The Prince and the Orc Queen Ch. 03


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"I wanted to tell you about this earlier, really I did." The king said, almost pleadingly. "But you were too closely guarded by the queen, she could have easily gotten information out of you if she suspected anything. And I tried to tell you this morning to give you more time to prepare, but of course she interrupted that as well. Now we need move quickly, we have a rapidly closing window of opportunity for our attack."

"W-wait... you mean, it's happening now?" His mind stumbled over all the new information it was taking in.

"Yes, it happens tonight!" the king declared.

"The boy may be right, it may still be too soon..." a serpentine voice slithered from the dark.

The speaker stepped forward and huddled with them around the weak flame of the candle. It was the adviser Edmunt, his face cold and oily. He looked between the two royals as his hissing continued.

"I know it pains you to lay inactive my lord, but we must think in the long term about this. There are still too many Orcs among us. Once the larger cities are rebuilt they will no doubt send their units to maintain control of them, thinning out their numbers."

"I have waited nearly half a year, I shall wait no longer!" The king roared silently. "Your opinion on our plans has been noted for some time now, but it is too late to stop now. Things have already been put into motion, we have no choice but to continue."

A scowl crawled up the advisers slimy face but he offered no further arguments. The prince stood paralyzed, what was it that was already in motion? Dark worries scratched violently at the inside of his head, horrible thoughts of whatever hideous fate they had planned for his mistress. His heart constricted painfully into a knot of worry.

"Now listen carefully Peter." His father instructed him. "We have taken care of the guards surrounding the throne room and will position ourselves in waiting there. All we need you to do is lure the queen into that room and we'll take care of the rest."

Peter felt himself grow cold, as though panic ran through his veins rather than blood. What had they done to the guards? He suddenly sifted through his brain to try and remember where Mugg-Ran was stationed that day, but the memory eluded him. Delilah would be devastated if anything were to happen to her Orc lover. Returning jarringly to the moment the prince realized he was being stared at expectantly.

"The t-throne room? Why there?" He managed to sputter, trying to buy more time to think with.

His fathers face twisted into an evil smile, his wrinkles becoming an extension of the exaggerated expression. "It's just so fitting isn't it? The center of all power in the kingdom, from where she dictates her unnatural oppressive rule. Where she feels the most safe. The room is designed to be extremely defensible, giving us the advantage if any reinforcements come to stop us. I want the last thing she sees before her head is cleaved off to be me taking my rightful place upon the throne! So can you do it? Do you think she trusts you enough for you to convince her to follow you there?"

A dark shawl of terror and panic draped itself over Peter's face, wrapping around him and smothering him in its oppressive shadowy fabric. What could he say? How could his father force this decision upon him. A twin headed beast flailed miserably before him. The first an old and familiar head with which he held deep kinship, the second a newly emerged powerful face of strength and domination, and both fighting mercilessly between themselves. Armed with a sword as he was he had to slay one head to save the creature, they could no longer coexist. The decision itself was obvious, it was the act of swinging the sword that would be difficult.

Peter agreed to the plan and the men stealthily crept towards the throne room. They used a secret tunnel accessed from the pantry that run beneath the castle which emerged behind the throne. The passage had originally been intended for the king to use to escape an oncoming siege but would now serve to smuggle them to the heart of the castle undetected. As the stone wall rumbled to the side they saw that the room was empty, meaning that their accomplices had completed their duty.

An excited anxiousness was shared between the men, king included. Passed along their ranks like a flask of wine or a cheap woman. They nervously fingered the hilts of their weapons, their hands itching and muscles twitching in anticipation. The stakes of their mission was not lost on them, this was the last stand for all of humanity. With the graveness of the situation weighing far more heavily on their shoulders than any piece of armor they wore the quietly got themselves into position.

Along either side of the opulent throne room giant cloth banners of red and gold hung from the ceiling to the floor against the walls. The king and his soldiers slipped behind these banners, flattening themselves against the marble walls so as not to make any sort of impression through the free hanging fabric. The banners reached all the was to the floor so not even their feet were visible. The room once again became empty.

Their breaths came slowly, quietly, nervously. No one daring to move or make a sound. The vision of the soldiers was filled with the deep bright red of the banners, it was all they could see. Red like the blood of their enemies. Red like their own blood which could be spilled that night. Red like the rage that burned in all of them. Rage at being considered inferior, being so easily overpowered. They were out that night to disprove their impotence. They would slay the head of the beast that had raped and pillaged their land. They would make her suffer. At length they had discussed, in dark corners and hushed tones, what punishment they would subject upon their tormentor. Some argued for slicing off her cock and feeding it to her, while others wanted to drown her in piss. There were other suggested methods of torture, but all at least agreed it poetic that they turn the tables and see how she appreciated being raped for a change.

The king himself was uninterested in the method of execution so long as it got the job done. Tonight would be a victory worth celebrating to be sure, but it would be only the beginning of the revolution. The Orcs would no doubt retaliate against them for the loss of their leader and most likely put the city's people to the sword. He was confident that when the time came the people would be ready to cast off their shackles and fight back. His men had been secretly hoarding weapons over the months, surreptitiously stealing them from the Orcs to create hidden armory, an arsenal of steel and iron to distribute to the people and put the power back in the correct hands. It would finally be justice served. No better, it would be vengeance.

A long time passed where nothing happened. The men focused hard on not giving themselves away. There was no coughing or sneezing and no movement at all. Just as the stillness of it all became almost unbearable it was shattered by the loud rusty creaks of the main doors being pulled open. The king and his men held their breaths, listening quietly for the footsteps of their prey. Once they had walked into the center of the room, preferably after closing the doors, they would spring their trap.

The kings heart stopped, feeling that something was wrong. It took him a moment to identify precisely what though. That's it! There was more than one set of footsteps, was Peter still with her? No, there were even more steps than just two people. Had she brought guards with her? He had hoped Peter would have been able to convince her to come alone. One or two guards would make things more difficult for sure, but he was confident they had enough men to still overpower them. He tried and failed to discern the number of individuals in the room, by now they had stopped moving and made no other noise to identify themselves. Why weren't they saying anything?

A sharp intense pain blossomed in his abdomen the very next moment, causing him to wince and release a stifled cry that came out in a soft moan. He looked down, thinking this a very inopportune time to be having gas pains, and was shocked to see a flash of silver spanning between him and the fabric of the banner. Before he knew what was happening the sword was withdrawn and a crimson torrent spewed forth from his stomach. His ancient hands fumbled on top of the wound, as if he could simply button himself back up. He could feel himself deflating, growing less and less whole as his essence splattered to the ground and a bit of intestine dangled out. The hanging fabric did nothing to support him as he fell forward, landing harshly on the hard tiled floor. The floor was cold and each moment it grew colder.

He looked up and could see the Orcs stabbing swords and spears into the banners, pulling out his men and easily butchering them. There were so many of them, at least two Orcs for every one of his soldiers. They had come prepared, but how? They had been so careful, so cautious to hide their activities. He had thought for sure that they had kept their plans secret. His mind flailed helplessly trying to grasp onto any possible way they could have been discovered, anyone who could have possible betrayed them. With the last of his strength he turned his head towards the throne were he saw the conqueror queen perched smugly. That bitch, he cursed! If he could he would have spat at her, but when ever he tried to take in breath his lungs filled with blood.

Beside the throne cowered the prince, his face gone pale at the sight of the carnage around him. His poor son he thought as his eyes closed for the last time, they have taken the most from him. He was old and would soon have died anyway, but his son was so young. He was meant to rule the kingdom but now would live as a slave.

The king felt himself being dragged from the room. He heard the large double doors groan closed again and the scraping of his soldier's armor against the floor as they too were dragged beside him. He never saw the queen give his son an appreciative kiss, nor his son returning the affection. He never saw her undoing her pants and pulling her erect member free as she sat with her legs spread wide. He never got to see his son remove his own pants, spread his cheeks, and take his rightful place on the throne.

He never heard her whisper "Good boy."


And there you have it! The longest thing I've written to date. Thanks again for reading it all and I hope you somehow got some enjoyment out of it. I kinda of ran out of steam towards the end but now that's it's finished I'm going to take a brief break then get right back to writing some more smut for you all! Maybe something a bit softer next time.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is so fucked up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not horrible.

That just shows how weak he is that he gave in so easily once he got dicked down. Shoulda made it tougher on her and not him. Him showing her that while she's big, she's not going to change his sexuality just because she had a huge dick and used it to put him into complete obedience.

Do better next time you do something with fem-orcs. It could've been a lot nicer and more romantic by the end. I don't do the whole 'orcs are better in every way including sex'. I like to actually mix it up, make the orcs into something relatable and someone who's soft and caring. Only brutish when they need to be.

greywolf12greywolf12over 1 year ago

I am not into the futa-theme, but man, i love this story and your style. Please write more about orcs conquer humans, cant get enough from that shit. 5 stars :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story.

I liked the violence, the humiliation and the mind break. There aren't many stories that dare it, so it was very nice to see you go all out.

Only_a_readerOnly_a_readerabout 2 years ago

Well, I just wanted say, what a finale! Just in a flash, and then to the way things has to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh my God, I just finished this story and I had to write something about it, no matter how old it is or if anyone will ever see this comment.

Simply put, this is the hottest shit I ever read. I love Orcs. Even more, Futa Orcs. And this story was just everything I hoped it would be. Every time I was thinking to myself "I hope x or y happens" it actually happened. The gradual development of the relationship of Shaka and the prince was just perfect. Their dynamic, how the prince started developing feelings for her, enjoyed her control over him and finally submitted to her.

And the sex scenes, God. So incredibly hot. It had literally everything and the dirty talk and brutality of Shaka bad me in awe.

But also, the more intimate moments between the two were so great, the whole confession scene was down masterfully and that ending! Just perfect. I'm gonna think about this one for a long long time.

MeyermarkMeyermarkalmost 3 years ago

Great story, would have loved to see something about the prince, Deliah and the queen all getting together. A kind of story to to push the idea that the two could still have relations. Would have been hot!

MarassoMarassoover 3 years ago

I don't know if author of this story is still active on this portal or if nobody will care about my opinion, but I just had to write my impressions. Just because of this story I even attempted to register on literotica few times, cause something was screwed up on their side. But nevermind.

I found this story at Thursday, read first chapter then and that made such impression on me, that I decided to prolong reading pleasure and just read one part or at least few per day... But when I read second part of chapter two, I realized that is impossible and had to, simply had to, to finish whole story throughout night.

It was nearly perfect story for me, contained everything what fires me up - muscular females, muscular futas, futa on małe, futa on female, giant cocks, physical and psychical domination, strength displays and a lot of hot,brutal and exciting fucking! All embedded in well written and created fantasy world, with interesting characters and plot.

Author created few such steamy, suggestive and arousing scenes, that I was literally gasping with excitement. Part where Shaka presented Peter her gift I've read probably ten times. It was only a dialogue, but it indicated such incredible dominance which Shaka held on Peter, it was also a hint from her, how massive her dick is. My cheeks were burning almost like Peter's ones while I was reading that. Another scene, which nearly caused me a crazy anxiety attack from excitement , was when Peter met Shaka in bathtub - this was brilliant scene, not only because it was arousing to limits, but also it was perfect balance between tenderness, lust, humiliation, dominance and power in Shaka and Peter's relationship. She needn't violence, nor physical or psychical, to totally dominate Peter - all she used was her intimidating presence and character and also... first exposure of her gigantic cock!

Last nearly perfect scene for me, was when Shaka first fucked Peter. Oh my god, I was reading this few times, hyperventilating and squirming from arousement - way how author described Shaka's body, muscles, her enormous dick and almost everything she was doing to Peter, was simply spot on! My solely objection was that Shaka was so brutal to Peter, she didn't show almost none of her previous tenderness and affection towards him. I can understand why she behave like this - she could be fired up by their duell, she wanted to break him etc, but it would be better balanced if she'd show him a little bit more mercy.

These were my favorite scenes, but other ones were also remarkable - two times when Mugg Ran fucked Delilah and few others moments, for example when Shaka defended Peter against Mugg Run - it was really nice show of their emotional state in their twisted relationship. Also character developement of Peter, Shaka and even Delilah were really nicely written, not without flaws, but still very good job.

Now few things I didn't like so much:

- a little bit too much humilition for Peter, really, guy had tragedy after tragedy. I'm not saying about cuckold scene, because it was logical and coherent with Peter's further falling into submission, but whole part about crossdressing and wearing wedding dress was too much for me.

- few scenes with too much violence or disgusting acts, not that I was outraged by anything, I'm not so sensitive, but spitting flegm inside someones mouth was disgusting. Also stomping and smashing testicles was too suggestive.

- and last one, not objection, but more a wish - I'd like to see better balance in Shakas and Peter relationship. Her behaviour towards him wasn't completely coherent, her inner conflict was shown, but not good enough in my opinion. It could be constructed different in few moments, like I said earlier, it their wedding night - Shaka could easily broke him just by size of her cock and strength, yet she forced him to scream totally demeaning things from balcon. I can't deny, that was hot to read that, but for consistence of their relation, it would be better if she showed him some mercy and tenderness.

And for those, who would like to have other ending, c'mon, it's not democracy to vote what would be better ending. I like this way, its symbolic to have old king die and somekind of new order in world. And its not only hedonic orgiastic chaos, Shaka proved that she was good leader and good rebuilder of realm she conquered. And with her changing and turning to be more tender and emotional involved in Peter, then can be new hope for joint Orc and Human sociaty. Also, from my perspective, Peter didn't treason his father only because he was so submitted to Shaka, but he realized that his father plan is merely set for vengeance, not for improving situation of humans. People started to live amongst Orcs, on new rules, but in peace (with a lot of huge cocks and fucking ;) ), and Peter's father wanted them to stand against unbeatable Orcs, without weapons and traing and - most probably - been wiped out totally. I think Peter's choice was better.

Reassuming - this story was for me the same mind-blowing experience, like first Orc futa fucking for Peter. It melted my brain, inprinted some of these images inside my head forever. Very exciting lecture, hope that SubbyHubby44 will write something like this in future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I don't know if author of this amazing story is still active on this portal, but I have to write my opiniom. I even tried to register on literotica, but something didn't worka, whatever.

This was the best erotic story I had ever read. There was everything I like and what makes me gasping in excitement - muscular women and futas, giant cocks, futa on male and domination.

I loved moments when Shaka presenting Peter her gift, it was first time when I couldn't calm down, it made me hyperventilating for moment. Pure dominance and thrill, when she gave him a hint of what she has hidden under her loincoth. Second moment when I almost had anxiety attack from excitement, it was part when Shaka first time showed Peter her monstrous cock in bath tube, that was epic! And apogeum of all these steamy and hot scenes when Shaka claimed her prize for the first time and fucked Peter with all her might. Parts where Mugg Ran is fucking Delilah were also extremely arousing. I like less whole crossdressing thing and maybe few desriptions of spitting with fleghm, but it my only minor objections.

But not only sex scenes were brilliantly writen it was whole plot, it was the language and words used in story, it was character developement and world creation!!! It was like real fantasy novel with extremely arousing and hot scenes.

I found your story yesterday and read first chapter, parts with receiving gift by Peter almost ten times. I tried to prolong my pleasure and read one part or at least few per day, but couldn't help it and read whole during this night. I felt everything what you described, incredible lust, shame, humilation, anticipation and hunger for more. Truly, truly brilliant story, amazingly written!

And for those, who would like to have other ending, c'mon, it's not democracy to vote what would be better ending. I like this way, its symbolic to have old king die and somekind of new order in world. And its not only hedonic orgiastic chaos, Shaka proved that she was good leader and good rebuilder of realm she conquered. And with her changing and turning to be more tender and emotional involved in Peter, then can be new hope for joint Orc and Human sociaty.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Re-Read Again... The tender moments were the best

I just read this again and I realize there were some flaws to the story. There was no need for the "mind break" aspect to this story. It could've been much better between the queen and prince and they could've had many more tender, truly loving moments between them. The tender moments between them were the best. It just didn't feel sexy enough. The romance, the emotions, and the feelings between them could've been furthered from the very beginning into a true love story between human and Orc and in a way it did end up like that, but it should've been like that from the start.

LovesumDsLovesumDsover 5 years ago

Absolutely loved it from start to finish!

Well done man! Please write more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely amazing story

One of the best balanced stories, terrifically written. I just wish there was more content on Delilah and Mugg-ran

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Of two minds.

I enjoyed this story, a great, great deal. I would read it again, and intend to, and have rated it highly as such. But I'm of two minds. As a piece of literature, it is gut-wrenching as it is erotic. To see the aspirations of decency, of quiet, modest prosperity being overturned by hedonistic madness chills me as much as the sex scenes arouse me.

Existential dread is a lovely thing, but it has to be taken in small doses to really spice up eroticism. Stories like this, I find in my humble opinion, end better with a hope-springs-eternal flavor of ending. The reader, having almost certianly 'finished' and now coming to terms with the blatant evil and bleak world that must follow this story's conclusion, needs to have some plausible deniability that things might go back to a world without rank barbarity.

You need to give the optimist an out, or it will depress as it arouses. A better ending, methinks, might have been a narrow escape for the queen, with it left ambiguous as to if the prince caused it by tipping her off, or it being random chance. Those without moral compunions can revel in the imagining that it must have been the former, that the rebellion will be contained, that he will worship her to his dying day. She escaped after all, and the humans lost before with full aid of an army. Rebels should be easy

For those with the niggling voice calling one back from the hedonistic abyss, it offers us a little spark of hope. Despite the escape, perhaps the humans will use this as a flash-point to win some equality, perhaps even independence back. Maybe there is some good in humanity the orcs didn't see. Maybe all that smugness will come back to bite them. Maybe those sneers, and that confidence that mankind is so easily broken will truly give them the poetic Coup de Grace.

Without ever writing any of that, without ruining the deliciously evil closing note of the series, you give it a twist. For my part, I saw the 'broken prince accepts his fate and causes the coup to fail', from the moment I saw it coming. And that didn't arouse me. It filled me with dread. It made me want to read to the last bit of character development, and then stop so I could get that ambiguous ending.

For many readers, being sneered at gives us the intense desire to see the sneer-er get their jaw broken. It doesn't have to even be shown, it just needs to be implied to be /possible/, and it will satisfy most people. Comeuppance is a wonderful way to close a story, even if it's ambiguous.

Alternatively, you could just follow Clue's lead and write a few different endings if that's more your style. Bit more work though, and not wholly professional.

Anyways, that's my two cents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What an amazing story!!!

Loved the series. Please please write more stories like this!!! I have read this story so many times and still it never fails to give me thrills...!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

What a great story! It was filled with so many great fantasies. I would love if the story would continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Is this finished? I hope not and would love to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I never thought I would see so many of my favorite things/kinks all in one story and written so well at that! Thanks so much for writing this to completion, I loved every chapter! I'm very eagerly looking forward to whatever you decide to write next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This is excellent

One of the best

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
it is too early to end this

Can you please take this story a bit further. It is not a good ending as it needs more. Hope that you can continue to a logical conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Thank you very much, futa orc on femboy is where its at!

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