The Valentine


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"You are young to be traveling alone," she said when the coach started away.

"I've come this far safely. The drivers haven't let anyone snatch me off anywhere."

"Where are you heading all alone? You hoping to get on as a maid somewhere? You should let off out here, the closer to Charleston you get, the harder it will be. The upper crust prefers trained maids. You can get some training out here. Or perhaps you are just visiting someone? You have family?"

"I heard I have family this way, but I've never met them. I suppose I might. I don't aim to be a maid or anything. Doubt I could do that anyway. Might be able to get on as a cook somewhere, I can cook well. Haven't really thought it out much."

"Well, being a maid isn't so hard, you don't have to be very smart to do it. You just have to be able to listen."

"I didn't think it was hard, just know I couldn't listen to someone like you all day and not upend a bucket over your head for being so condescending."

Sterling coughed and there were chortles as the woman sat up and looked at me indignantly. "You awful little brat! You just wait! You'll not have a place anywhere! Cook or otherwise! Do you know who I am?"

"Hestor Mitchell, yes, you said that loudly a while ago, like you were proud of it. Never heard of you. Used to be a VanDenBerg before that. Seemed proud of that too, but I never heard of that either."

"Because you are a no one who means nothing! Some little wretch from the streets somewhere! Do you even have a name? Or was your mother some whore who didn't know who your father was?"

"Of course I have a name," I laughed. "And my folks were married a long time before my ma passed. Not a name you would know, and why would you? I'm a farm girl and I am no one to anyone save for those who love me. But I guess you wouldn't know about that. People who love you. You only know about people who love your name."

Sterling coughed again and there were more chortles, louder now. The large woman next to me let out a belly laugh.

"Since you are so ignorant, I will fill you in, you little wretch. Names mean something here! Names can make or break you! And MY name, MY name will break you! I will see to it!"

"You can't break me with a name," I said, still smiling. "In order to do that, you would have to be able to take away something I want. At least that is what you are thinking. You will take away what I want, the reason I am here. You can't do that."

"We will see, won't we?" she asked with a snarl. "I can get off wherever you do and make sure you end up running back home with your tail tucked between your legs."

"Tail? Wow, do you have a tail? And I guess your folks told you it was normal so you wouldn't feel bad? I'm sorry to let you know, normal folks don't have tails. Maybe you could use your name and have it removed?"

"It was a figure of speech, you idiot!"

"Oh, guess it was lost on me. Not as cultured as you, I guess, talking about tails on people. Seriously though, you could probably have it removed, they can do all kinds of surgeries now. Unless you like it? Or your husband does. Does your husband like it?"

"Shut UP! I don't have a tail, it's a figure of speech!"

"Of course it is," I said with a sad, commiserating nod.

She huffed as everyone hid behind their hands to chuckle. I couldn't see Sterling, but I could imagine he was horrified. I didn't care. I could act abominably if no one knew who I was.

She stayed on at the next stop, watching me with a glare as I stayed seated. Sterling sat staring out the window, refusing to look around at all as the passengers switched out. We got squeezed in even tighter and she complained audibly about the little girl who was sitting on the floor at her feet. Her mother apologized, but there was nowhere else for the girl to sit, the floor was full of kids. I pulled her up into my lap and read her one of the lighter and less adventurous stories I had with me, showing her the pictures. Her brother quickly climbed up on my other leg to see and the other older boy stood and leaned against the door to look over my shoulder. Everyone listened as I read it out loud to the kids, even the other kids who looked like they wanted to see. I started turning the book so they could all see the pictures, passing it around so they could look closely.

The time passed much more quickly and Hestor continued to glare at me, her face completely sour. I smirked at her every chance I got.

Two people got off at the next stop, but four people got on. Hestor looked flat miserable as the kids pressed into her and stood close to her.

"Can't you put some of these brats on the roof?" she demanded of the woman.

"There are already four men riding on the roof," a man said gruffly. "They are just children, go easy, miss."

I offered up my lap again and asked their mom if I could read them another story, showing her the cover. She looked pensive, but she nodded. I had a lot more fun reading that one, using scary voices and whispering during the scary parts, then shouting and making the kids squeal and giggle. The others were chuckling as they listened too, but not Hestor. She glared for all she was worth. Sterling was smiling out the window at nothing.

Staying at a hotel that night was different. He handed me coin while getting our bags down and told me to stay at the one he nodded at, then he left and stayed at another.

Hestor spotted me going in and followed me. I got a room and she stood listening. I started up, but paused as she began speaking. "Hestor Mitchell. That little girl who was just here, she'll be asking after work come morning. You do not want to hire her on here. She is a thief and worse! Her family runs a con on places like this."

I smiled and went up to bed.

She was furious when I came down and ate quietly without speaking to anyone, then went and got on the stagecoach when it arrived. Sterling grinned at me, but turned to look out the window when Hestor got in. She sat next to him again and he frowned at her.

"You see that girl there? The one scaring all those poor kids yesterday? I think she stole something from that inn she stayed at. I can't prove it, but I think she is stealing every place she stops at so she can move on to the next town. Probably picking pockets from the other customers or sneaking into rooms. Child small as her traveling alone, it has to be some con. She probably stole from every passenger who sat by her! Using that reading to distract everyone. No one would suspect a girl alone of such a thing, that's why her parents have her doing it I bet."

"You don't say?" Sterling asked blandly.

Another man got in and sat next to me with a paper, then we were finally going again.

"Watch her close! I bet she steals from that man too!"

She said it loud enough to be heard and the man next to me looked over at me with a scowl, scooting closer to the wall. I grinned at him as I pulled out my book and curled up to read. I ignored her completely as she continued to try and whisper loudly to Sterling. He finally asked her to leave him alone and the man next to me made a noise of agreement. Before he got off at the next stop, he offered Sterling his paper, giving Hestor a significant look.

I felt a little too happy about that, the man offering Sterling a shield to ward off the annoying woman.

More people piled in, all women and a few children. They asked Sterling to come sit above and he nodded and hurried out. I offered my lap to one of the kids on the floor and when I did, the woman next to me did the same. I read the nicer story to the two older kids, the one I had read the day before. They were younger, so they liked the pictures more, but the woman next to me got heavily invested, asking me if I knew what happened when she had to get off at the next stop before the story was done. I gave her the story and she smiled and hugged me as Sterling got back in.

"Next stop, Charleston North," the man above called.

I didn't want to ask Sterling, though I was curious. Was that us? I guessed I would just follow his lead. Two women got on and Hestor knew them both.

She was talking to them happily, then her eyes landed on me. "This one here," she said, leaning close to the women and motioning to me, "thinks to be getting on with one of the places in Charleston. A grifter, thief and worse. Her family is notorious for any number of terrible misdeeds! As if we don't already know who she is and who her family is."

"Indeed!" one of them scoffed, looking me over. She looked confused.

"She doesn't realize I am not only on to her, but she is coming to MY home. She'll find no place here, not at all," she chuckled in a self satisfied way.

I smirked at her, then at both of the women.

"Who is she?" one of the women asked in a whisper, leaning close.

"A thief. Con artist. I imagine she intends some con on one of the houses, but I will be right there to tell them all who she is!"

"Are you sure you didn't want to look into having that tail removed first?" I asked her. "It must be so embarrassing when it gets to wagging so hard when you see someone with one of those coveted names you talk about."

"I do NOT have a tail!"

"Oh... was I not supposed to mention that in front of them? Do they have one of those fancy names that are so important? That must be why you didn't get up, you didn't want them to see your tail in such a tizzy. You two must be very important. She only gets that way with important names. It seems to be all she really cares about. That and her tail. I told her she could get it removed, but I guess her husband likes it? Is that what you said, Hestor? He likes it so you won't get the surgery?"

"You infantile little bitch!" she hissed.

"So genteel!" I said in mock shock. "It's ok, I forgive you. If I had a tail, it would probably make me lose my temper too. Especially if I couldn't control it around important people."

I went back to my book, feeling petty and vindictive, but I didn't really care. She was horrible, and once I got away from her, I would never have to see her again.

Sterling didn't move at the next stop, looking down at his paper, so I kept reading. The women said polite goodbyes to Hestor and gave me wide eyed glances as they left.

"Charleston central, next stop! Last stop, Charleston South!" the driver called.

Four people got in and I settled in, ignoring everyone until someone spoke.

"Sterling, old boy! Look at you! Are you back?"

"Yes and no, John, it's good to see you!"

I peeked out at the man who was smiling genuinely to Sterling. Sterling was grinning back.

"You too, what does that mean, yes and no?"

"I will see my family briefly, then go on to the college and pick up my position there."

"He is also getting married," Hestor announced.

"That so? Who's the lucky girl? Too bad you already have one picked out! Guess what I heard this morning?"


"Amelia Madison's daughter is coming to Charleston! Coming to live with her family until she is of age. They are already planning her coming out party, Chloe was downtown this morning making arrangements!"

"She IS?" Hestor practically panted. "When is she coming?"

"I don't know, sounded like soon. Maybe next week? The party is next week. I'm sure invitations will go out all around! Too bad old boy, heard she was stunning. Who got you on her hook? Is it Lorelai?"

Sterling gave him a sickly smile but didn't answer. Now I felt sick. George. He had got ahead of us and told stories. Now my ma's family thought I was coming to see them.

"Well!" Hestor said excitedly, clapping her hands together above her breast. "After all this time! A Madison back to take on the name!"

"Well, she isn't a Madison, she has her fathers name, but same as! She is still grandaughter to Zelda! That is ALL that will really matter! I'm a little excited to see her. I guess she is a real beauty, just like her mother. Heck, I haven't asked Beth yet, I may hold off and see what this girl looks like and how long until she is ready to marry! What about you, Sterling? You might want to hold off yourself!" John laughed.

Sterling gave him a tight smile. "No. I am in love, John. She is beautiful, and lovely and sweet and... a bit of a mischief maker I have discovered. But I adore her. She is all I want and more, no matter what her name is."

"That is good to hear, I am happy for you. I wish we could all be so lucky, but in our world, I will settle for not homely and not too viperish," he said, glancing quickly at Hestor. She pretended not to notice.

Sterling sat up, folding the paper. "My stop is coming up," he said with a smile.

"Mine too! I have Joe meeting me to pick me up, can we give you a ride?"

"No, I have a feeling someone will be there for me."

"Your family, of course! We will have to get together and catch up! Have some drinks! This Friday at Walkers?"

"I will have to get in touch and let you know, it may be a bit."

"Of course! I can't wait to meet this girl of yours."

Sterling only smiled as the coach rolled to a stop.

To my horror, the street was crowded full of people, watching the coach as it rolled up and all trying to look in.

Sterling sighed as he stood up and got out. I closed my book and got up, but Hestor grinned viciously and jumped up before me and got out. Sterling offered a hand and let her off as a woman hurried to him to hug him.

He begged off and turned to help me out, then pulled me close to him as he turned to the gathered crowd.

"Sasha," he said to the woman who was grinning at him. "Cousin, this is Cassandra Sutton," he said loudly enough for everyone to hear as people moved closer to him. Family of his. "Daughter of Tom Sutton and... Amelia Madison," he announced in a forced rush.

The crush of people then was overwhelming as I looked around in terror at the people yelling at me and calling my name and asking questions. I hid my face in Sterlings chest as he held me close.

"She and I will be married soon, once we have settled in!" he yelled over the throng.

"To HER! To that imbecile child?" Hestor shrieked.

"I'm eighteen!" I yelled at her angrily, tears in my eyes. "Don't you have a tail you need to see to getting removed? Or I supposed snakes are almost nothing but tail, aren't they? Go find someone else to try and make miserable!"

Sterling pulled me away as others forced back everyone shouting and yelling and asking questions.

"What is happening?" I asked Sterling.

"Newspapers," he said softly. "Cass, look up a moment. Cass, this is Zelda Madison, your grandmother."

I looked up at the older woman who looked down at me, her face cold and pinched as she looked me over. Her face softened as she lifted her chin. "There is no doubt," she said softly. "You are Amelia twice over again, if a bit shorter. You have truly come home to us?" she asked, her voice frail and sad.

I looked around at all of the people looking at me. People with her, my family. My ma's family. There were people all around us, some his family, some mine. All of them were dressed up in clothes fancier than I had ever seen. Fancier even than Sterling wore back home. And I had thought he was so overdressed! I looked back at the woman and swallowed hard.

"I... I came here to be with Sterling. He asked me to marry him and I said yes. I didn't know I had family back here, not until the ride here when someone mentioned it. I... I will be happy to come and meet you all of course, get to know my family, but I'm sorry. I didn't come to see you specifically."

"Sterling Whittier, did you trick this girl into saying yes?" another man asked, stepping up next to Zelda. "You knew who she was and you..."

"I did not! I had no idea who she was until after I asked after her! She was only Cassandra Sutton to me. If anything, it gave me pause! I wasn't going to let it be found out, but she spoke up of her own accord."

"If you think we're just going to let you take her off now that she is finally here," the man began dangerously.

"I am only here because he asked me to come back here and marry him!" I said quickly, feeling like things were about to get out of hand. "Can we... go inside somewhere where all these people aren't watching and..."

"I think it's all a trick!" Hestor yelled. "She isn't a Madison! He found a girl who looked like Amelia and brought her back to go after the Madison fortune!"

"Who said that?" Zelda snapped.

"Me!" Hestor said, pushing her way through.

"After I just announced that she WAS indeed my grandaughter? You publicly name me a liar?"

"No! No, not you, her! She is lying to you!"

"Get this woman out of my sight! Find out who she is and have her and her family set down! You! Boy! What is your name?"

"Sterling Whittier," Sterling said calmly.

"Isaac Whittier's grandson?"

"Yes ma'am."

"He was a good man, in his way. Girl. Cassandra. You are sure he did not know who you were?"

"I didn't know who I was. I was just a farm girl who went to his school. He made me a Valentine when not a soul else noticed me."

"I find that hard to believe, that no one noticed you."

"I thought it was so. Things were a little different than I imagined, but it was Mr Whittier... Sterling who made me a card and showed me someone noticed me. Showed me he knew me better than anyone else ever did. When things went bad for me, he was there. He is kind and gentle and sweet and I have found that that is exactly what I want in a man."

"So you said yes with no pressure from him?"

"None at all. He has always been the perfect gentleman."

"We will discuss this at a later date," Zelda announced. "Come to terms and agreements," she said, looking across the circle to Sterling's family. "Until then, we will need to see you groomed properly and clothed properly and educated properly. Come along."

"Sterling?" I asked, looking up at him in a panic.

He smiled gently. "It's alright, go ahead. They are your family and they will treat you well. I will see you as soon as I can."

"I'm afraid!"

"You are one of the bravest girls I know. I promise you, I will see you soon."

I let the large man with Zelda lead me to a carriage as more people shouted and asked questions.

This was miserable!

The large man sat me down across from Zelda as another woman got in and sat with her. She was dressed like a maid and she quickly handed Zelda a tray with a cloth on it. Zelda wiped her hands while looking me over.

"Tell me about how you grew up," she demanded.

"On a farm," I answered softly.

"Your father?"

"Tom Sutton? He's a farmer."

"He is still alive?" she asked, her scowl deepening.

"Yes. He raised me after ma... was lost."

"Mother, not 'ma'. Your mother was lost."

"Ok. Anyway, Pa is a farmer still."

"Father. Describe him."

"Tall... old. Umm..."

"'Umm' has no place in a sentence. Describe his physical features."

"Dark hair, blue eyes. Tall, lean. Umm, handsome I guess. He usually shaves, but some winters he grows a beard if it's cold. He likes blue, but not dark blue like his eyes. The lighter blue he says ma's eyes were. My eyes too, he says. He wears it a lot. He goes to church. Not because he likes god so much as he likes to talk. He spends a good amount of time talking to people after. It's his day he takes to do that, leaving the farming for the rest of the days."

"That sounds like the boy who stole Amelia away," the large man said angrily.

"He didn't steal her away! She left with him because they loved each other!" I said, glaring up at him.

He smiled grimly, then chuckled. "You have her temper, niece."

"Niece? You're my uncle? My ma's brother?"

"She never spoke of me?"

"No? Pa neither."

"Mother and father," Zelda insisted.

"I'm your uncle Allistair, Amy's twin."

"Twin?!? Ma's a twin? How come no one said anything? Do I have any cousins?"
