The Truth About Us Pt. 01


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Elle held it up against her chest and shook her head. "It is time to grow up and accept who you really are," she said. "If you are truly serious, than you will be able to control yourself. This boy might very well be a part of your destiny, and I am not going to let you stand in the way of that. It is for the good of the coven. I am confident you will be able to refrain yourself from hurting him. You are soul bound."

"You're just saying that to make me feel confident," said Lilli.

"So what? If it's true, it's true," said Elle. The sound of the storm outside rumbled as she looked out the window. "Mmm, perfect. Tonight we will dance in the rain as a family unit. We will cleanse our bodies through water blessed upon our Earth. Tomorrow you will return to school and start a new chapter in your life."

"But Elle..."

"That is an order, Lilireth," said Elle. "Do not disappoint me."

Chapter 7

Lilli awoke that next morning feeling sore as she groaned, sprawled out on the floor. She sat up slowly and looked around the empty bedroom. It was quiet. The sound of water dripping off the gutters from the roof just outside the window could faintly be heard in the silence. Lilli sighed and rubbed her eyes. Never before had she experienced such a night as the one she experienced last night. Her mind was such a blur as she was unable to fully comprehend what she experienced, dancing naked in the rain with her sisters and Elle in her true form. It was liberating, but the amount of exerted energy unsubstantiated by her magic necklace took its toll on her body. She felt sore, as per usual after a ritual night, and her body felt incredibly tense, also as per usual. She rubbed her head which currently fought a vicious, pounding headache.

She stumbled as she slowly stood off the floor and looked at all the clothes and cushions thrown about. "Jesus, I must have been tossing and turning like mad," she muttered out loud to herself as she rubbed over her face and groaned in displeasure.

She took a step forward and felt a sudden tense, sharp pain from her abdomen as she grumbled and stumbled over. It was not a typical soreness that she was experiencing but she could barely put her finger on it. Perhaps it was the adrenaline from how distressed and traumatized her body was from all of the stress she had been experiencing. Perhaps it was because she violently finger fucked herself for the first time in front of her sisters and Elle last night. It was still a blur. Moments that came and went in short flashbacks. Either way, it was semi-unbearable. Lilli groaned at the sight of herself as she felt cold from sweat. She also reeked from the mixture of sweat and feminine cum that she could barely stand it. The first thing on her mind was a quick and refreshing shower. A bath would be far too tempting. She had class today, after all.

After grabbing up something different to wear and properly unflattering to her figure, Lilli made her way back to the bathroom. She looked around and sighed, taking in the loneliness as a blessing and a curse. All the time she thought about Aldous during the ritual and it made her feel insatiably horny. She didn't like feeling like she wasn't in control. She sulked to the bathroom where she did her best to avoid looking in the mirror. Without so much as a glance, she moved past the sink and over to the toilet. Lilli breathed in slowly as she started removing her sweaty pajamas, remembering just how wild she got last night more and more to the point she flushed with embarrassment at herself. The emotions that ran through her made her act far more wildly than she ever expected from herself. She never considered herself a whore, but after last night, maybe she was wrong about herself.

She started the water and stepped in and felt the wash of warm shower water coat her body. Her mind was still a blur and her ability to focus was especially lacking, but in that moment she felt a very refreshed, warming sensation all over. It was unusual for Lilli to feel like that. Especially to this degree. She kept her eyes closed and cooed pleasantly in the shower as she rubbed over her breasts, only to realize her nipples were hard and she was incredibly horny. Lilli opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling to watch the steam roll up the walls as her hair ran water down her back. She bit her lip, curious as to what it was that caused her to feel so good this morning. Another fantasy about Aldous? Now she was starting to think she might have some kind of addiction. She could have sworn when she woke up that it was going to be another typical day of misery, but now, she found herself rubbing the nubs of her nipples and caressing her sensitive areolas to a light and intoxicated steady breathing.

Lilli's legs felt weak as a stimulating sensation moved against her clitoris. It was the water from the shower that she was feeling. Lilli was beside herself at how turned on she felt, as she was never normally one to actually get horny like this for no reason, yet twice now the feelings of lust and desire overtook her. After what happened last night was a shining example of how her species got lost in the moment and forgot all forms of control Lilli moaned as she rubbed her fingers down the flat navel of her chest and over her engorged clitoris. She started to gently caress it and feel the pleasing sensation run throughout her body. She grabbed hold of her breasts and moved them up toward her mouth to allow her tongue to lick the tip of her incredibly erect nipples. She started to really get into the motion as she opened her legs out more and spread open her pussy lips.

"What the hell is this?" she muttered to herself, clearly shocked at her own actions as she felt compelled to go hard with herself.

She pushed one finger up inside herself, followed by another. She couldn't manage a third but she certainly tried. She started to pump herself in and out in a vigorous motion as she used her other arm and reached around to play with her asshole. It was so intense that she still craved to be played with more. She pushed her finger up inside her tight asshole, still sore, and pumped both of her holes simultaneously as she rocked her body back and forth in a consistent rhythmic motion. She was all alone in that bathroom still, so she had no qualms with being loud. She was already making herself moan to an exceptional volume as she wanted to cry from how good the sensation felt. She cooed and groaned as she shifted up the type of aggressive movements of self-pleasure. She pumped her cunt so fast that water clapped against her body and only served to intensify the sensations even more.

Her whole body convulsed as Lilli nearly slipped and grabbed hold of the wall of the shower just to stay up. She unleashed a tremendous orgasm that made her scream so hard she lost her voice. She gasped in that moment as she paced herself to let her breathing catch up. She turned off the water to the shower and sat down in the bathtub, staring off into nothingness for several long seconds as she reeled in everything from the experience. She rubbed her hair back and cleared her throat as she returned to cleaning herself off in the tub as quickly as possible. She didn't forget that she had other places to be, but she did not anticipate eating up so much of her preparation time on such an explosive self-love session. She was starting to wonder if something was wrong with her. No, this was what she was really like.

She stepped out of the shower and grabbed the one towel hanging there to clean up. She sighed and dried herself off, feeling a semblance of her normal self once more, though still sensitive and sore from how intense the orgasm was. She stepped out and grabbed up her new set of clothes and put them on, not bothering to do anything else for herself as she tied her hair back in a ponytail to get dry. Time wasn't on Lilli's side anymore, as she had much more important things to do. She had class in the next hour and it took almost that long just to get to the university from the apartment on foot, and that was calculated for if she managed to catch the bus. She didn't want to borrow Elle's car again nor walk all that way by herself.

She hurried downstairs as quickly as she could as Elle sat in her robe on the couch watching TV. She waved bye to Lilli only to have the door slammed behind her without so much as a goodbye. Elle groaned and shook her head as she looked back at the news covering a breaking news story of a waitress going berserk at a nearby coffee pub and brutally murdering a young varsity student in cold blood. Elle watched the news curiously and scoffed. "Sloppy work," she muttered angrily as she reached for a cigarette to light. "I blame these girls for my bad habits."

Lilli made her way out into the street and quietly walked down toward the bus stop where she saw her one way ticket to school pull up right on time. "Oh crap, wait!" she cried out as she waved her hand and started running. She managed to get to the bus just as the last passenger climbed on and she hurried on behind him. "Sorry, so sorry," she said as she bumped into the man before the door closed right behind her.

"Not like you to be running late," chuckled the bus driver as he started off.

The people attending the university were generally friendly and reserved, much like Lilli in many ways. She shied her eyes away from looking at the driver as she moved to the back of the bus where she could quietly keep to herself during the next thirty minute ride to the university. During that time, many things ran over and over again in Lilli's head. Mostly her strange experience last night, and what Aldous truly was. As much as she wanted to focus her mind on other things, she kept coming back to that moment in the shower that just felt so good. It really was an eye-opener how different she felt without the necklace.

After the shortest bus ride she could have possibly imagined, Lilli saw the university sign as the public transportation came to a steady halt and let out nearly half of the passengers there as Lilli always waited until she was the last one off so she didn't have to feel like she held anybody up getting out. Once she was out on the sidewalk, Lilli booked it towards her class which was still a good walk away on the opposite end of the campus. She hurried along as she passed by Aldous's dorm and kept her eyes focused forward on her destination. All she needed to do was get to class and settle down. It must have just been the adrenaline kicking up that was causing her to feel this way. All Lilli could think about was her shower session still even as she got to the building where her class was held at.

She wanted to shower like that with Aldous.

She bit her lip and took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes. The next thing she knew she managed to make her way to the classroom. She quickly went to the back of the room and took her seat out of sight from the rest of the class as she often tended to do. She couldn't even remember what the lesson today was supposed to be about as her mind was so jumbled. She watched the other students come in one by one or in pairs. Two friends, both boys who happened to sit in front of her, walked in together laughing and joking around to themselves when they came over and sat right in front of Lilli. She eyed the two young men in a different light today. They were handsome, especially to be the sport jock type, something Lilli wasn't particularly into.

They were not only handsome, but they were built for football, which meant they were strong. Lilli sat back and decided she needed to get her mind off it before it went somewhere she'd regret. She looked around and realized she came all this way without her backpack or anything. Her heart sank as she groaned in distress. She put her hands to her face and sighed as she looked back at the two handsome young men talking. "Uhm, excuse me," she whispered to them, shy and embarrassed to even have them look at her. Both turned around to look at her as she felt her face flush an embarrassing red. "I, uh, uhm, do either of you have some paper and a pencil I can borrow..? I forgot my backpack."

"Yeah sure," said the blonde jock as he turned and reached into his little backpack.

The brunette jock looked at Lilli curiously as she reeled back nervously from his lingering stare. "I'm sorry, something about you just seems really different," said the jock. "I didn't mean to look at you weird. You look great. I was just trying to figure out what was different."

"Different?" Lilli asked as she blinked curiously, completely unaware of anything about herself having changed. She brushed her hair back curiously and looked around awkwardly. "Different in what way?"

"I am not quite sure," said the jock as the other handed Lilli a notepad and a pencil to use for class. "Hey, do you notice anything different about her? What was your name? Lilli?"

"I don't know, something with your hair?" the blonde jock shrugged. "I mean hey, whatever it, keep doing it!"

Lilli blinked and nodded. "Uhm, okay!" she said with confused enthusiasm.

They chuckled as they flirted when one of them realized something. "Hey, I remember now, you're with Aldous from the campus cycle shop, right?" the first jock asked.

"Oh yeah, you're Aldous's girl," said the blonde, almost disappointed.

There was an interruption from the teacher clearing his throat. Lilli and the jocks sat back as the teacher came into the classroom and immediately got started on the day's lesson which was thankfully just a bunch of notes to take in a dimly lit room. Lilli was decently good at multitasking as she listened and wrote her notes while her mind drifted and started to fantasize about the two jocks that sat in front of her. They were both nice to her even though they never really acted like they noticed her before. Two very handsome and masculine young men with strong upper bodies that could easily lift Lilli up and toss her around like she was a ragdoll between the two of them. Both of them could steamroll her like Aldous could. But would they have a cock between the two of them to match his? She blinked and shook her head as she realized what it was she was thinking about.

After a short period of time listening to the notes, Lilli put her pencil down and wrapped her arms around her chest as she started quietly rocking back and forth. She was almost certain both of those boys had big cocks. The kind that could really fill her up, possibly at the same time. She'd take one in the mouth and suck on it till it gagged her as the other would fuck her deep in her hungry hole and then they could take turns. She would let them use and abuse her body just to get off as she thinks about how they'd probably like to cum all over her face and in her mouth to finish off. Again Lilli reeled back and shook her head in surprise at herself. Her eyes widened as she looked away from the front of the class and bit her lip. She was extremely horny now to the point she could feel heat and moisture emanating from between her legs.

Now it was just a matter of waiting for the clock to show an hour is up so she can get out of the classroom. Lilli was feeling anxious as she started rubbing her thighs together, irrationally scared that someone would notice. She rubbed over her arms nervously as she watched the clock. Its hand ticked by slowly as Lilli started to think about how the jocks could double penetrate her. She audibly gasped at the very idea which made the class turn to her and the teacher to clear his throat, unamused. Lilli sank into her seat and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry," she muttered.

Lilli couldn't stand being embarrassed like that. She was always so focused that her inability to do so now was alarming her. Eventually the time was up and the teacher dismissed the class, much to her relief. She handed the pencil and notepad back to the jock as she hurried out of the room, not even bothering to keep the notes from the lesson. She wanted to get away from that awkward and stifling air of the classroom as she clearly embarrassed herself in that moment. She pulled on her clothes to let in air as she felt herself having a hot flash from what was possibly a mild panic attack. She hurried into the nearest bathroom and b-lined for a stall, closing the door and locking it as she stood there in the tiny, confined space alone with her thoughts.

Lilli didn't think twice before she pushed her hand down into her pants and started caressing her engorged clitoris. She couldn't believe how horny she was. It had barely even been two hours since she masturbated beforehand and now she was going at it again with arguably even more vigor. The thoughts that ran through her head and energized her to continue were so erotic and lewd it turned her on. This was the part that was so odd to Lilli, she was like an out of control animal as her need for a good pussy petting was skyrocketing. Was this a way for her body to deal with stress? All she could think about was having Aldous there to comfort her. Now she was suddenly gushing and craving like she never had before. It was an ecstatic feeling to have as she proceeded to rub her hard, wet clit and quietly moan as she shook her hips into her hand. She didn't think she would be so addicted to this young man.

Lilli's legs were wobbling again as she grabbed hold of the stall handles to keep herself from falling over this time. She pushed her hand back and forth vigorously as her fingers occasionally dipped inside with relative ease and she couldn't help but let out a soft cooing sound. She knew she could stop at any time if she heard the door open for someone to come in, so that didn't bother her. She just wanted to get off while thinking about the two handsome sport jocks as they ravish and fuck her senseless. Lilli had an odd fantasy for the idea of sucking their cocks to the point she choked. She licked her lips just trying to imagine what their cocks tasted like. Could they taste as good as Aldous? It made her practically salivate at the idea as she was gushing at that point into her panties.

She continued to rock back and forth for nearly a minute as she moaned and groaned when she heard the stall at the end of the bathroom open up. Her heart sank as she froze, knowing she had entered and went ahead with masturbating having assumed the bathroom was empty to begin with. The sound of footsteps came around with a knock on the stall. She gasped and turned to see the person's shoes on the other side. "Excuse me, but I think you're in the wrong bathroom," said a male voice.

Lilli's mouth dropped as she turned red. She felt compelled to reach out and open the door slightly. "Oh my god," she muttered. "I'm sorry I was just..."

The young man pushed on the door to look at her and just smirked. "Hey I mean, no problem," he laughed. "I mean, I was going to say if you really need to get off that bad, I'm right here, you know?"

Lilli looked at the man as her mouth curved into a frown. She realized that this student could get her in a lot of trouble if he told somebody, and clearly now he was blackmailing her for something she couldn't help. Of course this would happen once she lost control and couldn't think straight. This was Elle's fault. She breathed out slowly and with a disgruntled look on her face, she grabbed the young man and pulled him into the stall with her. "Alright then, let's go," she said with an unenthusiastic scoff.

"Wait, what?" the young man said with surprise as Lilli closed the door behind him and locked it.

She knelt down and quickly pulled on the guy's pants, unzipping his zipper and reaching in to find his growing cock emerging from his boxers. The young man looked at Lilli with shock and awe as he wasn't expecting this at all with his tongue and cheek manner of speaking. Lilli didn't want to upset him further by denying his request. She grabbed hold of his throbbing meat and took a moment to stare it down. She felt her mouth salivating at the prospect of tasting a real cock for the first time. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she took him in. The young man gasped and squirmed, having not believed this moment was truly going to happen as it did. He was, nonetheless, excited to have his cock sucked by such a lovely fellow student.
