The Sun I Can't See Ch. 04


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It was clear to me that Miles didn't intend to hurt me while he was trying to achieve his fantasies; he was simply not seeing what he was doing to himself, and I wouldn't be the one feeding his addiction.

He would push me over and over to go farther and farther to the point where he would harm himself, which he did sooner than he must have expected tonight. What Mei said was what happened, and I witnessed it first hand. Would he accept to have a more balanced life focused on us instead of on his fantasies? I didn't have the answer to that question.

I fully accepted that he liked to see me having fun with other girls. I fully accepted his love for latex. If he had been more rational about it, I'd have no problem giving him what he wanted. But those things shouldn't be the only thing that united us. He would have to show me, and himself, that he loved me first for who I was. Only then would we be able to have all the fun in the world.




I hugged my friend Mei really tight; she had not visited in forever. This time she didn't show up with her big chest of kinks. It was just her and her larger boobs pressing on my smaller ones. She dropped her backpack in a corner and grabbed my hand before leading me to the couch.

"So, how have you been?" she asked.

"Meh! Fine, I guess... I'm back in my routine, and it feels better."

"I take that Miles never called you back. That sucks..."

"Ah, it's okay. It's been three weeks already. I guess he was just not ready to begin a new relationship, and maybe I was just too excited about starting one. It is funny, though, just as he was beginning to open up, I tested him a bit and found this hidden dark side. Still, I miss him a lot."

"Okay, then we don't talk about him anymore. Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes! Very! You said you had something special for our girls night?"

"Yes ... this!"

She grabbed my hand and gave me some sort of paper. I felt them and understood they were some sort of tickets. Why don't they put braille on those things? Was it that hard to do?

"Are we going to a show?"

"Nope, we are going to the Fox & Spice tonight."

"So ... What are those tickets for then?"

"They have those special activities that we can reserve. It's taking place in one of the smallest rooms, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun."

"Why are there three tickets? Someone else is coming?"

"No... That is just because we can't reserve for two... It's three people minimum. I'd be happy to go with just you, but feel free to forward the invite as long as it is an open-minded person."

"Mmm ... What is this special activity?"

"I have no clue."

"What? How is that even possible? You reserved a kinky activity without knowing what it was about?"

"Yes... That's the fun part. It will be a surprise. There will be a Master or Mistress, and she or he will take care of entertaining us for a whole two hours."

That made me a bit nervous, but it sounded like fun at the same time. I liked surprises a lot, and it was fair to assume that they wouldn't force us to do anything we didn't want. Fox & Spice was a very friendly place.

Since she had three tickets, I knew exactly who else to invite.

"Call Mary!"

"Who's Mary?"

The phone rang a few times, and my sister answered.


"Mary, it's me. How are you?"

"Good, you? What's up?"

"Great! Hey, are you available tonight? Would you like to go to Fox & Spice with a friend and I?"

"Tonight?... Sure, why not. But just to chill, I don't feel like doing anything crazy."

"Perfect. Yes, just for a drink, nothing more. Come here when you can, then we will go together."

"Cool. See you later, Alex."

I hung up and immediately Mei started drilling me with questions.

"Just for a drink? Nothing more? You lied to her! Who is Mary? Are you sure she is into that kind of stuff?"

"Mary is my sister. And yes, I did find out that she was a client of the club too. I found out the hard way that she likes fooling around with girls too."

"The hard way?"

"Hmm... Yeah... Well... We kind of made-out by accident..."

"You kissed your sister? Alex ... that's..."

"Gross ... I know ..."

"No... no... It's very hot!"

"Oh! Shut it, Mei!"

I pushed my Asian friend down to the couch, and she started laughing. She said that on purpose just to make fun of me. Mei became such a good friend in a short time. I liked her because she was very down to earth and understood the subtleties of our hobbies, and she made fun of the truly wrong things.

One of the reasons she was a loner was that she didn't think a lot of people were smart. The amount of stories that turned into drama in the fetish world turned her off; Masters that went too far or were taking thing too seriously, submissives that went down the rabbit hole and lost everything before discovering their top was a just douchebag, and people who were spending all their money on fetish gears thinking credit cards were made to provide them with an infinite amount of cash forever until a recovery agency knocked at their door. Mei had seen too much and chose to limit the number of good friends she had not to get involved with the rest of human weirdness.

I flopped on top of her for some hugs. Having a girlfriend was not something for me; I knew that. I liked too much having a strong male presence around me, I always did. But occasional physical contact with a woman was something I learned to enjoy. Mei needed affection too, so she understood really well how good it felt just to give in.

Our afternoon consisted of kissing and cuddling. There might have been some crotch rubbing as well, but it was more for her than I; I was a generous friend.


"I am pretty sure you said, "just for a drink." A full-fledged BDSM session is not just a drink."

"Relax, Mary. It's going to be fun."

Mary has always been a bit uncheerful, but I was ready for this. Mei left a few minutes ago to register, and we were waiting for her at the lounge. We finished changing, and I thought we were awesome. I was back in my full catsuit with the eyeless hood, and Mary had her latex bodysuit with no hands or hood. I wore my short boots, and she had longer ones; they went up to her knee.

"Would you leave my leg alone!"

"Aaah. Stop whining, Mary. I'm just checking your boots. I like them. It's not like I can see them, so let me touch."

"Stop it! Your friend Mei is coming back. She will get the wrong idea."

"I already told her that we made-out."

"ALEX! Can't you keep secrets?"

Mei also brought her latex suit, the same one she wore at my place the first time she visited; pretty much the same as Mary; we were a very rubbery trio of hotties.

"Alright guys, I gave them our forms, and everything is good. Follow me. We have room 7,"

We stood up, and I interlaced my arm with Mary's. Since we grew up together, it felt more than natural to do this with her. She followed Mei, and I followed her.

"Do you know who our Master will be?"

"No idea."

"I've never tried those mini-events, so I don't know either."

Mei knew the place, but she wasn't in the secret of the Gods, and Mary was as new as I was with all of this. The forms we filled up earlier were just a big list of different kinks to choose from, and also some questions related to health and stuff like that. Since I couldn't fill-up the form myself, I asked Mary to do it for me. As it was not embarrassing enough to have my sister ask me all those questions about my kinks, on top of that, she refused to tell me what she had checked on her list; that wasn't fair at all. I secretly hoped she would get punished for that.

As usual, I was the only one who had a medical condition; blindness. Not sure if that Master-dude would know what to do with me. It would kill all my fun if we got one that would pity me for my handicap and only make me do boring stuff.

"Okay, guys, it's here. Good luck!"

I heard the metal rings sliding on a pole above my head; Mei must have pulled a curtain open. Mary tugged me inside, the curtain closed behind us, and then...


Geez! That was the first time I heard Mei scream like that. Obviously, she knew that person, and it was not a Master-dude; it was a Mistress. A male named Nyssa would just be weird. Considering the joy that emanated from Mei's throat, it was a person she liked very much.

"Did you really think I would let anybody else play with you, Meimei?"

"No, Mistress... But I'm still very happy!"

"Hehe, I'm happy too. So, who are your friends? It's the first time you come with someone else, are you getting more social?"

"This is Mary and Alex."

"Nice meeting you, you two. So is this your first time?"



"Oh, boy! False start. I will punish Mei for this."

Oops... I didn't know what we had done, but Mei got in trouble already because of us. I felt Mary squeeze my arm a little more. She was as nervous as I was, if not more.

"So, Mary, Alex, My name is Nyssa. So you have to call me Mistress Nyssa or Mistress. But don't worry, I won't be too severe with you since it is your first time. Instead, when you omit using the proper form, Mei will pay for it. She knew all about those rules and should have been wise enough to fill you in before the event. Now, I looked at the form, and you two have the same last name. Are you related?"

"Yes, she is my sister... Ow!"


I answered, but Mary elbowed me in the ribs because I had forgotten the protocol already; she completed the sentence for me, which seemed to amuse our chief.

"Hehe. Complicity. Look at that. So, let's see how close you two are from each other. Alex, I want you to kiss your sister!"

"WHAT? NO! I mean ... No, Nyssa... Mistress ... God... I mean... we wrote it on the form."


What was this all about? Was this a bad joke? I reacted roughly, and Mary was just dejected by the thought of kissing me again. Nyssa exploded into laughter.

"Hahaha! I was just kidding. Don't worry. It's all good. I think we are going to have a lot of fun tonight. But, first thing first, Mei and I are friends, I know her like the back of my hand. So don't worry about what I will do to her."

"Mistress Nyssa is the co-owner of the Fox & Spice and also a professional Mistress."

"I was... I'm just co-owner now. I only play Mistress for a handful of people I like. Now, since you are new, just try to have fun and enjoy the experience. If you trust me, everything will go well. Since you are new, it's just going to be a casual evening. If you are scared, I will probably see it, and I will work with you."

Well, that was the coolest Mistress ever. She was so casual and friendly. She sounded so smart, but also confident that everybody would have a good time. I wanted to be her friend right away. Also, this room had a different echo. I tried listening to all the little noises that reached my ears to figure out what was around me.

Then a booming voice that was directed at me, making me jump.


"AH! ... uh? Yes, Mistress?"

"Pay attention. Don't make me repeat."

"But... I was not... I mean..."

"You were looking around instead of listening to me."

How did she notice that?

"Sorry... I... I just can't see so..."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Heee... Nothing, Mistress."

"Exactly! You were just distracted. But since you want to get familiar with your environment, I will make you visit the club. I want you to go to the bar and bring us back some drinks. It's on the house."

"Heee... I'm sorry... I can't do that..."

I seriously couldn't do what she was asking me. I would be happy to obey, I do love beer, but there was not a chance in the world that this was going to happen. Did she realize what blindness meant? That meant my forehead would end up hitting a wall. I did have a cane at home, but I wouldn't know where to go even if I had brought it with me. Nyssa didn't seem to get that at all and kept arguing with me.

"And why can't you do it?"

"I'm blind... Mary wrote it on my form. I don't know the layout of this place. I can't go get the drinks."

"And what did I tell you earlier? When you were too busy being distracted?"


"That's it... you were not listening. I said you had to trust me and that you were safe here."

"Yeah... I do... but..."

"Do you think I would let a person who can't see just walk around by herself in the middle of a fetish club?"

"... I... I... don't know..."

"You don't know!? Choose your next words carefully, Miss Alex, or else it's going to be a tough session for you.."

"Well... Probably not."

"That's right... probably not!"

What was going on? Usually, I was the one who was good with words and with a higher IQ, but Nyssa was crushing me like a walnut under a tank track. And why was I her prime target all of a sudden? Did my flesh smell tastier than my sister's?

"I'll make you a list. What do you like to drink, girls?"

"A rum and coke," Mei said.

"What? You never want to drink anything other than water at my place. I'm outraged!"

"Calm down, Alex!"

"A rum and coke as well, please," Mary said.

"Mary? What the hell? Since when are you drinking rum and cokes? Is this a joke?"

"Alex, last warning. Calm down. It's not right to judge people because of what they like."

"... Fine! I'll have a beer then," I said.

"Thank you. I added mine to this list as well. Here, don't lose it. You'll go to the bar and give it to the barmaid, saying it's for me. And you'll bring back our order."

"... Yes, Mistress Nyssa."

I got scolded once, right off the bat, I didn't want to be scolded another time. I still had no idea how I would accomplish this impossible task, though. But then, my sister was yanked away from me, and Nyssa told me why.

"Oh, look, Alex. I found you a guide dog."


Oh, my! I withdrew all I said about Nyssa; she was AWESOME. I immediately understood where she was going with this. My sister was in trouble, and she clearly had not expected this curveball.

"That's right, Mary. You'll be Alex's little puppy guide. Mei, bring me the harness over there, would you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Awww! Is Mary going to be my puppy? I always wanted a guide dog, but I am allergic. This one will do just fine, but she will whine a lot."

"Alex, add another word, and you will switch places with her," Nyssa said.

"Oops! Yes, Mistress Nyssa."

I heard a bunch of jingling noises, no doubt that they were gearing up my puppy Mary. I couldn't wait to find out what they were doing to her. Imagining my shy little sister turning into a doggy was just too cute to bear. I was so excited, even though Mary probably was not.

"Alex, you think she will whine a lot?"

"Yes, Mistress. She tends to do that."

"Alright, then. Mei, give me the dog muzzle."

Holy crap. I will have to be careful about what I say from now on. I didn't expect that my answer would have real-world consequences. I couldn't see them, but I felt the pressure of my sister's murderous gaze on me.

"See, this rubber muzzle fits you like a glove... you are going to be so cute. Plus, Mary is a great dog name!"

Oh, my God. Did Nyssa just say that to her? Mary, who wanted a quiet evening got way more than she possibly expected. It took a few more minutes filled with rattles and clicks before my new guide dog was ready.

"Alright, Alex, come here. Meet your new dog. Mary, sit!"

I followed Nyssa's voice and carefully walked towards them. After a few steps, a hand grabbed my wrist and gently guided me to a head at my hip level. I placed my other hand on the head, and I started feeling around, excited like never before.

I quickly found two pointy rubber dog ears attached to a head harness, a little bit like the one Mei wore at my place. Just a bit lower, I discovered something amazing; it was the muzzle they referred to earlier; they strapped it to her face with some rubber straps. It covered her nose, mouth and cheeks.The mouth was slightly open for her to breathe. I've never heard of such a garment, but it was so adorable.

"Aawww, she is so cute! Can she talk?" I asked

"Of course, I can!"

"Mary! No you can't! You are a dog, and dogs don't talk. They bark!" Nyssa enforced.

"Aww! Come on, Mary! Try barking for me!"

She shook her head in disapproval of my excitement and desire to treat her like doggy. But then, Nyssa didn't seem to like that attitude. I heard a big slap, which made Mary yelp. She undoubtedly got a good smack on the butt for being stubborn.

"You have to obey your sister, Mary. Bark!"

"... wrrff... oof"

"Hahaha. Awwww! I love heeeeer!"

I wrapped my arms around Mary and started to fluff her non-furry body. I always loved dogs, but I couldn't have one. She was the best thing ever!

"Here is the leash, Alex. Attach it to her collar and go get our drinks!"

"Yes, Mistress! Right away, Mistress!"

She gave me a thick leather leash that I attached to the D-ring of her collar. Then I yanked on it.

"Up! Let's go to the bar, doggy!"

"Don't be too rough; I cuffed her hands behind her back. You go to the bar, and then you come back right away. Don't drop the drinks, and don't mess up the order. Else you are going to get punished. Same thing with you, doggy. You will be as responsible if something bad happens. And no talking!"

"Come, Mary! Lead the way! Woof, woof!"


I had way too much fun with this. Slowly, Mary pulled me out of the room. I never thought I would be doing this kind of activity with my sister tonight. I had no idea if she enjoyed it or not, but I didn't really care. For the next while, she would be my dog, and I intended to fully appreciate every second of it.

I recognized the path leading out of the play area. It was a good thing that Nyssa threatened to punish us; at least that way I knew Mary wouldn't pull some stupid stunt, like running away from me. I'm sure she could use some training.

As I continued following her, my mind drifted to some sort of realization. All my life, I relied on people to guide me through unfamiliar areas. Everything was designed for people who could see, leaving me dependent on them. One would think that I was the one being tugged around, but in fact, they were all acting as my guide dog. I never quite looked at things this way until now.

After a while, Mary stopped.

"Are we at the bar?"


"Good. Sit!"

"Eerrrr! No!"

"Sit, or else I'll spank you and tell Nyssa."

Mary was going to murder me for sure after this. Nevertheless, I had a job to do. I felt around with my hands to find the bar's edge. I waited for a few seconds, and then a barmaid addressed me.

"Hey, what can I do for... Hey! Aren't you Alex?"

"Heee... I am... Do I know you?"

"No. I'm Trish. And all the staff knows about you."

"They... they do?"

"Of course they do, you sent us a letter and four tickets for a musical to thank us for accommodating you on your first visit. We pinned your letter on the board in our locker room."

"Ah, yes... Well, you guys deserved it. You made my life easier, and I had tons of fun on that evening in the dance c..."

Why did I have to go there? I didn't want to remember that fun night because I spent it with Miles. I didn't want to hurt, not tonight.

"I won one of the tickets. Thank you so much! The show was great! It was the first time I went to a musical."

I felt an arm wrapping around my neck and pulled me over the counter into a small hug. Trish was super friendly, but I had to complete my task. I handed her the list that Nyssa gave me.

"So, I need those drinks on the list. It's for Mistress Nyssa."

"Oooh, you are spending the evening with Mistress Nyssa? Lucky you. She is amazing! Okay, give me a minute."

I couldn't help it. While I was waiting, I had to pet my dog again. Mary was so cute! Particularly when she shook her head left to right to get away from me.