The Trials and Tribulations of Life


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I gave her a kiss before answering. "I'm okay, what about you? How's your head?"

She giggled. "Still feeling a little hungover, but last night, god wasn't it amazing?"

I nodded. "It was definitely something, how is Celine this morning?"

She gave me a funny look. "Why do you ask that?"

I shrugged, trying to not sound too judgemental. "Oh I don't know, last night she seemed uncomfortable."

She kissed me lightly in return, "Sweets, she's just feeling her way. Remember, she hasn't been with a lot of guys and not for a long time, so she was a bit unsure. We have to give her time. Remember, she is just getting to know you, she needs to learn that she can trust you."

I nodded. "Yeah, well, you can say what you like, but she definitely didn't seem into it."

She snorted, "Rubbish, she said your oral technique was better than a lot of girls she has been with. You should be proud. She said you would make a great lesbian."

I finished making my cup of tea and wandered out onto the deck to collapse in one of the chairs. I tried to engage Celine in conversation, but she seemed embarrassed, uncomfortable, hesitant.

Eventually sick of the one-sided conversation I went back inside. I was filling the washing machine when Raine popped her head in. "Honey, we're going shopping, we won't be long."

Before I could respond she was gone; by the time I switched on the machine I heard our car backing out the driveway.

"Not be long my arse," I grumbled to myself. I mowed the lawns, washed the mower, swept out the shed, hung out the laundry and was tidying the shed before Raine and Celine returned. I was a bit pissed. I was hoping that Raine would've dropped her off and came back by herself.

They both walked in, both gave me a kiss and disappeared into the house with their arms full of bags.

When I eventually went inside Raine announced, "Babe, could you cook dinner tonight? I told Celine about your famous stir-fry and she wants to know if I'm bullshitting."

I don't usually mind doing my share of the cooking, in fact, I enjoy cooking, especially if we are having something like stir-fry because Raine is hopeless. This time it felt forced, like I was being consigned to kitchen duties to get me out of the way.

I watched them from the kitchen snogging and making out on the sofa whilst I cooked. I took in fresh drinks from time to time, on each occasion Celine gave me a very tentative forced smile. It made me feel like I was interrupting. By the time I was ready to serve, they were at a pretty passionate point. I had to call out to get their attention.

As we ate, this deep uncomfortable silence settled over us, immoveable and impenetrable. It permeated through everything, it hung over us like an impending storm cloud.

Raine tried to break the cold atmospheric mood by complimented me on the dinner. Her words seemed to drive Celine who eventually added, "Wow, Martin, Raine was right, this is yummy."

I acknowledged her compliment with a curt nod of my head. I wanted to say, 'What time are you leaving?' but I swallowed that, realising that Raine was so into this.

After dinner Raine helped me clean up, that's when I whispered guardedly. "Honey... when is Celine leaving? It would be nice if we got a chance to talk."

She nudged me playfully. "Silly... I invited her to stay tonight. I figured last night was so incredible you would want a replay."

"Actually, Honey, I would prefer a chance for us to talk about what is going on, catch up... debrief."

She frowned. "No... don't be mean... we all really enjoyed it didn't we? Please, Babe, she will be gone tomorrow, we can talk then."

I was left with no manoeuvring room. I could see by the tight drawn expression that for whatever reason she couldn't see how unhappy this situation made me feel. It was as apparent to me as the nose on my face that Celine was here solely to be with Raine; she barely accepted my presence.

As we sat in the lounge listening to music, Celine and Raine snogged away on the sofa and I watched like some evil peeping tom. God damn! I had to admit it was erotic and sexual and I had a rampant erection that would just would not go down, but I felt removed, like a spectator rather than part of it.

In bed we made love again as a threesome, as the previous night. I ignored Celine focusing on Raine, but after pleasuring her orally, taking her to several orgasms, I decided maybe the time was right, maybe I had it all wrong. Celine was on her knees, licking out Raine, so I opted to sneak up behind her and slip into her slippery gooey slit. With her intent on eating out Raine, she might be all right with it. Jesus, how wrong can you be... As I slipped my cock up her leg and rubbed it along her pussy, she screamed and jumped like a scalded cat, scrambling quickly over Raine's prone body, getting as far away from me as possible.

Raine stared at me, then at Celine, totally nonplussed. "What happened?" she asked anxiously.

Celine squeaked through sniffling sobs, "For god's sake, he tried to fuck me."

Raine seemed confused, "What's the problem, Babe?"

Celine wiped her forearm across her snotty sniffling nose. "I don't want that, I don't take contraceptives or anything, it scared me."

I pointed to my straining latex covered dick, "I'm wearing a fucking condom."

Raine curled up beside her and they fell into a hug as she comforted her.

I pulled off the condom and went out to get a drink. I sat in the dark sipping my beer. Raine came out, grabbed my beer and took a long pull, "She's still a bit upset. I think we will have to give her time to adjust."

Raine slept in the middle like a barrier, Celine leaving early in the morning.

I angrily snapped as we got ourselves ready to leave for work, "Shit, whatever you do not bring her back here tonight."

Raine wrapped her comforting arms around my waist as her head rested on my shoulder and sighed. "Come on, Sweets, it wasn't all bad. You don't mean that. We just need to give her time, just like you and Drew. It took you ages before you fully committed."

I couldn't argue that aspect. "Honey, I get a weird feeling from her, she isn't into it, well with not me, anyway. I don't think she is bi at all, she's a lesbian through and through. I mean, that's cool; what I'm trying to say is, we shouldn't be forcing this on her."

Raine didn't agree, she thought she just needed more time. Over the next couple of weeks Celine returned and we ended up back in bed, slowly but surely, she eased into our lives.

Raine loved having her around, but I was not quite so enthusiastic. It was weird. Raine absorbed Celine into our relationship, disregarding all the negative aspects. During sex Celine tried her best to ignore me, pretend I wasn't even there. Raine and I interacted, but Celine, although we kissed and she enjoyed me licking her to orgasm, wouldn't reciprocate with me and there was no way I was getting near her pussy with my cock. It was frustrating. I was doing all the work and getting none of the benefits. Raine and I still made love, but it always had to be last because once I ejaculated inside Raine, Celine wouldn't go near her. The weird thing was, Raine seemed oblivious to the whole thing.

It got to the stage I just had to say something. I waited till Raine and I were having a rare moment alone. Well, not quite alone, Buster was curled up at our feet snoring. "Honey we need to talk." I moaned.

She glanced at me with troubled eyes, "Oh, oh, that doesn't sound good."

I nodded, adding, "No, no it's not. I want our lives back, I'm sick of Celine, this is the first night we've had alone together in weeks."

She gave me a confused nervous glare. "But she is part of us, like Drew was."

"Bullshit, this is nothing like what we shared with Drew, Celine wants nothing to do with me. She doesn't talk to me unless you're here, she certainly doesn't want to do anything sexual, well unless you count me eating her out, which she likes, but god help me if I so much as suggest anything else."

She sighed. "But, Luv, we just need to give her time to adjust."

"Sorry, Raine, you're wrong, she will never adjust because she's not bI, she's a fucking lesbian. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, or judgemental. She puts up with me so she can be with you. Christ, she can't even talk to me unless you are with us. She is obsessed with you, she is besotted with you, I'm just a roadblock."

Startled by my revelation she shook her head rasping, "Hon, you're wrong, I know she's struggling, I can see that, but I promise, Babe, it will work out, she is trying."

"Bullshit, she can't even bare to touch me, and I'm sick of not being able to make love with you until she is satisfied, because god help me if she so much as touches or smells my sperm."

Her answer to my frustration was to sit on my lap, brushing aside my exasperation. She calmed me with slow gentle kisses, she rained them down slowly building the tension. Her tongue slithered into my mouth and we sank into a scintillating passionate snog. "Come on, Luv," she whispered breathlessly, "Let's go to bed."

That night we made love like old times. It was a wonderful night. In the morning Raine kissed me at the door as we got the bikes out preparing for the ride into work. As she pulled on her helmet she announced, "Hon, I'll talk to Celine. I promise things will get better, all I ask is you give it a chance."

I nodded but growled, "I'll try, but I'm not waiting forever, this isn't working for me."

That night I got home a bit late as I had a lot on at the office. When I got home, Celine was there, Raine was in the kitchen. When she heard me walk in, she rushed over and gave me a huge sloppy welcome home kiss. She called to Celine who came over as well. She leaned in for a kiss, as well. "Hi, handsome." she muttered. It was forced, but I guess it was a start.

During dinner Celine did try, she went out of her way to try and include me in the conversation, but again, it was forced, and the pleading glances from Raine made me realise it was all a show. She was doing it to make Raine happy, it had nothing to do with me.

The lovemaking hadn't improved, though.

Over the next few weeks, I became angrier. During our lovemaking, I became more forceful and refused to wait until the end. Much to Raine's chagrin I often forced my way between them and made sure that Raine and I made love first. Of course, on those nights, Celine rolled away, taking no further part in our festivities.

That caused tension between Raine and me, but with Celine virtually living with us, it was impossible to talk to Raine.

Raine and Celine grew closer by the day. They shared so much. They giggled and teased and slowly but surely, I was pushed aside. When I did manage to talk to Raine about it, she kept selling me the "We need to give her time" response. That line was wearing very thin with me; I was sick of hearing it.

Thankfully, my saviour turned out to be Drew. He had completed his title shot and was coming home.

I picked him up from the airport and it was so cool listening to his new stories. He was a bit shocked when I told him that Celine pretty much lived with us, as well. He sniggered, "Jesus, Dude, I guess the gods smiled on you, getting all that pussy."

I snorted derisively, "Like hell, she won't let me near her. She is not into me at all."

He frowned, "So how does it work? Is it like just her and Raine?"

"No, we sleep together, I am allowed to kiss her, she likes me licking her pussy, but god, the moment I wave my cock at her she flips out."

He laughed. "Shit, Dude, that sounds terrible, Am I going to be welcome?"

I patted his shoulder, "Oh, you are most definitely welcome."

As we drove home, I asked, "Did you meet anyone while you were away?"

He sniggered. "Dude, I wasn't looking. I was training hard, going to bed early, I haven't even had a drink. My trainer wouldn't let me. Anyway, I told you once, I'm a one-relationship-at-a-time guy."

He reached over, placing his hand over mine on the gear knob. "We are still in a relationship, aren't we?"

I gripped his hand. "Yes, definitely."

Once home, Raine rushed up to Drew and threw her arms around his neck. He spun her around like a carousel as she screamed loudly.

When he put her down, they kissed and she led him by the hand over to Celine and did the introductions. There was a little hug and an air kiss, she looked even more uncomfortable with him than she did with me. That gave me a warm feeling; at least it wasn't just me. The smell of testosterone scared her more than ever.

Over dinner Drew talked nonstop about his trip, the training, some places he'd been and of course the fight. Raine, as always, was transfixed, hanging off every word, but Celine looked completely unimpressed. I smiled inwardly; she was jealous.

It was after dinner when Drew and I were finishing the cleaning up, he whispered, "Wow, she is cold, Dude, I see what you meant."

As the night grew late, it was obvious that this wasn't going to work. Bedtime rolled around quickly, and Drew said, "So where do you want me to sleep?"

Raine would have usually said, "With us of course, silly." But tonight, she was silent. Drew glanced at me and I smiled, "With us, as always, it might be a bit cramped with the four of us, but we can make it work."

Raine gritted her teeth and winced. "Of course, Sweets, our bed is your bed."

It was weird glancing around the bedroom as we all stripped off. It was like we were waiting for bad news, there was no sexual energy.

As we climbed into bed, Drew dived on Raine and she squealed with delight as they made out like crazy. He started like a starving animal. That left Celine and me. We started as we always did, slowly. There was kissing, fondling, but when my hands crept up her legs her pussy was dry. It made the Sahara look like a wetland.

I kissed my way down to try and stimulate her, but she was tense, her muscles belaying how uncomfortable she felt.

Drew wasn't holding back as I crawled between Celine's legs; he started making out with Raine, kissing her passionately.

There was nervous giggling, but with my head buried between Celine's legs I couldn't tell what was going on. I heard Raine's moans and whimpers, but Celine seemed nervous.

It all changed dramatically, and Celine screamed and started kicking as she tried to get away from me.

I sat up and she sat right on the edge of the bed with her knees drawn tightly up to her chin, her arms wrapped around them. I glanced at Raine and asked, "What happened?"

Raine didn't answer, but Drew sighed, "I just wanted a blow job."

Raine rasped in a frustrated disapointed voice, "Celine and I were kissing, and Drew tried to slide his cock into my mouth."

Celine cried out, "I'm sorry, I really am, I want to play, but this is too much, it's too weird, I can't do this."

Raine crawled over and comforted her. "Hey, it's okay, Babe, there's no pressure, it's just some innocent fun."

Drew glared at me, looking confused. "I'm sorry Celine, I thought you were into this, you've been sleeping with Raine and Marty for a while. I assumed you were into it. If I'm in the way, I'll sleep in my room."

Raine barked quickly, "No! there's no need for that. We can just take our time we can make this work; I know we can."

Drew jumped out of bed and blustered, "I'll go and get some drinks."

Celine groaned, "I need to pee."

That left Raine and me, she cuddled up to me and whispered hoarsely, "What say I look after Drew and you look after Celine?"

I sniggered. "Oh yeah, that's all right for you, but what the hell am I supposed to do? You know she won't have anything to do with me."

"Luv, she will get used to you, give her a chance, she likes you she really does, just give it a chance."

"No, I think, we should do it the other way, you and her and me and Drew."

Drew appeared back with fresh drinks and we all sat cross legged on the bed. Raine tried to ease into the conversation, "Perhaps for tonight, we pair off, Celine, you and Marty can stay here and Drew and I will move into the spare room."

Celine snapped back quickly, "No... I think I might go back to my place and leave you guys to it. I'm sorry, this is just too much for me, I can't do it."

Raine sighed, "Absolutely not, it's late, there's no need for that. Perhaps we will all just cuddle tonight."

Raine crawled over to snuggle with Celine and Drew and I cuddled together with Raine separating Celine.

The next day Drew dragged all his gear out and set the shed back up as his gym, inviting several fighters around to practice, workout and spar. It became apparent very quickly that he was now on a whole new level. I held the gloved practice mitts up as he punched them and the new force and power was very evident. His hand speed was incredible, but the real giveaway was the way he moved: he seemed so much lighter on his feet and the way he bounced.

Raine and Celine went off to town, leaving us alone. After the practice we grabbed a couple of beers and talked about the previous night and he snapped harshly, "How the hell do you put up with her?"

I shrugged. "She's no worse than me when we started out."

He shook his head violently "Oh, hell no, Dude, at first I knew you were reticent, I could see that and I respected it, but at least we were friendly, we had feelings for each other. she's as cold as ice."

I scowled. "What am I supposed to do? Raine thinks the sun shines out her arse."

"Yeah, well fuck that, bro, if she doesn't want to be part of it then it will never work. She has to at least want to try."

By the time the girls returned from town we were already feeling the effect of the beers we were drinking. There was a stack of empty green bottle on the table. The music was loud and we were chilling.

Raine laughed when she walked in, "Shit, it didn't take you long to corrupt my Marty, did it, Drew? You know he's hardly had a drink since you left."

He laughed. "Yeah, well, I fixed that, Babe. Shit I haven't had a drink either, not one since I left, so we have made up for it today."

Raine started work on dinner and Celine stayed in the kitchen close by her side.

After dinner things were getting a little rowdy, the music got louder, and Drew especially sang loudly, even if he didn't know the words. Drew started the dancing dragging Raine with him. Raine got into it straight away but Celine sat staring longingly at Raine as she bounced and danced, her hair swirling wildly, her arse shaking outrageously.

After watching for a while, I realised how besotted Celine was with Raine. She couldn't take her eyes off her and there were tears moistening the corners of her eyes.

I wanted to hug her, I felt terrible but the alcohol took control and I jumped up and joined them. I climbed into it as well. We danced around crazily, and eventually Raine was able to drag Celine into our huddle. Drew pulled her into his arms, and he swung her around like an out-of-control square dancer; the only thing missing were the yeee haaw's.

It was a lot of fun, and I thought maybe Celine was softening. Bedtime rolled around and things were getting serious. I saw Drew and Raine in huddle in the kitchen. I snuck up behind them as Celine had zipped off to use the loo, "What the hell are you two whispering about? What's so secret?"

Raine gave me a grimace, "We were just talking about sleeping arrangements for tonight."

Drew snorted. "Marty, I don't want to go through what we went through last night. It was embarrassing. I suggested you and I could spend the night together." His smile and Raine's grimace sold me.

"Sounds like a plan, because I agree. I'm sick of Celine's bullshit."

Raine grabbed my arm. "Sweets, she is just nervous, I have tried to explain it to you, we need to give her time. If you to run off by yourselves she will feel bad."
