The Proposal


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"Relax, Kate. It would be my pleasure. See...he's already starting to get big. Let's get you out of some of these clothes. I'm starting to feel like the luckiest lost guy in the world. I may have to get lost more often.

"So what the hell, Kate. You pull this Adonis out of the river and then screw him all night right next door to us? Damn, girl, my doctor told me I'm not allowed to mess around. At all. No orgasms. Do you know how many blowjobs I had to give that damn husband of mine?

"I'd think things were all done and I could get some sleep, then some chick next door starts moaning and carrying on. Hell, I think I have a bald spot on the back of my head from my Allen yanking my head in time to your bed.

"I told that guy of mine that he better start training because he's going to be eating at the Y a whole lot once I get the go ahead." Kate touched Eva's arm and both were laughing like school girls.

"I'm just glad you didn't wake Hailey up." And they laughed again.

"So how was it? What came over you? It's so unlike the Kate I know."

"I swear, Eva, he was as good as Nate."

"No way. That's a pretty high bar. Hell, I'm still training Allen."

"Noah seemed to know just what to do, when to do it. Of course, he could have been awful and it's been so long I'd have thought it was wonderful. But, oh my goodness, I feel so much better."

"Kate, I'm sorry about Nate. I knew how you felt and I knew sharing was taking its toll on you, but I had no where to go. I didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry." She was crying. "These friggin' hormones are going to kill me."

Kate hugged her. "It's OK. It was a weird time for both of us. You should have just come over with Allen and watched. Did you ever tell him about any of it?" They laughed again.

"Are you shitting me? He'd have passed out. Allen thinks he was my first. Somehow my being married before doesn't really fit into his world view. And it's just as well.

"Where is Noah? Where is this man of mystery. He seems really nice, Kate. Did he run away screaming to escape this mad house?"

"Sleeping. He was so exhausted and then I...Well, it really wasn't fair. I never meant for it to happen. It's just that yesterday sucked so bad. Eva, I just asked to be held. I climbed into bed. We talked for a bit and then I realized he had no clothes on." Eva started howling and was joined by Kate. "Can you believe it?"

"Damn, Kate. Something like that could only happen to you. Let me climb into bed with a naked man and talk. You slut! Let's make our champions some breakfast." She got up from the table, staggered and groaned. "No, no. Not here, Not now!"

"What, Eva. What's the matter?" Before she could say anything fluid wet Eva's pants and ran down her leg creating a puddle on the floor. She groaned again and held her belly.

"Quick, go wake Allen. My water just broke and I'm starting to go into labor. We have to get to the hospital." Kate woke Allen and he jumped up and got dressed.

"Eva. Do you want me to drive you and Allen?"

"No, he can drive me. It's not our first. Could you keep Hailey for me?"

"Sure, but you better take my car so I'll have the car seat. OK?"

"Yup. And then you can come to the hospital when Hailey and Adonis have finished breakfast. Wish me luck."

They hugged. "Damn I love you Eva. You better take care of yourself and make him drive right. You are for sure the sister I never had. Good luck." She winked, "And I never did get to feel those giant boobs of yours."

"Damn. If you make me laugh again...You made this happen and I hold you responsible. But the sooner I get this monster out of me the better. And I love you too, Kate. Thanks for always being there for me. Let those two sleep. No rush. Takes a while to register and stuff."

Dang it. I'm almost afraid to wake Noah up. What's he going to think of me this morning? Did I mess up? I don't really know anything about him.

"Good morning, Kate." Looking around, "Last night was wonderful. Thank you. I needed that. I guess we both helped each other. So, where do we stand this morning? I...."

She pulled him to herself and kissed him. "Last night was wonderful and if it were up to me we'd go right back into that bedroom. That's where we stand from my viewpoint. Unfortunately, Eva just went into labor. They're on their way to the hospital and we have babysitting duty.

"What can I fix you for breakfast? And I have to make some eggs or something for Hailey. Then we have to go. Can we go straight to the hospital or do you have to go get your car and change and stuff?"

"No, I think we should go straight to the hospital, unless you think it would be better for me to stay and watch Hailey so you don't have to drag her to the hospital. Labor can take a while."

"You'd do that?"

"Sure. Why not. It'd be fun with Hailey." She kissed him again. "No, let's go. The second time doesn't usually take as long as the first and she didn't take too long with that one. Heck they may text and say she's had it on our way there. You sure that's OK?"

"Here, I'll cook some eggs and toast. You change and dress Hailey. I don't know where any of the stuff is to do that. though. There is some coffee, right? Strong, black coffee."

"What, no 50% creamer and a bunch of sugar? Me either. Yes, there's a ton of it. Butter on the counter, pans under the stove, you can hunt for the rest."

They talked nonstop on the way in. Every topic under the sun, getting to know each other.

They'd only been at the hospital an hour or so before Allen came out and said. "All done. Baby and Eva doing well. As you might expect, the baby had an opportunity to learn a wide variety of cuss words during labor. Oh, a little girl. Not sure what her name's going to be yet. Where is Hailey?"

"They wouldn't let me bring her up so she's downstairs with Noah. When can I see Eva and the baby?"

"Oh, Eva...I'm so proud of you. Despite having an ugly as hell husband," she winked at Allen, "she is absolutely beautiful. Just like her mom." She got tears in her eyes. "She is just so precious, Eva. I can't take my eyes off her. You're so lucky." She felt a hand on her arm.

"Your time is coming. And if you marry that big old guy you'll have to have C-sections and won't have to put up with the brats ripping your insides up. And, Kate? I'm going to be here until tomorrow. Is there any way..."

"Done. Probably best to stay at your house since all her stuff is there. I'll have to take Noah to get his car and he'll want to change. Then I'll go straight there."

"That's fine," whispering, "but use the carpet."


"If you start fornicating all over our bed and Mr. Hot rocks over there finds out, it'll make him so horny he'll either be doing my mouth or my ass every fifteen minutes or so. So please..." the girls laughed and hugged. Allen blushed.

Kate reached over to Allen, "It's OK, Mr. Hot Rocks. Boys have their needs." And the girls started laughing again.

"Dammit, Kate. Get the hell out of here before you make me laugh my uterus out. Go check on my kid who's with a complete stranger we know nothing about." Allen looked alarmed and started to get up. "It's OK, Allen. Hailey is fine. It's Noah I worry about."

She went downstairs and located Noah in the kids' play area on the floor with Hailey and several others playing some sort of hide and search game. Kate just stared at him, her bond with him growing with every child's laugh. He looked up and smiled.

"Hailey, there's Auntie Kate. Better go find out how Mommy's doing. Sorry kids. Better find your parents. Fun time is over for now. Kate! How is Eva doing?"

"It's all fine, little girl. Do you want kids, Noah."

"Yup, always wanted at least four."

"Four? I'd be starting a little late...Oh, crap, I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying. I..."

"He put a finger to her lips. It's alright, Kate. Relax. It's been a weird 24 hours for you."

"I'll say. I have to watch Hailey for a day or two. At their house. I can take you to pick up your car probably need to go home and rest up. And I'll swing by my house and pick up some stuff then head to Eva's. I do hope I can see you again..."

"Nope. Not a good plan. I'll get my car, head to my place to get some stuff. You head to yours and then we'll meet at Allen's. I just need the address."

Oh, damn. I'm a goner. I just hope he doesn't rip my heart to pieces. He could see the worry on her face. He took her hand, "Kate. I'm.... please don't worry. I'm not like those others. I want one girl and one girl only.

"If you decide it's not working, then we part ways and then and only then would I even think about someone else. I will never ever intentionally hurt you, although my mom says I could mess up an anvil.

"Trust me, OK. But one thing..."

"What's that?"

"You have to promise not to die on me until you're like 90 or something."

She laughed. "Deal, let's get going."

They slept in Eva's bed and had sex in it, but first thing in the morning, she stripped the sheets and changed everything out. Washed the old ones and made it look like nothing had happened. Eva got there later in the day and, said, "I think I need to take a quick nap before the breastfeeding alarm goes off. I'll be back in a bit, Allen."

She walked in the bedroom, pulled down the covers and smiled. "Oh, Kate, sweetie. Will you come here for a second." Kate entered the bedroom. "Kate, these are not the sheets that were on my bed. Care to explain?"

"I, uh, we...Yes, we did 'fornicate' all over your bed. I figured Allen would never know the sheets had been changed." Eva laughed.

"You're right. No way he could tell. So how was it?"

"Wonderful. Incredible. He wants four kids. Or more. You should have seen him with Hailey...."

"Darn, Kate. I've seen that look before. When's the wedding? Does Noah know? Are you rushing things too much?"

"Yes. We probably are. But I told him about all my fears of cheating, betrayal, trust. He told me about his fear of watching the one he loved die. So...

"We have a deal. He will never hurt me or cheat on me. And I promised not to die on him like his wife did."

"Interesting bargain. Get out and let me take a nap. Oh, one more thing. Does he like country music?"

"No, he likes rock and alternative."

"Hmmmm." They hugged.

"Eva, both of you are so beautiful. It just makes me want to cry. And Hailey..."

"Dammit, Kate. Now you're making me bawl. I don't have time for this. I need a nap."

Months later: "Alright, folks. The group is going to take a break. Aren't they great? Thank you as always for listening and please, do let us know what you think. Jake, that's enough singing for me. I'm going to round up Noah so he doesn't feel deserted."

She walked behind the curtain, went down the steps and started walking through the crowd when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She swung around, "Noah....Alex! Uh. Hi. Not who I expected."

"Kate! you are uncredible. what a voice. I never would have thought..."

"You should hear Nate. He's much, much better than I am. And he writes songs. They're beautiful."

"That's actually why we're here. We came so i could see the place, learn some dances and maybe hear him sing. That's why I'm in a ball cap, pony tail, jeans,no makeup. But then we heard you singing.

"He's went back to the truck. He was afraid...Well, he didn't want to maybe make you feel uncomfortable. But i have to talk with you. Please?

"Look, Kate. I missed out on so many wonderful things I could have shared with him. I'm probably the last person you expected to see and you probably hate me, but can we step over there and talk a minute? Where it's a little quieter? I have some things I want to say."

"Uh, sure, Alex."

"So first, about Nate..."

"Alex, I haven't seen Nate for six months. Not since he stopped by the house for a few minutes."

"I know. It's not that. I want to thank you. Thank you for not taking him back. He'd have stayed with you if you'd have given him any encouragement at all and that would have been the end of us."

"Alex, I..."

"I know you won't believe this, but I love Nate. Always have. Always will. When he came back," and Alex started tearing up. "When he came back and said that he was willing to let me be with other people any way I wanted to do it, I looked into his eyes and realized he loved me so much that he would do anything. Anything at all to stay with me.

"But I also realized that I had broken him. Broken his heart and broken his spirit. I'd broken the man I loved.

"I'd been so afraid that he would leave me...I know. I had a really fucked up way of showing it. But I was so afraid of him leaving that I kept trying out others to see if there was any man who could make me feel the way Nate did. Like a plan B, a backup, in case he left. There was never anyone close.

"God, I can't believe how fucked up my thinking was, but I was testing him. Testing his love all the time. Pushing to see how far he would go. I was so overwhelmed with pain and guilt as I looked into his eyes and realized how much I'd hurt him what I'd been doing to him.

"I started blubbering like a little kid, fell on my knees, grabbed his ankles and begged him to forgive me. Begged him to stay with me.

"We talked it all out and now I tread the straight and narrow. I will never cheat on him again or make him do anything he's uncomfortable with.

"And you may note, that I am in a country bar, drinking water, and I feel so nauseated I might barf at any moment. So, thank you, Kate. Because of you I am now four months pregnant. I am so excited...I can't believe I put it off."

She stepped forward and hugged Kate. Kate didn't know what to do with her hands, but then hugged her in return. "Kate, I will always be more thankful than you can imagine. You single handedly saved my life and saved our marriage. So, if Nate hadn't given you that house and property, I would have made him do it.

"I think, Kate, that we could be friends, if you would be OK with that. Either way...could I come out and see the house and property? Nate always talked about it. Hell all the time, but I would never come here with him and never went there. And I would like to see it. What do you think?"

"That'd be great, Alex. Just give me a call. I am so happy to hear that things are working out between you and Nate. He's a lucky guy. And congratulations on the baby. Keep me posted."

"And would it be OK if Nate and I came here sometimes? I'd really like to hear him sing. But....I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything."

"That'd be fine, Alex. He's terrific. You need to hear him."

They hugged again and Alex left.

Tell me that wasn't the weirdest encounter I've ever had. Wait until I tell Noah. Now where is that guy? She didn't see him inside so she stepped outside in time to see this tall woman climb out of her car. Wow, it'd be cool to be that tall. She started to run. "Noah!" She jumped into his arms and they hugged. A very familiar hug.

She kissed his cheek, grabbed his arm and nestled her head against his shoulder. They went to his truck and she leaned over and hugged him and kissed his cheek again. He seemed so elated to see her. He put his arm around her.

No! NO! NO! NO! It can't be happening to me again. Why? Why, Noah? I can't go through this again. I won't go through this again.

"Poppy. Damn! How are you. It's been too long! What are you doing here?"

"Well, little brother, you're such a butt head who won't ever come to Seattle to see me. I decided to come here and see you. And...well, Mom sent me to investigate this slut you've been seeing and see what the hell is going on since you won't ever discuss it.

"So what gives, Noah? Will I like her?"

"She's great. Everything I could want. We get along so well. I haven't felt this way...Well, you know. Since Chris..."

"It's OK, Noah. So you like this chick. Good. When do I get to meet her?"

"Well, right now, I guess. She's inside. Wait, let me get this text and find out what's up. No! No! What the heck?" He teared up. "She... she just broke up with me?"

"What? Why would she do that?"

"I don't know. I have no idea. I have to go inside and try to find her." They couldn't find her, her car was gone, she wasn't home and Eva knew nothing about it.

"Noah. She was always so happy with you. She loves the hell out of you. I thought you were at the club with her.

"I was, Eva, but then Poppy."

"Poppy? Who the hell is Poppy?"

"My sister."

"Any chance she saw you two together? Any PDA?"

"Damn, that must be it! She won't answer her phone, she's not home...I don't know what to do."

"She must have seen you two and freaked. She must have thought it was happening again. It's late, Noah. Why don't you go home. I'll try to track her down, but I'll bet her phone is off. Give her some time to come to her senses." And get back home."

"OK, Eva. If you hear anything."

"Yes, I'll call her a dumbass and make her call you. It'll work out, Noah. That girl is all in on you."

"Thanks for putting it on speaker. Let's go back to the club, let me get my rental car, I'll follow you home. And then your counselor will ask you to start at the beginning and tell me all about this girl. I assume you two are screwing like rabbits?"

"Well, not exactly like rabbits."

"Come on, Big Brother. Let's figure this shit out. So how'd you meet?"

"Well, I was hiking at Meadowbrook, got lost and took off my clothes to wash in the river....." Poppy started laughing.

"First you got lost on the Meadowbrook trail? What a dumbass. Then you meet her while you're standing nude in the river. Damn, Noah, I'm gonna pee myself I'm laughing so hard. It could only happen to my little bro. And just look at you. You're so cute when you blush."

"So, Noah, she's scared to death of cheating and betrayal and she must have seen gorgeous me throw my voluptuous self on you. What would you think?"

"I'd want to talk about it."

"Bullshit! You'd be heartbroken, crying your eyes out like a little baby. But I think I have a plan. First thing tomorrow morning...."

Kate heard a fierce banging at the door. "What the hell? It's 6 AM? If that's Noah....well, I won't let him in. It's done!"

She stumbled to the door. Eyes red from crying. Wearing the clothes from last night. Hair uncombed. she opened the door. "Who! It's you! What are you doing here?"

Poppy pushed the door open walked in and towered over her, and looked her up and down. Appraising. "My, my, you are a cute little thing aren't you? Your hair, your figure.....But you look kinda rough. Had a tough night?"

Standing erect. "No. I slept fine, thank you."

"Good. Glad to hear it. So you always look like crap in the morning? And go to bed in your clothes?"

Kate started to turn red-faced with anger. "You don't look so great yourself. Whoever the hell you are. And, I'd guess that's your all day look."


"I think you know there might be a reason why I don't look my best."

Looking up and staring Poppy straight in the eye, "I don't remember inviting you into my house. So why don't you take your giant Amazon looking self and your ass out of here." Poppy cracked up, making Kate angrier.

Poppy didn't move. "So why are you here?"

Poppy smiled. Ah, this one has some spunk. "So you think you're good enough to date Noah? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"No. I don't think I'm good enough. But I don't think any woman is good enough for that man. He deserves to have someone work hard every day to be good enough for him, to be his partner, to make him happy, stronger, better.

"And it's pretty obvious now that he feels I'm not that woman. Are you good enough, Tall Stuff?" Poppy laughed.

"I just wanted to let you know not to worry. That I was just going to try Noah out for a while. But don't worry, when I'm done I'll send him back to you."
