The Privacy Flights


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"Of course, I wouldn't ever know specifically what you two might do. I mean Kevin made me take him through it all, step by step. Blow by blow, so to speak. That's the way he is. He can't help himself. But I'm not like that. I wouldn't need to know the specifics. I'm sure I'd have the general picture. I've gotten the feeling from you that you really enjoy... well... I'll bet that when you're done with a man... he knows he's been done."

"And Kevin will know he can't tease me about the excesses of my Privacy Flight without getting it back right between the eyes. I'll threaten to make him tell me every detail, like he did to me. I'm guessing there would be at least some things he would rather not describe to me."

Becca smiles in recognition of that possibility, but tries to reassure Jessie. "You'll be okay. And you know you'll be getting him back. He couldn't even be sure of that."

"What? No! Of course he was getting me back!"

"Well, he wasn't completely sure of that. It was a pretty frantic time for him."

"My God... how could I have done that to him? I mean, I know I just said I might do the same thing again. But I never would. That was just too mean. I'd never do that again. But at the time, I wasn't thinking about it being that mean. Just kind of crazy... so I don't know... It just seemed like I was back before I knew Kevin... But it was just too selfish... even though it was pretty amazing too. Just unforgettable. No. I didn't say that. Please Becca..."

"Jessie! Not to worry... Listen, you've probably come to understand that I'm a woman who wants what she wants. But I also want you and Kevin to be happy together. If, a year from now, I hear that everything is wonderful for you two, that will be wonderful news for me. And if I heard that something I said to Kevin made things harder for the two of you, that would be awful for me. Yes, I want that man in my bed for one night. It's crazy, but I guess I've got something to prove to him. Or maybe to myself. But then I want him to live happily ever after with you. And we know that the way his mind is working now, if you don't give him the go ahead, he won't do it. But if you tell him that you think it might be best for everybody, well... I think I could make him a pretty happy man for a little while."

Becca pauses, thinking about how else she might approach this. "Jessie, I think we're on the same team here. I really like talking to you. Especially when you're being brutally honest with yourself, because then you sound like me. It makes me smile. We're not that different. Yeah, it's kind of awkward to admit, but face it! We're friends!"

But Jessie still frets. "If you were to, you know, get close to Kevin, and then you thought it would be fun to tell him some of the things I've said to you... saying I don't know how I could have done it, and that I'd never be doing it again... but then saying I might do it again if I had the chance?"

"Jessie, it would be pointless for me, really just stupid, to spend any of the time I might have with Kevin talking about you. For about twelve or maybe eighteen hours, I would want him to forget all about you. Then I'll smile and give his face a little slap, tell him to snap out of it, and send him home to the woman he loves. And he'll be happy about where he's just been, and even happier about where he's going back to. And we both want that man to be happy, right?"

Jessie doesn't respond, so Becca continues, "And you'll be alright too. And this call might have been good for you, to vent about it a little."

Becca pauses, to let that sink in. Then after a few beats, she says, "So... After all that... how are you feeling now...? About our situation..."

"Okay. Okay. Well... I guess you're right. I have to admit that... I can see what you're saying. I guess... it would be fair. So you can tell him... tell him to just go ahead. And then maybe we can all be done with it. As long as it's a mystical experience. Tell him it has to be a mystical experience. He'll understand."


Later that afternoon, in Berlin.

On the plane, Becca had simply passed Kevin a note to meet her for a chat about old times in the lobby bar of this hotel. Now he suddenly realizes that, although the background music continued, all conversation in the bar has stopped. Everyone is looking in the same direction. The women seem to have a variety of reactions, but all the men look like they are in shock. Following their gaze, he sees Becca crossing the room towards him. Her blouse is white and tight, and there clearly is no bra beneath it. And on her last few strides toward him, had she landed on her heels just a little harder? Just letting herself bounce a bit for the room?

Becca smiles at him and says, "So you saved me a seat at the bar. Thank you for that."

"My God.. Becca... Look at you! But I guess everyone already is looking at you, aren't they? I mean, I really only saw you in person that one flight, but that time you weren't revealing much of anything to the public. And then Jessie said, when she ran into you and Marta that time, that you were dressed pretty conservatively, like before. She had to look carefully to see how you were actually built. So what's going on? High heels that make you as tall as me. Tiny tight skirt above your very long legs, tight white blouse unbuttoned down to... well, nearly the nipples, if memory serves."

As he says this, he realizes that now her nipples are beginning to blossom brightly through her blouse.

"And now I can see that was a pretty accurate guess. Wow! Can you do that on command?"

"Just a coincidence. Must be the air conditioning. "

"Well, they're very impressive. And then your blonde hair up in a bun that looks like you mean business. My God."

As she sat down on the barstool, Becca's skirt had hiked up to about 6 inches above her knees. Now, with her knees spread comfortably wide, she swings the stool around to scan the crowd before slowly twisting back to Kevin.

"Becca, did you just flash the whole room?"

"Well, if I still had their attention, I thought I'd give them a big finish."

"But why would you do that? You're not like that."

"Just trying to make your day a memorable one. A memory to bring a smile to your face. They were all looking at me, but now they're all looking at you.. 'Who is this guy?' And I have panties on, and I don't think anyone could see much through the lace, at least at that distance. What do you think?" She lifts the front of her skirt towards Kevin briefly and he gets a triangular flash of emerald green lace.

"I used to be really pleased with my thick blonde bush, but I've finally given in to the current fashions. So I'm left with just a blond triangle at the very top. But that's still pretty thick and curly. Just to remember how things used to be. Could you see it then? No? Well, later will be fine."

"Becca, please... You're scaring me. I mean... This is a different look for you."

"Yeah well, I haven't dressed up like this since my last photo shoot. I had to borrow the skirt. But I thought it might be fun just for one time, coming into the bar like this to see you. Do you think anyone noticed me coming in?"

"Yeah, I could feel a sort of gasp in the room. There was one guy in the corner that didn't seem to notice you, but I see some people are checking him out now. He may be dead."

"Well if he is, I pray he already was. Not something my dressing-up did. But anyway, it's good to see you."

A tall broad-shouldered man has been sitting on the other side of Becca's place at the bar. He has a Stetson hat, a weathered complexion, a big jaw, and is generally the caricature of the Texas oil man.

At this point he turns towards her. "I was wondering why all the guys in the room were suddenly staring at me, but then I saw they were really staring at this special woman that had snuck in behind me. Then I recognized her as a stewardess on a flight I took in here a couple months ago. She's not a woman I would forget. So if this young fella doesn't give you everything you need, you just give me a call."

He smiles and places his business card on the bar between them. Becca smiles back at him.

"Thank you but I'm fine, really. Actually, he ended up marrying my sister. She's the pretty one. But she's really nice to me about it and sometimes lets me sneak off with him for a couple of nights when I get desperate. So thank you for the offer, but he has everything I need."

She smiles again and turns back to Kevin.

"Becca, you're going to get me killed."

"Oh, I think he'll be all right. I just gave him something to think about. Next time he flies with me, he'll want me to tell him all about you. I'll think of something. Maybe even tell him the truth. That's pretty entertaining. The only guy who ever... But we're going fix that, right?"

"Oh gee... Becca... don't do this to me. We were just going to talk. I mean... You know I know sex with you would be wonderful... incredible... but... I think Jessica and I are finally getting back on the right track. It still hurts sometimes, but I really don't want to do anything that would..."

"Yeah, that's what Jessie said. Things were better, but she worried there still might be a problem buried out there."

"What?! When did you talk to Jessie? She didn't tell me about that. When was that?"

"On the plane today. After I saw that you were sitting in Business Class, I gave her a call."

"You talked to Jessie today!? During our flight!? Oh Jesus... And then you don't even tell me. You just pass me a mysterious note to meet you at this fancy hotel bar."

"Well, yes. I thought that this conversation might be better done more privately. Not leaning over to your window seat to talk to you while the eyes of the two passengers between us got wider and wider..."

"Oh God... And just what did you and Jessie talk about?"

"We had a nice chat. I told her I had seen that you were on my flight, and I was going to go back and say hello, but I just wanted to call and say hi to her first. And see how things were going. So we discussed the possibilities. And after we'd talked about it a while, she agreed with me that it might be best for everyone if we just got this taken care of. But she said we had to make it a mystical experience."

"What!!? Those were her words? She said 'mystical experience'"?

"She said you'd understand..."

And now Kevin also understands that Jessie has actually signed off on this project, but the only response he can manage is, "Oh my God... oh my God..." He looks quickly around the room, as if checking to see if he is still in the same reality. How can this be happening? "But this is so crazy. And you being on my flight. Or me being on yours, I guess. It's such a weird coincidence."

"Well, kind of, I guess. Sort of a limited coincidence. Our airline lets the flight crew keep a 'hotlist'. Sometimes there are people in your past, ex-husbands or stalkers or something, that it might be bad to have on your flight. So we get notified, and if we need to, we can switch flights. But then sometimes some of us might put someone on our list that we think might be kind of nice to have on our flight.. So after a couple months of thinking about our earlier experience, you and me, I had a few of my friends put your name on their lists too. And when your name turned up on one, I traded shifts."

"Becca! Really? You were watching for me? This really is a little strange."

"Don't feel that way. You've got not worries here. Although you do look kind of sweet as the buck in the headlights."

She closes one hand around his wrist on the bar, and then leans over with her mouth close to his ear, so that her full blouse is pushed nearly flat against his bare forearm. "So, are you okay?" she whispers. Then she backs off some, so that now only the nipples protruding through the taut white fabric are still touching his arm. Then she starts to brush them back and forth, back and forth, but just an inch or less. Probably no one watching them could even see it, but Kevin is acutely aware.

"So what do you think? Can you still hear me? Even while I'm doing this? I hope it's not bothering you. It feels kind of nice for me. But are you going to be alright? Don't pass out on me now. I know that for international travelers, the time changes can be hard. But then just because something is hard, doesn't always mean it's bad."

She shifts her body around to block the view of the rest of the room and then slides her other hand down behind her into the crotch of his slacks, feeling for him.

"I told you I'd like to see your friend again sometime when he's feeling better. And he feels like he's feeling a little better already. But just relax. We'll have plenty of time. I hope you don't have an early meeting tomorrow."

Then Becca straightens up, puts two large bills on the bar, and resumes speaking loudly enough to be heard by those around her in a loud bar.

"So! This is my treat. I've got us a table for dinner in the restaurant on the top floor. And then my room is on the 7th floor. We should go get started."

"Oh, really? Oh, God. So you have this all worked out? Will I be getting a script to follow?"

"For dinner? No, I think the dinner can be unscripted. We'll have a nice conversation about all kinds of topics and see how long we can pretend we're not both thinking about sex."

"After that, I think I have a general idea about what might happen. I'm guessing the first one will go pretty quickly. We've both had six months to think about it... We'll see if you can get my clothes off as fast as I can get your clothes off. You should have the advantage there, since I have very few clothes on. Then after that one, we'll be able to go more slowly and thoughtfully, and enjoy ourselves. Enjoy each other."

Becca slides back off her barstool and stands. "So come on. Don't be shy. Let them all have a good look at you."

She takes his hand, and pulls him away from the bar, through the tables, across the lobby to the elevator doors. As the doors open, he jumps a little when she reaches back as if to give his butt a pat, but then pokes her fingers up between his legs. He wants to turn back towards the crowd with a facial expression that says "She's just kidding around folks," but then decides that he should forget what's behind him and just focus on taking the fullest experience he can from what's ahead of him.


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tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago

I'd like to see more.

This could go a few different ways. I'm looking forward to it if you decide to write more on this story

Thank you.


Dont ever fucking write again.

What gives you the right to speak like that to anyone. Just plain rude, and tends to show you to be the low life that you obviously are.

MonsieurXMonsieurXover 2 years ago

Very well written. Maybe a bit long, but the story had originality, so worth sticking with.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesover 2 years ago

Because it has an original premise, and because it is well=written, I gave it 5 stars. Nonetheless, I found this tale to be unsatisfying. It reads as if you are smuggling a swinging couple story under the guise of a cheating wife one. Indeed, the behavior and reactions of the married couple only fits if they were in an open marriage. I don't believe for a moment Midwaymack is describing an "exclusive" marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

About five pages too long!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

way too long and boring to make a story about a marriage that was already done on the first page.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An interesting plot idea, and the execution was reasonable and believable. My guess is that Kevin fucking Becca will end up doing more harm than good. Becca is intrigued with Kevin, and after a night of fucking, then making love, she will be even more interested. Jessie should have been more careful what she wished for. What was mystical for Jessie can be removed with a shower and a douche. What is mystical for Kevin may be life changing, and marriage shattering. And Kevin will be traveling on business again. And Becca will be watching, and waiting, and perhaps hoping and planning. And if Danny Boy has some special government status, he knows where Jessie lives, and probably has her contact info. Danny might want another chance to not just possess Jessica again, but make her regret that she went back to Kevin.

I see lots of scenarios where Jessica and Kevin split up, with Kevin reconnecting and partnering with Becca. The cherry on top would be Danny pushing himself on to Jessica, which she seems permit, then while Danny is sleeping Jessica uses his service piece to end his predation and her regret. Yeah, she even puts the first round up his ass, just to return the favor. In a perfect world.

I liked it. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well written. Few if any, errors. A little too long for my taste, but deserving of five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

7 pages of nothing. Their marriage ended the moment she cheated! There was nothing more to be said and done. Very weak and boring story.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Dont ever fucking write again. You've havent spent much time at this so its not a waste to stop now.

It was too long and seriously, too fucking stupid

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