The Strange Case of Marie


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Meanwhile, Julia organised her team build. Krissie from HR was on board with anything remotely 'teamsie' so after that, it was fairly straightforward to make sure the key people joined in. They were away early, around four while the rest of us held the fort for the last little while.

As the last person said their goodbyes, I worked on. In the Hub Marie was the only one remaining. On the wall, the clock ticked down towards doomsday relentlessly, if agonisingly slow. My stomach churned over with nervousness that everything could still turn bad.

It was almost seven when Marie turned off her computer and brazenly come into my office. She circled it how an actress would use a stage. All for the purpose of drawing my eyes to the patch of bare thigh between the skirt hem and the top of her white boots. A tight white top accentuated her tiny boobs and waist.

I casually picked my mobile up and pressed dial on Julia's number.

"Are you...?" I indicated towards her belly as I put the phone down in the open drawer.

Marie smiled and rubbed her hand back and forth just below the ribcage.

"I do hope so. It's too early to say. But if you come back to us we can work on it some more if not. Would you like that?"

I forced a smile.

"I'm coming round to the idea."

The thought of putting my cock inside her was repulsive and had no intention of ever letting it happen again. But right now I needed Marie to believe I was still obsessed with the need to be between those thighs. And her mothers.

"We'll see."

That she couldn't be certain of a pregnancy gave me an advantage. She might still need what my balls could deliver.

"Imagine it, Julian. Four of us. One big happy family."

The Adams family sprang to mind. Perhaps Bob could be Cousin It.

Kay arrived to save me from finding a response. Dressed in a long camel-coloured, wool coat with over large lapels she reminded me of an extra from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Her head sported some kind of fur hat that wouldn't have looked out of place in Moscow's Red Square.

"Oh, Julian. You're looking... fatherly."

Those same emerald green eyes as Marie. And just as piercing. Enticing a few weeks ago, now just plain creepy.

"Kay." I greeted nervously as she took the hat off and placed it on top of my Printer.

She circled the office just as Marie had. A predator in control of her environment. A hand brushed over her daughter's back as she passed. A touch of a loving mother to others. To me, it was the enforcement of control.

"All these computers. Wouldn't you rather have a sexy Secretary with a typewriter? Things were so much more alive in the past."

She spun on a heel and smirked wildly.

"How about me? You could look at my legs under the desk all day."

I glanced down at her feet. Long boots up to her knees with a heel. Then that same enticing patch of knee and thigh before the skirt.

"Would you wear a mini-skirt?" I asked feigning interest.

"Of course. That was the way. Flatter the boss. Give him something to look at, and a blowjob when it was pay review time. None of this KPI malarkey. Five per cent for sucking you off. Ten if I swallow. How's that sound?

Life was so much simpler then."

I didn't answer.

She came closer to my desk and toyed with a pencil as I was purposefully treated to a face-on view of her tits pushing against her tight-knitted top where her coat hung open.

"How's Louise?"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of her name, but outwardly I didn't flinch.

"Understandably, Louise decided she didn't want to take part in any more... games."

Kay's eyes continued to burn into me. Then that evil smirk again before she turned and walked towards Marie.

"Shame. I would have loved to play with those lovely titties properly, just the once. I bet they were fun for you Julian. Julia is... less well endowed isn't she."

I felt my teeth biting the inside of my lip to avoid reacting.

"But then small titties also have their own unique, special attraction."

Her hand was around her daughter's waist as she gave her a kiss on the head. That hand moved higher, momentarily brushing over her daughter's breasts. Everything was perfectly designed to arouse and entice me. It was failing. I was free of their influence.

"You can't deny how you enjoyed Maries little ones. I remember clearly how much attention you gave her hard little nipples alongside me."

I remembered as well. I wished I didn't. It seemed so sick now, seeing Kay next to me, latched to Maries tit while she gasped with a perverted pleasure. I'd been part of that and I hated myself for it.

"I did.

I messed up. I know that. What do I have to do to fix this?" I asked.

"Where do we go from here?"

Kay made a play of considering.

"It's simple. My Marie has chosen you. She wants your cock and your babies. Accept that and join us."

"And you?"

"Oh, Julian. I have questions. Of course, I do. I'm a mother. But at the end of the day, I just want to help the two of you play."

"So it'll be the three of us?"

She cocked her head to one side in mocking confusion.

"What's not to like? Mother and daughter, together. Where other young men dream about such things, you can live it."

I looked at Marie. In my pants, my cock remained soft. Two very attractive girls offering to fuck me and I felt nothing. The evil that resided behind those eyes neutered me as effectively as if Kay had castrated me.

"Ever done it in the office?" Kay asked glancing around again.

"The excitement of risk? The possibility of being caught? I bet it went on all the while in those better, simpler times.

Now it's all concern with misconduct tribunals and sexual harassment claims. So tedious."

"No. I haven't."

I shifted in my seat as though I had a growing awkwardness hidden by the desk. In reality, I felt nothing.

"Would you like a handjob?"

Marie asked in that same flat way as the first time.

And still my cock stayed flaccid in my pants. Somehow she just didn't have the effect any longer.

"I'm the boss here." I grinned.

"How about you lovely girls entertain me?"

Kay looked intrigued.

"What's more entertaining than having your cock stroked?"

I started casually clearing the desk.

"I'm a man. Two women together. Like you said, what's not to like."

Marie stepped closer.

"Then come to the house. You can play all you want if you're going to be part of the family."

"I was thinking here. The cleaners are done. No one's coming in this late.

As your mother says, I've never done it in the office. I like the idea of playing here."

Kay had that searching look about her. The one where she was reading my mind, looking for my trickery. She wasn't as trusting as Marie.

I ran my hand over the desk as if smoothing the wood.

"Two beautiful arses over this desk. I could get very excited seeing that."

I started to feel confident as the coat came away.

"You want to watch? Is that it?" Kay said.

"Only fair. You've watched me."

I smoothed my hand over the desk again, feeling its lightly-grained surface. Making it central to the idea that we'd fuck here in the office.

"I've always wanted to bend someone over this thing and fuck them till they scream."

My eyes stayed on Marie she was the weaker one. The one who would trust me. I hoped Kay would follow.

"Give me a little warm-up performance and I'll have you both rubbing your tits on the wood.

How about it Marie? Wouldn't you like to hold on to the desk and look into my eyes while your mother eats you out?"

I felt sick saying it, but Marie was beginning to squirm.

"Is that what you think about when you look out at me during the day Julian? Having me over your desk?"

It was true. I had many times.

"Lots. And now your mother can join in. A once in a lifetime opportunity to do it in the office. All three of us. We shouldn't miss this chance."

Marie squeezed her thighs together, and with a slight reddening of the cheeks, her rising heat was betrayed.

Kay was more suspicious. I see her glance up at the clock, calculating risk.

Outside, there was still activity in the yard. Our vehicles moved twenty-four-seven. Kay would be considering the people still around.

"None of the drivers come up here out of hours." I reassured her, loosening my tie.

Kay moved behind Marie and held her around the waist like a lover. Marie's closed her eyes and leaned against her, her hands reaching back to caress her mother's hips.

I smiled.

"Yeah. Two hot women."

I stood up, praying that Julia's part of the plan was on track. I forced myself not to look at my mobile with its open line for reassurance. If this went even slightly adrift I'd be in deep trouble.

"Why don't you put Marie over the desk? Warm her up for me."

Kay looked at the desk and me. Again that doubt. She was questioning me, searching with those emerald eyes for the deception. My heart skipped.

I held my hand out, beckoning to Marie.

"Come on. Lay over the desk and lift your skirt. I want to hold your hands and see the pleasure on your face. I want to watch you cum."

At last. Kay had her hands under Marie's top, caressing her belly. Again I wondered if anything was growing in there.

"What do you think Marie darling? Would you like to welcome Julian back by letting him experience his fantasy?"

Make or break. Would she go for it?

"Will you both play with me?" She purred.

My eyes were on Kay. Her answer came in the form of Marie's top being pulled away. Small bare tits bounced into view and fingers glided over them. Those once so sought-after nipples were hard, like little pegs. She quivered and made a soft purring sound.

"Come and help me, Julian. Remember our night together? How much you enjoyed her body. Come and play with my daughter."

Her hand slipped from sight beneath Marie's waistband. The girl gave a tiny gasp as her knees trembled.

I don't know how Julia managed it. The timing was more perfect than I could have hoped. No one was speaking as the door to the Hub opened wide. Neither of them heard the team coming through immediately. And the surprise on everyone's faces maintained the silence just a few moments longer. Julia had her phone to her ear. She's heard every word. Now she lowered it to feign equal shock.

My face was two portraits as my mouth hung open. To Kay and Marie, it was the delight of seeing fingers fiddling with a petite pussy. To the horrified gathering, a man stunned by the disgusting behaviour of an employee.

"What's wrong with you two?" I screamed without a glance at our new audience.

"Get the fuck out of my office."

Kay's face turned. Pure evil that promised a rebuke coming my way. Then she saw the others. Marie screamed, snatching for her clothing.

Julia was the first to barge in. Taking the lead to control the show and direct how everyone perceived it.

"What's happening here?"

"I don't know. These two came to see me about booking holidays. And then this." I protested.

Again Kay was about to say something.

"That's her fucking mother." I shouted.

At that point, nothing Kay could say would be taken seriously. All anyone saw was incest. A mother and daughter behaving without morals. She heard the gasps of shock the same as I did. Mutterings of disgusting and calls to get out followed.

"Why are you even here? You don't work here." Krissie from HR stepped forward.

Kay shot me a look charged with anger then marched toward the exit. Marie, always so confident and superior looked small running after her.

"Christ. Thank god you came back." I said.

"I didn't know what to do when they started that in front of me."

Bob pushed forward.

"I fucking told you she was a weirdo. I said it from the start."

"She won't be back. I'll see to that." Krissie said with finality.

Julia put her arm around me.

"Are you alright?

Those two were disgusting."

"Of course. You just saved me from having to throw them out physically. I didn't want to do that because they'd probably have claimed assault or something.

There would be an investigation and I'd have to write a statement. But Julia had virtually written the script for tonight's act, successfully manipulating the team to play their part in witnessing Marie's unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.

As I looked about and listened to them talking, no one doubted I was the innocent party.

Bob being Bob had to go and say something stupid that no one appreciated about Marie's nice tits. But that just played into my hands, giving me another opportunity to look disgusted.

This would be one of those stories everyone mentioned occasionally even long after the main players like myself had moved on.

I left arm in arm with Julia once the furore had died down. Taking my car we left the Astra behind and headed out onto the dual carriageway towards Julia's cottage.

Julia looked especially pleased with herself. And rightly so. This has been her master plan and it'd played out perfectly.

"Office secure." She declared.

"No more weirdo."

"I'm hoping that's them gone for good. If they approach us now there will be something on record to back us up if we have to go to the police."

Julia's hand came over and rubbed my arm affectionately.

"Wanna stop off on the way home and do something naughty to celebrate?" She grinned.

"Always up for something naughty."

I imagined she expected a quickie in the back of the car. I had another idea. And I knew now that Miss Prim and Proper was naughty enough to embrace it.

"I know the perfect place."

I did. An old haunt from before Louise. Many a girl picked up in a club on a Saturday night had been taken to the old railway clearing by me in my first car. None of them had been more than a quick fuck to feed my youthful lust and subdue teenage hormones. Julia was the first I'd go home with after.

It was somewhere I hadn't been in a long while. Not since before I'd started dating Louise. As I manoeuvred my car down the little track it was evident no one else had been here either. It was even more overgrown than I remembered and the soft fresh growth of the summer brushed along my paintwork and windows on either side.

A hundred yards or so along a dirt track that would be impassable in the wet weather and we came to a small grass clearing. Completely isolated and hidden from view. I pulled up in the centre.

"Where are we?" Julia asked looking around.

"When the railway was running, this is where the maintenance men parked up, away from the station. Hardly anyone knows it's here.

My grandad worked on the railways. That's the only reason I know about it. The nearest house is over a mile away."

"So we'll be alone then?"

"Alone enough that we don't have to struggle around in the back of the car." I grinned.

Julia looked out into the encroaching darkness.

"You know it's getting chilly out there."

"Then I'll have to warm you up."

I did so love her big eyes and smutty smirk when sex was mentioned. Somehow, on the slightly more mature face, it looked even sexier than any twenty-year-old could have managed. With age came self-confidence and the expulsion of youth's insecurities. And Julia had that body positivity in droves.

"Come on then."

She was out of the car pulling her clothes away without a care. I followed quickly.

"It's spooky."

She said glancing around at the trees. Dark shapes against the night sky rustled softly as though whispering their witness to our primitive behaviour.

For a moment I thought she'd chicken out, worrying that someone might come by. Then her eyes settled on me as I pulled my trousers came away. Julia was shivering. A delightful sight of gently jiggling tits and shaking knees in itself. There was a chill in the air but not so that it would put me off.

Just for an instant, she stared at my swelling manhood. A moment later and she turned into a kid, throwing her bundle of clothes by the car.

"Your It."

Julia, naked as the day she was born ran giggling and I chased after her. We were two naked figures running about on the grass like children with me trying to catch her as she darted and ducked.

"If you can catch me. You can have your wicked way with me."

It was awkward with a hard cock. The damn thing swung and bounced as I ran. It hurt as it jolted and slowed me up.

"Try harder." She shouted.

"My pussy is so wet. But you have to catch me first."

In the moonlight, Julia glowed. A beautiful sleek goddess with flowing hair, almost childlike in her play. Oh the irony of me labelling her as too old for me.

The cold was forgotten as I ran after her, our laughter filling the small clearing. I couldn't catch her, instead opting to slap her arse whenever I got close enough. Julia squealed each time.

Then finally, out of breath, she slowed and I managed to throw my arms around her, pulling her tight against me. In the open, her warm naked body pressing on me felt even sexier. Something truly naughty that left me quivering with excitement. Even her goosebumps felt sexy.

"How wet?" I asked.

"Very wet. Soaking in fact."

Julia put her lips to mine and we kissed as my hands stroked her slender back. Her tits were squeezed against my chest and I could feel the hard pointedness of her nipples. I could feel her warmth and smell her perfume mixing with the scents of the woods. My cock slipped between her thighs, sliding over her crack and I felt that promised dampness seeping out onto me. She squirmed and shuddered and my cock was gripped and massaged by her legs.

For a moment it was nature at its rawest. The world beyond the small hidden copse didn't exist.

Julia pulled away and smiled.

"You caught me." It was almost a whisper. Sultry.

"You can claim your prize."

She turned and lay up the bonnet of my car, curling her fingers around the lip just in front of the windshield to brace herself.


You're on top. This bonnet is lovely and warm." She rubbed herself over the polished paintwork.

I'd forgotten the chill, instead staring at her arse gleaming in the moonlight. Yes, it was cold, but my cock was hot and I could see just where it was heading.

Julia wiggled and purred as I caressed her hips and thighs.

"Put it in." She whispered.

She was wet. Slippery wet and my cock was welcomed inside her snatch with a comforting ease.

"Oh fuck that feels good."

"I can make it feel even better." I said gliding my hands up her spine in a need to touch and connect with her.

I rocked my hips, just easing back and forth inside her. It felt amazing. My crown burned as Julia squirmed around it.

"Oh fuck.

I love your pussy."

"Show me. Show me how much you love my sweet, tight, little hole." She whispered, almost breathless with her want.

I couldn't hold back at that. I launched into a frenzied fucking. Attacking her pussy with a wanton vigour that could only end with me cuming.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

Julia slid over the polished metal with each thrust, just letting her body move freely each time my cock went into her.

"Uhh. Uh."

Neither of us cared about the dipping temperature, or the risk that someone might come by. Only the beauty of fucking in the open absorbed us. Nature, the environment, and the most beautiful and natural act known to humankind became one.

"Grab my hair." She said.

I wrapped my fingers into it and pulled her head up sharply.


That's it.

Fuck me like a dog."

Somehow I found renewed strength from aching hips and knees. I gave her exactly what she asked for and the ring of slapping flesh echoed out into the trees.

"Oh yes. Pound me.

You fuck me so hard."

Again and again, I went into her as the pressure in my groin expanded. I pulled her hair harder, forcing her to arch her back.

"Oh yes. Fuck me like an animal."