The Proposal


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"Nate? We have to talk."

"Hate to hear those words. OK. I get it. I'm the odd man out. Eva. I'm sorry I walked in on you in the bathroom. I.. I...well. I'll look for a place tomorrow. Thanks for letting me stay here as long as you have, Kate. It's made the transition a lot easier and having the support of you two has made all the difference in the world. I know I've gotten down in the dumps and stuff...."

"No, Nate. No! We don't want you to leave. We both think it's great having you here. We feel safe. We feel..."

"Like a family," said Eva. "It's been wonderful living together. And has really helped the bank account, even if you do eat more than we do." Laughing. "No! That's not a problem either. God, Sean was a pig. I can't believe how much he ate. And wasted."

"Then...what do you want to talk about?"

"Damn this is hard. We, the two of us, have a proposal for you." He winced and screwed up his face.

"What, Nate? It's not something bad. I don't think. What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry. That's the word Alex used about the open marriage, and the meeting and stuff. She had a proposal for me." Each girl touched a hand.

"Oh, Nate. I'm sorry. This is something good. I think. We would like to be more like a family. We both liked you a lot from the time of the class when you were the only guy that didn't paw us to death. I think you like both of us, at least as friends, right?"

"Sure, I think you're both great."

"Good. Would you ever consider being more than friends? Like dating one or both of us? And if it seemed right to you, of course, and if you're not interested or you would like to be with someone else...."

"Nate. What Kate is trying to say in some sort of foreign language is that we would like to be more like a family. We would like to start dating you alone, or both of us and maybe be like friends with benefits if you want. If you like Kate better, I'll be OK with it and back off."

"And if you like Eva better, I'll be OK with it and back off. We've talked about it a lot, Nate. And there is no one, absolutely no one we would rather go out with than you. But it's entirely up to you. I think we all love each other as friends, but maybe we could love each other as maybe a little more than that?"

"So, what if you quit staring and shut that cute little mouth of yours that's hanging open and say something we can understand. don't have to decide right now. We do love each other as friends and don't want to lose that no matter what. So any thoughts in that head of yours, Nate?"

"Wow! You are both such amazing women. And beautiful. I..."

"Well at least it wasn't a no." Turning to Eva, "Eva, I think our Nate rarely ever asked a girl out. I think most of the girls in his life asked him out or at least cornered him so he had to ask, right, Nate?" He nodded. "And they almost always made the first moves in terms of kissing and the stuff that comes after that?" He nodded again.

"See, I told you Eva. So, Nate, unless I hear some strong objections, tomorrow is Friday so you will take Eva to dinner and.... whatever. Plain, fancy, a place to talk. Doesn't matter.

"Then Saturday, I'll go with you. Is that OK? Is that too much? This is the time for that open, honest conversation...."

"Right, Nate. And if you're not not interested in either one of us...well, you'll just rip our poor hearts to shreds." She laughed. "No, just kidding. Whatever you decide is fine, at whatever pace you want. Please. We don't want to do anything, anything at all to make you feel uncomfortable. We want you to stay no matter what. You make this place feel like home. Even if you want to date some stupid, less attractive girl from work or something." Both girls laughed.

"Your Honor, hearing no objections, we move that Nate be ready to leave with Eva at 7 o'clock tomorrow for an as yet to be determined destination and be sentenced to have a good time. Case closed."

"Uh, I love it here too. I don't think I could have made it without the help you two have given me. I just want to make sure that I'm not going to do anything to wreck our friendship. Or the friendship you have with each other. If you're sure?"

"We're sure. Positive."

"So tomorrow night. I'll have to give it some thought."

"Nate. I just want to go somewhere with you. Have a night out. I don't care if it's hot dogs, beer and bowling. But I warn you, I'll kick your ass if we bowl."


Eva took his right arm and snuggled her head against his shoulder as they walked to the car.

"OK, so you kicked my butt. How the heck did you get so good, Nate?"

"College. I had to take PE every semester and I figured bowling was the easiest. I really enjoyed it and actually was part of our fraternity intramural team."

"Your fraternity had a bowling team? Hell, all the fraternities I knew just had drinking contests."

"We had some of that too." He opened the truck door for her and helped her climb in. As he got in, she lifted the center console and slid across next to him.

"Nate. That was the best time I've had in...I don't know. A very long time. We laughed and joked. And there was no strutting your stuff and preening as you beat me. And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have pouted if I beat you. Friendly competition and we both won. Thank you."

Without thinking he placed his hand down on her thigh. Realizing what he'd done, he jerked it away like he had touched a hot stove. "I'm sorry, Eva. I wasn't thinking..."

"Relax, Nate. I'll let you know when you're doing something wrong. It felt good. I miss the, uh....closeness. Besides, I have my stun gun right here in my purse and I'll zap your ass faster than you could move that hand." Damn! I can still feel his hand. Eva, dear, if you're not careful you'll be stepping off the ledge before you realize it.

He laughed. "Go ahead. It'd be worth it. Probably not the best thing to do while I'm driving."

"Just what kind of stuff DID you and Alex do?" He winced and suddenly looked lost for a moment.

"Nate. No! I'm so sorry. I was just joking. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'd never do that. Ever."

"I know. Still some open parts to the wound I guess. It's OK."

Phew. That's a relief. Have to warn Kate about that stuff. "And you can bet I won't zap you in my car. I don't want you wetting yourself on my leather seats. But in this stupid truck? Better watch yourself." she smiled at him.

"Here..." She took his hand and put it back. After a few moments she removed it. "No, on second thought, you need both hands on the wheel to horse this big old truck around"

"How can you say that? It handles like a sports car."

"Yea, if you think a tank is a sports car."

Arriving home, "Nate, thank you. It was a wonderful evening." Pulling close and hugging him. "Before we get out of the truck? Please kiss me? Really kiss me." They kissed. Their tongues gently touched and moved against each other. He pulled her tighter. "Holy crap! I really messed up. I should have broken the rules and done this at the class. The hell with a safe space." He blushed. "Time for another one. For the road."

"But I'm not leaving."

"Hush, Big Guy." They kissed. "Damn! Nate. Nate. Nate. I hope we can go out again soon. Are you doing alright with this? It's not too weird or anything?"

"No, I had a terrific time. And I wasn't coerced into doing anything I didn't want to do." Eva gave him a quizzical look, but felt it best not to to explore that topic. Yet.

"So... Did you kids have a good time?"

"It was great, Kate. A word to the wise, though, don't ever bowl against this guy. He's a professional. We bet that the loser would pay for dinner and I never had a chance.

"Well, I'm going to go take my shower and get in my jammies. Kate, why don't you come with me and we can talk for a minute. Nate, you better get something to eat. I'm pretty sure that hot dog didn't fill you up."

They went to Eva's bedroom and she started removing her clothes. "What's the matter, Eva?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all. That's the matter!. Damn, Kate. He put a hand on my thigh...and I can still feel it. If you hadn't been here, I'd have dragged his perky little but back here and ripped his clothes off. He's too good to be true. What....What are you staring at?"

"Eva! You are beautiful. I mean, I knew your face and hair were, but your skin is like snowy white. And your figure. Holy shit!"

"Knock it off. You're embarrassing me. You with your blond hair, blue eyed, girl next door looks. I've always been jealous of you. Tell you what, we'll call it even. We can both be beautiful. And he is just lucky to have the two prettiest women in town living with him. How's that?

"So, where was I? He was perfect, Kate. He's so easy to be with just like at home here. I could fall in love with him in a heartbeat. Maybe I already am. And when he kissed me..."

"Eva, if that's how you feel about him, I'll step back and not get in the way."

"Absolutely not! We had a deal. We are both going to date him and go until he decides on one of us or one of us or finds someone else. Hell, he may need both of us to satisfy him. He said a few things that implied that she was insatiable and did a bunch of weird shit he didn't like.

"And you heard what she said at the hotel. But, Kate, he kept her satisfied for three years of marriage! He must be something in bed! Like I said, if it were any one else, he'd be doing me on that front seat of the pickup. We never would have made it home.

"Darn, Eva. Now you've got me worried about tomorrow night."

"Don't be. You'll have a great time. I wonder what he has planned? I think I'm going to take that shower and call it a night. Then wear out some AA batteries." They both laughed. "Kate? I don't say it enough, but I love being here with you. I swear, you're the best friend I've ever had."

And without thinking she hugged her. She pressed her boobs against her and then realized she was nude. "Oh, I'm sorry Kate. I forgot...Uh, I better get in the shower. Why don't you check and see what that big lug is up to. Maybe he'll give you a clue about tomorrow."

As Kate left the bedroom she thought, 'Her skin was so smooth and soft. All of her was soft. No wonder guys like to mash all over girls.'

And look at Nate. He looks so cute stuffing his face with leftovers. I think it would be real easy to want to spend the rest of my life with him.

"You're killing me, Nate. What am I supposed to wear tonight?"

"Something loose. Something you can move in. No underwear and preferably see through."

Both girls at once, "What!"

"No, just kidding. One of your spring like dresses would be great." He walked back to her bedroom and started going through her clothes.

"Uh, Nate? What are you doing?"

"This one. It'll be perfect. With underwear. Optional as always. No, you should probably wear some."

"I have to say, Nate, that you're scaring me a little with all this."

"No need to be scared. Won't hurt a bit. Unlike the stun gun that Eva threatened me with." They all laughed.

"What is this place, Nate? I don't think I've ever even seen it and I've lived in this area my whole life."

"Oh, just a little place I used to hangout at....before..." Walking inside...

"Nate! How are you doing. Damn, man! It's been, what 3, 4 years?

"Yup. About that."

"Well, glad to see you again. And who is this gorgeous thing you brought with you?"

"This is Kate. Kate, George."

"Well, you two enjoy some dinner, on the house as a welcome back. And then Kate, this guy is going to run you ragged. I hope you're up for it. Just make him stop when you need a break."

"Nice meeting you George. Naaaate! What the hell am I in for?"

"Sorry. It's a surprise. Let's order some food, but I would go light." As they finished dinner a country band started up.

"Nate. They're really good."

"Yes they are. Been here a long time. Come on. Time to start." People were lining up as the music started and then abruptly stopped.

"Why folks, if I'm not mistaken we have sort of a Crossroads celebrity. Let's hear a welcome back for our own Nate Logan and his innocent victim..."

Nate yelled out, "Kate." And there were many who clapped and cheered.

"Well, Kate, great to see ya. Just hang on and drink plenty of fluids,"

"Nate, what the hell?" The music started up again and the line dance started. "Nate? I don't know how to.."

"Sure you do. You just don't realize it. Just do what everyone else does." Kate stumbled through the first part of the song, but realized a lot of other beginners were there as well, relaxed and started getting it.

The song ended. "Nate. That was so much fun! I've never..."

He grabbed her as the next song started... "Nate, I don't know this dance."

"Just follow me. You'll get the hang of it in no time." She settled down and started following him. Letting him glide her across the floor in time with the two step. When she seemed to have the hang of it, he spun her out and reeled her back in. Another fast dance, then a slow one.

"Oh thank God." She put her arms around his neck and her head on his chest. He swept her along and she followed effortlessly. Damn, I'm already soaked. I'm sweating like a pig. He's going to be grossed out. But it is a lot of fun.

The tempo picked up. Line dance, a couple of fast ones, then a slow one or two. "OK folks. We're going to take a break here in a few minutes, but before we do, we've had a bunch of requests for Nate to come up here, grab the guitar and sing that song he wrote a few years ago. We still play it a lot. You'll recognize it, but no one does it as well as Nate. So come on up here Big Fella. Give Kate a break and a chance to catch her breath and bring tears to all our eyes."

He climbed the stairs to the stage and picked up the guitar. "OK, folks. Bear with me, I'm a little out of practice. Been a while. And I don't know why Felix decided to pick one of my sad songs, but here goes... 'In the mountains just before dawn....'

Holy crap! He's really good. We have to bring Eva here. I wonder why he...Alex. "Thank you folks. It's great to be back up here. Let's hear it for these guys. They are the best, hell, the best in the country." The crowd cheered.

"Nate. My goodness, Nate. You were terrific. And you wrote that song? Look at me, I've got tears running down my cheeks. My makeup must be a mess. That's like the saddest song I ever heard. But it was beautiful. So beautiful." She pulled him close and kissed him. No lip kiss. Full, deep, long, and she only stopped when she heard the crowd cheering.

"Oh, shit! Nate! I am so embarrassed. My face must be so red. I need to go to the ladies room. Could you get me something to drink?"

On the way, she ran into George. "Why, Kate, my dear? How're you makin' out. Nate's not being too tough on you is he?"

"No, George. This is terrific. And I had no idea he could sing or play guitar. He never said a word about it. What happened?"

"He brought some other girl with him a couple of times. And she caused a ruckus each time. Seems she didn't like the dance, the fact that he performed, and who the hell knows what else. Then he stopped coming. This is the first time he's been back since then. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"He married her and is in the process of divorcing her."

"Figures. I was afraid of that. I think you're a lot better suited to him. Thanks for being here, Kate. Now go fix your makeup. There were a number of women headed that way."

"George, if it's up to me, we'll be regulars. I never have really been a big country fan. But this is terrific. And we'll bring a friend next time."

She fixed things, although she had very little makeup on and as she walked back to him, several women touched her arm and said, 'lucky girl' and smiled. 'Treat him good.' She touched Nate's arm and as he turned she kissed him again. There's no doubt in my mind that I love this guy.

As they were leaving, Kate went over and kissed George on the cheek. "This was great, George. Thank you. See you soon. I need more practice on my steps. And this beats aerobics any day." Then winked at him.

He helped her into the car and as he climbed in she kissed him and wouldn't let go. Her hands ran across his hair, back, shoulder. He held her tight and squeezed her to his chest. Then suddenly she stopped. "Nate, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be moving this fast. I should have asked you..."

"Kate. It's fine. Your kisses are great. And help me forget..." They kissed again. A small groan escaped her throat. She could feel his hand on the side of her chest and she took her hand and put his on her breast. He started kneading it, gently. No mashing. She groaned again. His other hand slid up and touched the other breast.

Neither wanted to stop but then headlights flashed, a horn sounded, and they heard 'Get a room, Nate.' They laughed. "I guess you should take me home country boy. I need a shower. I'm soaking wet. That was one of the most fun nights of my life. Thank you."

They walked in and Eva was already in bed. "Well, Nate, I would love to invite you to take a shower with me and spend the night in my room...."

"I'd love to, Kate. But maybe we should learn the steps to the dance before we try anything too fancy. Is that OK?"

"Sure, Nate. Whatever you think best, but I hope we can learn the steps pretty quickly." And winked at him. "Thanks again, Nate. We need to get you a guitar and you can sing some of the other songs you wrote."

She took a quick shower and jumped into bed, thinking dreamily about the night. Nate got in the shower and as he finished and opened the curtain, Eva was standing there. "Nate! Nate, I'm sorry. I thought I heard Kate in the shower. I didn't mean...But holy cow, Nate! OK, I'm gone. Accidents happen." Laughing. "Isn't that what you said? Sorry."

She went into Kate's room. "Kate. Wake your ass up and tell me what happened."

"Eva it was wonderful. The most fabulous night I think I've ever had. We danced and danced. Eva. Not only is he a great bowler, but we went to this little country place. Everyone knew him. He used to be in the band and wrote songs. The one he sang made me cry it was so sad. But he's terrific!

"And his kiss...Shit. You may think you are falling in love with that guy, but I am a goner."

"So you want me to back off?"

"No. No way. We have a deal, sealed by a pinky swear. We're like sisters...Damn! It's like that show where the guy has more than one wife. I never thought...Well, sister wife, we agreed to share until if and when he chooses one of us. Agreed?"

"Agreed! By the way, Sis. I just walked in on our man as he got out of the shower and holy shit! I guess all that running and gym stuff really works and he ain't too shabby down there at all. Not at all. Sean was huge. Too big. It never felt comfortable. And he was a real brute. But our Nate...

"Did you two..."

"We kissed, a lot, and I kinda helped him to second base. I was ready to go for the home run, but he said we needed to learn the steps like to the dance before we did that. I learned a lot of dances tonight. I just hope I can learn the steps to get him right here. How are we going to work that, Eva? If he comes home with you and you're taking him to bed? What should I do? Leave for a while or what?"

"Whatever you want, Kate. If he takes you in I'm going to be listening at the door with my vibrator on max." They laughed and hugged each other.

"Eva, it's so great being here with you. Please don't let me do anything to mess up our friendship. Deal?"


Next morning Kate heard her door open and then Eva's...what? "OK! Time to rise and shine. Make yourselves look presentable and put some old clothes on. Adventure awaits..."

She heard Eva, "What the heck, Nate? It's Sunday morning. We're supposed to sleep in and goof off all day. Rest and recoup before another busy work week. You know, like they always talk about?"
