The Trials and Tribulations of Life


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She sniggered. "Well, you know your fantasy about two girls?"

I frowned and replied hesitantly, "Yeeeeeessssss."

She sniggered naughtily. "Well it might be about to happen, if you play your cards right, that is."

I glanced into the lounge. "What... you mean with her... now?"

Raine gave me a stunned expression. "Yes, dunderhead, Celine... Why so mean... Don't you like her?"

Confused, I shook my head in an attempt to clear it of the all-consuming fuzz that settled over me. "I didn't say that, but this is a bit of a shock. I don't even know her."

"Well go in and talk to her, get to know her."

"No, we need to talk about this; it's not happening tonight, that much I can tell you."

She edged closer. "Don't set boundaries, Sweets, just talk to her, you will like her."

I stood up tall and muttered, "No, Raine, I said it's not happening."

She sighed. "You are being too hardnosed. Can we just let things develop rather than drawing lines in the sand?"

I walked away, upset at her trying to push this on me. Yeah, granted, this was a lifelong fantasy, but it had to be somebody we both liked, and I got a strange vibe from Celine. Something wasn't right about her. If you asked me, I would say she didn't like me, so getting us all into a threesome was going to be difficult.

We finished cleaning up and walked back into the lounge where Celine was reclined back with her feet up on the ottoman, playing on her phone.

Raine flopped down beside her and I sat on one of the La-Z-Boys. They fell into a quiet conversation about work topics, which I wasn't really up with, so I tried to open up the conversation. I returned to my earlier comment. "You mentioned earlier that you don't have a boyfriend, have you just broken up? Or are you seeing someone?"

She looked uncomfortable, hesitant. She glanced again at Raine before spluttering, "No, not at the moment. I recently broke up with my girlfriend." I saw a little tear appear in the corner of her eye, which she had to rub.

At least it was a response, but made me feel guilty. "Shit, sorry, Celine, I didn't know, sorry for dredging up painful memories."

She winced, "No, it's all right, you couldn't know."

Raine gave her a consoling hug. I couldn't help frowning. She was a lesbian... For some reason, I was stuck, not knowing what to say.

Things sort of hit the wall for me after that, Raine and Celine slipped back into conversation about work, leaving me totally out in the cold.

I listened for a while but felt like a spare wheel. Neither of them spoke to me, although Raine did glance beseechingly at me from time to time. I sensed she wanted me to join in, but I saw no avenue for inclusion. I mean shit... this was her cockamamie idea, it was up to her to include me. After an hour or so I interrupted their conversation, "Luv, it's getting late, we do have work tomorrow?"

Celine looked quizzically at me nodding, "Yes, I suppose it is. I guess I should get going."

She sank her glass of wine, and stood up, Raine sighed, rose with her and they walked to the door. She didn't even give me a second glance or say goodbye to me.

Raine wandered back in and collapsed onto the sofa in a heap. "Well that was a flop... damn and shit."

I laughed. "C'mon, Luv, what did you expect, the woman's a lesbian, even I could see that she's not interested in men."

She sighed. "No, that's not what she told me, she said she's bi, although she hasn't been with a guy for a long time."

"Yeah, well, she certainly didn't like me, that's for sure."

"You don't know that; you never gave her a chance. Why didn't you talk to her?"

I shrugged, grumbling, "I tried, but she wasn't really into it, I got the distinct impression, she didn't like me."

Looking frustrated, Raine replied, "I don't think that's true, Sweets. I'm sure she was uncomfortable, but that was mostly because you were so abrupt with her."

"The question is why didn't you talk to me about her? It seems like you've been getting pretty close, close enough that you wanted to get her into our bed, but I knew nothing about it. Why leave it till the last minute to spring it on me?"

She blushed bright red, her eyes dropped, and she grimaced. "Yeah, I guess I should have talked to you, but over the years you have mentioned so many times how big a fantasy it was for you to have a threesome with, or watch me with another woman."

When I didn't respond she added, "Plus, I wanted this to be a surprise for you. Damn it, Marty, I thought you'd be excited."

I sat fiddling my fingers as the silence settled, she snapped. "Shit, Babes, things have been so damn quiet around here without Drew. Honestly, I have been feeling a bit lost."

I was stuck for words, the fact I struggled to express anything seemed to urge her on. "Babe, this is so you... It's always the same, you have this tendency to overthink things. I held back because I knew if I told you about this, we would end up talking about it for ages and in the end, you would talk me out of it. I figured if it just happened, you wouldn't get the chance to talk yourself out of it."

Her words tugged at my ego, I guess over the years I did have a penchant for over-scrutinizing things, looking for things that aren't there, and our relationship with Drew was a classic example. I built so many fences and almost derailed it before it began, so there was some foundation to her comment.

She whispered, "Do you think we could try this again?"

Unsettled, I murmured, "You really seem to be into this woman... why?"

"You don't know her yet, but once she opens up to you, she is an incredibly sensuous and sexual person."

Her use of the word sexual gave me cause for concern, so much so I had to ask, "How the hell do you know how sexual she is? Have you girls been doing more than just talking?"

Her face flushed again and even in the dark I could see her cheeks redden guiltily, "We kissed, that's all, just a kiss."

"I see, and when the hell did that happen?" I snapped.

She rasped anxiously, "It sort of happened at lunch a few days ago."

"You kissed somebody, but decided not to tell me, huh."

"I'm sorry, Luv, I wanted to, but I didn't know how."

Trying not to show my anger, I whispered, "Is she a good kisser?"

She giggled, replying hesitantly, "Yes, very good."

If nothing else, it reignited our flagging sex life and things were suddenly brighter, the ghost of the missing Drew, and the cold moody snarling beast that Raine had become was gone, replaced by the return of my warm loving wife, like old times.

It was no surprise that on Saturday evening Celine returned to our home. Raine invited her for dinner. She dressed nicely, a floral flowing print dress, cut mid-thigh, minimal makeup, but her red hair was pulled up in a bun exposing a very long sexy neck. We greeted with a hug, polite distance maintained and a kiss on the cheek.

This painted me as an imbecile, I know that, but she was nothing like what I expected when I thought about lesbians, I expected... jeez, I don't know what I was expecting, goth, dark makeup, short hair, butch dress, tattoos. Celine just did not fit the image.

Unlike last time, I tried harder to join in their conversation, and Raine urged me over and over with stabbing glares to try and fit in but there seemed no avenue for me. They talked music, electronica, which I hated and work. They gossiped away about people I didn't know, events and projects I knew nothing about. It was just impossible to fit in. Add to that her apparent dislike of me, or at least ambivalence towards me, and it made it difficult.

In the end after dinner, I excused myself and went into the spare room, Drew's old bedroom to play PlayStation.

Raine looked particularly pissed off but said nothing as I wandered off. I was into a game when the door opened and she snuck in, "Sweets, what the hell are you doing? That was so rude, now she thinks you don't like her, she thinks she's done something wrong."

I put down my remote. "Honey, this is a waste of time, she doesn't like me, she's here just for you. All you do is talk about work and people I have never met."

She could see I was upset, she walked back to the door and before closing it, she said, "Well, don't stay in here all night, you might miss something?"

She headed out, leaving me wondering. I decided to finish my game, which went on longer than I planned.

When I walked into the lounge they were snuggled closely together giggling. When they saw me, Celine appeared startled and sat upright, giving some space to the intimate pair. Raine smiled nervously, "Hey, Sweets, do you want to make us a coffee?"

I nodded. "Can do."

When I carried the drinks into the lounge they were sitting apart.

The drinks were completed in silence and it was uncomfortable.

I could see that Raine wanted to say something but swallowed it. Celine left soon after. Again, Raine complained, "Shit, Luv, you're going to blow this; that was rude to walk out and leave us alone."

"Sorry, but it's not working for me. She's pretty, but cold and I don't think she's into this."

That night in bed, Raine tried to use the sexy teasing approach, bringing Celine into our bedtime byplay.

It seemed that Celine became a very regular attendee at our house over the next few weeks, and I was hanging out for Drew's return. We stayed in touch and he was working hard towards his title fight. He had found it tougher than expected, it required a much harder routine and he was probably going to be over there longer than expected.

I tried to bond with Celine, but she seemed cool, at best, and I could find no way in. The night the pair of them went off to a gig together I was quite pleased. I was less pleased when they staggered in after midnight, drunk and singing loudly.

I met them at the door because Raine was that pissed she couldn't even unlock the front door, and was repeatedly pressing the doorbell. When I opened the door, she practically fell into my arms. "Thank god, where the hell were you?"

I ignored her, but was shocked to see Celine staggering in behind her. Raine gave me a kiss and mumbled, "We need a drink."

I laughed. "That's the last bloody thing you need," I grumbled.

Celine wobbled past us towards the lounge and I grabbed Raines arm pulling her in close so I could whisper in her ear, "What's she doing here?"

She flinched, "What... silly... she's staying the night."

I grumbled, "Oh fuck... really... why?"

She tried to pull me into a kiss, a sloppy drunken kiss. "I couldn't let her go home alone like this, it's okay, Sweets, don't be upset."

They sat together talking about the gig and giggling stupidly as drunks do. I made coffee and tried to make sense of their conversation. It was painful being the sober one, nothing made sense, in fact if anything, it pissed me off.

I went back to my PlayStation game in the spare room. The giggling came to an end, I figured they must have fallen asleep. I left it for a while before walking back into the lounge where I found them locked together in a passionate snog. Their arms were tangled together; their lips locked together. Celine's leg was thrown over Raine's grinding it up against her thigh.

Raine glanced up and saw me walk in, she giggled in a sing song voice, "Oooooopppps, busted."

Celine looked up, as well, her face flushed bright red. Raine didn't even try to cover up she cooed seductively, "Well, don't just stand there, come and join us, Celine is a wonderful kisser."

My fantasy seemed closer than ever. I wandered over, sitting hesitantly beside Raine. She let Celine's arms drop and turned to me locking me in a fiery kiss, her sloppy sexy lips slithering passionately across mine. As with our first tryst with Drew, she kept turning from Celine to me, bringing us all together. Eventually she dragged Celine into our embrace and our lips finally touched. I sensed her discomfort. She may have been drunk, but I felt her holding back, her reluctance. Raine might have been right into this, but I sensed Celine wasn't quite so convinced.

Like every guy on the planet in this situation, I tried to push aside her misgivings and slip my hand behind her head and crushed my lips against hers, my tongue sought hers and she responded slowly, but eventually I felt her warm up, our tongues sliding and swirling around like crazed out of control eels.

My cock strained viciously. Trapped in my jeans, it throbbed painfully, especially when Raine let her hands roam and caress it through the tightly stretched material.

I still felt Celine wasn't into this or that comfortable with my presence, so I decided not to push it with her and focused all my attention on Raine. I let my fingers do the walking, caressing her boobs, which I knew she loved. I mauled them roughly, stroking, squeezing and rubbing, pushing them together, my palms crushing those luscious pliable fleshy mounds.

I felt her shift, and when I peeked down her legs parted, and Celine's hand disappeared up under Raines dress. Hearing Raines loud moans I realised that Celine's fingers were now busy trying to get into her panties, if indeed she was wearing any.

Between Celine and I we were totally focused on Raine. Celine seemed to be trying her best to forget I was even there. I felt like I was nothing more than a pesky distraction; she certainly didn't see me as a bonus.

Raine, though, was in seventh heaven, overwhelmed by our combined assault as both Celine and I focused all our attention on her. She moaned incoherently, purring like a contented kitten.

I worked on removing Raine's dress, clumsily unclipping the tiny clasps and moved to unclipping her bra, freeing her gorgeous boobs. Once free, I dived on the glorious orbs, my mouth suckling and nuzzling wantonly, her stiff little nipples filling my mouth. I nuzzled crazily, like a drunken baby feasting.

I felt her hips move as she raised her arse to let Celine pull the dress down, and that was closely flowed by her sticky moist panties.

The aroma of her arousal filtered through to my brain as Celine's fingers worked her into a frothy slippery gooey mess. Happy with the results of her labour, Celine slid down Raines legs, onto her knees and buried her head in Raine's pussy. She licked like a starving cat and Raine reclined back on the sofa, rolling her head from side to side, eyes tightly closed, her mouth hanging open mewing, purring, lost in euphoric sensual delight.

When Raine's eyes opened her eyes locked on mine and she grinned an evil sexy smile before pulling me up to a juicy kiss. Her arms curled around my neck pulling me tighter our kiss intensifying quickly. "She's licking my pussy, Babe." Her voice was almost inaudible, her breath hot, wet and so damn sexy.

Raine held me tight, her mouth glued to mine, but her hips were on a mission of their own; they jerked slowly, spasmodically, rotating and gyrating as Celine licked and sucked at her sodden core.

Her orgasm wasn't going to be far away, that was obvious as the frantic jerking and writhing that moved up to include her whole body. It came with a rush. Her tongue swirled crazily, attacking mine, her arms tightened, her body shuddering, her nails digging in viciously as the orgasm swept across her.

Afterwards, she slumped back on the sofa, Celine climbed up her body for a sloppy kiss, it was certainly erotic watching them kiss but I felt like a film extra, watching rather than participating. Awaiting the directors instruction.

The kiss dragged on for ages before Raine mumbled, "Maybe we should move into the bedroom, where we can be comfortable?"

Celine looked as uncomfortable as I was, but Raine stood quickly, not wanting to lose the moment. In the bedroom, Raine quickly stripped Celine before she had a chance to make a run for it. I watched on, interested in what hid beneath her clothes. As I watched I stripped off my own clothes, Raine turned to me and grabbed my dick that stuck out like a pulsing clothes-hook. She giggled. "Wow, look at this thing, you must have enjoyed that as much as me, huh?"

I chuckled. "I doubt it, I thought you were going to have a heart attack."

She turned back to Celine pushing her back onto the bed, climbing up beside her and they started to make out. After watching for a few minutes, I decided to jump in, feet and all.

It was obvious to me, if not Raine, that Celine wasn't interested in having anything to do with me, but with my heart in my mouth, I kissed my way up Celine's legs as she lay sprawled out on her back. I went slowly, allowing her to push me away if she wanted. I left trails of wet kisses all the way up her shapely legs.

I took the teasing route. I wanted her to understand I enjoy pussy as much as lesbians.

Inhaling deeply, I enjoyed the musky aroma of her arousal. She had that dusky earthy taste, not unpleasant, but different to Raine who tasted like a mountain stream. I kissed my way around her swollen lips, working slowly, ensuring I covered every inch before sliding my tongue along the deep crevice.

Letting my finger join in, it wasn't long before I could feel the wet suction of her pussy drawing in my fingers her muscles clenching tightly. It was hard getting much of my tongue inside she was that tight, although slippery.

Her thighs clasped me tightly her left leg curling around my head pulling me tightly, crushing me with her pussy.

When I moved my mouth up over her clit, leaving my fingers plunging into her, she shocked me with her reaction she stretched tight as a piano wire, every sinew, every muscle stretched to the absolute limit.

I enjoyed taking her to orgasm, her body trembling and shuddering.

Afterwards, I clambered up beside them, she panted wildly as Raine kissed her, caressed her, sliding her hands soothingly all over her as she cooled.

I slithered over beside Raine and she turned towards me and we snogged softly, feeling my erection digging into her she rolled me onto my back and clambered on top of me. It was short and wild as she rode me like an out-of-control dirt bike. It was mere minutes before I spewed the contents of my balls into her squelchy hole.

Just like that it was over, she collapsed beside me, snuggled up to Celine and in no time flat they were asleep, cuddled together like lovers.

Sleep came a little later for me, my mind still processing what happened. It was pretty exciting, but I harboured reservations about how it all came to pass.

It was a long sleep in for all of us, them because they were so hammered, me because the sun was rising before I fell asleep. I was woken by giggling and splashing, it took me a while to figure out they were in the shower. Curious and needing to pee, I walked into the en-suite. I stood over the bowl, lifted the seat to pee and glanced at the shower cubicle. They were tangled together in a passionate embrace and it was obvious the way they bounced off the walls they were making love. The shower was so steamed up I couldn't actually make out what they were doing, but the muted sighs, moans, purrs and growls alerted me to their impending orgasms.

I went back to bed and pulled the blankets over my head.

I expected this to be different than with Drew. I wasn't expecting the jealous surge of animosity, but in some ways, this seemed worse: they completely ignored my existence.

I pretended to be asleep and they snuck back into the bedroom and dressed, Celine hunting through Raine's wardrobe for something casual to wear. "Let's leave him to sleep." Raine whispered.

They disappeared, leaving me under the blankets. I used the time to try and get my head around what was going to happen next.

The noise in the kitchen really didn't let me sleep and I showered and wandered out. They were out in the late morning sun, lying together on the sunbed. Raine saw me meander into the kitchen and rushed up beside me. "Hey, sleepy head, how are you feeling this morning?"
