The Story of Miranda


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"Mmm. How can I put this delicately. Your sweet bottom . . ."

"Is it that sweet?" she asked coquettishly.

"Miranda, your bottom is heaven. Tonight I shall pay homage to it but let me finish. Your bottom is designed to expel, it's not designed to take things in like your pussy."

"Oh," she said. She was delightful, looking at me quizzically as I tried to explain about anal sex.

"So the first thing is that you have to prepare yourself."

"Prepare, how?"

"Well, you need to be empty, if you get what I mean . . ."

She blushed, "I need to go to the loo . . .?"

"Yes," I said, "but that's not really enough. You can't really take all of a man's erection if there is anything in the way so you need to be completely empty for real enjoyment."

"Oh, how do I do that?"

"You give yourself an enema, colonic irrigation. That empties you completely and leaves you clean. It makes the experience much more enjoyable, and easier."

She looked a little shocked now. "An enema? I had those when I had the kids but I've never given myself one. How do you do it?"

I smiled, "All the instructions are in the kit."


"Yes, I've always kept a complete enema kit in the en-suite. My wife used to use it before."

"Did you do it often?"

"Mmm, yes often. As I said, she enjoyed it."

Another coquettish look then, "You are big," she said looking down, "bigger than him. Are you big?"

Oh god, the naivety of her. "I think I'm a bit bigger than average," I said with a smile, "you can measure it if you like."

She blushed then smiled, "Mmm, I will later but, Mike, will it, you know, go in?"

I hugged her to me then, "Yes it will, have no doubt about that but Miranda," She looked up at me, "Miranda, I'm not going to lie to you, it doesn't do. It will hurt the first few times and it may not be comfortable until you get used to it but, if you do like it and you persevere, it does get better, or so I'm told," I ended with a smile.

She looked determined, "I want to try, for you. I'm sure I'll enjoy the preliminaries!" she said with a smile.

"Oh yes, yes you will," I smiled back, "come wench; shower."

So off we went into the shower where she insisted on washing me. Then I very much regretted not being thirty years younger because she was very sensual, surprisingly paying particular attention of my anus as well as my very limp cock and balls. After she'd finished I concentrated on her. She made it clear that she expected to be 'pleasured' (she'd picked up my word), "I hope you're going to wash me 'properly'," she said licking her lips provocatively.

"Oh yes," I said with a smile and I did. This time I surprised her just a little bit by inserting the tip of my well soaped finger into her bottom hole. It did the trick! She had a massive cum, shouting her usual. "Oh fucking hell," which seemed to be her reaction to an orgasm.

Afterwards, as she kissed me, she whispered, "That was nice. I think I'm going to like your cock in my arse."

This caused another deep breath and passionate kiss but, unfortunately, I had no shots left in the locker just then. I needed time to recuperate. We towelled each other off and lay on the bed in dressing gowns.

"What shall we do for the rest of the afternoon?" she said, "shall I pose some more?"

"I think we'll have a rest shall we? Look, why don't I take you out for a drive then we can stop for a meal. My friend owns a lovely Italian restaurant. How about that?"

"But I haven't got anything to wear to a place like that!" she said petulantly.

I laughed, "Miranda love, there are three wardrobes full of clothes in there, you must be able to find something!"

"Mmm, I suppose so," she said then added with an impish smile, "but not from the second or third!"

"No," I said laughing, "perhaps the world isn't ready for Miranda in hot pants."

"No," she said with a smile then she was quiet for a while, thoughtful. "You planned it didn't you?"

Now my heart stopped beating. Well it didn't actually I suppose but it felt like it -- she'd found me out. Since I'd realised I had fallen for her I was worried about how I would explain the whole episode. Would she be upset that we'd met that way: I wasn't sure and I was so emotionally involved now that I was very nervous.

She must have sensed this! "You did didn't you," she said, then she smiled, "Those pants, well!!"

I must have looked rather sheepish, "I can tell. You did!" Then she pecked my cheek, "I didn't mind you know. I realised on the second day that things were getting sexier and sexier." She smiled, "I enjoyed it. It was exciting. And the way you looked at me." Now she fixed me with her eyes, "It was obvious that you liked what you saw!!"

I managed to get my voice back, "Well Miranda, you are a very beautiful woman you know," I said with a smile.

"I didn't think so at the start but you made me feel that way and those clothes: well! I smelled a rat when you asked me to, you know, think about it," she smiled, "I had an orgasm then. You knew didn't you?"

I laughed, "Yes, I guessed," I said causing her to punch me playfully.

"You are a naughty man," she laughed then went on more seriously, "I knew then that you wanted me, your eyes, well I've never been looked at like that before. I was thinking of you, you know, when I came," she said with a shy smile. "Then you gave me those hot pants. Wow, they really made me squirm. You knew that as well didn't you?"

"Oh Miranda, I really am sorry."

"Don't be silly. You don't need to be sorry. If you hadn't done that we probably wouldn't be here now would we. Mike," she was serious now, "I knew, I realised what was going on and I enjoyed every minute. At first it was a way of forgetting my troubles at home then, well I saw the effect I was having on you," she laughed, "your face sometimes, and you had so much trouble with," she reached down and gently squeezed my wedding tackle, "it was funny. But it was exciting as well. I'd never seen myself have that sort of effect on a man before, especially a handsome, experienced man. You made me feel so, oh I don't know, 'real' I suppose. As if I mattered." She reached over and stroked my cheek, "Then, well, than I realised that I wanted you. I felt wanton on that afternoon I took my knickers off." She laughed, "I couldn't believe I was doing that and saying those things but it was so, so exciting and the look on your face," she laughed then became serious. "Then I held it."

She reached down again, "It may be small now but, well then I'd never imagined. He's not very big," she said, "nothing like you. I went to bed that night dressed in those things and I brought myself off, oh I don't know how many times, imagining you making love to me." Now she smiled again, "Mind you," she said, "I didn't imagine most of what you did to me today!"

"Oh Miranda, love," I said. Then I knew I had to tell her. Tell her the truth about what I planned. Look, I'm no altruist but I do believe that if you start a relationship on a lie it's like building a castle on sand, it's bound to fall sooner or later. I didn't want this castle to fall so I had to tell.

"Miranda," I said seriously, "I need to explain."

"No, no you don't really," she said quickly. Was she frightened of what she would hear? I don't know but I had to tell her.

"Love, you need to know. Let me tell you?" She smiled and nodded calmly as I began. I told her all about internet adult sites, how I'd visited many and then about the MILF sites.

"What's a MILF?" she asked.

I took a deep breath, "It's a 'Mother I'd like to Fuck'," I said.

"Am I one?" she asked innocently.

"Bloody hell, yes you are," I said, "you would grace any of them." She smiled. I went on to tell her how I wondered about the women, were they real or all actresses, then my plan.

"You picked me?" she asked. "Was I the only one?"

"Yes, yes you were," I laughed, "I felt I could only cope with one at a time."

"Mmm, I'm glad," she said, "I wouldn't want to share you." I was surprised because she seemed quite happy with what I was telling her but now I had to get to the nitty-gritty as it were.

"I wanted to see if I could bonk an ordinary woman, a wife and mother," I said, "do everything, you know, even anal and all on camera."

"You wanted to photograph it?"

"Mmm," I said, "and video. That was the aim you see, to see if an ordinary woman would do that."

"And that was all?" she asked seemingly sad now.

I reached over and hugged her, "Miranda, that's how it started but life isn't like adult sites on the internet. I knew that something was happening the second day. I enjoyed your company, looking at you, being with you. I didn't want you to go." I kissed her. "That night, after you took your knickers off I did the same. Twice," I said with a smile, "twice thinking of you. Twice is something of an achievement for me. I knew then that there was more," I laughed, "I'd been snared in my own trap."

"Do you mind being snared?" she asked.

"Oh no Miranda. This captured animal couldn't be happier."

"Good," she said as she snuggled up to me, "I don't mind why you did it, it's where we are now that's important. Now I'm going to have a nap. You, you naughty man, have worn me out." Then she pouted outrageously at me, "And I have to gather my strength for tonight don't I?"

I laughed and hugged her, "Mmm," I said, "perhaps you do," and with that we drifted off to sleep together.

I woke about an hour later and looked down at her sleeping in my arms. She had no make-up or anything on - doesn't a woman look wonderful like this? She was truly beautiful. I bent and kissed her lips waking her softly from her slumber. As her eyes opened she pulled my head closer to her, "Mmm," she muttered softly, "I was dreaming about you."

I smiled back, "Nice I hope."

"Oh yes," she said with a provocative smile, "very nice indeed. I can't wait for later."

I kissed her again, "Mmm," I said, my hand stroking over her bottom, "I'm looking forward to that as well."

She blushed, "You are a naughty man," she laughed.

"I know. Come on let's get dressed and go out."

Well, of course, it took me about 10 minutes, Miranda came down after 45. It was worth the wait! She had chosen a light evening dress, not too stylish, just right for a quiet restaurant. She'd also used quite a bit of make-up and her hair was straight now, framing her face. Three inch heels with the infamous fawn stockings completed the picture of a beautiful mature woman.

"You look bloody marvellous," I said as she stood there.

"I'm sorry I took so long," she said, "I wanted everything to be right."

"I was worth the wait. Come on, let's go."

We left arm in arm together and I took her for a drive before we ended up at the restaurant. We had a lovely meal, the first time we'd actually eaten together properly. We talked about lots of things, her past, my past, the future, her kids: not that they were young any more. The time flew by for me, relishing her company and her conversation. I think we were both aware that a lot more discussion would have to take place in the future but we were in the present now and happy there. It was also obvious that, as well as being extremely attractive, she was intelligent and well read. She surprised me by saying that she had an Arts degree from the OU.

"I was bored at home when the kids got older," she explained, "so I did that. It was fun," she smiled at me, "not as much fun as this degree."

"Oh," I said with a smile, "and what's this one in?"

She looked at me demurely, "Sex," she said simply "How to enjoy a man's body," she added smiling. "I think you've already got one in how to enjoy a woman's body."

"I wish I had," I smiled, "but I don't think they do one in that!"

"Well they should because you'd get one if they did!" She knew now that she was being provocative and it wasn't long after this exchange that I suggested we go home.

"Mmm," she smiled, "I might need a while to get ready!" she said with a suggestive lick of her lips.

I laughed, "Miranda love, I'm not sure that I can teach you too much more. You certainly know how to get a man interested!"

She looked sad, "Yes," she said, "I do now but that's you. You make me feel so confident." Then she smiled, "I know I can do that to you."

I reached over and stroked her cheek, "Miranda sweetheart, you could do it to any man, I'm sure of that."

She smiled back at me, "That's what I mean, you make me feel like a bit of a vamp. But, you know, I don't want to do it to any man. I want to do it to you. Come on," she said, "let's get back to your house," she leant forward to whisper, "I want you," then as she pulled away, "do you want me?"

Shit, did I? "Oh yes Miranda, yes I do."

As we sat in the car ready to drive home she leant across and kissed me. A long passionate kiss that certainly raised all my juices. Then she whispered in my ear, "Can I suck you. I've never done it in a car. I've read about it. It'll be so exciting!" Do you know that all the time we've been together she can still surprise me, even after 20 years, and tonight was the first of many!

"Miranda now, here in the restaurant car park?"

"Why not," she said, "it's dark and we're right in the corner."

JT was showing definite signs of interest. I'm not that fond of sex in cars, I always find it a bit uncomfortable and unsatisfying but a blow job, well!

"Oh fuck, go on then Miranda but," I said seriously then getting into the mood, "if you want your arse fucked you'd better not make me cum!"

Now she had the grace to blush but the newfound confidence to smile seductively and pout, "Oh well, I want that," she nodded at my crotch, "in my arse so I'd better not had I?" Then she leant forward, unzipped my pants, and released JT to the night air, well in the car anyway.

"Oh dear," she said with a great big pout as she looked up at me, "I think he's asleep. Oh no, now he's stirring. Oh yes. Mmm," this last as she took the head of my quickly stiffening cock into her mouth. She sucked for a minute, bringing me up to full strength then looked up at me and, taking me out of her mouth, said, "Oh dear this is so exciting."

I reached my left hand between her back and the car seat and said, "Lean forward. Mmm, good, now lift up. Mmm, that's it." Now she was sitting on my hand but it couldn't have been doing much for her.

She sat up, "Can we get, you know . . .?"

"Mmm," I said with a smile, "if something's worth doing at all it's worth doing well. Now lift your bottom and pull your skirt up at the back. Mmm, that's it. No not at the front, keep that over your legs. Mmm, lift up again. That's it!"

"Oh god," she said, "oh dear!!"

I guessed she had worn simple knickers and I was right. As she lifted her skirt I'd put my hand inside her knickers from the back then right underneath so she was sitting directly on my hand.

"OH fuck yes. Oh yes, do that. Mmm," she whispered as two fingers found her pussy from the back. "Oh god, what's that?" she said as the joint of my bent thumb pushed into her anus.

I leant over and kissed her before whispering in her ear, "A foretaste of things to come!"

"Oh god, yes. Mmm, that IS nice." I was moving my fingers and thumb as much as I could but I knew my hand would go to sleep before long.

"If you want to cum with my cock in your mouth you'd better get to it," I whispered.

"Oh yes," and she leant over me and took me in her mouth. Her tongue was working overtime but luckily my rather awkward position had the effect of calming me down so I didn't have to worry too much about a premature cum. Her leaning over like that had taken the weight off my hand and my thumb was free to move so I gently rubbed her anus with the knuckle. I wanted to hold her head on my cock when she came as well. Some women have told me that when they can't express their orgasm vocally it becomes more intense, as if the release is held back, so I thought it might be good for Miranda. The only problem was that I didn't know her well enough at this stage of our relationship to judge the proper moment to work my magic. Well, play it by ear!

Her tongue was working magic on me when she started to squirm her bottom onto my fingers so I guessed she was near. She went to move her head but I held her tight, forcing just a little more of my cock into her mouth. Not enough to hurt her but enough to fill her.

I felt her anus relax a tiny bit on my knuckle then she surprised me again. She pushed back and took just a little of it in her bottom. My fingers were flooded as her orgasm hit and her sucking on my cock increased tenfold. I had to let her go or I would have choked her with a wadge of cum.

She lifted her head and, breathing heavily, said, "OH FUCKING HELL," and pushed down even harder on my thumb. "Oh fuck, that feels good. Keep doing that!"

I was gently moving my thumb over her anus now at the same time as my fingers moved in her pussy.

"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh," she said breathlessly, "you devil, you devil. OH FUCKING HELL," again as she must have had another orgasm straight after the first. She was gripping my cock as if she never wanted to let it go and I must admit that I wished I was younger so I could have filled her mouth then buggered her later but, there you are, the trials of age! I was doing rather well anyway: I was certainly 'up' for the third time today!

She regained her breath and I said, "Miranda, love, let go and put it away. You can play with it when we get home."

Reluctantly it seemed, she let go and forced the 8½ inches inside my slacks, not without some difficulty I must say. She was still sitting on my hand and she didn't seem to want to move off.

"Are you going to let me go?" I said with a smile as I kissed her.

She kissed me back, her tongue probing. She was still obviously very hot. "You are a devil," she said with a smile, "a devil. No," she said with a petulant pout, "I'm not going to let you go, it's too nice."

I laughed, "Well," I said, "I can't drive with one hand so you'll have to otherwise we won't get home."

Another petulant pout, "That's not fair," then, "oh god I want you. Promise you'll fuck me as soon as we get in," she leant forward and whispered, "then I'll get ready and you can fuck my arse."

"Miranda, Miranda, you are some woman." I smiled, "When we get in I'll be your slave. How does that sound?"

She smiled her sexy, provocative smile, "Sounds good to me but don't you dare cum. I want to try that," she grabbed my softening tool, "in my arse."

"Oh no Miranda. You can be sure of one thing tonight."

"Oh, and what is that?"

"You are going to get buggered! Now give me my hand back so I can get you home and cool you down."

You may think that this exchange was surprising for such a naïve woman but, in fact she wasn't that naïve really. Although she hadn't experienced much sex, she'd read all the modern novels, all of which deal with all kinds of sex. It was that, now, she was free. Free to be like this and express her feelings. She's been like this in all our time together, always sexy, provocative, and extremely attractive. Her newfound freedom led to many more adventures (with me I should add) that I will detail later. Well, when she says I can!

Miranda reluctantly gave me my hand back and, just to show her how much I was looking forward to the immediate future, sucked her flavour off my fingers while she adjusted her dress.

As we pulled away she turned to me and said, "I liked that. Have you done that before?"

I laughed, "No, not really. I'm not much of a one for sex in the car," I said, "you can't seem to get at everything."

She laughed back, "Mmm, I see what you mean. Come on, I can't wait to get home."

Despite my desire to fuck the arse off her, she did (and still, despite the years, does) have the ability to really fire me up, I didn't rush home. Better to get there later than not to get there at all and it might give her a chance to cool down! When we arrived I gave her the key and put the car away. She must have let herself in because the door was ajar. She wasn't immediately visible so I called out.