Time Never Waits Pt. 05


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They came and sat down.

"Ok, I'm listening."

"I'm not sure what else i can give you."

"Well, you must have gotten pretty creative in coming up with excuses to drag your ass here tonight. So, I figure you have a pretty good imagination."

"Why can't you just tell me what you want. Just tell me. What other choice do I have?"

"Ok, but that in itself has a price. I tell you, this ends right there. You give up your power to negotiate. Anything beyond immediate acceptance and compliance with my terms will end our association. I mean just one word beyond total, immediate acceptance. So, you'd better think on that first."

"I can't think of anything. I'm already offering you my pussy."

"So, you still want me to spell it out?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Ok, then. Here's my terms. You will be available to me anytime, anywhere, in any way, that I choose. Indefinitely. No questions asked. I call, you come and service me in anyway I want you to no matter the time or place. You have three holes, your cunt, your ass, and your mouth. I own them. You are my property from now on."

She stared at me not believing what she was hearing. Desperately looking for anything to bail her out.

"Well, I said immediate acceptance. You've hesitated too long. Good night."

She looked at her husband in desperation."Sam, do something, for gods sake!"

"What do you want me to do about it? What can I do about it?" He replied in resignation.

"You're Sam Cummins. You run this county! You're telling me you can't handle this kid? He's just a snot nosed boy. What does he have over your head, anyway? You've always been able to bring any of these rich bastards down where they belong. Right under your boot! Be the man I married and do something!"

Ok, this was getting interesting. I almost felt sorry for them. You just have to keep in mind that bullies like this are the worst kind. They hide behind a badge and ruin other people's lives on a whim. Sam here, walked himself into my life uninvited. Going for a classic shakedown. I wonder how many other property owners he's pulled this shit with. Then his wife did the same thing. Instead of accepting his fate after decades of fucking with other people finally caught up with him, she just had to interject herself into the fray and try to bully me into submission. I'll hang around and see how this plays out. I looked around at the guards and waved them off. They left quietly.

She stared at her husband. Unable to fathom why he was acting this way. He always won in the end. He would come home with a wad of cash somebody paid him to look the other way. Not this time. He came home beat to shit saying Tommy did it. That he had to quit his job because some ranch owner told him to. What the hell was going on around here?

She looked back to me. Seeming to suddenly realize something. An epiphany of sorts.

"Boy, where's your daddy? I know damned good and well you're not responsible for bringing down Sam Cummins. You go get him right now. I'll get to the bottom of this quick. Whatever he thinks he's got on my husband is about to fall apart. You'll both be hauled out of here tonight in cuffs!"

"Lady, if I knew where my father was, i'd gladly give him to you. Unfortunately for you, however, I'm the owner of this place. The bank President, Dave Haskins, is inside. You can ask him yourself."

"You know Dave Haskins?"

"Yep. He works for me now. Hang on." I went inside and found Dave, then brouht him out.

"Dave, this fat little cunt doesn't believe I own this place."

He looked at her. "Oh he owns it alright. Anyway, is that all? I'm going back to bed."

I sat down. "Well, I reckon that settles it. So, what's it gonna be?"

She was really desperate now. "Look, we can work something out."

"Ok, work it out."

"Just tell me what it is you want."

I looked at Sam."I can see why you act the way you do. Being married to this fucking cunt."

She got pissed for certain then."I'm tired of you calling me a cunt. I'm calling the sheriff. He'll know what to do."

"Well, go call him. I'm sure he'd love to learn one of his chief deputy's is on the take"

"Oh, you little shit. You goddamned little snot nosed bastard. I've seen many a little punk kid like you get taken down. As soon as my husband gets his balls back, we'll see who's laughing then."

"Ok, whatever you say."

She just stared at me again.

"Goddamnit Sam! Do something here!"

"Don't look like Sam wants to do anything but sit there like a whipped dog. Lady, you really nedd to hurry up, I'm getting bored with this bullshit fast."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm not doing anything to you. Your husband walked his ass in here this morning and tried to shake me down. I sent him home. I suggested that he might want to change jobs, because he wasn't cut out for this one. Now here you come. I told him to bring you out if you wondered why he quit. I would explain why. I've done what i said I would do. You want me to tell him not to quit. I told you what I wanted in return for that. A sincere apology from him. Y'all boyh missed the boat on that one. You told me to tell you what i wanted. I did. Now you're back to insults and threats. I've made it clear that shit don't work with me."

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you one last chance to accept my terms, or you can just go home. Now, pick one. Open your fucking cock holster at me again, i'll have you arrested and dragged out of here tonight. You understand me, you two bit little cunt?"

She studied my eyes closely now. Realizing she was beaten. She looked down in defeat, surrendering.

"Ok, let me hear the words."

"I'll do it."

"You'll do what?"

"Anything you say."

"Ok. Let's test that theory, shall we?" I stood up, taking off my shorts. Letting my cock swing free.

She stared at it. Her eyes wide in amazement.

"What's your name?"


"Ok, Connie. Here's what's up. You can walk away anytime you want. I'm not making you do this. If you perform to my satisfaction here tonight, your hubby gets to keep his job. If you fail me in any way, the agreement ends. If I decide to continue to use you, your hubby can keep his job as long as you perform satisfactorily. At any point in the future that you fail me, I will make him quit. Understood?"

"Yeah, I get it."

"I'm sorry, I don't think i heard that correctly. Is that any way to talk to your new daddy?"

"Yes daddy, I understand."

I looked at her husband and sent him a command to answer me honestly. "Sam, you got a problem with me using your wife?"

He looked at me. Trying to maintain eye contact

"Outstanding. Now get over here and service me like the good little whore you are. I better cum hard and fast, too.

"Please tell me why you're doing this to me."

"Connie. I'm not the one that did this to you. You and your husband did it to yourselves. You spend your life taking from others, never giving back. Employing all sorts of bullshit excuses to justify what you do. Sam there, he thrives on fear. People are afraid. Not of him, but the badge he carries. You thrive on the power and social status that being married to him provides. You enjoy the money he steals with the power of that badge. Until one day, he runs up on me. Now you're all sorry because your bullshit has backfired on you."

"I won't take it. I stand up for myself. You hate me for it. I'm simply giving you a lesson in what real power is. If he had stayed away from me, y'all wouldn't be here right now. So don't make the mistake of trying to blame me for your mistakes."

"Now, come here and suck daddy's dick."

She had tears in her eyes when she dropped to her knees.

"Hang on there, sugar tits. Is that how you dress when you suck cock? Get those clothes off, bitch."

She stood back up and started undressing. When she unhooked her bra and let her tits fall, they fell to her belly button. Call me crazy, but I love saggy tits.

"There ya go. Now shake those tits for me." They were long, with large downturned nipples and they flopped loosely as she shook them. "Good girl. I may make you my number one back up cum dumpster yet."

The tears were really flowing now.

"Y'all have any daughters?"

She nodded.

"How old are they?"

"18 and 20."

"Good. Are they as ugly as you?"

"No, our children are pretty."

"Mama and daddy's pride and joy, huh?"

"Yes, they're good girls."

"You'd do anything to protect them, I bet."

She nodded, "Yes we would."

"How about this. Say I let you off the hook here. I give Sam his job back, you don't have to be my whore. I'll take a weekend with your daughters and we'll call it even. How's that sound?"

"I'd rather die first!"

"Well, you should be smart enough to realize by now that I can take them anytime I want to, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

She suddenly realized the depths of the predicament she is in.

"Oh god no! I'll do anything you say. Anytime, anywhere. I'll be your whore. Just please stay away from them. I'm begging you!"

"Oh, I don't know, I'd kinda like to see you eat their little cunts then have ol' Sam here fuck them. Wouldn't that be fun?"

She stared at me in total horror as that picture came alive in her mind.

"Start sucking, cunt. Do it good. Your daughters' future depends on it. I'll knock them both up."

She dropped to her knees and got to work with vigor. She was not experienced in this at all. I thought about why I was doing this. Did I really have to? I already knew the answer. I used sex in situations like this because it was so intimately personal. I used it the same way they used the power of the law to force people to bend to their will. I could just send a thought into her head and she would grovel at my feet.

But that's not what i desired here. It was giving her the choice. Comply with my wishes or suffer the consequences. She was here tonight on her knees sucking a strangers cock due to her own choices.

She dragged her teeth over my cock again. My cock still wasn't hard.

"Stop. You ain't worth a fuck at this. Stand up and bend over the table. Might as well dump my balls in your sloppy old cunt. I did warn you about doing a good job. You fucked that up."

"Please, give me another chance!"

"Look at this. You can't even manage to make me hard."

I looked at Sam. "No wonder you fuck around on her. She's totally useless. How have you managed to deal with this bitch as long as you have?"

I turned back to her. "Get dressed and go home. You've failed miserably here tonight."

She started winding up to reply. I just held up a hand.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear another word out of you."

She started dressing. I looked at Sam. "You want your job back?"

"Yes sir, iI do. I'm up for full pension in two years. I quit now, I lose it all."

"So, you haven't qiit yet?"

"No. Not until tomorrow."

"Ok. You can keep your job. Under two conditions. Your wife owes me a piece of ass. She's obviously unable to perform to my standards. If she can't pick up her game and figure out how to be a decent fuck, well, your daughters are adults now. I'll expect you to deliver them to me next Friday. You can pick them up Monday."

She looked at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Let me stay here until I satisfy you. I can practice more. I'll get it right, I swear!"

I looked at Hank, "What do you think about that idea, hoss?"

"I don't like it one little bit. That's my wife. I love her. How do you you think it makes me feel? Her staying here spreading her legs fo you any ol' time you feel like using her. But, what choice do I have? I crossed you once. I won't make that mistake again."

"Well, I'm really not interested in having her around like that. Let's just do this. She owes me a blowjob, and some pussy. I'll carry that debt, but she owes me an ass fuck for the vig. She goes home with you. I'll come collect sometime. Agreed?"


"Ok, get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see you untill I call you. The same goes for the rest of your little buddies. Leave me the fuck alone or I'll rip your lives apart."

Angela watched as the situation developed. She had started to get involved but decided to sit back and see how it played out. She knew what Travis was doing. He was playing with the like a cat plays with a mouse before killing it.

She felt no pity, or even remorse, for the pair. They came asking for it. She grew up knowing cops like that piece of shit sitting there beside her pool. During her time in New Orleans, a couple of vice detectives took her out on the bayou and raped her repeatedly for most of the night. Then started shaking her down for a cut of her take. Along with a steady supply of pussy.

She either played along or they threatened a smorgasbord of felony cases coming her way. She wondered what had happened to Travis to bring about his visceral hatred of cops. There was something behind that.

She knew her despised three things. Arrogance. Bullies. Thieves. He never reacted well to any of them. Yet, with his capabilities, he could lobotomize anybody he wanted. Including this pair of self righteous motherfuckers. Why was he simply playing with them?

He didn't even fuck the bitch who dared to come here acting like she was actually in control. The only thing she could figure is that he was getting bored with such things. She afraid of this moment coming. The alternative was one where he actually started scrambling brains into mush.

She knew he had a well defined concience. The novelty of his newly realized powers was wearing off. Of course he had played around with it for a while. At least he had some semblence of self imposed control. But, once you go down some dark paths, you find there's no clear way back to the light.

Perhaps it was time to intervene. She watched for a few more moments to make sure he didn't turn them into cut bait. Then went to bed. He'd be along soon.

I watched as they hurried off. Thankful for the pardon. Perhaps they learned a lesson about shoving their noses into other peoples business. One could hope. He was getting tired of fucking around with people like this. There was an empire to build. He needed to focus on it. Too much required his focused attention.

I was building a team. One I was proud of. They were effective and efficient. I thought of Connie offering me her pussy. Like it was some coveted holy grail he should be thankful to have access to. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. The look on their faces when I offered them the choice of giving their daughters up in their place was priceless. I had no intention whatsoever of even looking sideways at the young women.

All this excitement had caused me to forget something I meant to address earlier. When I had seen grandma Pat between mom's legs, eating her pussy with surprising relish. I know I had told Pat that she had to go through mom to get back in with me. I just didn't expect to see such a quick progression. I made a mental note to talk to mom about it.

Anyway. Enough of this bullshit. I've wasted enough time fucking around. I needed sleep. I was about ready to initiate the second part of my plan. I will need to access key parts of my memory to make that happen. I've been living it up since arriving here in this time. Back in 2022, I was 60 years old, granted, but i was housed in a body that was maintained to produce two desired results.

Keeping my brain supplied with well oxygenated blood. Preparing for as many potential scenarios as possible.

On top of my critical research, i also trained. Relentlessly. My body was ripped due to the punishing physical training. Extreme cross-fit cardio and endurance. Strength. Speed. Then the martial arts. I had studied Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as an offshoot of my high school and college wrestling days. I'd achieved a black belt after twenty years off relentless study.

I followed that training program up with extensive Krav Maga and Systema study. The three combined armed me with a fluid arsenal of combatives that would allow me to defend myself in as broad a manner as possible.

I topped that hand to hand study and training with a program in tactical weapons training using normally available weapons from the time frames I was planning on 'visiting', along with currently available weapons.

I was as prepared as a man could possibly be to pursue my dreams. I just needed to brush up my present physical state to match my brain.

I eased into the bedroom, slipped my clothes off and crawled into bed with Angela. Her body warm and reassuring next to mine.

I thought of the future. I needed to re-examine certain priorities. Timing now was everything. In fact, time itself was the primary driving factor in my planning. For, as anybody that ever travelled back 42 years into the past would know,

Time Never Waits...



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SlofredSlofred8 months ago

I know it is a bit late for the story, but Texas Instruments was making military level personal computers with 286 possessors in 1980 If he has not already discovered them he needs to find himself a connection to TI and their solid state processor capability. USAF Maintainers in special projects had access to very useful laptops by 1984. This would be a large help in his movement forward.

IncestgodIncestgodover 1 year agoAuthor

I'm working on Part 6 of this, as well as Part 3 of A New Beginnihg.

I want to edit this series and republish it as Edited. Do some spell checking, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent story that incorporates a refreshingly candid view of the realities of life, even though it's fiction. Please ignore the critics & continue the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is this going to be a tbc or is this the finale? I only ask because of the ending. The other chapters ended with tbc, while this one didn't. Fantastic story so far. Both of them.

poopybrodypoopybrodyover 1 year ago

I hope his father somehow tries to weasel his way back into his life now that he’s rich and gets his brained turned into mush.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love it

IncestgodIncestgodover 1 year agoAuthor

Right, I covered his funding in his contract. He had his account credited with the initial one million. With an open line of credit available beyond that. He's looking for more sources so he doesn't strain the bank too much at one time. But Dave is working his sketchy shit, making it happen.

Frankfiredawg06Frankfiredawg06over 1 year ago

Amazing story

Please bring us more!

joejacksjoejacksover 1 year ago

Keep going, the only real niggle I had was how was he funding all the purchases as what had been bought I guessed exceeded the one mill plus from the bank. But this was addressed in this chapter as far as I could see. So carry on, there will always be someone who forgets it's a fiction story set in a fictional world in a fictional time.

IncestgodIncestgodover 1 year agoAuthor

If I get enough good feed back on it, I'll continue it. It takes a lot of time to produce it. I get more negative feed back than good right now, so, I decided to stop it here and see what happens. I don't want to waste my time on something that is just going to be criticized. I mean, it's free. Nobody is paying me for my time. Nor am I asking them to.

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