To Marjorie's Infinite Satisfaction


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Troubling was that she enjoyed it. The longer it went on the more she liked it and the more pleasurable it became. It was the first time Marjorie became aware of having powerful and explicitly sexual feelings involving people she knew.

Allison started off with a hairbrush but once she'd brought her boy to tears, she placed it on the coffee table and used her hand. All the while she lectured, scolded and utterly shamed Johnny. The boy was humiliated to his soul.

What made it worse, what always made it leap past worst, was his erection and his overwhelming desire for this degrading ritual. He hated himself for liking it so much. Years later, Tim would know the exact same feeling.

What Allison did to Johnny was captivating, breath taking and shockingly beautiful to Marjorie.

She's so pretty!

More than ever, Marjorie was in touch with her desire to be like Allison.

God, I want to be just like her when I get older! Look what she can do!

In Marjorie's mind, this was absolutely the right thing to do.

It was him who barged in here with his erection! And she's his baby-sitter!

Yes, Marjorie was very much in it with Allison. She got it. It all somehow made perfect sense to her. Some girls just got it.

After the spanking, she stood her boy before her and pulled his jeans and underwear to his ankles. Without question, he stepped out of them. If anything, his body revealed that he was perhaps more excited than before the spanking.

"Go to your room now little boy. I'll be in in a bit."

For the next half hour, she and Marjorie talked about what happened. Allison calmed her and answered her questions. The older girl began by empathizing with Marjorie's anxiety. "I know that was a lot...and might have seemed weird..."

Yet she was so calm, it went a long way to normalize what had transpired which was of course her mission to do with young Marjorie.

"But why? Why did you want me here? Why did you want to show this to me?"

"We've been around each other a few times over the years, family social stuff. We did not know each other in any real way, but I noticed you." She smiled and Marjorie felt her heart open in that moment.

She was open to Allison and anything she had to say.

"I just...I don't know, I just always got a feeling from you. I thought you'd like it."

She let that settle in for a moment.

"And you did, didn't you." It did not sound like a question.

"Oh yeah, I think I did. I mean, yes, I...I definitely liked it." Marjorie almost felt out of breath. She was almost surprised to accept that in fact, she very much more than liked it.

I really did. It was...lovely.

It was not only beautiful to young Marjorie, but with time and consideration, would prove to be powerfully compelling.

"Look, I was taught by an older girl when I was young. I think of it like a gift. I was and am so grateful that I wanted to give the gift to another girl whom I thought would like it. I think it's perfect and needs to be handed down. I want to help keep this going. I'm so glad I picked you!

"I'd been on my blockers. Like you, I stopped taking them and then I had this as my very first adult experience. I am so glad and so grateful that it happened like this. I'm so glad it was not some man taking advantage of me. I hope it's true for you too."

This resonated with Marjorie. Her ideas about sex had been very murky, at best. However, she lived in a highly paternalistic world, and she had an idea that for 200+ year old adults, pleasing the man was a woman's duty. That's all she'd known.

In a vague sense, not really knowing what that sexual duty really was, she resented the expectation.

"You saw how excited he was."


Allison smiled broadly. "This is how a girl gets the upper hand." She raised her hand as though about to deliver a spank.

Marjorie laughed.

"A girl can enjoy having the upper hand or...surrender it to him. I'm just very clear on my preference. Do you want control, or do you want to be controlled?

"Don't think of this as bad...cuz it's not, but this is how a girl can rape a boy. Even though it is rape, it's okay because he is bigger and stronger than I am so I kinda earned it."

This did not completely make sense to Marjorie but she wanted it to make sense.

"Like if you are a girl and he's bigger than you but you are emotionally stronger than he is, it's okay to do this to him. He probably deserves it and it's also probably good for him. Boys do so many dumb things. It's a form of guidance. God, parents do it all the time and it's all about helping and love. It's for their own good."

Marjorie was learning how to rationalize like a lawyer.

In her heart, Marjorie knew what they were doing was wrong or bad because it was a sex thing and that made her very uncomfortable.

And he needed to be spanked! Like really needed it!

She knew adults would disapprove and Allison emphasized the importance of keeping it quiet which of course meant that she knew too. Yet it was right because it felt good.

Really good! Like good and right.

Marjorie decided it was both, so she thought of it as right-wrong. Though very excited, Marjorie was okay with what she was passively a part of. Justification set aside all doubt so she could focus on all the good in what they were doing. She did not care if they were "not supposed" to do what they did, she was into it.

It's for his own good!

In this light, what they did was actually noble.

And with a little time, the wrongness, the naughtiness of it all actually amplified her sexual excitement about her wondrous new discovery.

After they bonded, Allison went into Johnny's room and closed the door. A half hour later, when Allison emerged, she looked so relaxed and satisfied, she almost looked stoned.


A similar scene played out the next time they all got together.

Though some details were missing from her memory, she remembered most of it. It struck her as amazing that she could have forgotten any of it.

While she did not remember every single detail, the image of Johnny standing before them, answering to them while his pants were at his ankles, his bottom, beat red, his face streaked with tears while his rigid penis saluted them was now as clear a memory as any she had in her life. She remembered how exquisitely exciting and beautiful it was.

She remembered how nice it felt to be next to Allison. She was with Allison, Allison Montgomery and Allison possessed a charisma that intrigued and comforted Marjorie in a way that made everything they did on this small stage, acceptable, no matter how preposterous. They were allies and perhaps, maybe, she hoped at least becoming sisters. She was the adoring little sister to a loving big sister who wanted to impart her hard won wisdom on Marjorie.

And now they were snuggled into one another and Marjorie had never felt her body the way she did just then.

It felt very good.

She's so pretty!

And now, she desperately wanted to share her first kiss with her big sister.

She did not get to spank him, but she was now part of it. Getting to sit with Allison, with the older girl's arm over her shoulder, instilled within her a feeling of warmth and of belonging and great confidence. Big, strong, tough Johnny stood before them with a red bottom, a tear streaked face and a hard cock.

Poor, poor, little boy. Guess you should not have earned a spanking.

Marjorie felt so smirky as she viewed his situation.

She relished being able to mock the older boy. Marjorie was all but vibrating with a sense of elation and nothing in the world could wipe the pretty and joyous smile from her face.

She enjoyed locking eyes with Johnny because they were sharing. Their expressions communicated it all. He projected profound loss and desperate need and her expression was its reciprocal. She smiled at him and she knew it seared his open heart. She communicated that she was so happy, so completely elated because of his anguish and fear.

What you are going through makes me happy. Cry. Go ahead and cry your little eyes out, little boy. Please, please, keep crying. Poor, little crybaby.

With these thoughts, Marjorie had her very first orgasm. Though on the smaller side of the richter scale, it changed Marjorie's life.

And she knew that in a very real way, she helped him feel this way and she wanted him to know how good that made her feel.

He was broken and Allison, pretty, proper perfect Allison, her big sister, had done this. For the first time in her life, she felt a complete and in her mind utterly justified feeling of superiority to another person and since it was a boy she might have otherwise looked up to and even been a little intimidated by, it was sublime.

The sensation caressed every nerve ending in her body. She'd never felt more alive. Johnny was much older than she was but she was miles above him. She liked the view from above.

They sat with Marjorie snuggled into the side of her big sister, with their spiritually broken play toy standing at attention before them. Allison was radiant and seemed at once a girl and a woman to Marjorie. She remembered her impression of Allison in that moment as she seemed to be clearly two things at once. She had the power and composure of a woman. She had the body of a lithe, nubile young lady. Yet she projected the radiant glee, the purity of joy only little girl's possessed.

Marjorie was captivated.

He's broken, crying like a little baby and completely hard for us.

To young Marjorie, this was surrender.

"What do you say now that your spanking is over, Johnny?"

"Th...thank...thank you, Allison." His loud inhalations kept catching and the girls luxuriated in his trauma.

Marjorie loved his tears. She especially loved them because Allison had not spanked him that hard. Actually, by comparison to the first spanking, it was playful and pretty gentle. He cried because he was emotionally broken by Allison Montgomery, the perfect girl. He cried because of his humiliation. His tears were a sweet and slightly more subtle demonstration of his subjugation to and by the girl Marjorie was, on some level, in love with.

He cried because he was in love with Allison who openly derided his love for her. Throughout the ceremony, Allison made clear that he was a fundamentally inadequate, perverse and defective boy to her and his love for her was something to laugh at. She joyously rejected his love.

Allison's ironic secret was that Johnny gave her everything she could ever want from a boy. His tears were seen as an offering to the girls. To each, they were stunningly beautiful. Marjorie wondered if Allison could make him cry with just her words and suspected she could.


"Thank you for what, Johnny?" The cat toyed with her mouse.

"Thank you for spank...spanking me."

With just a bare suggestion of hurt feelings, "Well aren't you going to tell me how you feel about me?"

"Allison, I'm...I'm in love with you! I love you more than anything in the world! You are everything, everything, everything."

"Isn't that cute. Your little heart is going pitter-pat isn't it? Your feelings are all aflutter."

"Yes," he blubbered.

"Of course it is. Are you in love with you babysitter?"

"Yes, Ms. Allison," he blubbered. "I'm in love with you. I'm in love with my babysitter."

"That happens to little boys all the time. Little boys fall in love with their babysitters all the time."

Going further, "Well, do you think I'm pretty?"

To Marjorie, this was so far beyond audacious and while thrown further aback by it all, she had to admire Allison for all of it.

My goodness, she can control everything about him! She's so in his head! She owns him. Amazing!

"Oh my god, yes, Allison. You are like, so completely the prettiest girl in the whole world! You are perfect and I love you. I love everything about you. I love your face and I love your body and I love you! You are perfect."

There it was again: perfect.

"Like what exactly? Like, what are my prettiest features? Let's be a little more specific?"

Like, everything about you, thought Marjorie as she snuggled into her big sister.

"Like everything about you, Ms. Allison. I mean it, like you are perfect in every way. Your face is the prettiest face I've ever seen in my life. I love your long hair. I love your pretty, little nose. I love your little cleft and your perfect chin. You jaw line stands out and is incredible. Your skin is perfection. I love your long neck. I love your green eyes. I love your long fingers and delicate hands. Your legs are incredible and your..."

"My," she coaxed with big eyes.

"Your...your a..butt...I mean bottom."

"That's right, Johnny, little boys use little boy words like bottom, don't they?"

"Yes, Ms. Allison."

"What about my bottom, Johnny? Go on."

"Like it' it's perfect."

"Perfect is pretty good...I guess."

"No, I mean more than that. It's more than perfect. It's like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life."

"Why Johnny, are you in love with my bottom too?" She laughed.

"Yes, Ms. Allison," he sniffled.

"Well, maybe if you are really extra good, I'll let you kiss it. Would you like that?"

"Yes, yes, please!"

To Marjorie, none of this was possible, but here it was, right in front of her. She watched as reality was stretched to the point of tearing open. She just knew the expression on her face was not at all dignified.

Smiling, Allison sprung up and turned around. "On your knees, now, Johnny-boy." She beamed her joyous, knowing smile at Marjorie as Johnny knelt behind her. "Okay, Johnny, you can give her a nice kiss now. A pretty kiss. Let my bottom know how much you love her. Show her your dedication. Show her your devotion. Show her you will do anything for her."

He leaned forward and did what nobody in the world was supposed to ever do and landed a kiss on Allison's gorgeous ass.

Ass kisser.

And it really is so incredibly pretty.

Allison looked so smug. As insane as it all seemed to the girl, just then she considered that it was somehow fitting. Allison absolutely deserved to have her ass kissed by a boy.

She is that special.

"Will I ever love you back, Johnny? Does the grown up babysitter ever fall in love with the little boy she's in charge of?"

"No, Ms. Allison."

"Of course not but I think we discussed that during your spanking today, didn't we?"

"Y...yes, Ms. Allison."

"Let's see if you have learned your lesson; why won't I ever love you Johnny?"

Here he began to quietly sob some more. "Because...because you are so much better than me. I'm not...I'm not good enough for you."

Allison smiled brightly, "Go on."

"Like you are so far above me and I'm beneath you. Nobody should ever love me. I'm an icky, little pervert."

"Very good, Johnny. That's it exactly.

"How about Ms. Marjorie, is she pretty?"

"Oh my god yes!"

"I'm not sure you mean it."

"No, for real, she's extremely pretty."

"Well then, be a good boy and tell her."

"Ms. Marjorie, you are so amazingly pretty. Whichever boy you choose is going to be the luckiest boy ever. Your face is like...I just want to stare at it. Like, I could imagine falling in love with you while just staring into your eyes."

This proved to be a pivotal moment in Marjorie's life. Her appearance took on a whole new meaning to her.

She'd always been pretty and she appreciated her looks. And she felt lucky and grateful to look the way she did. With this broken and sexually aroused boy openly lavishing praise on her appearance, while at the same time feeling completely safe, without a hint of threat, it changed everything about the way she viewed herself in the world.

She was instantly elevated in status. She was now becoming a woman. Allison had forced big, strong John into an utterly submissive humiliating position and she achieved it in part because of her looks.

Marjorie was anything but stupid and knew being pretty was important to a woman because a woman used he looks to get the man she wanted. A few even made money off the way they looked.

Yet because of Allison, she knew a woman's looks could do so much more than attract a man. With the right mindset, a woman's appearance could be used to break him. A woman's beauty could be weaponized. Could she possibly have this ability? Could she be like Allison?

"Doesn't she have a pretty bottom, Johnny?"

"Oh my god, yes, so pretty. So very pretty."

And she could see it and hear it. What Johnny said was his absolute truth. Somehow these words took her even further along the road to appreciating her own body.

Marjorie was so young but she and all her peers were entering a very awkward transitional time for girls. Though still decades away from actually dating, 120 something girls were beginning to think about it, about being with an older boy.

Marjorie was tall and small chested, but her butt was definitely "inflated" as she thought of it. It was very high, muscular and prominent. Too prominent for Marjorie's liking.

In the locker room, Sandy Carmichael announced that Marjorie had "booty-pop." Everybody laughed and Marjorie wanted to disappear.

From then on, she always wanted it covered somehow. She was too young and not emotionally prepared for anybody to be paying attention to her body in a sexual way. An innocent crush was one thing but the public comment about her body suggested to Marjorie, sexual objectification and she could not deal.

"Actually, it's amazing," he said with quiet, honest reverence.

Especially because she heard this when she was profoundly sexually aroused, this changed everything for Marjorie. Now she liked what her body could do.

"Would you like to kiss it, Johnny?"

"Oh my god, yes, yes, yes please."

He was literally begging to kiss Marjorie's ass.


A smile of unadulterated wonder played around her mouth. The girl was having a difficult time breathing and was nearly stunned by the astonishing realizations hitting her at that moment.

"Well then ask her, silly-head."

"Ms. Marjorie, may I, may I please kiss your perfect bottom? Please? Please, Ms. Marjorie"

Marjorie totally relaxed for what felt like the first time in her young life. She took the first deep, relaxing breath of her life. Her smile broke into the open. "Okay." She stood.

"Crawl to her, Johnny."

He obeyed.

Once positioned on his knees behind her, "Ask again, now."

Quietly, plaintively, "Please?"

"You may."

He leaned forward and reverently kissed Marjorie's ass.

She'd never see her body the same way again.

Allison looked at Marjorie and smiled. Looking back to the boy. "Who's our good, little ass-kisser, Johnny?"

"I am."

"Good boy. Go to your room. I'll be in soon."

Marjorie had absolutely no interest in having least for now, she thought. Yet she very clearly understood, the distinctions between sex, sexy and having sex. She recognized a clear advantage to being sexy and wanted it for herself.

Want me, boys. You can want me, but that does not mean you get me...though I might get you!


The conversations were necessary and formative and now she remembered them fondly. "You are so young...I mean, I know I am too, but, you know, you are young."

"I know," Marjorie responded, signaling that she did not take Allison's assessment as condescending and wanting her to continue. She was desperate for her to continue.

Marjorie had great faith in Allison before the great revelation, yet now, the relationship was akin to a spiritual leader and her disciple. Marjorie hungered for more. She wanted everything, all of it!

"It's just that the younger you realize this, the better. As you become a lady and starting the other day, on our first day here with Johnny, you started to become a lady, it is important to see the opposite sex for what it is."