To Marjorie's Infinite Satisfaction


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As they walked, Bethany ran her hand down Marjorie's spine as they continued laughing their little-girl laugh.

They both knew it was not funny at all, but it was seriously good. It was a serious turn on for both of them. "I like it too. I sooooooo wish!"

"Like I think a part of him is crying because of what I'm doing to him but also...I think it's also because he's so ashamed that I'm the girl he's in love with and I know who he really is. Like, I'm the girl he's in love with and I treat him like a little boy. I've kinda put him beneath me."

"'Kinda'? Like way!"

"Like that just breaks him. It's because of shame." She smiled at her friend.

"Oh my god, I think I'd pay anything to put some otherwise cute flaming Ascendant over my knee and spank him to tears! The sassier the better! Marjorie, I'm so done with them! Oh my god, Marjorie, you really are a culture warrior now!"

"You're preaching to the choir, sister. I'm well past done with Ascendants. They need to be shut up. And getting to actually do it is beyond satisfying." Talking about it was beginning to really turn her on and Marjorie had to put on her best poker face. Had she not been so self conscious about it, she might have sensed her friend was even more sexually aroused than she was.

"And you made him vote with the Continuance! Oh my god, Marjorie, you really are my hero! I'm so incredibly proud of you. Sometimes life is perfect. How incredibly perfect!

"But why does he let you? I mean, I assume he's bigger than you..."

"Oh, he is. It's kind of weird. Yes, he is bigger and stronger than me. Physically stronger. But he's weak. Like emotionally. Like I'm just way stronger than he is and he knows it and..." Marjorie could not repress her smile, "...he's frightened of me. Totally intimidated by me." She let that settle in with her friend. "And he should be, right?"

She hoped they could view this the same way so she'd rid herself of any trace amount of guilt for being a bully, for being aroused by his fear of her.

Knowing her part so well and being of like mind, "Gosh, of course he should be scared. I'd love to see that! I think that what you are doing is so appropriate, it might even be like, fun?"

"I love you Bethany. You totally get me. Yeah, it's more than fun." Each knew the other was aroused by his fear but they did not have to say it. They were not ready for that yet.

"He does what I say. He's sort of totally into me...and he's scared of me at the same time." Even she had to notice how smug that recognition made her feel. Shaking her head and smiling, "It's like at once he's way into me and completely cowed by me. It makes no sense at all. Kinda weird, but... starting to really, I don't know...enjoy it?"

"Oh, let's be clear, you are enjoying it!"

They laughed with pleasure and excitement.

"True. I see him as this big, handsome, little boy who needs minding. A lot of minding." They laughed at the wonder of it all.

"Okay, so there is something else and it's the really weird thing."

"Oh my god, it get's weirder?" she asked with unadulterated pleasure. "Please, god, make this good!"

Bethany's response was exactly what Marjorie needed as this disclosure was what showed just how deviant this all got. The question was: are they deviant or is Tim deviant?

"Alright, but it might make you uncomfortable," said in warning. "Don't get all weirded out, okay?"

Bethany knew she'd love whatever came next. "Spill it."

"So he is scared of me. And what we do hurts him." It was still hard for her to say the word 'spanking' to her friend. "Like, it really hurts. I told you, he cries for real."

"I think that's my favorite part!"

"The crying...knowing that it's because of me, that I'm the one who makes him cry, really is perfect. Like in that moment, Ive captured perfection. Makes me sooooooo happy. He's so vulnerable. He's so incredibly humiliated and I get to see all of it. I get to play with it. He's so in love with me, so devoted to me, he can't stop me and there is nowhere for him to hide. It's like I own his ass, Bethany."

"Oh my god! So wish..."

"Well, there's something else..."

Already, this was the most exciting and wondrous conversation Bethany had ever had in her adult life.

She realized that that was the down side of adulthood, so much of the exuberance and wonder went away as one reached the point in which they'd seen it all. When she was a little girl, she got to believe in magic. She just wished, and wished desperately, that it was she telling the story.

"Come on! I can't wait another minute! What is the something else?"

"He gets turned on by it."

"Shut up! Holy shit, Marjorie, I knew it! He's a total perv! Oh my god, that's perfect, perfect, perfect!" She laughed aloud as Marjorie smiled on. Looking away and imagining it, a look of predatory thrill on her face, Bethany visualized the tears, the fear and the hardon. Once more, she was a little girl looking at the world with bright eyed and exuberant wonder. She was all in.

"That's.... Oh my god! You get to punish a cute, Ascendant pervert! You lucky!"

It was perfect for Marjorie too, but neither wanted to explain why. They both thought it perfect because it was both a hook for him and justification to keep doing it. Ascendant perverts needed to be punished. Neither wanted to admit how much it turned them on.

"It's weird because I spank him and can make him cry and it's like, that alone makes me want to keep doing it all. I...I mean like he deserves it all the more. Know what I mean?"

"So do!"

"And his big hard dick just makes me want to spank him even more."

Wistfully, "God me too."


Marjorie could not believe how relieved she was by Bethany's response to what she'd shared. In her mind, her guilt was purely that of association. He was the perv, but she felt guilty anyway.

Bethany fully supported what she was doing and chose to view as Marjorie did. Tim deserved to be punished so what Marjorie did was actually noble. Marjorie was performing a civic duty and should be commended.

God, she's like a civil servant!

"You are my hero, Marjorie. I love you. The city should give you a parade and a medal." They laughed.

It was as though a weight had been lifted. She could do as she pleased with Tim and not have to feel bad in anyway for any reason.

Marjorie thought it was so nice to have a good friend, one who supported and encouraged her on this strange journey. She even got the clear message that Bethany would like to get closer to the whole thing. She'd have to think on that. It might be fun.

She was with Keith, so it was strange that she felt possessive of Tim. He certainly was not her boyfriend.

But I am in charge of him.

It sounded weird even in thought, but she could not help but to feel smug by it too.

With it discussed, with the "reasonableness" of her rationale enthusiastically validated by her best friend, Marjorie acknowledged that she was going to continue with Keith and keep her association with Tim. This settled her.


"So what's this 'perfect' thing?"

In spite of her cool exterior, Marjorie was as intrigued as Bethany. Tim had become, if not a side obsession for each of these women, he was the source of the most excitement. Speaking to Bethany about it all was the closest she got to reliving it all and since each loved every aspect of what was going on with Marjorie and her side boy, Tim became the focal point of their conversations.

And in the moments they were able to share in this thrilling indulgence, Marjorie was just able to maintain her veneer of cool detachment.

"It's going to seem weird, but just hear me out." Now it was Bethany's turn to preempt Marjorie's shock, judgement and dismissal.

Marjorie needed this too. Each needed to proceed with a sense of justification.

Marjorie could barely stand to acknowledge even to herself how aroused she got lording over and spanking her Ascendant boy, "her under-boy" as she was so fond of referring to him as. She could not yet openly share her arousal about all this spanking business with Bethany and each knew what not to talk about.

There were long established tacit rules to abide by. At a certain point, they'd get to that conversation, each knew it was an eventuality and each knew it would be Tim's "fault" that they enjoyed it. For the moment, what they were doing, what they were sharing had to serve some greater purpose beyond their own perverted lust.

Cool as a kitten, "I'm all ears."

"Okay, but I mean it, you are going to think it's first...and I could totally understand why anybody would think it first glance. And so did first. Then I saw real purpose in it all. But I want to be clear, this is about our civic duty as proud, young, Continuant women."

"I understand, Bethany. I'm coming at it from the exact same place you are."

"Stay with me on this before you judge. I'm worried about your boy. Eventually he might run away and take your identification tag off of himself. We both know that at that point, he's a public menace. For lack of a better term, he's going to escape...eventually.

Oh my god, "escape!" Love that my Bethany is think like this!

"I know that sounds weird because it's not like you are running a kennel or something, but you know..."

"No, Bethany, it's appropriate. That's a perfect way of putting it and it is a concern."

She did wonder how long he'd accept this from her. With the thought brought to the light of day, she felt a spike of insecurity. While she was comfortable with the idea of possessing Tim, she wanted him securely bound to her.

"Okay, good, we're on the same page.

"I don't want him to escape so I know you don't. But if he does get away, he's either misrepresenting himself and ruining some young woman's life... so wish he had to wear some sort of Ascendant identification so we'd all know...or he'll be rutting with some other liberal slut and making babies. Ascendant babies and probably milking welfare. Working the system." Both women agreed this was unacceptable.

"So I did some internet research. I wanted to know if it were possible to keep a man from having sex. Short of castration, that is. Turns out there is."

Marjorie was intrigued and her eyebrow shot up. "Seriously?"

"Yep. But here is where it gets a little uncomfortable...but just by association." From her purse, she pulled out a strange plastic looking cage-thingy about the size of a fist.

Underwhelmed and confused, "What's that?"

"That's a chastity device."

"A what?" Marjorie certainly knew what chastity was, but could not put the idea and the contraption together in any meaningful way.

"Okay, take a breath." Deep breath. "It's a cage for his boy parts." She let it sink in.

"Wait, what?"

"It's what I said. You can lock his boy parts up in it."

"I'm missing something in this. What are we talking about. Why would I want to do that? Like, what is the outcome?"

"It's what I've been talking about: this is the thing that is amazing! As long as it is locked on and as long as you have the key, he can't have sex." Her eyes went large and she smiled hugely at Marjorie.

"You are not joking, are you?" She knew her friend was totally serious but could not imagine something of the like was even possible.

"I'm not and it gets better." She took another breath.

"Slowly dying over here. You're going to tell me how that could get better. Cause I'm inclined to think it can't."

"Oh it gets better, my dear friend, my sister. When he's locked in this, he can't even get a full erection. Think of it as a little penis prison."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my, yes!"

Bethany knew Marjorie was sold. "If he gets excited, he fills the cage but can't grow all the way. It even keeps him pointing a bitch." She enjoyed identifying an Ascendant man with that term and let her pleasure show. "Like your bitch. There's even an attachment that makes it hurt a little every time he tries to get hard. Serves him right. He can never reproduce!"

The two laughed at how absurd it all was. The two laughed at how wonderful it all was. The two laughed because they knew they were going to do it. They were going to put Marjorie's Ascendant boy in a chastity device.


That night, Marjorie had some of the most exciting and fulfilling sex she'd ever had. Keith felt amazing. She felt like a little gymnast working out on a jungle gym. She was the happiest girl in all of New Mexico.

She LOVED fucking Keith!


Tim was frightened of the spankings he yearned for. He romanticized the spankings as well as all of his precious time with Marjorie. Yet he was intimidated by her and fearful of what she'd do to him.

He was so confused. He imagined he felt like a heroin junkie. He simply could not get enough and it scared him.

The thing that killed him was that they did not have that much of a relationship.

Are we ever going to do boyfriend/girlfriend things?

He half imagined and half hoped they were a couple, in spite of how weird it all was. And he knew she was seeing some guy.

We're just still in the dating phase.

And this explained why they were not exclusive. Regardless, he felt a sense of dedication and romantic obligation to Marjorie. Though clearly not reciprocated, he hoped that in time, it would be. He did not know if what they had was sustainable.

What, is she going to spank me for the rest of my life?

He strongly believed it wasn't sustainable, but for now, he was committed to her.

He minimized his schedule all but eliminating his social life. He went to work and then to the gym or to a karate class. He typed up his schedule and, without prompting, deposited it in Marjorie's mailbox.

He hoped desperately that she'd choose to start doing romantic girlfriend, boyfriend things together.

She understood implicitly what the gesture meant. She was pleased by his initiative and by all the time he had available to her.


Come over at once. She pressed send and Tim was at her door in less than five minutes.

She was pleased by the efficiency of what may well become their routine.

She realized that things might just work out perfectly. Keith was coming over between 8 and 9 and she knew it would be easy to take care of Tim and then have the rest of the night for her man.

I've got a boy and a man has me! How wonderful!

Of course she was not taking care of Tim, she was working out some feelings and she could think of no better person to do this with than her under-boy. Not long before leaving work, two of her coworkers were discussing how some nit-wit talking head they'd seen on the new who said Potts was an idiot for his policy decision and saying it would be easier than anybody ever imagined.

If he says he'll do it, then he'll do it!

This boiled her blood. She tuned in a little Foundation radio for her drive home and by the time she arrived, she was really worked up and really in the mood.

She gave him a very fine spanking and while it worked her up spiritually and sexually, it calmed her emotionally. She was most pleased with herself and her situation. She'd realize an after work spanking had the same effect as an after work glass of wine or a run. It took the edge off.

He stood before her naked. His cock was rock hard as he tried to catch his breath and stifle his tears. He'd become so emotional over the course of their short relationship. She had no idea just how much more emotional he was going to become.

"There, there now, your spanking's over. You did well. You should be proud of yourself for being such a big boy. You didn't even cry that much. Though be careful," she teased, "or I'll take that as a challenge."

I did well!

When she praised him, he experienced such relief and elation. It's when he knew he had worth. Tim was falling all the more in love.

She's perfect.

"Thank...thank...thank you." He was honored.

Is she proud of me?

"You are very welcome. It was a good spanking. A very fine spanking." She smiled warmly. "You earned a hot, little bottom and you got it," she said warmly, encouragingly.

"Now, before you go, we are going to try something. You just stay right here and I'll be right back." She returned with an ice pack and instructed him to sit down on her straight back wooden spanking chair.

"Your little boy penis still gets really excited when you get your spankings, doesn't it?"

With eyes to the floor, "Yes, Ms. Marjorie, I'm sorry. It just does that. I can't help it."

"I know, you can't help it because you are a little boy. Little boys have no control of themselves. Don't deny it."

He wanted to but her conclusion was difficult to escape.

"I'm sorry."

"Good, you should be sorry. I'm glad you admit it. And I'm glad you are ashamed of yourself because you should be," she said warmly. "You are an adult-child, just a boy.

"Hold this ice pack over your little pee-pee until it goes soft. Oh, and hold this." She handed him a key. "Just call me in when the swelling goes down," she smiled brightly at the idea that she was helping him by applying a medical technique.

She left the room and Tim sat there icing his erection. It was so hard, he knew it would never go down.

Each time they did this, it remained rigid until he could get home and give himself some relief. Then he did it again before going to sleep and once more in the morning.

Every time it was the same. He'd visualize Marjorie spanking him. Sometimes he'd imagine she'd let him pleasure her. Sometimes she was just humiliating him. It was so shameful, but it was the only way he could lose his erection.

Until he iced it long enough. He was shocked that it worked, but it did.

He called her in.

Marjorie was all but floating with energy.

She was surprised she felt a little trepidation at the prospect of handling him in this intimate way. It was different when it was sex. And she'd already put a chain around him once. She was aroused by the idea of locking him up, but there was just something strange about handling a flaccid penis.

Stop it! Just think of him as a cow. He's just like a farm animal and he needs to be cared for and handled like any other farm animal. Just get over yourself. Duty first, always.

And so she did get over it.

She put on the base ring that encircled his cock and balls and then attached the cage to the base ring. She'd never done anything like it and fumbled a bit at first but soon understood the mechanics of it. She lined up the pins and attached the two pieces.

That wasn't so bad now.

The funny thing was (at least Marjorie thought it funny,) as she was fitting the cage on, just as she was feeding his cock into the cage, Tim's arousal started winning the fight against the cold. But it was just too late as Marjorie slipped it on in the nick of time! Interestingly to Marjorie, doing farm work, being a farm girl could be fun.

Now I've got my own little boy cow!

She laughed aloud in satisfaction.

She threaded the lock through the end of the pin which held it all in place but did not close the hasp.

Tim's cock was now fully swollen inside the cage and it was beginning to push into the plastic spikes. His heart was beating a mile a minute as the realization of what they were doing sank in. Marjorie was assuming a level of intimate control that was impermissible.

This is not possible! I will not allow this!

"Tim, do you know why I'm doing this to you?"

You're not! I'm not going to let you!

But then he listened to his heart. She wanted to keep him for herself. She did not want any other women to have him because she wanted him. Though weirdly overbearing, there was something almost sweet about her possessiveness.

"Because we are a couple and we are in love and now and...and you don't want other women to have me?" Hearing it spoken aloud and contrasting it with the truly superior expression on Marjorie's face, he knew that was not it.
