The Shine


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I think I was baring my teeth and stretching my neck when I realized Alexa was looking down on me. She was resting her head against Alexi's neck, bouncing with his thrusts. My tits were bouncing with his pounding, hers were so small they hardly moved at all. He was gripping my waist, and while his strokes weren't long, his hips were hitting my ass hard and she had been right, while he'd cum fast the first time, he showed no sign of flagging now. From time to time, maybe when my grunts started to sound more insistent, Alexa leaned over, aiming her lips over my reaming, and aiming carefully, spat on us. Using her fingertips to smear her saliva over my asshole and the short shaft of her brother's jackrabbiting dick.

I realized I must be making a face as I came to the corner of our street because an old man was looking at me funny. With an effort, I relaxed my expression and smiled at him. He looked away - which was nice, it meant he wouldn't see the gaping tear that was letting ALL the cold in.

Once around the corner and out of view of the old man, I took a moment to look at my backside and assess the damage. None of the pins had held. It was no wonder those girls had been laughing at me.

Up ahead of me was a small group of adults ushering a large group of children toward me. They were all in high spirits. I was in fucking hell.

Walking towards them I had time to picture the angry parents surrounding me and calling a cop, as well as think about what to do to avoid jail. As they got closer I moved to the side and backed against a closed metal security gate. I just stood there, hands folded in front of my torn-out crotch. I got a couple of weary looks from the parents and some curious ones from the kids, but I didn't get arrested.

'Why are they up so early?' I wondered and took out my phone and looked at the time.

"Fuck me!"

One of the moms turned back and shot me an angry look. I raised a hand in apology. I was so fucked. The Twins' clocks weren't just off from each other by a few minutes; they were running three hours slow.

"I'm so fucked," I mumbled. Sheila wouldn't just be up worrying, she'd be late to start her agenda. She was going to be furious.

'It was so worth it,' I thought as I hustled down the block. The tune of the dream song was still in my head. The moment when the voices dropped and the tiny piano grew soft and the music surged up around it.

I'll do anything for you

Anything you want me to

I'll do anything for you

I thought of Alexa holding my gaze as she began to spread her knees, lowering herself onto my face, but she was too far forward, facing the wrong direction... Or that was my first reaction as she lowered her asshole onto my mouth, in the instant before I understood what was expected of me. I stuck out my tongue and, recalling how divine it felt when she had licked me earlier in the night, licked her asshole.

Her asshole is smooth and wet. It greets my tongue by cinching in retreat. I searched for her cum. Press it gently, I can feel the sloping entrance relaxing. Just past the soft flesh protecting it, my tongue meets a hard little ring. Hesitantly, I pushed my tongue more forcefully against her puckered knot, one broad stroke after another, punctuated by Alexi's cock pushing into my ass, like dotting the exclamation point.

Having my mouth pressed against someone's asshole wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, the sensation on my tongue, the muscles ripple with each pass, even the earthy taste wasn't unpleasant. The taste is just a hint of bitter. I swirl and push, she pulls and tightens. The two muscles dance and play. I make myself rigid and sharp, she resists me. I won't retreat. I press and turn as she softens and surrenders.

Poking deeper into her rim, tongue taut, resistance ceasing. I tried to keep pace with Alexi's thrusts, so my tongue became almost an extension of Alexi's cock pushing deeper into Alexa's ass.

Oooh, I'm sticking with you

Oooh, I'm sticking with you

Oooh, I'm sticking with you

Oooh, I'm sticking with you

Oooh, I'm sticking with you

I had reached the share, climbed the stairs to our flat, and walked down the hall to the door. Stood staring at the number 237 on the door, that stupid fucking song in my head, wishing I was dead. I pulled out my phone and powered it down.

Taking a deep breath, bracing for the unknown, I unlocked the door, part of me hoping that Sheila had already left, I called out "Are you here, Sheila?"

Sheila came thundering out of the bedroom. Fury etched on her face and darkening her tone, "What the actual fuck Dani?"

"Sheila, look I'm SO sorry..."

"You didn't come home last night. You didn't answer my messages. I couldn't sleep. I was worried sick about you."

To my relief, Sheila's anger had evaporated. She looked worried; I'd scared her. I dropped myself into the kitchen chair across from her, reaching for her hands as I did.


Both Sheila and I leapt to our feet, real shock and alarm of Sheila's face, fucking agony on mine I imagine. I was hopping around the kitchen flailing at the pins jammed in my arse.

"WHAT THE FUCK DANI!?!" Sheila screamed, reaching for me, until she saw what I was doing, and then she reared back in horror. "Fucking Hell! Did the caveman do that to you?!"

"No!" I cried as I pulled the first pin out. Sheila had reverted from her horror and was now laughing. "Fuck Sheila, this really hurts!"

"Hold still, let me get them out for you," Sheila started to pull the remaining pins out of the costume, "so tell me, what happened, where did you get these fancy pink knickers, are they new?"

I was regretting taking the extra trophy now, or at least not sticking one pair in my pocket.

"Uhg. I was trashed and ripped my outfit, and um..." I started to explain, but blanked on the undies. I just stared at Sheila who was smirking back at me.

"Did you hook up with the caveman?" she asked in a surprisingly playful tone. I couldn't believe she was letting the panties drop, but I jumped at the chance to change the subject.

"The caveman left the party with mates and I stayed for a bit longer. He was actually a decent bloke," I explained in a rush. "I really just need a shower and I'll get ready to head out with you."

"Uhhh, I want details lady. I was worried sick about you. How was the party?"

"Yeah, it was really cool, I had sooo much fun," I said, kicking off my shoes and moving towards the bathroom. "Can I shower first and talk after?"

"Nope, you can talk in the shower. I've seen all there is to see of you and after this morning, half of Billyburg has now seen your arse."

With a sigh of surrender I gave in, "Fine, ask away." I had been hoping for a little privacy in the shower, a chance to replay scenes from last night. I started pulling off the little costume, happy to tear it now.

"Where did you sleep last night?"

"Um, I partied until the morning, and then came home. You know my phone died," I said holding up the dead screen, "so I didn't know the time. You wouldn't know if it was night or day in that loft"

"So why are you wearing two pairs of undies?"

I had just reached for the waistband and looked down. There was no hiding the second pair.

"Oh, yeah, I-"

"You are such a fucking bad liar," Sheila said flatly, but she looked amused. "Tell me about the Shining Twins?"

I almost fell over.

"Umm, how did you?"

"Because I got worried so I walked over there and saw you."

"Wait. What?" I was gobsmacked. "Why didn't you stay? Why didn't you come say hi?"

"You were dancing and clearly having a great time, and I don't know. I went to make myself a drink and there was some guy having sex with a slice of pizza."

I looked at her blankly.

"You know, folded over like this," she showed me with her hands. "Whatever. It was gross. I definitely wasn't up for THAT kind of night. Everyone there was way ahead of me, and you looked like you were having fun with the twins, so I just came back home."

I had dropped Alexi and Alexa's soiled panties on the floor and was backing into the shower, wishing I could disappear.

"I want the real details on our way to Queens, all of them."

I thought of Alexa cumming while her brother pounded my ass. How she settled heavily onto my face for a moment, grinding her pussy and asshole against my mouth and chin, getting off on her brother's fucking by way of my face; riding me as his blows traveled up my spine and pushed my head.

I pictured her again lifting herself off my face, how I had drawn a desperate breath as I watched her push her brother back on his haunches. Her hand on his belly had been like a claw scratching downward and she bowed down, mouth open, catching his spraying cum in her on her tongue.

"MmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmm," she moaned in delight as she sucked his little cock, her body arched upwards so I had a clear view. Panting, I watched her, staring back at me, happily swallowing her brother's cum.

"Sure sure," I told Sheila, wondering where to begin, how much to tell... "What's in Queens?"

"PS1," she said brightly. "It's an art space."

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DdaltonDdaltonalmost 2 years ago

The ass play is not my thing, but this was still good!

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteover 2 years agoAuthor

So glad you enjoyed the vibe EarlyMorningLight, it was great fun to write. In the spirit of Halloween we tried to get really twisted. The downtown scene through the lens of Williamsburg got us there, I’m so glad it translates, and especially glad to know the humor lands.

EarlyMorningLightEarlyMorningLightover 2 years ago

Hot as hell, wryly funny, extremely well-written, and wall-to-wall Velvets/Lou/Factory references. This is the perfect story.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteover 2 years agoAuthor

The thing I’ve discovered as I’ve written porn, Saragal, is that I travel into territory I wouldn’t otherwise, my characters are into things that are decidedly not my thing. But like having a lover with a fetish, their thing becomes exciting for me. This was my first true collaboration with ButteredCrumpet - where we’re weren’t working on MY story, but instead building one of our own from the ground up. I took a lot of pleasure in pushing her boundaries and mine. I also took a perverse pleasure in the challenge of making a tiny penis sexy. I’m glad to know the story held you even though it wasn’t your thing, and hope that you will enjoy BC’s stories as much as I do.

saragalsaragalover 2 years ago

This was the final story for me and what a wonderful finish. Not quite my thing but i must admit I couldn't stop reading. Now I wait for the next collaboration or solo effort from NSN and I am on to BC's stories next. Thank you for so much entertainment, and rich and exciting characters and stories.

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