To Marjorie's Infinite Satisfaction


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Sex stores were about obsession and perversion. They were uncomfortable about the prospect of being seen entering Hot Vibe, one of the local sex shops.

Certainly it was an exciting place with enticements on every wall and whispering from every case. She even saw a few things she decided she'd purchase online. She enjoyed how when buying something online, nobody could misunderstand her as a pervert.

While what she was doing with Tim, the whole chastity thing, was something a lot of sex weirdos were into, what she was doing was wholesome...even if it did excite her. Marjorie was providing a public service. Since she was true to her values, she knew her excitement was healthy, righteous, and patriotic.

"We wanted some information. Can you help us?"

"Certainly, ladies, what can I do for you?"

Marjorie was uncomfortable and fumbled around at what they were into.

At last, tired of the game, Bethany offered, "We want to know about male chastity. Anything you can tell us. Everything... actually." Her thrill was in her smile.

"Of course," their sales woman engaged them as though they were at a cosmetic counter speaking of skin care products. She immediately put them at ease with her natural confidence and easy tone.

Glenda was classically gorgeous but projected an intriguing edge. Tall, 250 something, she looked '50s Manhattan secretary...with a nose piercing and tats.

Oh my god, she's stunning!

Marjorie swallowed noticeably before responding.

"If you don't mind, I have some questions I'd like to ask before we dive in. Have we experimented at all?"

"It's her. I mean, I wish it was me!" They all laughed at Bethany's awkward enthusiasm.

Smiling, Glenda directed her gaze at Marjorie.

Marjorie was not sure if her sudden reticence was an outcome of their strange environment or because of Glenda's shocking beauty. Her face was delicate and perfect. Her shape was quite evident and breath taking.

"Um, yeah, kinda."

"Well then, a congratulations is in order. Good for you. This is kinda of my 'thing.'" She flashed a proud, satisfied smile and continued, "Super rewarding if done right. Okay then, is it play or lifestyle?"

Glenda had to explain the difference.

"Definitely lifestyle!" Bethany jumped in.

Smiling at her friend's enthusiasm, Marjorie worked to relax, "Lifestyle...I'm pretty sure."

"I'm so glad and so happy for you. You've come to the right place and I might add that you hooked it up with just the right salesperson. I'm sorta the expert on this particular topic," she beamed.

"Sometimes it is just a game and for some, it starts that way and turns into something different. That's how it was for me. Now, I'd not have it any other way. My man is going to be locked. At all the times. End of discussion. I'm an uncompromising, self realized woman."

It was weird to both of them that they were discussing something so private with a stranger and they found their comfort quickly and were drawn into an easy conversation about a topic Marjorie would have bet a million dollars she'd never have had in her life.

It was weird but she really liked Glenda, a lot. She felt instant respect for her and this almost shocked her.

They spoke at length to Glenda about enforced male chastity.

"Once you become his key holder, it will completely change the whole dynamic of the relationship. You are going to ascend and assume a position of real, significant interpersonal power. Get ready because it's also going to change the way you see him. Once he's under your thumb, and he will be under your thumb, he won't be a man to you anymore. He'll be a boy. Boys need boundaries." She gave her pretty customers a warm smile.

They could not hold back their girlish giggles. Now Marjorie new they were speaking the same language.

"She already spanks him," blurted Bethany. Bethany was always more impetuous than Marjorie and while she laughed at her friend's enthusiasm, she was glad Bethany was there to keep the conversation moving in the right direction.

"Oh, honey," she said warmly as she put her hand over Marjorie's who had it resting on the glass display case, "I'm so happy for you!"

Marjorie experienced a spike of attraction and mild arousal. It was just because Glenda was so pretty, she was sure. It was nothing weird or gay or anything like that.

She was certain that extreme prettiness made things different. There was no need to explore that topic any further.

By the sound of it, Marjorie would have thought she had just showed off her engagement ring. Clearly what was being shared here was intimate but fully appreciated and validated by Glenda. "That's just wonderful. You must be a well satisfied woman."

"Actually, I am. Very."

Going further, Glenda explained that Marjorie would assume a power over Tim completely beyond what she could attain in any other way. "Actually, it goes perfectly with spanking. He'll need discipline, believe me. The need will likely become more acute as you keep him locked. Spanking a grown boy..." Glenda let out a deep breath while unselfconsciously biting her lower lip, "can be very therapeutic. Smiling, "Who needs a marriage counselor? All a strong woman needs is a solid hairbrush. Real women manage their own business."

That did it for Marjorie. Now she kinda loved Hot Vibe. She hated how those weak, little Ascendants were always running to their therapist's every time they got their feelings hurt, or needed to comfort their inner child or some other claptrap.

According to Glenda (and it certainly supported what Marjorie and Bethany knew about the world,) men were obsessed with sex.

Once she locked a man up and took possession of his manhood, three things would happen. First off, he could no longer regulate his sexual desire through sex or masturbation and the hormonal release achieved through orgasm. This would make him even more obsessed with sex and make him more emotionally temperamental.

"Men are no less affected by hormones than women. They like to perpetuate a myth that women are too hormonal and too emotional to run things because they are not rational and logical enough.

"We are hormonal and we are emotional. So what? And so are men. One difference is that they are constantly regulating it through near constant masturbation. Take that away and..." She smiled the rest of the sentence.

"Second, all his desire, all of it, will be focused on you, Marjorie. He will want to be with you as much as you allow. You will be a near constant focal point for him. Manage it to your liking.

"Lastly, because of consequences one and two..." he would likely do whatever she wanted him to do in an effort to please her. "Oh, and by the way, he'll probably fall all over himself in love with you. Check that; not probably. He will fall in love with you.

"He'll be like one of those girls who is lost if she's not in love and with her guy. Sweet, sappy, romantic. Lovey-dovey. Be ready." She laughed.

"If you like power, there is nothing else in the world like it. It's...kinda breath taking." For an instant, Glenda looked to be having a pleasurable and quite far away moment.

Smiling brightly, "Women can't run things? Please. Some of us ladies know just how to run things.

"But you have to regulate their release. It is sort of a health thing. But not too much. The whole point is to keep him in need, after all. He'll want it every day and left to himself, he'd take care of it, often more than once a day. Fact."

"What's reasonable?" asked Bethany.

"I don't know," replied Glenda.

"Reasonable might be every day, but let's be clear, your pretty friend is not doing this to be reasonable. You are not doing this to comfort him. You are doing it to break and control him.

"I say, be unreasonable. Be very unreasonable. When it's free, it's fun.

"God, like when in our lives do we get to be completely, joyously, selfishly demanding and unreasonable? It's like in this one relationship, at least at certain times, you get to be the fun loving adorable girl you were meant to be before the world told you that if you want to be a good girl, you can't do this or you can't do that.

"I say, be you.

"And sister, sometimes nothing in the world feels better than unreasonable. And when else do you get to be this way? Sometimes I just like being a little bit...difficult. Like when you have your boy hanging on your every word, it can be a great deal of fun to flaunt it."

Smiling with the beautiful spirit of it all. "You get to be you. You get to be fully you in a relationship with no second guessing yourself. 'Was I fair? Was I mean?' those days are least with him.

"He will become so special to you because he will be the one person you get to really be yourself with. Where else do you get this? Ever just want to express your real feelings and your true desires, unapologetically, even if it might hurt his little feelings?"

Both women returned a wide eyed stare, completely awe struck.

"Yeah," came Bethany's quiet reply.

"Like I said, you get to be you from minute to minute without apology. Kind and loving? Sure. But no more holding back when you are in a mood. This is when being a quote, Bitch, is nothing more than female empowerment. If you don't feel like being nice, you don't have to be.

"And sometimes it can feel soooooooo amazingly good to show your not so nice side to your boy. It can actually be bonding. Not kidding. So very much my thing."

Marjory agreed. It was fantastically fun. This woman really got it. Everything she said spoke to the truths that she'd just recently caught a glimpse of.

"And here is the kicker: he'll be more in love with you for all of it. The more truthful and real you are in your expression, the more he will adore you. I like being adored."

"She's already done that, broken him, I mean." replied Bethany.

"Good, then you are on the right path," she said looking at Marjorie. "This will simply amplify it, add to it, enforce it all. Whatever you have done to him already will be multiplied by ten once you lock him. Or by the sound of it, keep him locked. How long has he been in it?"

"A day."

"I'm so happy for you. A wonder is about to unfold before you. It's invigorating. Savor it. It's always beautiful, but the first time only happens once and it's special. I mean it most sincerely, enjoy and savor the wonder and beauty of totally breaking him down and making him your possession.

"There will come a time when you will see it. You will be so deep in his head that you will see in his eyes, the dawning realization that you now own him for real and completely and there is nothing he can do about it.

"That powerlessness you see in him is special because you took it from him. You did it! You did it to him! So pretty. You will see the defeat as he realizes that it's too late. He walked into it freely but now he's a possession. Beautiful. Perfect. Love it.

"As for release, I'd say once every one or two weeks. Monitor him and see what he can take. Push him. Do not be soft.

"He's going to beg. Let him to the extent it entertains you. But I'm telling you, begging gets old real quickly. I recommend permitting selective begging when it pleases you. Like it can be appreciated if you view it as an act that underscores the hierarchy that now exists between you. Think of his begging as a ceremonial offering. Begging is a clear expression of his subordination to you. It can be a lovely little tribute to your authority over him, another way for him to formally demonstrate his place beneath you.

"Give it a time and place. Make his begging part of the ceremony, make it special. You will become his religion, after all. It's like when you instruct a dog to sit up and beg; it can be charming and delightful, when it's what you want." She smiled knowingly. "Otherwise, it's just going to get on your nerves, trust me.

"How he gets off is up to you.

"The other thing I strongly recommend is having boundaries, limitations and rules that go way past where, when and how he begs you.

"So let's be clear here: you are creating and encouraging dependance. Your power over him is a consequence of his dependence on you. He can't cum without you and it becomes very emotional for him.

"Like with the begging, if you don't control it, he'll get on your right away.

"Set down firm guidelines for his behavior and do not waiver. This is what happens when you keep a man on a leash and collar. If you want that, then manage it. Trust me, it can be great, but you have to be responsible. You have to be disciplined. I'd have a lot of standing rules so you don't need to constantly guide him. '

"Have lots of consequences. Bare this in mind: real punishment is having to keep it on for another week and of course not cuming. He does something else to annoy you, add another week. They add up fast. He might not have cum for two weeks and suddenly he has to wait another four." The women smiled.

"He might not realize it now, but your husband's a lucky man."

"Not married," interjected Bethany.

"Sorry, boyfriend then."

"Not my boyfriend."

Glenda cocked her head, caught totally off guard. "Family member?" That notion was so over the top it made them all a little uncomfortable. Yet in the abstract, it excited them all too.

"No. Just a guy."

"Oh goodness, why you are the capable little huntress aren't you?"

Marjorie smiled. She liked the vision it conjured.

She really liked Glenda and appreciated that she'd have no problem returning to her store for more information and helpful tools with her project.

Yet there was the principle of the thing. She'd started off not wanting to go into a sex store as it made her uncomfortable. He was the cause of that initial discomfort, no matter how fleeting. The boy could really get on her nerves and it did not matter that she now LOVED the store!


She, Bethany and Glenda became good friends and the ladies met in the shop often to talk, hang out and share ideas about their mutual interest in controlling boys. Marjorie and Bethany usually entered the back door and spent more time in the office than on the floor.

Marjorie found much of the merchandise distasteful but she had great appreciation for what she viewed as valuable tools for maintaining discipline and implementing correction.

It did not take long before the three were friends beyond Hot Vibe and often enjoyed Girl's Night. They found they liked having an Ascendant friend since they never talked politics. She was strikingly pretty but culturally so unlike them.

It was fun when she told them something that shocked them.

Marjorie sometimes found herself wondering if Glenda might want to come over to her house.

Just a couple girls hanging out. It could be fun.


His routine was simple. He knocked quietly on Marjorie's back door and waited to be let in.

He'd help himself to the ice pack in the freezer and take care of his erection. Marjorie left the key on the kitchen counter for him to remove his cage.

Immediately he was required to don his tiny running shorts and his erection was sprung to life within minutes. She loved that it was tight in there and that she could always see it without him being naked. In some ways it was more obscene viewing his erection through those tiny shorts while being less vulgar than his nudity.

And she liked his body, but just found it startling to have a naked man walking about her small house. In her home, a domestic servant would ideally be in uniform so that's how she arranged it.

He was to speak only when spoken to. Marjorie liked peace and quiet and enjoyed putting a cork in her sometimes chatty, little Ascendant boy. While he worked, she'd take care of some of her personal business or read a book. Sometimes she went for a run or to the gym. She especially enjoyed going over to Keith's house when her boy was cleaning hers.

She did not mind at all that most of the time Keith made her cum, she was thinking about Tim cleaning her house, wearing her cage on his boy parts or the spanking she just gave him. The image of spanking him over her lap as she scolded him and brought him to tears always rushed her to a hard orgasm.

Tim came to love cleaning Marjorie's house. Aside from just getting to be near her, it was such a relief to get that wicked cage with its vicious, biting teeth off his crotch.

While he hoped Marjorie could not tell he was hard the whole time he was in her home, it was a tremendous feeling of freedom to be allowed to grow hard and full, even if he could not take the edge off.

The irony was that he used to think of masturbation as his quick and easy de-stressor, now it was just being able to fully erect. Funny how things turn out.

After his assignment for the day, he'd stand quietly before her and wait for her to finish what she was doing.

Often it became political at this point. The activity depended on Marjorie's mood. Sometimes it was a conversation; sometimes he simply watched Foundation News; other times he'd provide an oral report on his book report assignment.

Then she'd signal him and he was expected to ask gently, enestly and respectfully for his spanking.

He knew that this was begging for love and his deep appreciation and gratitude in doing so shamed him to his soul.

She trained him so well that she almost never needed to actually punish him anymore.

Yet no matter what, she always landed a hard ten. Sometimes twenty. Sometimes more. She wanted him on his toes and if he was not just a little scared, it was not as satisfying.

Marjorie was immensely stimulated and satisfied by evidence of both his love and fear of her. If vexed, she expected to see his fear on full display and it was most satisfying. However, she often it put her in the very best mood when she sparkled with joyous radiance and could terrify him just as acutely.

She told herself she was offended by his erections but did not analyze why on the few occasions he was not hard while doing her house cleaning, she was extremely agitated and let her inner bitch loose on the boy. It was funny, because on those rare occasions, when she did share her displeasure for the boy, he always grew hard for her. Funny how life turns out, she thought.

She loved getting his tight, little shorts off of him. She loved teasing and humiliating him when she was "confounded" when they would not just slide down. "Goodness gracious, why on Earth are these shorts not coming off. It's as though they are hooked on something! And then she'd "discover" they were hooked on his erection. "Oh my goodness! Again? Really! Honestly, Timmothy, what's wrong with you?"

"I...I don't know. I'm sorry." While this was their game, he was always genuinely mortified. Every time she could affect strikingly genuine shock and disgust such that he was awash in shame.

Afterward she'd put him back in his cage. She thought it important that she perform this duty. She wanted him to see her hands doing this to him. She came to enjoy performing what she came to think of as her farm girl chore.

A girl's got to tend to her little boy-cow.

He'd go home and then Keith would come over. It was perfect.


His relief usually came in one of two ways. When it was time, she'd send him home unlocked. For what usually amounted to about twenty hours, he was free to get himself off.

For his birthday, Marjorie gave him a sweet little spanking and a framed photo of herself which she suggested he put by his bedside. "I want us to be close." She was in one of her teacher dresses and looked so pretty. The funny thing was that her expression was such that he could not tell if she was pleased with him or cross. She was fully clothed and proper. The photo was suitable for display anywhere, and Tim always got off on it. He'd stare at her perfect, pretty face and cum five or six times before reporting back to Marjorie.
