the other way around?

"And don't worry, I don't mean any time soon.  God, that won't be for years...if it does happen.  But you'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Yes!  Oh my god, yes!"

"Of course you would," Michele smiled.  "I can just see you and Becky getting all excited while planning the wedding.  Little girls love doing that stuff.  

"What is one of the most important things in our relationship?" she quizzed him.

"To obey you?"

"Yes, good.  What else?"

"To make you happy?"

"Yes!  That's it!  You do want to make me happy don't you?"

"Oh my god, yes!  Totally Michele!  I am so in love with you!"

Michele laughed at his enthusiasm, "Easy, boy.  Okay, so what's with all this talk about college?"

"Um, well, I don't know, I just want to be something, someday.  You know, like have a career and all."

"That's so cute, I love it.  Okay, so here's the thing: one day I might ask for, I mean, take your hand in marriage and well...I want my little man at home.  Technically, you will be my husband, but really, you will be more like my wife, like in the traditional a good way.  You will be my well kept wife," Michele smiled both at Tim and the vision of it all.

Tim was dumbfounded.  "But Michele..."

"Honey, don't worry your pretty little head about it, it's all been decided.  There's no need for college. I'm keeping you at home and I'm going to teach you to be the best little house husband a woman could ever want.  I'll train you to be perfect!"

"No," he said, trying to find his courage.  "No Michele.  No...I won't!" 

Tim was giddy at the idea of being married to Michele but he knew their marriage would be a little different as was their relationship.  Truth be told, he was more than a little thrilled with it all.  Yet he had to take a stand. 

This was all too much.  Michele could not treat him this way!  He could not surrender all his decision making power to her.  What if she left him?  It was one thing to tell him to do the dishes, but this was something else all together. 

It was not fair that she could make life changing decisions that profoundly affected a future that she might not even be apart of.  What if she did not want to marry him?  What if she made this choice for him and then broke up with him?  "You can't Michele."

"That's 'Ms. Michele'," she corrected with a smile.

"Sorry, Ms. Michele," he recited.

"Good boy, but I think we both know I can," she smiled cooly.

"But..."  Tim had accepted a lot.  His love of Michele, this love that was between them was different and sometimes pretty damn hard on him, but for the most part he accepted all of it.  Michele had the power and by and large, he was strangely comforted by that.  Yet this went so far beyond obedience and sex. 

Michele was now attempting to wrest from him the power to make long term, far reaching, life decisions that committed him to a course utterly divergent from what he'd planned.  She was now taking control of his future! 

"Ms. Michele, please...  I won't do this!" he uttered stubbornly.  There was nothing sexually thrilling about this and he felt on the edge of a panic attack.  He'd been so thoroughly conditioned and well trained that submission and obedience to Michele felt natural and came automatically. 

"You silly boy, I can and I've made up my mind on the matter. You are doing this," she said with arms crossed, wide inquisitive eyes and the warmest closed mouth smile. 

"Now I know this is a lot for you, but I'm warning you to watch your tone.  I'll not accept a sass-mouth from you, Timothy. And if you are not careful young man, you'll earn yourself a trip over my knee.  Does my boy need a little smack-bottom?  A little bottom warming?  Hmm?"  She smiled broadly. "Do you need a hot-bottom to persuade you?"

They both knew she was not suggesting they have foreplay.  Michele was offering real punishment in exchange for continued disobedience and noncompliance.

God, she's fucking enjoying this! 

"Fuck it!  No way am I doing this!  This is total bullshit, Michele!"  Tim got up from the table in a furry.

"Well now look at you," she said with calm indignation, "you're having a temper tantrum." 

Michele almost felt a little guilty for enjoying this as much as she did.  She knew this was hard for Tim, but it could not be helped.  This decision was best for them and she reasoned that she had every right to enjoy herself. 

I've earned this. I've earned the right to make these decisions for him and I've earned the right to enjoy it.

"God, this is fucking bullshit!  You can't make decisions like this Michele!  Fuck this!"

Michele stood akimbo, feet hips width apart.  She was the picture of domestic, stern and authoritarian motherhood.  Her nipples were rock  "Now you've earned yourself a spanking, Timmothy; I hope you're proud of yourself," she said projecting regret and unforgiving determination.

"Fuck that.  You're not spanking me!" 

Tim expected to feel empowered by this declaration, yet it only brought him a sense of vague trepidation. He knew in the back of his head that he'd crossed a line and he'd pay for it. 

So what! 

He made his way toward her bedroom door to be alone.  As he grasped the bedroom door knob, he knew there was something wrong with this, with what he was doing, with him, but he did not know what it was.  He stood for a half beat searching unsuccessfully through his thoughts for the source of his dissonance.

Michele knew there was no way she could force Tim over her knee, so she did the only thing that made sense.  In his troubled hesitance, she said calmly, "You will be spanked, Timmothy.  And the longer you keep me waiting, the harder it is going to be on you, little man.  You will do as you are told. 

"When you are ready for your spanking, come and ask me nicely for it.  I'll be waiting, but I'll actually feel badly for you if you keep me waiting too long."


Michele enjoyed the wait.  She did her homework with a sense of purpose and wellbeing.  Occasionally she spared Tim a thought and smiled to herself.  He was nice and safe in her room. Safely tucked away. 

My kept boy. 

She smiled to her herself contentedly.  Briefly, she wished she could lock the door, keeping him there until she decided to release him. 

She wanted a house husband or in some way...or if truth be told, in many ways, a house-wife.  Michele was possessive and wanted her man out of circulation, so keeping him in the home was the best thing. 

Much more importantly, she wanted him financially dependent on her.  Money was clearly a form of power.  She knew this would only enhanced her sense of possession over Tim and bolstered her power.  She was enjoying this more than she even imagined.  Michele got off on power, she loved it. 

One day, I'll have a room I can lock him in.  You're grounded, young man! 

She smiled at the thought. 

Maybe a locking, walk-in closet in my bedroom! 

She was getting horny. 

Home work.  Focus.  


Tim's rage began to melt as soon as he'd closed her bedroom door. 

He wished that he'd not cursed in front of Michele as he was not allowed to use "potty talk."  He knew what she asked of him was wrong, but he also wished he'd behaved differently.  Did he have to get so angry?  Even though She shouldn't ask all this of him, he did not need to show Her his anger. 

Now he was scared.  He'd earned himself a spanking and the longer he kept her... 

But it wasn't fair and he was still mad.  Yet his anger shrank in equal measure to his growing fear.  

He'd been in this position before.  In some ways, before he babysat Michele, he thought of himself as a rebel.  He'd rebelled against Michele's tyranny before, though never quite like this. 

It was in situations like these that he began to think of Michele as Mother.  Subconsciously it was fundamentally and profoundly sexual.  Yet consciously, he was only willing to think of her as Mother because of the authority and disciplinary aspect of their unusual relationship.  Not recognizing just how much it aroused him to think of her as Mother was due to the profound and understandable dissonance this caused him.

Then his shadow of confusion cleared and it dawned on him why he felt so much angst when entering Michele's bedroom.  He knew that leaving Michele was not an option.  He'd suspected as much but not since she'd first spanked him was it put to the test.  She was pushing him to the breaking point and he still could not leave her. 

Instead of the front door, he was "leaving" his Love by hiding away in Her bedroom like a little boy having a temper tantrum. 

In Mother's room.  I can never leave her.  Never!

On a far more positive note, she wanted to marry him.

Or she might! 

That would be like a dream come true for Tim who was so madly and deeply in love with Michele. 

Him staying at home made a certain sense too; it's just that he felt like he should at least be in on the decision!  It was so scary having a capricious girl make his life decisions for him.  Maybe had she told him of her decision after they'd been married, he'd have felt less vulnerable.  At the very least, she'd have committed herself to him. 

Without going to a ten year college, what kind of future would he have if Michele ever left him?  She was making the choice, yet all the risk was his.  It wasn't right! 

Yet what choice did he have? 

And him staying home was important to Michele, so shouldn't it be important to him too?  He wanted always to support Michele, please her and be there for her.  And then he really did get excited.

What if she really does choose me! 

Already he wanted to tell Becky.  He knew how happy she'd be for him and Kimberly.  He knew that Becky would teach Kimberly everything she'd need to know to plan a wedding.  Tim knew he'd made a terrible, terrible mistake. 

What was I thinking!


Michele was just finishing up on her homework as Tim emerged, rather sheepishly from her bedroom.  She smiled warmly, "Is somebody ready for his spanking?"