The Rise of Rachel Price T-Girl Pt. 22


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Hunter nodded. "Yes, Sam Spade wrote an article about it. He's out there ripping up wind farms and building new subsidized coal-fired power stations. Ironically, he's really shredding up the Paris climate change agreement. It's basically the response of a large number of disenfranchised poor voters dislocated by years of social progress reacting to an establishment."

Rachel looked muted. "Yeah, okay, I didn't know that. It just seemed weird, right?"

Hunter smiled. "You're young. Democracy is not always comfortable and doesn't always go the way you think it must, but we live by it."

"Why do I suddenly have the urge to sing 'God Bless America'?" Rachel said.

Rachel reached into her cleavage and pulled out a small memory stick. It was little more than a sliver of plastic with metal contacts. "Sorry, I've always wanted to do that. Here is Levant's recent email. Turns out the wifi here is easily hacked. FYI, his personal password is 'Rachel.' Original, huh?"

Hunter took the data stick from Rachel's fingers. There was a spark between them. "Thanks, but you need to get out," Hunter said. "You're in danger. You can't go on risking yourself like this."

"I've got a dentist appointment on Wednesday at 12:00, and then I'm going to RE on Union Street. If you happen to be in the cafe opposite, that's good," Rachel said. Then Hunter pushed Rachel against the wall and kissed her. Rachel pushed Hunter away.

"Hunter!" she said. "We are short on time!"

"Sorry, I've also been wanting to do that for ages," Hunter said, his eyebrows meeting in disappointment. Rachel had to resist the urge to kiss him back. Sometimes she was so Rachel so much she forgot what she truly was.

"Another time OK? We can't hide for long. Look, before you go, I want to show you something," Rachel said.

Rachel went to a bed and pulled out a MacBook Air from behind a pillow. She opened the laptop and typed in a password. The screen showed a number of video feeds.These were Levant's personal cameras, the ones he used to watch Rachel about the house. You could see the party as a collage of beautiful dresses and smart suits.

"I managed to hack into this. I can see the house video feeds. It took a few days to break the encryption. I noticed he has a dedicated secure connection to a cluster of compute server farms around the world. He's doing something that requires a huge amount of computing power."

"You hacked into the house security system? You can do that?" Hunter said, clearly impressed. He was looking deeply into her eyes again.

"Yes, I was wearing my lucky stiletto pumps when I did it," Rachel nodded, opening her eyes wide, then relaxing them to the norm. "Yes, I can do that. Am I feeling a little patronized? Oh, yes, I am. Who knew? And that's your cue to get the squat out of here."

Before Hunter reached the door, Rachel felt a bit mad. If she was the actor for Levant, playing the girlfriend. For Hunter, she played the dangerous girl. She grabbed Hunter, pulled him back, kissed him, then grabbed a tissue and handed it to Hunter to wipe his lips again.

"I'm not a good girl," Rachel said. "In fact, I'm a lousy girl. The truth is, I have a very high threshold for personal risk. You're an extreme sport all of your own Nathan. Do you know that? Now get out of here, or next time I kiss you, I will start using tongues." She bit her own lip after saying that. Rachel could do it in a way that was cute; she knew because she had practiced in the mirror. It could drive Levant wild.

She pushed Hunter away, slapped his ass going, and then snapped her laptop shut. Hunter opened the door a little to check the corridor.

"I still don't know who you really are, Rachel," Hunter said about to leave.

Rachel looked over and waved her ass at him. "Really, it's simple. Just check my Wikipedia page."

Hunter left with a huge grin on his face.

The door shut, and Rachel laughed. In a few months, she would be gone again, for good this time. If she was lucky, Hunter would have enough info to bring the Levant empire down. This would keep Levant distracted and off her back. Plus, she realized she liked the power to throw a spanner in Levant's works as much as Levant liked controlling her.


Chapter Bed time

Rachel took a deep breath and walked into the master bedroom for the first time with the intention of sleeping in it. This was a big move for her contractually, and they were going to sleep in the same room. The contract said it was to give the impression of their relationship to others. It was early in the morning, people had left others took over some of the guest rooms. Someone had taken over the piano after Jeff Goldblum had kicked off the musician and spent over forty minutes playing familiar tunes. For all the party goers it was time to leave.

She looked around the bed room. She had helped design it, but it was better than she had imagined. The moment she stepped into the bedroom, Rachel was immediately struck by the luxurious and sophisticated feel of the space. The walls were painted in a rich, deep shade of gray, creating a sense of calm and tranquility. The floor was made of polished Italian marble, which added to the sense of opulence and glamour.

At the center of the room was an enormous king-sized bed, draped in the softest, most sumptuous linens she had ever felt. The headboard was an intricate work of art straight from Marrakech, made of hand-carved wood and covered in leather. Beyond the bed was a wall full of floor-to-ceiling windows which overlooked the grand Pacific Ocean. The full moon reflected off the perpetual motion of the waves. Occasionally, a wave would crash and fan up against a pillar left from the failed attempt at an offshore wind farm. The water would fan out like a ice blue peacock in spring.

Levant stepped out of the shower, his tanned, muscular body glistening with water droplets. Rachel couldn't help but steal a glance at his impressive physique, with well-defined abs and broad shoulders. She quickly averted her gaze from his genitals, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at having been caught staring. Levant noticed her sudden shyness and covered himself up with a towel before disappearing into the ensuite.

Rachel took a moment to compose herself, admiring the sleek and modern bathroom design. The walls were tiled in a beautiful mosaic of muted blues and grays, while the floors were made of heated marble tiles that felt warm and luxurious underfoot. A large, walk-in shower with a rainforest showerhead dominated one corner of the room, while a deep soaking tub stood invitingly against the opposite wall.

Levant emerged from the ensuite, now dressed in a set of silk pajamas that hugged his toned physique. He couldn't help but admire Rachel's appearance, noting the way her lacy Versace negligee clung to her curves in all the right places.

"You look fabulous, you really do," he said, his eyes lingering on her smooth legs and flat stomach.

Rachel smiled, though her thoughts drifted to the hectic past few weeks of the home makeover project. The master bedroom was a stunning testament to the work that had gone into the renovation. The sleek, modern design featured black lacquer and polished chrome nightstands on either side of the bed, each with a built-in charging station for phones.

Across from the bed was a gilt-framed mirror, which cleverly hid a TV set behind it. In one corner of the room, there was a cozy seating area with a plush velvet sofa and matching armchairs. The coffee table in front of the sofa was made of smoked glass and brushed stainless steel, giving it a sleek, modern look. The lighting in the room was soft and warm, with recessed fixtures that cast a gentle glow on the walls. Strategically placed table lamps and floor lamps could be adjusted to create the perfect ambiance.

"You should, after all, you chose it. It was in the contract," Rachel thought to herself.

"Happy month seven," Rachel said with a forced smile.


As Rachel thought back on the past seven months. The house makeover was a bigger project than anyone had expected. The contractors had only left the night before after one last frantic burst of activity. Then, the cleaners had arrived with Lucy as their overlord, to get things ready for the party. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible experiences she had been fortunate enough to have. From meeting new people and breaking ground on new projects, to short vacations in exotic locations, dinners with friends, sports events, theaters, and award shows, every day had been a new and exciting adventure.

"Are you all ready for the big moment?" Levant asked. He seemed to have drunk a bit too much.

Rachel was slightly tipsy from drinking to, but clear-headed enough to check the beds. In the contract, they had agreed to start sleeping in the same room by this month. Rachel had insisted on separate mattresses. The start of month seven coincided with the house opening. It was late, and the guests were now gone or going back home. There was that same sense of quiet you get after any big event.

Normally Levant and Rachel got on well, they knew what each other was talking about, and they could practically finish each other's sentences. Tonight their conversation was awkward and with out the usual rhythm and flow.

"It feels a bit like a wedding night, doesn't it?" Levant said.

"So I'm just down a wedding dress and a marriage license for tonight," Rachel said, checking the gap between the mattresses.

Levant had a nasty habit of pushing them together. He desperately wanted them to sleep together. Unfortunately, if they shared a bed, Levant insisted she wear a gaff and stay tucked all night. Rachel had complained that her testicles were already shrinking, and the last thing she needed was less time for them to recover. She stuck to wearing dresses so she didn't have to strap up as much. The fashion pages that Rachel watched had already noticed this.

The room was dimly lit, and Rachel could hear the faint sound of music playing in the distance. She wondered what Levant had planned for the night. It had been an exciting and exhausting day, and Rachel was ready to get some sleep. She hoped that Levant would respect her wishes and keep the mattresses apart.

"Would you get married? I mean, technically, it's undoable," Levant said, turning off the lights.

Rachel's eyes adjusted to the dark, and she could see his outline on the matching bed.

"Married for a month sounds like a lot of work. I mean, you would have to change the name on all the fake IDs you generated for me. Then change it all back. So thanks, but no thanks," Rachel said as she got into bed and pulled the covers over her.

She lay down and pulled the gaff down her legs, finally letting Denver's parts emerge for the night. She wouldn't tell him, he wouldn't know. She had the alarm set to waker her before him so she could hide Denver's parts. Levant wouldn't pull the covers back; she knew she was safe. This was really for the staff to consume. It was a public proclamation.

Levant got into bed and turned off the lights. In the stillness, they could hear the sea beyond. "Good night, Cinnamon. If we get married, I'm not going to get you to sign a prenup," Levant said.

Rachel knew he had effectively offered her somewhere between two and five billion dollars for the pound of flesh between her legs. Not bad for something which it would be hard to tell from a mole rat in a police line-up, she thought.

Denver pulled at his scrotum and kept Rachel's voice "That's quite a price tag. But then everyone would think I was a gold digger. If you had a heart attack, I would be in jail quicker than you could say 'slut.'"

"Jane didn't have a prenup," Levant said about his first wife. He had put a picture of her up in the main entrance. She had looked sternly down on Rachel for half the evening.

Rachel's half-closed eyes opened. "What was she like?" she said, lying down in the dark. Sleep eluded her. She had only really slept with Charlie before.

"The first thing you noticed was these fabulous burnt umber eyes looking at you. She found me a poor, rotten wreck of a guy. I was drunk, useless, had nothing, and she was okay with that. I was so angry when I was younger that I did everything I could to piss my parents off, and with Levant money, that could be quite a lot. In fact, I was a playboy - a very good playboy because I was a very bad playboy. The papers loved the sleaze. I kind of went wild with my parents' money... Women are drawn towards me. I'm like a black hole for them - money, drink, parties, drugs. It wasn't a party until I turned up, people said," Levant said.

He paused again, this time to the song of the waves on the cliffs below, acting like a chorus in a Greek tragedy.

"She kind of reached down into the pit and, like the Day of Judgement, pulled me out. She had deep brown eyes, like someone was mixing hazelnuts and gold dust into a chocolate cake mix. She had a whole mouthful of sass - you wouldn't believe it. But she was the first person to ever believe in me. She showed me I didn't have to worry about what everyone else thought. She showed me I could walk by myself. She showed me that I could have a destiny - my destiny. She helped me believe I could be a great man. She made me. She made me a better man than the one she found."

At this, Rachel's chest tightened.

"Do you know what the last thing she said to me was? 'You go knock 'em dead. You show them who you really are, Douglas J Levant. No mercy. No forgiveness. No regrets.' Then the phone went dead. She was on her mobile in the car. We had argued over something unimportant, and she had driven off. A chance to do a deal on a building had come up, and I had phoned her up. She was just sparking with ideas. We were a team then. She had made me in her image, the bold, decisive executive. So, she was turning around to come back to me when the truck hit her. From my end, I heard nothing; the phone went dead. I thought she had just lost reception..."

There was a heavy sigh from the darkness around Levant. "She didn't turn up, so I went and did the deal myself. It was very successful, the best deal I ever did. I was so pleased I couldn't wait to tell her. Then I got the phone call. The funeral was on the day of the groundbreaking ceremony. One hole filling up, one opening. Ironic. "

Levant rolled over.

"That's all I remember. I'm at the ground breaking. The sight was in the bay. You know what color the soil in the bay is? Brown, almost umber clay soil with petechia of limonite and pyrite - the color of her eyes. I find myself looking at the soil at sites and thinking, 'That's the same color as Jane's eyes,' and for a second, I have this slight joy about telling her that. Then I get my phone out, and it's about then I realize she's not there to tell her anymore. That's when you really feel it, you know?"

"I'm sorry," Rachel said in silent tears.

"Do you know which site that first big deal was on? Do you know which plans she worked on, the ideas we had together?" Rachel could hardly breathe, her eyes moist.

"No," Rachel said, almost choking on her dry throat.

"It was the refurbishment and expansion of the Thornbury Hotel. Job number one. Then, ten years nearly to the day, I walk in and see you standing there," Levant said. "Giving sass to that man like she did. Kinda makes you want to believe in something, doesn't it? Kind of makes you think you can undo the past and remake the future. Jane used to say that all the time." His voice trembled for the first time. "And in three or four months, you will be gone. Lost again. Gone for good. Kind of makes you wonder what nine billion dollars is for when it can't make someone love you? It's a cruel, cruel world. A cruel world wrapped in a layer of umber clay soil made from petechia of limonite and pyrite."

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rachepriceracheprice12 months agoAuthor

@Kathry, always happy to share and hope you had a good time off.

'I would also think Denver/Rachel would be concerned the drugs and hormones could permanently hurt his ability to get a hard on or have kids of his own in the future'.

Well, remember Rachel had been assured by Dr Grant that everything is reversible. Which, weirdly, it is. Rachel isn't going to check the Internet anyway, which would largely back up what Dr Grant up. Provided Rachel slowly reduced her dose then Denver would emerge unscathed. The downside is that taking it young might mean muscular-skeletal problems. i.e the reduction in muscle mass means bones may not grow as thick/strong. This assumes that Denver hasn't finished growing, which at 18 is a little questionable but everyone is different, he could be a later developer.

Also Denver now has a sample in the Unicorn under Mimi's name. Worst case he could earn the money for IVF it's not like infertility isn't a problem in the USA sperm counts had dropped 50 percent over the past four decades. Possibly due to diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and polychlorinated biphenyl 153 found plastics which mimic oestrogen. So when they said 'the future is feminine' they weren't kidding. So not a total problem.

In reality, the side effects of the HRT and so on would be difficulty of getting it up but also a loss in sex drive ( not so much in Rachel's case ). This would come back. There are solutions to lack of getting it up - viagra for example still works in many cases. The constant tucking isn't going to help. The tucking is more symbolic and ritualistic in this book.

Another chapter is in the pipe. Should drop soon.

Kathryn65Kathryn6512 months ago

I ve had a few days off and have really missed catching up ! I almost feel for levant in this episode as I tend to think of him as a bit of a piece of work but , I still love everything you deem to share with us . Thank you for sharing xxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amazing story! I'm kind of surprised he doesn't put a wall between himself and the doctor, knowing he's on Levants payroll and pushing him towards transitioning. I would also think Denver/Rachel would be concerned the drugs and hormones could permanently hurt his ability to get a hard on or have kids of his own in the future.

rachepricerachepriceabout 1 year agoAuthor

@bambisexdoll wow. I've never had a comment of this magnitude before. I'm taking it as an enormous complement and I'm humbled by it. Thank you.

rachepricerachepriceabout 1 year agoAuthor

@annika_uknown as always a delight a pleasure to see your responses! i do hope I have the pleasure of more!

Floyd1039Floyd1039about 1 year ago

I am really liking this story. Please slow down a little and at least get someone to proofread. I don't have trouble with following but the missing words and occasional repeat is detracting. Thank you for writing.

bambisexdollbambisexdollabout 1 year ago

Hello you write as if you have been watching me, from a distance, knowing my inner most fears and fantasies, inhibitions and repressed desires since i was an insecure boy of 9 or ten, then through my adolescence and early college years. Your chapters have revealed more about me than I could have ever imagined. They make me tremble and deny, cry and drip.

annika_unknownannika_unknownabout 1 year ago

And finally, net worth is a term not understood by many. Despite its complexity, accounting is a very useful subject. Market fluctuations are always a confounding theme and usually it's not just one market in the mix but several markets. Added to the values invested in the markets, real estate developers benefit and also lose. Real estate investments are ruled by the tax laws and tax laws are always a bit murky and difficult to understand. Ask D. Trump about the leeway granted to developers.

With all of that it's important that readers understand that Douglas Levant's indebtedness is a consequence of many issues, not simply profligate spending. He doesn't have a check book with all that cash stuffed in the pages. He carries lots of risk and his growing love for Rachel demonstrates his dream and the risks he's willing to take for her.


annika_unknownannika_unknownabout 1 year ago

And now I'm close to tears again!


annika_unknownannika_unknownabout 1 year ago

(This is the second time I've written this. This form isn't a word processor and it drops the text when moving around the site. I'm tempted to write this as an email next time!)

It's mysterious how a well-written story and complex characters take over at a certain point. When that happens the story is no longer in the control of the author and the story writes itself. This last scene (at the end of Part 22) brought me to the edge of tears, too. Douglas is struggling with the private pain of the loss of his wife, Jane, trying to reach out to his memory and in anguish that only her memory can be reached. It's clear he's reaching out to Rachel and it's heart-wrenching that apparently Rachel is not responsive.

It's clear that Douglas Levant isn't Don Giovianni, an unprincipled, rapacious character who is unrepentant to the end. When the statue in Don Giovanni invites our manipulative and selfish Don to dinner he should be warned this is his last chance. When Don Giovanni descends to hell, it's richly deserved. At Douglas' core, however is a wounded man and confessing all this to Rachel explains his needs with touching emotion. At Douglas' soliloquy, "Kind of makes you think you can undo the past and remake the future."..."And in three or four months you will be gone. Lost again. Gone for good...."A cruel layer of umber clay soil made from petechia of limonite and pyrite." Your use of 'petechia' is significant here: in medical terms, petechia is the result of broken capillaries. That reminded me of Douglas' ongoing pain. Douglas is as honest and broken as he can be at this point.

Maybe I've seen too many operas, but even in "Moonstruck," the movie with Cher and Nicholas Cage, the grandfather, walking the dogs, says, "La Bella Luna," the beautiful moon, as the cause of the burgeoning romance between the two main characters (and also the parents). If I were Rachel, and I wish I was, I would jump into Douglas' arms with all the passion in my nature and I would never let go. There are not many men like Douglas and even with the stains of mistakes in living, as with Nicholas Cages' hand showing his damage, seeing some movies brings out tears, as it does to Cher. I would be tempted to take Rachel aside and tell her to make the move that Douglas' emotions describe so well.

There is romance and then there is the deeper romance of human lives lived by taking risks. I once told my physician, "St. Thomas Aquinas said 'Mortality is the shits." No, he didn't say that, not even in Latin. But someone else said, "Better to have risked much and failed than to never have tried." (Mistaken quote, I know). Rachel's anxiety is blocking her from acting on her feelings. I would love to tell her that but she is a fictional character.

Is this a trans novel? Of course it is but it's also a human one. Rachel could help heal Douglas' brokenness by passionate sex and listening to his heart ache. Yes I realize humans are always compromised but most of us are capable of deep love. I hope Rachel has the wisdom to act on that deep love in some way.

If you're going to write a more trans novel, and I hope you do, I'm certain I'll read it with the awe I have for this one.


annika_unknownannika_unknownabout 1 year ago

There's so much packed in here and my imagination runs wild with the possibilities.

A simple side note: you asked who I might invite to a housewarming party. Your list is full of fascinating people I'd like to spend time talking to. If I was inviting people, and I assume you mean living people, here's my list:

These are contemporary philosopher's, primarily in theory of mind:

Adrian William Moore

Lucy O'Brien

John McDowell

Jerry Fodor

Michael Smith

Colin McGraw ("Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?" and, of course,

Naom Chomsky

Aestheticians ("Language and Nature")



Lewis Hamilton (and he could design some clothes to wear)

George Russell

Sergio Perez

Fernando Alonso

Charles Lecler

and more philosophers of mind and science:

K.W. Brown

R.M. Ryan

J. Kabat-Zenni

This group could talk with the tech people you already have listed.

There are so many others and those I list are not necessarily rich, although the F1 group would be a fascinating addition. Not only that but their native languages would add an interesting social color to the mix.

You'll probably accuse me of being a little weird, but remember, adding philosophers, scientists (genuine ones doing interesting research) and auto athletes would make for fascinating conversation. There are so many names I could add but even the Asylum might not be big enough!

rachepricerachepriceabout 1 year agoAuthor

Wow, so many comments all at once; quite intensive to catch up on, quite a delight to read. Yeah, Volksgeist I knew, but Weltgeist I did not. I kept oscillating between Volk and Volt (you might see the occasional typo) as a nod. I thought Project Volksgeist was too on the nose, and not enough people would get the reference early on.

I must admit I hardly wrote the story; the story wrote itself. I just did the typing. Conversations happened, and Levant's story about his first wife just came out. I will say my throat got quite sore in places re-reading it the first time. I also like Rachel, and I do sit there thinking, 'Rachel, come on, it's right in front of you.'

I would still like to argue this as a trans novel. Now that I've had a chance to interact with everyone, I'm realizing this isn't exactly the trans novel I'm looking for. I have plans for a second work (and the seeds are there in this book, which you won't get until the first chapters at the end of this one). The sequel will be far more trans. Meanwhile, I wanted something that was a blend of Chick Lit and Lad Lit, combining and remixing the two while being unique. After your feedback, I now have a better idea of what I need to create. The Zeitgeist subplot is dark and necessary for the main Rachel plot to advance. It's also necessary to push Hunter into further contention.

So the big question is, what percentage of the male population would go from outie to innie for four billion and change?

FYI, Levant's net worth varies according to a) the state of the stock market. Levant Holdings Inc. goes up and down, b) This isn't pure money; it's buildings, the value of which is volatile, and c) naturally, Levant tries to minimize taxes, so much of that net worth is money and holdings abroad. It's complex, so different characters are referring to different ways of calculating. I mean, if Rachel got kidnapped, he could probably only get about $18 million in liquid cash within 48 hours if the banks were open.

To the fellow over there with the elegant hair (sorry, I deleted your post by accident) - keep reading; you will be glad you did.

More after I line up the next chapter for the pipe.

Femboy_AmandaFemboy_Amandaabout 1 year ago

Alas my option is dead.

Boris6942Boris6942about 1 year ago

A very well written story without the usual excessive portrayal of domination and degradation favoured by many authors and seemingly their audience, who claim they themselves would love to be subjected to it.

There is of course a domination element, but in a context where it has been accepted to achieve a goal, rather than unilaterally imposed.

The directions that the plot can take are infinite. It will be interesting to see how Rachel’s complicity with Hunter will affect the situation in the event that the journey follows the path that Levant would like and with which Rachel may come to terms with.

Denver is a martyr to family loyalty!

I look forward to following the experience.

annika_unknownannika_unknownabout 1 year ago

Touching and sad. Douglas' soliloquy is heart-rending and it's so dramatic and touching that I can only feel for the pain still residing in his heart. You've written this scene so lovingly and almost downplayed it that I can feel the breath and warmth in it. Not only that but it might be wonderful in a film script, touchingly filmed in muted colors. At this point, during this scene I almost fell in love with Douglas! But there are so many hints and foreshadowing I've afraid to do so. One direction of where this scene might go would be if Rachel fell into Douglas' arms and they may sweet love to each other. The other is that Hunter's warnings are troubling.

Thank you so much for putting me into the Asylum house warming. I'd love to see that Jackson Pollack painting. He's another tragic figure although he must have been miserable to live with. I guess we'll need to ask Lee Krasner. But thank you so much. I don't have any green dresses but I've wondered if green would be a compatible color. I'm not a red head but once had muted red hair... Wonderful compliment.

I don't know how much you are on familiar terms with Hegel and with the zeitgeist, volksgeist and weltgeist theories but the name of Zeitgeist Project and the tech people fills me with dread. Anything mentioning Peter Thiel, although he doesn't appear in the story, is unsettling in these uneasy times. It's one thing for U.S. states to be forcing anti-LBGTQ+ legislation through state legislatures and even worse to think of tech leaders planning events and legislation. Hegel's not my favorite philosopher by any means but your story already has a very dark hue to it at this point. You're not writing a "trans story" but one with much more consequential themes embraced by people who are much more frightening. I like living in a state without these legislative issues but these themes, along with the technological means to destroy people is truly frightening.

I'll be writing much more later. This has become a tour de force. This has become a peak event of my week and I look several times each day for the next installment. Then I re-read each installment to make sure I haven't missed anything!

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