The Proposal


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"Yea. Kind of a bad idea since I'm just kind of squatting here. It's still Nate's, but I figured he wouldn't be using it and most of the work I can do myself. And I get a huge discount on the raw materials now that I run the construction business for the owners. But you can't believe what they charged me for each utility poles to get electric and cable back here.

"I live here full time, but dread the day that Nate may come back and kick me out. Now who the heck is that? Let me go out and see. Oh, and Eva, there are some donuts in the kitchen. And I made some of those cookies you like."

"I hate you! Where the hell are they? Let me at 'em." And they laughed again.

Stepping outside, "Hey fellas. What brings you out here?"

"Uh, we have to talk about a few things. Kate."

"OK, Jake. Why don't we sit here by the fire pit. Want something to drink?"

"No...uh, no thanks. Well, first of all, we have loved playing with you Kate."

"Sounds ominous."

"Hell, you sing so good that we could be booked up all over the place, every weekend. During the week, too. And it seems we've just been on the road like all the time. We love the extra money. Hell, there's been a lot of it, but we miss being with our families and tired of all the travel. So..."

"So you want to just play at the bar, right? A couple of nights a week or so. Well, I agree. I think it's been too much. It's not fair to the ones you love."

"Thank you for understanding, Kate. But we," pointing around the circle with his finger. "We all agree that you are so good that you should head to Nashville or somewhere and go for it. Damn, our site has a bunch of followers. They love the videos..."

"Thanks for that. All of you. But I need a break. In fact I was going to suggest the same thing to you. But, I want to take a break from singing as well. Is that OK?"

"Oh, Kate, the crowds love you so much. And those videos on YouTube have like a ton of viewers..."

"No. I just need a break for a while. What with the new position and my crazy hours. I want to go to the bar just to dance, not perform."

"Only seems fair. But if you change your mind, or you just want to sing a couple while you're there...."

"I won't hesitate. Do you all want to stay for dinner? Eva is here and I think we have plenty of food."

"Nah. We'll take a rain check. We're gonna miss you, Kate."

"Me too. I've loved every moment of it. I needed it. But you'll see me at the club every week. Here, all of you, give me a friggin' hug, get the hell out of here, and say hi to your wives for me. You are all so lucky to have them. You low life's don't deserve such wonderful women. And don't ever, ever forget that."

Walking back in, "Eva. I'm going to get some air. The boys just decided to stop performing except at the bar. And I told them I needed a break from singing. Change. I hate it. Disrupts my orderly universe and feeling that I might actually be in control of my life. I need to sort things out. I won't be long. Just going to the river for a bit." Eva hugged her again.

"I'll get dinner going. Take your time. Kate. Your day will come."

Well what have we here? Poseidon rising from the river? Holy shit! Look at him. What shoulders, backside..."Excuse me." Startled, he spun around and stared at her. Then looked down, realized he had no clothes and knelt down in the water. My, my, my. Who is this guy?

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I was just rinsing off a little."

"Where the heck did you come from? Some saucer or something? The aliens dropped you back off? There's nothing around here. Except my place."


"Meadowbrook? That' has to be twenty-five miles or so from here."

"I kinda got lost on the trail there. My father told me that if you're lost and you hit a river, you should follow it and it will lead you to civilization."

"Yea, it will. In about another 15 or twenty miles. Probably should have turned right at the river instead of left. Meadowbrook was back up that way." Laughing. "You got lost on the Meadowbrook trial?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Not my proudest moment."

"How long have you been out here?"

"Well, this'll be my third night..."

"Holy crap! No it won't. Get the heck out of there and I'll take you to my place. If Eva is worth a darn, dinner should be about ready." He just continued to kneel in the water.

"What seems to be the problem...."

"Noah." I like it. He pointed to his clothes on the bank.

"Oh. Sorry." She smiled, then turned her back.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I was getting a tad cold." If that's what it looks like cold.,.

He dressed and joined her. "Holy crap, Noah. I must say, those clothes are a little on the ripe side. Have you been rolling in deer dung to mask your scent or something? Why don't you get downwind of me. That's it. I'm Kate." They shook and he included a head nod. Damn, who is this guy. "So, I see you're married. We can call your wife when we get to my place..." He stumbled.

"I'm sorry, Kate. My wife....she, uh, died about two years ago. Breast cancer. It was awful. I just haven't felt right about taking it off. I should. I know I should, but..." Kate reached out and touched his arm. "

"It's OK, Noah. I understand how hard it is to lose someone and then try to move on. You must have really loved her?"

"Yes Ma'am. We dated in high school, got married in college, and then...." She reached out again as he teared up.

"Who's watching the kids? They must be scared to death."

"She couldn't have kids. We tried. All that high tech stuff, but the things would never implant or they'd implant and then she'd lose them. Broke our hearts. Sorry. I..."

"No, Noah. I'm the jerk who keeps asking you questions. So, switching. Where are you from?"

"Mountain Lake."

"Mountain Lake? And you got lost on a trail?"

"Yup. My dad would be very disappointed in me, Ma'am."

"OK, cut the Ma'am shit. You're making me feel real old."

"Yes'M." And he laughed.

"And that shit too. So what do you do? I suppose you have a mountain guide business?" And smiled.

"No, M..,uh, Kate. I'm a structural engineer."

"Noah, by any chance is your last name Nash? Noah Nash? N&N Engineering? Went to Tech?"

"Yes, uh, Kate. How do you know that?"

"I manage Blue Ridge Building and I see your name on all those fancy beams and supports. The builders love your work. Say everything is actually buildable, always just right and pass inspection."

"Thanks, Kate. I work hard at it. No sense doin' it if you don't get it right..."

"As your daddy says? Here we are, Noah."

Walking through the door. Eva stared. "Kate, what the hell kind of dirty, filthy man looking thing did you drag home with you from the river? Are you gonna keep 'im?"

"Excuse her, Noah. She was NOT an English major. Eva, Allen, this is Noah. And this is little Hailey." They shook hands. "First things first, Big Guy. Let me show you to my shower and I will get you some towels and things. And I'll throw your clothes in the wash. Not sure what we can find for you to put on though. You're just a wee bit huger than Allen. No offense, Allen."

"No, of course not. How could I take offense at that? I'm used to you, Kate." And chuckled.

"So, Noah, shed those clothes, I'll get a stick to pick them up with...Just kidding. Oh, I guess you want me to step out while you do your shedding. Sorry. I wasn't thinking. After all, I've already viewed the jewels." He blushed. "Why...did I make you blush, Noah? Just the first of many. Between Eva and I...well, just saying."

"It was cold in the water." Kate looked at him and tilted her head and then laughed.

"Well, Noah Nash, now you made me blush and that's not so easy to do. I'll go outside. I'll come back when I hear the water and I promise I won't look." Even though I really want to.

Quite a while later, Noah came out with Allen's sweat shirt and sweat pants on. The two women looked at him, then looked at each other and howled. Noah grinned. "Damn, Eva! He looks like that cartoon duck, or whatever he is. What's his name? Baby Huey! That's it, Baby Huey. With the bare midriff and clam diggers on."

"Stop, Kate. Stop right now or I swear I'll either pee on your floor or have this baby. I haven't laughed this hard...Sorry, Noah. You just look like some poor lost kid. Which I guess you are." And they laughed again. Noah grinned.

"Noah, I'm sorry. Really. What do you think, Eva? I could take a blanket, cut a hole in the center and make a poncho type thing. Put some rope around his waist to hold it together. And you, Sir, will need to sit like a gentleman and not do any Irish jigs or anything to flash your goodies."

"Uh, OK?"

Kate made the poncho. They sat down to eat while his clothes tumbled in the dryer. "Noah, you must be starved. Help yourself. There are plenty of donuts for Eva." Kate laughed. Eva glared. Allen worked to keep a straight face. "So she'll be fine. Eva, he's been out there for over two and a half days."

"What did you eat, Noah? Like grubs and worms and stuff?"

"No. Nothing, really. I had a little water, but I finally had to drink some stream water."

"Darn, I'd have just curled into a ball until Allen found me."

"Problem was, there was no one to look for me." He looked downward sadly. "So, I had to do something. Was that the buzzer on the dryer?"

"Noah, if you're done with that blanket, let me have it. It'll make it easier to scratch things, you know..." and Allen pointed. The girls just cracked up.

"Why, Allen, I believe that was the first off color remark I've ever heard you say."

"Noah. I word to the wise. Get out while you can. I used to be your size before I came into contact with these two." They all laughed.

"Let's get your clothes and you can change into something less comfortable. Here. What the heck? There's another car. We never get anyone here. Eva did you....No! Oh, no! Oh, no! It's Nate. Shit, shit, shit."

She stepped out the front door. "Nate. Good to see you. How are things going?"

"Allen! Grab Hailey and take her to the kitchen. Noah, come with me. I have to hear this and you have to be ready to help."

"What's the problem, Eva?"

"We met at this open marriage seminar. No she never did it. My husband, her husband and his wife pretty much forced us to go. His wife, Alex, blew and fucked all the guys there. End of seminar. Kate and I divorced ours, Nate was divorcing his....

"The three of us had a, uh, complicated relationship and she loved Nate more than anything in the world. We came home just before his divorce finalized and she was standing in front of our apartment. He got in the car and left. Without saying a friggin' word to her. Right while she was standing there. It destroyed her.

"What the heck, Kate? Electricity, cable, a well. What else have you done to the place?"

"I'm sorry, Nate. I've sort of been living here and Eva's been visiting. I hope that's OK? I should have called and talked to you about it....but I, I just couldn't. I just couldn't. I hope you can understand. If you want I can pack everything up and leave tomorrow. I'm sorry I've been using it without telling you."

He ran forward and hugged her, catching her off guard. She shoved him away. "Nate. No!"

["Good girl."], said Eva mostly to herself while she watched.

"She's cheating on me, Kate! She's cheating on me! What should I do? I came here to think about it and sort it out. I..."

"Of course she is, Nate. You didn't really think she was going to stop at 29, did you? I'm sure she's been doing it the whole time. I can't tell you what to do, Nate, but your options are pretty clear. Don't you think?

"You can either accept who and what she is and stay with her. Make peace with it. Or leave."

"I want to come back and be with you, Kate. I think about you every day. I still dream about you. What I did was so wrong. Can't you forgive me and let's get back together? Please?"

[Don't do it, Kate! Please don't do it."]

"No! Nate, I can't do that again. I refuse to be yours or anybody's rebound girl. It hurts too much. So, sorry, Nate. That ship has sailed. You just got in the car and drove off.

"Not a word. Not even a goodbye. After all we'd shared. And you knew how I felt about you. I can't begin to describe to you how it fucked me up. Only singing and the band saved me."

"I left a note."

"Yea, the next day, about ten words. No way am I putting myself through what I had to get through before. Won't risk it. Probably not with anyone ever again. You know, it's kind of that trust issue.

"So, if you decide to leave, you're on your own. If you decide to stay, you need to accept who and what she is. A zebra doesn't change its stripes. Not at her age. So accept that she's going to have affairs. Accept that sex with one man, even you, is not enough.

"She obviously loves you or she would have left with one of her affairs. Right? She came back after you to stop the divorce. She didn't have to. There's clearly something between you two she doesn't want to lose. She must still love only you in every way but the bedroom.

"Maybe you should suggest trying some swinging like Syd discussed way back when. That way you could both go together and go home together. Maybe you could add another guy or girl. After all, you weren't too shy with Eva and I.

["Noah. Please. Please, never breathe a word of any of that to Allen."]

"What do you think, Nate? Any of that make sense? If you did swinging at least you'd have some control over things, make sure she was safe and not being too risky. Doesn't put herself in danger. She'll appreciate the fact that you two are sharing the experiences and you care enough to keep her safe. I mean, I would.

"And you get to have some fun too. With the open marriage arrangement, you never really know what's going on. I don't think you can count on her to be responsible so there's no telling what could happen or who it could happen with and that would be more scary for me.

"So any thoughts. Nate?"

"You're a genius, Kate." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Thank you. Thank you. I know what I want to do. Thank you. And I'm sorry for what I did to you. I...I wasn't thinking clearly. See you, Kate. I wish you only the best. I have to get home and have a talk with Alex."

"So, Nate. Can you give me a few days to get my stuff out?"


"I'm squatting in your house, Nate. All my stuff is here. I'd need to find an apartment and move my stuff out."

"Oh. No need, Kate. I'll never use it. It'll just go to waste. Tired of paying taxes on it. And, heck, when the new assessment comes through.... Now that you've done all this...Keep it.

"I owe you so much for what you did for me back then, and now. I don't need the money and you're the one who fixed it all up and stuff.'s yours. Please make sure you let Eva use it too, OK? Those were, great times. I'll sign it over first thing next week. Should be just a simple transfer, right?"

"My God, Nate! Thank you. That's..."

"Much less than you deserve." Kate stepped forward, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Nate. It was a wonderful time while we were together. Thank you for that." He turned and hurried to his car, turned around and left. She stood and stared after him, thought she heard a cheer from the house, then slowly turned and went back in. Then stood there.

["Noah, before we go out, we need to talk a minute. Kate is the most wonderful woman in the world. You will never find a better one. But she has a flaw. Maybe it's not a flaw. When Kate falls, she falls. 100%. She is true blue, would never cheat or lie, and will work her ass off to make the guy she's with happy. She's all in.

"That was incredibly hard for her. I wasn't sure she wouldn't give in. And I would have had to kick her ass.

"But it was you, Noah. You gave her the strength to do it."


"Noah? She has that look in her eyes again. That puppy look. She's yours. If you want her. If you think you don't, let me take you to your car first thing tomorrow and you stay away from her. Far away from her. But if you stick around...Please be nice to her. Please don't hurt her. She's already been crushed twice. I don't think she'll ever be the same if it happens again.

"So, please. If there is any humanity in you, and you seem like a really nice guy, please, please don't hurt her. Doesn't mean you have to stay with her, but let her down easy. Please?"

"I don't ever want to hurt her, Eva. I'll try to be careful."]

Eva rushed out of the bedroom and grabbed Kate. "I am so friggin' proud of you, Kate! Uh, Kate? Are you OK? You told him you didn't want to get back together. Good girl. Congratulations! What's the problem?"

"He gave me the place."

"So....the problem is what? That's incredible."

Kate started crying. "What is wrong with me, Eva? Why can't I find what I'm looking for? Why can't I find happiness? Why can't it happen to me? I just don't get it. Why do i always pick the wrong guy?" Eva held her and let her cry.

"It'll come, Kate. I have a feeling it's just around the corner. Hang in there."

"I just need to go to bed and cry for a while."

"Uh, Noah's in there. Remember? He watched to make sure you were OK, then went to bed. He's pretty tired. Hell, he slept in the woods two nights. Allen took Hailey to bed. I'll turn in too so you can have a little privacy."

"Eva. I love you so much. Thanks for coming back to me. I thought you were gone too."

"Kate! Never! I'm sorry you felt that way. I got so caught up with Allen. Shit! I should have thought of that. Here, let me feel your boobs." Kate smiled.

"You jerk. I should feel yours to see what they're like. God, they look so huge!"

"Well, better do it soon or the girls'll leak all over you." They laughed and hugged.

"Guess I'll hit the couch and have a good cry. Where's that poncho in case I get an itch." They laughed again.

"Can you believe my husband said that?"

Kate tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. She felt lonely. Needed some human contact. Some comforting. Her options were limited. Around one she went to her bedroom. "Noah? Noah?"

"Kate. What's the problem? Are you OK?"

"No, I'm not OK. I've had a really, really bad day. I need someone to hold me and tell I'll be OK or something. You were married. You know how it happens sometimes. I know you don't know me at all and probably think I'm probably a psycho, but would you just hold me for a while?"

"Sure, Kate, but...."

"She lifted the covers and slid in pulling his arm over her so he was spooning her. "Thanks, Noah. It's just that everyone I love leaves me. My parents left me when I was young. My husband cheated on me and left. Nate, the guy I loved more than anything in this world went back to his wife without saying a word. Eva left for a while. The band fell apart and the guys all went home to their wives today. And then I turned Nate away when he asked to come back."

"Which according to Eva was a very smart move, Kate. How long before he'd've hurt you again?"

"You're right. I know you're right. It just hurts so...Why can't I find someone who'll love me and not leave. What's wrong with me, Noah?"

She reached behind her to pull him closer. Froze, then jumped up. "Noah! You've got no clothes on! I'm sorry! I..."

"I tried to tell you, Kate, but you kinda just jumped under the covers."

She sat up and started to cry again. "Noah, look. We've been spooning all this time and you're not even hard. Hell, even your cock doesn't like me."

"Now just a minute, Kate." He climbed out of bed and hugged her. "You are a very, very beautiful woman and I can guarantee you that he would be very happy to spend some time with you. I was listening to what you said and trying to help rather than...Well, getting hard would have been....not the right thing to do."

"Noah, I understand if you say no. You don't know me at all and with your may not be ready. So I will understand. But it's been years for me and today has sucked so badly, I just need...Noah, would you hold me and make love to me? Really, I'm not like this, I'm not. Well, since it's been years, clearly I'm not."
