The Special Forces Training Cycle


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Then Dr. McPherson started explaining that they will start by manipulating her nipples in a way that would possibly arouse her immensely. He asked if she minded if Meghan did this and Leigh shook her head and said that she didn't. Meghan came to the bed asked Leigh to place her hands above her head. In the meanwhile Dr. McPherson was busy with something in the background then she felt her nipples being softly stroked and this had the effect of send waves of pleasure deep into her womanhood and she started feeling all hot and aroused. The stroking and teasing got more intense and then she felt some pressure being applied to her breasts next to her nipples but as she was enjoying the feelings she did not pay much attention until she started feeling some sensations surging through her breasts. When she opened her eyes the doctor was standing there while Meghan was rolling, pulling and rubbing her nipples and he had applied some Tens pads on either sides of her nipples and was sending electrical currents through them intensifying the sensations. As this was continuing she closed her eyes and let the sensations wash all over her. It built up and eventually she had an orgasm, not a big one, but one all the same. The manipulations and Tens Stimulations stopped and she was left to recover. When she recovered she was asked to rate the orgasm and she said about a 6 out of 10.

Meghan and the doctor were taking notes and another 12 lead ECG was taken. When she recovered the doctor told her that the process was to be repeated only this time the stimulation of her clitoris would be added to the equation. Leigh nodded and the stimulation was resumed Meghan on her nipples and the Tens Stimulator and the doctor splaying open her Labia and stimulating her clitoris. He dry rubbed it and then got some lubrication and rubbed it over her clitoris and he stimulated around the base of her clitoris as well as on the tip of it and then as she was getting ready to be consumed by a raging orgasm he pulled back the clitoral hood and started rubbing her clitoris head. Then it happened she exploded into a number of orgasms which seemed to last forever. The manipulation and stimulation stopped and time was given for her to recover sufficiently to continue. Another ECG was taken when the stimulations were stopped.

When Leigh surfaced she was asked how she felt and she smiled and said fine. The doctor asked what the level of sensation was on a scale of 1 to 10 and Leigh gave a 10. She was then asked if they could proceed or if she needed more time. Leigh said that she was good to go. Dr. McPherson explained that in addition to the stimulus she had just received a device would be inserted into her vagina and would stimulate her G-Spot as well as vibrate to create the desired effect. Leigh nodded her consent and the process continued. Also some suction cups with soft bristled brushes were going to be applied to her nipples leaving Meghan free to do other parts of the stimulation examination

She felt pressure at the entrance to her vagina and then the coolness of a lubricated vibrator being inserted all the way into her vaginal canal. Meghan then moistened Leigh's nipples and applied the suction cups to her nipples, then a switch was flicked and the cups started sucking and vibrating and the bristles brushed up against her rock hard nipples causing a flood of new sensations for Leigh. These were turned off for now and Dr. McPherson asked her if she is ready and she asked for some water before starting. She was given a cup of water. When done she said she was good to go.

Meghan started the suction vibration cups and also the Tens Pads. Leigh felt like she was falling into a deep hole. Darkness and pleasure enveloped her then she felt the manipulations of her clitoris started and then the vibrating feeling deep inside her vaginal canal and then the sensation on the upper part of her canal right on the G-Spot. Before she knew it she had the best orgasm which seemed to last for a protracted time. She did not know how many orgasms she had nor did she know how long she had these sensations as they seemed to flow one into the other. It felt like a life time though. Another ECG was taken when the stimulations were stopped.

When she surfaced again she was told that there was one more left for the day and the doctor wanted to know how she felt and if she felt up to the last one. She nodded she rested some more and then asked for some water which Meghan gave her. Dr. McPherson then explained that the last examination was a combination of what she had had till now and also a device that stimulated the Vagal Nerve that is situated in her anal passage and involved the insertion of a device into her rectal passage. He asked her if she is all right with this and she nodded her consent. She asked for more water.

When she was finished she indicated her readiness and Dr. McPherson prepared a wand-like device which he covered with a condom and lubricated it and then gently yet firmly inserted into her rectal passage. She initially resisted and then relaxed allowing it to slip in effortlessly.

Then it started. First the vibration, suckling and rubbing of her rock hard nipples and then manipulation of her clitoris then the vibration in her vaginal canal and then the stimulation of her G-Spot and then.....

The most startling sensation, a deep rumbling, vibrating sensation in her rectum. And she was over the edge and lost in a different dimension, a dimension of pleasure that she could not describe. There simply were no words that could effectively describe this sensation of rolling orgasms. On and on and on they went. Wave after wave of orgasm upon orgasm.

Leigh woke up and she saw that Meghan was there and she noticed that she was lying flat on the table legs out of the stirrups wires and ECG Dots Removed a blanket draped over her a pillow under her head. She sat up and asked what time it was and Meghan said it was around 16h30 and that Leigh had been out for about 2 hours. Meghan asked her how she felt and she said that she was exhausted. Meghan said that she was sure that Leigh would sleep well tonight and Leigh agreed and looked forward to that. Strangely enough she was feeling hungry and this was possibly because she did not eaten lunch. She told Meghan who said that there would be dinner in her room waiting for her.

Meghan asked if she is able to stand up and get dressed and she said that she was and sat up pulling the blanket back and then letting her legs swing off the bed. Meghan handed Leigh her gown and slippers and Leigh stood up and put the gown on and slipped her feet into the slippers. Meghan asked her if she felt okay to walk to her room and Leigh said she was.

They walked back Meghan asked her for the key card which Leigh gave her. She opened the door and led Leigh in. The door closed and Meghan asked her if she is going to be okay which Leigh said she thinks so.

Leigh asked Meghan how she thought she had done and Meghan told her that she had never seen someone so sensitive able to handle so many orgasms and still be able to function normally as Leigh is doing now.

Meghan Found the tray with supper brought it to Leigh who had gone to sit down on her bed and opened it. Leigh looked at it and then started eating. Meghan asked her if she needed anything else and Leigh said she did not. Meghan then told her that tomorrow is going to have more challenges. She explained that she was to be up at 06h00 for breakfast and that Meghan would fetch her at 07h30. She was to dress in the gown and slippers as today as a lot of the tests require her to be naked as she was today. They will be doing the X-Ray, MRI, CT, Infra-Red and Ultrasound screening in the morning and after lunch they would be a Ductoscopy will be done.

She asked Leigh if she had any questions which she did not and then wished her a good night and hoped that she slept well as she will need her strength tomorrow. And with that she left.

Leigh finished her meal. Got undressed and went to have a shower. She spent a long time just standing under the hot pounding water of the shower. Eventually she turned off the water grabbed a towel and dried herself off.

She went to her room got out an oversized T-Shirt donned that got into bed turned off the lights and fell asleep blissfully. No dreams just sleep

Image result for blonde female blue eyesAppendix A:

Patient History Form

Date: _21____/_January_/_2013___





Birth date: _22__/_March_/_1986



M. I.

Age:____27_____ Sex: X F  M

Unit: Norfolk Naval Station Virginia Service no:

Height: 170 cm BP: 126/82 Pulse: 68 SpO2 : 99% Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde shoulder length Skin: Caucasian


Drug allergies: X No  Yes To what?

Please list any medications that you are now taking. Include non-prescription medications & vitamins or supplements:

Name of drug

Dose (include strength & number of pills per day) How long have you been taking this?

1. N/A





Past medical history

Do you now or have you ever had:

 Diabetes

 Heart murmur

 Crohn's disease

 High blood pressure

 Pneumonia

 Colitis

 High cholesterol

 Pulmonary embolism

 Anemia

 Hypothyroidism

 Asthma

 Jaundice

 Goiter

 Emphysema

 Hepatitis

 Cancer (type) _________________

 Stroke

 Stomach or peptic ulcer

 Leukemia

 Epilepsy (seizures)

 Rheumatic fever

 Psoriasis

 Cataracts

 Tuberculosis

 Angina

 Kidney disease


 Heart problems

 Kidney stones

Other medical conditions (please list):



Where were your born & raised?

Atlanta Georgia

What is your highest education?

High school Some college X College graduate Advanced degree

Marital status: X Never married  Married  Divorced  Separated  Widowed  Partnered/significant other

What is your current or past occupation?

Administrative Officer

Are you currently working? : X Yes  No

Hours/week _40___




If living

If deceased

Age (s)

Health & Psychiatric

Age(s) at death











Sister 30






Maternal Relatives:

None known of

Paternal Relatives:

None known of

Systems Review

In the past month, have you had any of the following problems?




 Recent weight gain; how much____

 Headaches

 Depression

 Recent weight loss: how much____

 Dizziness

 Excessive worries

 Fatigue

 Fainting or loss of consciousness

 Difficulty falling asleep

 Weakness

 Numbness or tingling

 Difficulty staying asleep

 Fever

 Memory loss

 Difficulties with sexual arousal

 Night sweats

 Poor appetite

 Food cravings



 Frequent crying

 Numbness

 Nausea

 Sensitivity

 Joint pain

 Heartburn

 Thoughts of suicide / attempts

 Muscle weakness

 Stomach pain

 Stress

 Joint swelling

 Vomiting

 Irritability


 Yellow jaundice

 Poor concentration

 Increasing constipation

 Racing thoughts


 Persistent diarrhea

 Hallucinations

 Ringing in ears

 Blood in stools

 Rapid speech

 Loss of hearing

 Black stools

 Guilty thoughts

 Paranoia



 Mood swings

 Pain

 Redness

 Anxiety

 Redness

 Rash

 Risky behavior

 Loss of vision

 Nodules/bumps

 Double or blurred vision