Thesis Topic 23 Ch. 04


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Lillian was stunned by her answer. She was walking to the office door that led to the sports bar when she realized that she rather liked to wait tables for strangers being topless than wait John Wallace table dressed like a slut as she was, even when her tits were covered.

"Ma'am, about waiting for the other area. I think I rather do that."

Karla smiled with triumph.

"Ok, let's go to the locker room," she started her march, but before she reached the office door, Karla said.

"Lilly wait. There will be no more changes, no matter what. We all have work to do, this is not a game."

She nodded and went to the locker room and a few minutes later another girl entered. She was topless and her tits looked a little red indeed. She put on a white bra and then said.

"Thank you for doing this girl. My tits are a little swollen right now, and it hurts. I really need the support of the bra. Just give me your blouse please."

With trembling hands she took off the blouse and watched mesmerized the other girl put it, leaving Lillian irremediably topless until the end of her shift.

"Karla said that we must swap tips to simplify things. I was waiting for just one table, but new customers just arrived."

Lillian was speechless, just like that the girl stole her the proceeds of one very successful work hour and she was again left with nothing. All the flirting, all the touching that she allowed for nothing.

"And Lilly, one more thing. The job there is pretty similar to here, the only new rule is that when you are waiting to be called to a table, your hands must be on your back, and you should be smiling. Right?"

She nodded.

"Ok, you may reach the room through this door. Go when you feel ready, but don't take too long."

When she was alone, she looked at her image in the mirror. She practiced the pose with her hands behind her back and a smile plastered on her face. She had never seen anything so slutty. She noticed however that a small wet spot was noticeable on her shorts.

She walked to the door nervously. Her day had been a continuous downward spiral. She had begun as a waitress aspirant for the Ambassador, then she fell to being a degradingly dressed waitress for the Dark Horse sports bar, and now she was about to begin her shift as a topless waitress for the Dark Horse stripping club.

She opened the door and searched for her tables, they were again the farthest from the bar. Only one was occupied, probably the patrons that the other girl attended already left. She hoped they had left a good tip, but she could not find anything.

She walked to the only table occupied by a couple of young men, maybe in their twenties. They were casual but expensively dressed, and she could not avoid feeling envy. They certainly didn't look much older than she, but they were already making some good money that allows them to go out to an expensive place like that, while she was so broke that she had to work there.

She reunited her courage and said,

"I am Lilly, I will be tending you from now on. Do you want something to drink?"

She was delivering their drinks when a couple of gentlemen sat at other of her tables. On the corner of her eye, she saw that one of them was as young as the men that she was serving, and the other was probably older because she could see some gray on the back of his hair. Once she finished serving them drinks she marched to the new table and stopped on her tracks.

The gentleman with the salt and pepper hair was Mr. Palmer! She froze, she didn't know what to do, but then realized that he had already seen her in worst situations, and it was still better to deal with him than with John Wallace.

"Hi Lilly, I didn´t know you worked here"

"Hi sir," she said meekly, "I.. I just started today."

"I see. You surely are making some great career choices," he said with sarcasm, " but, well, the uniform fits you perfectly. It surely goes with your personality."

She blushed humiliated, she didn't dare to face the young man, she felt paralyzed for a moment but then she broke the awkwardness by saying.

"What would you like to drink sir?"

"Bring me a martini"

"And what about you sir"

The other man stammered a little, he was not used to seeing a beautiful and almost naked girl tending him. Still, he wanted to look brave in front of Mr. Palmer.

"I.. I would want a Tequila... please... " he was looking all over her, and then she realized that he was not only ogling at her but looking for a name tag.

"Lilly," she said, trying to stop his glances.

"Yes Lilly"

"I'll be right back"

When she returned with the beverages, the young man had gone to the bathroom. And Mr. Palmer was feeling very powerful contemplating Lilly's descent. He could clearly remember the well dressed, cocky feminist student that he interviewed for an internship a few months ago, and to see her now as a topless waitress was just too delightful for him. He imagined with satisfaction that his bossy and successful ex-wife could have ended like Lilly if only he had pushed her down when he could. Well, he was getting his revenge on Lilly, saving a future Mr. Palmer of the suffering that he had endured.

"Lilly," he said, "look, you were my intent of a great intern, but you know what happened. We are now on the process of integrating the best interns to our real teams, and I need your help."

For a moment Lillian felt hope, so she nodded.

"Listen. I brought Sam here, and another intern is about to come. They currently work for Bob, one of my rivals in the company, but I expect to impress them today and steal them from Bob. And you are going to help me. You will obey anything I say, otherwise, I will tell Ms. Barbara everything about you, and show her your photos here. I don't know if it would cause you a problem with your scholarship, but it would certainly lead to an interesting conversation with Ms. Barbara."

He showed his cell phone which portrayed a photo of herself. Her birthmark on her left tit was clearly visible, if Ms. Barbara saw it, she could relate it to the faceless photos that she had sent her.

"No Please Mr. Palmer, I'll do anything you say."

"Ok. Sam is getting back. Sit on my lap, and keep smiling."

She complied, and Mr. Palmer started talking with the intern. She learned he was Sam Richards. They were talking about sports while Mr. Palmer slowly caressed Lillian's tights and stomach. She felt stupid smiling in a position like that. She was being mostly ignored, treated as an object.

The patrons at the other table called her. She was about to stand up when Mr. Palmer said to Lillian's ear, "Go, but tell them that you are busy now, and ask them if they can move to another table."

She tried to fight. She will depend entirely on Mr. Palmer tip if she told her other patrons to leave.

"Sir, I am not allowed to do that, my boss would get angry," she said on his ear.

He smiled broadly and said, "Don't worry girl, Tim wouldn't give you any trouble. I am a good customer here, and I bring them a lot of business. So go now and tell them."

She stood up and walked to them and said. "I am sorry gentlemen, but I can't serve you anymore, could you change to that table please?"

But they got angered and said, "Now it seems that we need to beg to be tended. First, the girl with the red tits left, and now you. I say enough, let's go out of here. I'll pay on the cash register, don't bother looking for your tip bitch," and off they marched.

She returned shaking to Mr. Palmer's table. The man they were waiting for had just arrived. He was still standing and was shaking Mr. Palmer's hand while apologizing.

"Sorry to be late sir, but I found some friends at the sports bar, and they are really important contacts that I need to nourish. Two of them are heirs of big entrepreneurs, and networking with them could pay in the future."

Lillian could not see his face, but listening to his voice she felt the color leaving her face. It was John Wallace again!

When their sights crossed, he was as stunned as she was. Just then Mr. Palmer pulled her to his lap and continued his caresses. She was speechless. She tried to avoid eye contact with John that had recovered from his shock and was now openly grinning.

"This can't be happening, this must be a nightmare," she thought with despair.

At some point when Mr. Palmer was lost in a discussion about the Yankees, John managed to wink at Lillian. She shivered with shame, any hope of haven't been recognized was crushed. He used his phone camera to take a couple of photos of the topless Lilian sitting on Mr. Palmer's lap.

Just then Mr. Palmer said, "I have to make a phone call, any of you want to offer this girl a seat, he said winking at them."

John immediately took the initiative and said, "Sit here Lilly." pointing at his right leg. She blushed but complied. Sam was intrigued, he didn't remember Lilly saying her name after John's arrival.

She took advantage of the moment to whisper in his ear, "Please John, don't tell anybody. I am only working here for today, It is a long story."

He was pretty amused and said in her ear, "don't worry girl, I won't brag about this, I will only tell the student council and maybe Ms. Barbara; I consider it my duty as a good student to tell them, especially as there is that college ordinance that you supported so much, that if somebody was caught doing anything that discredited the rest of the students, that person should be judged for expulsion."

Lillian shivered, she was pretty sure she could avoid expulsion but her reputation will be ruined, and if Ms. Barbara got to see the photos with her birthmark, she could be charged with academic fraud, and that would really be a problem.

She begged, "No please John, you know it would ruin me, please," she said.

"Ok, If I let my morals aside, what would you do for me?"

"Anything..." she whispered.

"Perfect," he said, "it's a deal," and he erased the photos in his phone.

"Smile," he said in her ear, and she nervously complied.

When Mr. Palmer returned, he found Lilly sit on John's lap, smiling shyly while he caressed her in a much more sexual way than Mr. Palmer; touching her tits a lot. Despite her shame, she was becoming more and more aroused. Her nipples were very hard by then.

He was also messing with her hair, and she was looking wilder by the minute. When he sensed that Lillian was getting too horny, he said.

"Hey, I want a Scotch, what about you sir?"

"I'll have another martini," said Mr. Palmer

"I could have another Tequila shoot," said Sam.

Lillian stood up and was about to leave, when John said, "Lilly, can you do me a favor. See I really like barefoot girls, can you leave your shoes here?" then he looked at her, she understood that it wasn't a question.

She took off her shoes, and Mr. Palmer looked at her amused, he liked the way John thought, and seem to have some leadership and boldness. He was pretty sure that they could form a good team.

When she arrived at the kitchen barefoot, Tim was looking for her. He scolded her,

"What is happening Lilly? Some customers complained about your service, and they said that you were sitting on a man's lap. That is forbidden, girl, and what the hell are you doing barefoot?"

"Sorry sir," she said meekly, "Mr. Palmer told me it wouldn't be a problem with you if I attended only his table... And sit on his lap."

He smiled amused, "the bastard! Well Ok, tend only his table, and I don't want a single complaint from him, he is a very good client, and if you are willing to let that son of bitch touch you, it is certainly no problem with me," he was openly smiling now. The chance to get along with Mr. Palmer was definitely good for his business.

He returned to their table along with Lillian. "Gentlemen. I am assigning Lilly exclusively to your table," he said trying to look in control.

"She will do her best effort to have you happy, if she doesn't, simply don't tip her, that would be more than enough punishment."

"Thanks, Tim," said Mr. Palmer, "I am sure she will do her best," he added while winking at Lillian that just nodded blushing.

Lillian was then pulled again, this time to Sam's lap. He didn't want to be left out, or look shyer than his companions, but was nonetheless tamer than either Mr. Palmer or John Wallace. Still, he began a game that probed troublesome at the end. He started sharing his beverage with her, giving her to drink directly in her mouth, so she didn't have control of the amount she was ingesting, in the end, she drank probably more than half the shoot.

Soon it was time again to fill their glasses. So she was sent to fetch them, when she returned she sat on Mr. Palmer's lap, trying to avoid John's sexual touches. Mr. Palmer fed her most of his martini and then handed her to John, who did the same with his Scotch. Lillian was getting very ditzy.

"I need some food, why don't you get us some snacks Lilly."

She stood up, a little unsteady at first, but quickly recover her equilibrium. Mr. Palmer was pretty amused and wanted to show his power again, so he said,

"Why don't you leave your shorts here Lilly, you may go fetch us some snacks in your panties, Tim won't mind."

Lillian blushed, she approached Mr. Palmer and said to his ear, "Mr. Palmer, I can't do that, I have no panties," her speech was a little slurred.

Mr. Palmer talked loud, "Lilly says that she rather go naked, well, I don't think Tim would mind."

She blushed and seeing no way out she pulled her shorts down revealing her bald pussy and her perfect ass.

Sam and John could not avoid hooting, she simply looked fantastic naked. Lillian felt embarrassed and flattered at the same time.

She then walked to the kitchen where she was received by Tim who was stunned by the girl's boldness. He sent her back with the snacks.

And soon she was again in Mr. Palmer´s lap. "It is time that we start talking some business," he said while slowly caressing Lilly's tits and completely grabbing his little audience's attention.

"I am trying to build a more aggressive team, a team that won't stop till we get to the very top of this company. I plan to win the promotion for regional manager, and I am looking for people that dare to go all the way to the top. I have a reliable staff right now, but I am stagnated, I need fresh blood to change things.

What do I promise you? I certainly can't offer you a better initial offer than Bob, but I have the right strategy and can offer you three things: Hard work, fast growth, and in a short time lots of money and power. What will you get if you stay with Bob, well I can bet you will get a safe career path, a boring job, with slow personal growth, if you are lucky in 15 or 20 years you could get a position at Bob's level. If we do it right, one of you could be at my position in as soon as 3 years."

He started caressing Lillian's pussy. He was no fool at all, and even that was deliberated to help his cause. He knew that if he stole Bob's star interns by bettering his offer, he will scream foul and Mr. Palmer will be in a very bad position in front of the high management. But if he stole them based on his leadership, it would be the other way around, the one looking bad would be Bob.

He knew that increasing those men's level of testosterone would leave them a lot more prone to take riskier decisions more impulsively. That is why he brought them to a strip club to discuss the job opportunity.

John and Sam were mesmerized, they were lost in the sexiness of the scene, and they were getting also seduced by that man's call to greatness and power. They could clearly see Mr. Palmer's power. He was playing that nude girl like an instrument. John could not avoid thinking that he was only able to do the same because he was blackmailing Lilly and probably because Mr. Palmers' overwhelming personality was also pushing her to comply with him.

"What do you think gentlemen? Do you have what it takes to climb along with me to the top of this company, or you rather prefer to wait in line for eons while occupying boring jobs like countless drones all over the company?"

They both nodded mesmerized.

"I want to hear your voice. Lilly go with Sam please."

Lilly complied, she was getting very horny, Mr. Palmer had been rubbing her nude pussy for several minutes by then. They started discussing business and strategies, while she listened completely confused by the arousal and the alcohol. She was passed from lap to lap, always on the one that was speaking, and always she was being roughly fondled. No part of her nude body was spared of their lustful touch.

From time to time they asked her questions, like inviting her to the conversation, but she didn't answer right, not even the simpler ones. It was probably her nervousness, the arousal, or the alcohol, but she was feeling more and more insecure by the minute. "Maybe I am not cut to work in an office," she thought bitterly.

The next time John asked her something, she simply smiled and caressed his hair avoiding answering him. When she pushed for an answer she didn't know what to say but she was tired of making a fool of herself, so she said, "I don't know a thing about recruitment or businesses, so please don't include me in your conversation, that is a men's talk you know, I am just a girl." She regretted her choice of words, but Mr. Palmer and John seemed elated.

They continued their talk for a few minutes, just this time Lillian's hands were reciprocating their caresses. In the end, they were all filled with enthusiasm for their project and very horny.

Soon Mr. Palmer produced a couple of contracts which the young pair rapidly and cheerfully signed. There were a lot of enthused hi-fives.

While they were signing, Lillian sensed that probably the meeting was about to end, so she approached Mr. Palmer and said in his ear. "Mr. Palmer, please be generous with your tip, I would have earned at least $200 if I would have the chance to tend several tables."

"Don't worry Lilly, but you got us all horny, it is not fair if you let us with blue balls you know. Tim doesn't allow sex inside his business, but you can suck the three of us in the fire stairways, and the tip is yours."

She was too drunk, too horny and too weak to fight, so she merely nodded. Sam was the first to take the naked girl to the fire stairways. He wanted to show initiative and impress the other two that seemed to be bolder than him.

It was dark but she could hear cars and people passing below them. Their place wasn't so far from the ground, it was just a third floor. She shivered, she was completely naked in a public place and she was about to suck the dick of that man that she had just met, and that should have been her equal, but was now miles above her in so many aspects.

She knelt before him, and after taking his dick out of his fly, she started doing her magic with her hands behind her back. He was stunned, he had never seen a girl so slutty, and so submissive.

"You have a great talent for this girl," he said, really enjoying the blow job.

She didn't say anything, she just sucked and licked while furiously pumping three fingers inside her pussy. She had been teased for so much time, she came just before him, who came in her mouth. She was turning quite the expert at swallowing, still, she was not perfect yet, as a few drops felt to her tits.

Her orgasm should have helped her to come to her senses, but she was in a daze, and still horny. So when John Wallace arrived for his turn, she was still on her knees.

John needed to use all of his self-control. The girl that during the last three years had so openly despised him for being a misogynist was knelt naked, with dirt streaks all over her body, and a suspicious stain on her left tit; and most of all, she was ready to serve his dick.
