The Perfect Crime Pt. 06


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"The Cowboys losing to the Packers of Green Bay, I believe it was, just made it that much sweeter."

"How did it go with her 3 brothers?" I asked.

"You can't have everything, sir. They referred to me as Sir Bobby all weekend, but I am the youngest of 5 brothers, and 2 sisters, plus being in Her Majesties Royal Marines, prepared me well. They also thought it was wicked that I was a noble, although a minor one. They liked the fact I could ride and shoot. Anyway, I believe that, with your permission, I have secured a trip to England for the young lady in question. Quite on the up and up, you understand."

"Congratulations, son."

With that, the intercom buzzed; "Mr. Tremaine, a call for you on line 2."

"Who is it, Janine?"

"UH, I believe it's Judge McMillan, sir."

My gut clenched.

Robert smirked slightly: "Oh, did I mention the Judge said he was going to call you?"

"I'm pretty sure you forgot that, son" I said.

I picked up the phone, and said "James Tremaine here. What can I do for you, your honor?"

"I entrusted my only daughter to your care in that God forsaken hell hole, and what do you do? You let some sweet talking Limey playboy come and sweep her off her feet. What do you have to say for yourself, boy???"

...... "Oh, yeah, sorry to hear about your wife."

The judge was on a role. "Uh, sir, he's here with me now. I uh......."

"I know that."


"I..uh ..thought you were on pretty good terms there, sir?"

"We are. But I wasn't about to miss a chance to give you a hard time. By the way, don't mention this phone call to my wife, or I'll be up there bunking with you for a spell. She seems to think the world of him. And a lord, or knight, or what ever he is...... just icing on the cake."

"Thank you, sir" piped up Robert.

"My pleasure, son. And don't let that Giant's fan corrupt you any more then he already has. That is one beautiful child you have there, son . Talk to you soon, James." Robert was chuckling openly when the Judge hung up, and I was pretty sure I could hear the judge chuckle, also, as he hung up.

"He told me that, too" he said.

"So what else do you have up your sleeve for me?"

"Nothing much. I'll let Cynthia spring the rest on you."

He got up to leave, shook my hand, and left me figuring I still had quite a bit of work to do to shake my dumb ass rep.

Thirty minutes later, Miss McMillan knocked on my door. I said come in, and she entered. "Mr. Tremaine, I would like to take some vacation some time in February, next year, if it is o.k. with you."

"You work for Jeremy, you don't have to ask me."

"Well, sir, my dad said I should, as it is your fault I need the time off."

"Does this have anything to do with the trip to England?"

"Uh, yes sir, it does. ...Did you know his daughter's name is Cynthia, also?"

"No dear, I didn't. Well, clear it with Jeremy. It's o.k. with me. And congratulations."


"You'll see."

I checked with Pete and Mike, and then called Giselle. She was ready, and said she would talk to me Tuesday. I called down to Allan, and he said he was really looking forward to this.

"Great! We'll pick you here Tuesday morning, at about 9:00, and drive to the airport. Thanks, buddy."

"Any time, buddy."

Tuesday dawned brisk, and clear. We collected all the personnel, and made our way to the Big Airport. The G-3-B was waiting with the APU running. We loaded up, and climbed on board. "Oh, yeah" said Pete, "I could really get used to this."

"NO, PETE," I told him again. "No company airplane!" He grumbled a little, and strapped himself in. The co-pilot got on the overhead, and told us to prepare for takeoff, as the pilot started the engines turning. Minutes later, we were taxiing out, 2nd for takeoff. Soon after that, we were clawing our way into the sky, as the landing gear came up, and we banked towards Biloxi.

90 minutes later, we touched down in Mississippi, and taxied to Millionaire Flight Center.

We picked up the rentals, and went and checked into the Doubletree Hotel, on the coast. We called Attorney Tim McGee, and firmed up tomorrow. Then I called Sgt. Thomas Jefferson 3rd of the Mississippi State Police, making sure we were also firmed up for tomorrow.

When we had covered all the personnel bases, we went over all the paper work. Finally, we figured we were ready. We broke for dinner, and went to get some local seafood. We ate, and returned to the hotel, and crashed for the night.

The following morning, we met in the restaurant for breakfast, then drove to the office of Attorney Tim Mc Gee. He greeted us, and showed us to his conference room. Coffee was served, along with bottles of water. We hashed out the details, and waited for the first two miscreants to arrive.

Mr. Joe Deson and his lawyer arrived, followed closely by Mr. Arthur Wallace and his attorney. Mr. Deson was married 6 years, with 2 children. He was the presumed father of my Sonia. Mr. Wallace had been married 6 years, and had no children. Tim started the interrogation.

"Gentlemen, we are here to make right the injustice done to Ms. Jillian Ravenaux." He slid papers over to the two men, and their lawyers. "In front of you are the hospital reports on Jillian's sexual assault, physical attack, injuries, drug induced rape, and subsequent pregnancy. Mr. Deson, you have been identified as the father of Jillian's child.

"This is the birth certificate for the child's birth. Notice the absence of a father's name. Ms. Ravenaux was unsure of the father's identity because of the rape. These are the sworn affidavits from the E.R. doctor, and the attending nurses at the time of her admittance. We also had DNA evidence of your sexual intercourse."

"That's compliments of Juicy Jillian, friend" said Pete from behind them. They whorled around, and gasped "YOU" to Pete. Then their lawyers spoke up.

"This is all purely circumstantial. You have no evidence of any of this."

"You are right, sir. And we would not go to trial with these facts. However, we will be speaking to your wives about these actions, and subpoenaing everyone. I'm sure your wives will be very interested in these events, and the 'fishing trip' you and Cyrus Carstens took when Jillian went into labor."

"Now look here....." started the first lawyer.

"And when we get done with Cyrus, do you think your 'friend' will stand by you??"

The two men looked at each other, and said "What do you want from us?"

"Now wait a minute, guys" the two lawyers said. Then the kicker, "Sign the admissions in front of you about what happened to Jillian, and what you were told to do, who told you to do it, and what you got from it."

"Are you kidding me??" blurted Deson. "That's a confession."

"We have an affidavit stating these admissions will never be used against you in a court of law. If you refuse" he said, looking them square in their eyes, "Did you see those two state troopers out in the waiting room??"

He left it hanging. The two lawyers went apoplectic. Deson and Wallace grabbed the two pads in front of them, and furiously started writing.

"And no word to our wives?" said Wallace. "You have our word. There's a statement to that effect already prepared."

McGee's paralegal collected the statements, and passed them to McGee. He read them, and handed them Allan Dowling. He read them, nodded, and passed them to the paralegal for notarization. She collated them, stapled them, and handed them to Tim. He then passed the exoneration statement to the two men, and said "Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen."

"What about the two cops??" Deson asked.

"What about them? I think they're waiting for some mortgage paperwork, or something." If looks could kill, I think Tim would have had a heart attack. "Two down, one to go" I said. We broke for lunch.

At 12:30, we were setting up for round two. Everything was in order, and were just waiting for shithead and his lawyer to arrive. Our State Trooper friends were situated out in the lobby, feeling refreshed from lunch, and we were discussing how to handle this afternoon. Pete came over to me, and he and Mike were standing close.

"Don't do anything foolish, boss."

"Pete's right, sir. Let him and me do the foolish stuff for you." I looked up at the two of them, and grinned. "Is that what I'm paying you for?" "Yeah" said Pete, "But not enough....... Yet."

At 1:00 p.m., Cyrus Combs Carstens and his polyester suited mouthpiece walked in like they owned the place. Introductions were made, and his lawyer took a seat. Cyrus, however, continued to stand.

"I don't understand why we are here. I demand that you produce my wife, and we be allowed to leave."

"Mr. Carstens, my name, again, is Giselle Anderson. I am Ms. Ravenaux's attorney, and I don't think you have the right to make that demand. First of all, YOU are not married to Ms. Ravenaux; you never have been. These documents show that your marriage license was a forgery; it was never notarized, not filed with the county in Reno, and was not even signed by the officiating person. We have filed articles of Annulment with the states of Nevada, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. All have been received and approved by the applicable authorities, and are quite legal."

All this time, she had been passing signed and notarized forms to Carsten's lawyer, who appeared to be growing more uncomfortable by the minute. Cyrus, meanwhile had slowly sagged into his chair, and the color was draining from his face. His lawyer was shooting him sideways looks that could not bode well for him. Giselle then shifted gears, and hit him again.

"But wait, there's more......" and turned to Tim.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Carstens, I know you don't remember me, sir, but I remember you. This is a restraining order against you, and your agents for the safety of Ms. Ravenaux and the minor child, one Sonia Ravenaux. The child is not of your issue, as can be attested to by DNA and paternity test, and the results of blood tests and a rape kit." His lawyer finally spoke up: "These tests were run almost 5 years ago."

" Yes, but if you note the date, time stamps, and the chain of custody receipts, they have been secured in the files of South Coast General Hospital right here in Biloxi. They are germane to our case, as are the signed affidavits of Mr. Joseph Deson, and Mr. Arthur Wallace-you remember them, don't you sir?- to the rape and sodomization of Ms. Ravenaux.

"It was consensual; She begged for it, and I....."

His lawyer placed his hand on his arm, and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, blood test, and toxicological test results show she was drugged. The police report also supports this. You had forgotten about the police report, hadn't you, sir??"

All this time he had been passing documents to Carsten's lawyer, who was increasingly looking at him like he was some kind of sewer refuse. Carsten, on the other hand, looked liked he shouldn't have had the sushi for lunch. Then Tim lateraled to Allan Dowling, and the fun really started.

"Mr. Carstens, I am a criminal attorney representing Ms. Ravenaux's interests. You have been a busy man, sir; we have you involved in kidnapping, forgery, false imprisonment, drug trafficking, rape, sodomy, interstate transportation for sexual purposes, falsification of police reports, ......and all around being a slime. Now, this is what you are going to do-a complete confession of all actions concerning Ms. Ravenaux, and a admittance of guilt to all charges. It turn, we will give you an affidavit attesting that nothing will be be used against you in court.

"If you don't" and with this Allan leaned forward, and his voice dropped several octaves; he was in prosecutor mode "the gloves come off. While it will cause Ms. Ravenaux some embarrassment, it will definitely not go well for you. We will take you to court, and prosecute you to the fullest extant of the law. It will result in prison, possibly federal prison."

"She's just doing this to keep me from sharing in her inheritance" he blustered.

I started to rise, and Pete and Mike kept me in my seat. Allan never missed a beat. "Oh, you mean Ravenaux Island?? Her grandfather sold that about 2 two weeks ago, to Raptor Petroleum. It is no longer in play. Now, suppose we get this taken care of??"

His lawyer leaned in to him, and in his best stage whisper, said "Write this up, and take the deal, or your father will hang you out to dry. You saw the two State Cops out side. Why do you think they're here?" He blanched, and looked furtively around the table. His eyes settled on me. "And who the fuck are you??" he sneered.

"I'm your worse fucking nightmare, scumbag."

He blanched, cursed, and grabbed the pad and pen, and started writing. He wrote for about 20 minutes, and then signed it. He tossed the pad to Allan, who calmly perused it, and handed it off to the paralegal. She notarized them, collated them, and stapled them together. She handed them back to Allan, and resumed note taking.

"What about the two cops outside?" said his lawyer.

Tim looked around, and said "I think they're still waiting for their mortgage paperwork."

The two 'persons' left, and Pete and Mike both breathed a sigh of relief. Alan came over with a smile on his face. "Well, you were pretty well behaved. I guess we'll let you see your friend tonight." He chuckled, and hugged me. "It's done, pal. You did it."

"No; you all did it. You all did a fantastic job. I'm forever in your debt. Thank very, very much."

James took out his cell phone, and punched in a special number. "Tremaine, Anderson, and Dowling, Attorneys at Law." "Put me through to Wills and Estates, please." "One moment, sir. Who shall I say is calling?" "Just put put me through, Casey. It's a surprise." "Yes, sir, one moment please."

"Wills and Estates, Jillian Ravenaux speaking. Can I help you?"

"How are you today, Mrs. Tremaine? I love you." All he can hear on the other side was crying, and shrieking laughter.

Told you it was a love story.

To be Concluded.............

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NitpicNitpic3 months ago

Does he ever do any proper legal work?.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sssooooo many holes and extraneous nonsense. Pity, otherwise a decent story without the childish aside commentary!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The marriage was not legal. All that's needed is a Nevada Court document stating that and then marry here.

Doing the homework to get the goods on the three bad guys, well useful there. It turns my stomach to let the two rapists take a "please deal" but to use to gain the durtbags written confession and then trash it is ridiculous. HE SHOULD HAVE GONE TO PRISON. The criminal trial would have had the two rapists subpoenaed. THAT would have required the MC to turn over the confessions they were contractually required to honor. Turning them over could open them to breach.

The best the rapists should have been nothing. This is a legal and political nightmare for the bad guys. Turn all the evidence over to the state AG. Given the massive legal training of the MC group, combined with 30+ miles in money to make this case public record if the AG dodged it OR the Judge tried to dismiss it, ALL THREE would have gone to prison. The girl did not get justice. The entire legal stuff was staring the fog with your finger and about as useful.

If the marriage was a fraud then there was no reason to buy the oil either.

Granted this was, in other respects, a good story, but issues discussed above really wrecked it.

Oh, as for him shooting those people? Double tap is appropriate. I have no problem with those scum being sent to hell.[NO apologies to the Soc. Justice, anti-gun, pro-criminal elements out there.]

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent story - good couplings but am worried about how the killings will be addressed. Could the conclusion be a downer?

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

You over write, you put to much filling into your story , if she wasn’t married how come you wrote that they had to get an annulment? Just marry her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The so called husband is a murderer . I wonder how long before he kills his new wife and daughter . He was so worried about a Divorce when his wife had like 45bmillion in assets . That part makes no sense to Me

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why does the author think the non-marriage needed to be annulled?

PornGoddess2PornGoddess2over 2 years ago

Really need to watch out about jumping from first person to third person and back in a couple of sentences.

tazz317tazz317almost 3 years ago

while the evidence still is elusive but covert, think karma. TK U MLJ LV NV

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

What a load of crap.where did Jillian get the money for all of her and Sonias clothes and the money to buy a new car,she hasn't worked a month yet to receive any pay.Robert comes for a meeting and is still there days later.What was the point in going to Biloxi to meet the three rapists they weren't going to press charges,they areadyvknew Jillian wasn't married?.

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