To Sensitive Men Pt. 02

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Emma and Noah entertain a guest.
18.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/19/2022
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Fenris420 here. First of all, thank you to all who read, commented, and favored "To Sensitive Men Pt. 1." It means a great deal to me and serves as motivation to keep telling stories. That being said, this continuation of Emma and Noah's story is a bit different in tone than Pt. 1 as I introduce a new character and a variety of high jinks.

So far, it's one of my favorite stories. Oddly, the stories and art I create that are my favorites are frequently not popular with others. Conversely, my popular works are almost never my personal favorites. Not exactly sure what that means.

Written shortly after Pt. 1, it is not perfect and I apologize for any grammatical errors. I'm still learning. Spelling errors should be few, except for those that are intentional.

Nevertheless, I really hope you enjoy this story. I have an idea for a third story, but we'll see how this goes. Please, leave stars and any thoughts you have. They all help me improve as a writer and serve as motivation to keep telling erotic stories with heart.



- - - - - - - - - -

One year later.

The house was dark and quiet as we lay in bed, Noah's arm draped over me, his body pressed against my back with his soft cock nestled against my ass. We had just finished making love and we were both resting, recovering, before our passions stirred us into another session.

We were in a different house, in a state halfway across the country. After the night I seduced my son and changed our lives forever, I began looking for places to relocate to. If we were to have a relationship as lovers, we needed to make a fresh start. Although we had lived in a big city, too many people knew me as Noah's mother and almost all of Noah's friends had met me as well.

First, I changed my name to Kramer, my maiden name. Then, fortunately, I found a job quickly and with my savings, we moved to a small, suburban community with a small college in the nearby city. Noah began attending college and we settled into our new life as the young college student and his hot older girlfriend.

In that time Noah and I had slowly begun to figure out our new dynamic. It took a few weeks for Noah to get comfortable with calling me Emma and to see me as, first and foremost, his woman. But he was stepping up to the challenge quite well and it made me wonder sometimes if I would have adapted so quickly were our roles reversed.

I will admit to some loneliness from a social standpoint. Keeping our secret meant we couldn't get too close to any of the friends we had made. Our neighbors were decent enough with only one middle-aged, bible-thumping couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, who seemed to generate 90% of the drama on our block. Yet, we needed to keep things at arms length because the stakes were too high. In the end, all I really needed was Noah so I was happy.

Noah nuzzled my neck. He had taken to calling me 'Em' much of the time and I found it irresistibly cute. "Em" he began. "Yes, babe?" I answered with closed eyes, savoring the warmth of his body and tender touch.

"Can I get your thoughts on something." It really was amazing how fast my son had grown into my co-partner and not just a submissive extension of the boy he had been. I encouraged his assertiveness when it came to our relationship, nurturing the belief that he was my equal and to communicate his desires freely.

I rolled over to look at my beautiful man and studied his face. God, I love him so. He gathered his thoughts for a moment and then explained what was on his mind.

"With spring break coming up, I know you were planning on taking some time off so we can have a real vacation together. You know, just us but..." Noah paused and I sensed a big ask coming. "I'm listening." I encouraged.

"They're doing some maintenance on the dorms at school, fumigating or something, I don't know. Anyway, do you remember Nichole? I think you met her once."

"Which one was she?" I asked. I remembered the name but couldn't picture her.

"Asian-American... Japanese ancestry I think, really cute, smart, blue hair, kind of extra but really funny. She's a good person. Good heart." Noah offered. I shook my head as I still couldn't recall meeting her.

"Well, anyway, I was talking to her yesterday and it turns out she doesn't have anywhere to go... she can't afford to go home and doesn't have the money for a rental. I was thinking of offering the spare bedroom, if that's okay. It would only be for the Break." Noah said hopefully.

I couldn't resist teasing him a little "This better not be some attempt at getting me into a threesome." giving Noah a mock suspicious look before breaking out in a big smile at Noah's mock look of shock.

"No chance of that. Nicole's lesbian. The only one in danger would be you." he said with a wink and kissed my cheek as a cute bribe. I laid a gentle hand on Noah's face. "You are so sweet, babe. Of course, she can stay with us. It'll be interesting to have another teenager around the house." Without needing to I added "No wild parties, though."

"Emma!" Noah protested. He knew I didn't really mean it and started tickling me, both of us laughing until the tickling turned to caressing and then groping and soon followed by a vigorous hour (I may be exaggerating) of pleasuring each other with multiple orgasms (that part's true).

- - - - - - - - - -

Day one - Monday - Meeting Nichole

With my time off starting the next day, I had arrived home from work about 30 minutes prior when Noah, with Nichole in tow, walked through the front door. I walked up to Noah and gave him a hug and a kiss "Hi, babe." before turning to Nichole and giving her a hug. "Hi, Nichole. Welcome. Su casa and all that."

"Thanks, Emma. Call me Nicky." Nicole said as she took a quick look around the small home. "Nice place. Hey, thanks for doing this, by the way. You guys have really saved my ass." she added.

"Not at all, our pleasure." I replied. Noah started walking to the spare bedroom carrying Nicole's duffel bag for her. "Your room's this way."

Nichole nodded to me and followed Noah. I went to the kitchen to grab some drinks; orange juice for Noah and iced tea for me. A minute later Nichole and Noah came back and I asked Nichole "Can I get you anything to drink? We have orange juice, iced tea, Pepsi, iced tea, um... 2% (milk), and water. I can make some coffee, if you'd like."

"Pepsi's good, thanks." as she sat at the small counter. Noah joined me, slipping his arm around my waist and giving me a quick kiss, saying "I love you." I immediately responded "I love you." and returned his kiss.

Nichole was looking at us with a bemused face. Giggling she stated "You guys are adorable! Gotta say, Noah. When you said you had a hot girlfriend I thought that was all rose-colored glasses, but damn, dude."

After I got home, and just before I had ordered the take-out pizza, I had changed into my skin-tight yoga pants and a cutoff, short-sleeve sweatshirt that gave just a hint of under-boob. My long dark hair was tied in a perky pony tail.

I looked over my shoulder to Noah who leaned back saying "I never said 'hot'. I'm pretty sure the exact word I used was 'gorgeous'." before leaning in to give me a lingering kiss. I could hear Nichole stifle another giggle.

Turning back to Nichole I asked "Pizza?" to which she replied enthusiastically "Food of the Gods? Absolutely!"

As if he read my mind, Noah grabbed the car keys asking me "Fillipo's?" I nodded and said "Should be ready by the time you get there. Drive safe." "I will." he said as we kissed and said our 'love you's'.

After Noah had left, Nichole turned to me and leaned on the counter. "So, Emma. How'd you guys meet?"

Noah and I had decided to keep our backstory simple and based partially on reality. "Noah was working at a coffee shop that I liked. He was there most days and was just so sweet and charming when we talked. There was just something so different about him." I smiled.

"How'd you ask him out?" Nichole asked.

"What makes you think I asked him out? Maybe he asked me out." I said, impressed that Nichole had sussed out that detail so quickly. "Emma. Have you met Noah?" she said with a 'you kidding me?' look. I chuckled.

"Fair enough. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I was sitting there one day, thinking about all the assholes I've dated and thought, 'Why not try a nice guy for once.' And then I told myself 'The next nice guy I meet, I'm asking out.' That's when Noah walked up to take my order and so I asked him out right there. We hit it off and that was it."

"So, how old are you?" she boldly asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, come on. It's just a number." she said smiling.

"I'll be 34 in June." I said truthfully, taking a sip of my iced tea. Now Nichole's eyebrows shot up before she broke into a Cheshire cat smile. "Damn, girl. You fine for 33. I would've guessed 26, 28 tops." She appeared to be thinking and said "You're almost old enough to be his mom." and then laughed at the idea.

Nichole took a gulp from her Pepsi before she asked "So, how long have you been together?" I was thinking how much about us that Noah had apparently refused to share with her. Again I answered with the truth; lies being notoriously hard to keep track of. "About a year." I answered vaguely.

Disbelieving, Nichole exclaimed "A year? One. Year. You two act like an old married couple. Daay-yumm. Never would have guessed that." I felt I needed to explain why. "Well, I don't know what to tell you. It's like we were made for each other." Which, again, was the truth. Nichole only repeated to herself. "One year."

It wasn't long before Noah returned with the pizza and between the three of us we made short work of it. By this time the sun had set so we were all gathered in the living room to watch TV, Noah and I on the sofa and Nichole in one of the side chairs. We weren't really watching TV but were casually talking. We were all well past our second beer.

"So, are you dating anyone Nicky?" I asked. "Anyone special?"

"Not right now. I had a girlfriend back in high school, but they're hard to come by in this podunk town. Not one goddamn gay bar for 100 miles." she sighed. "No one at school?" I asked. "Nah. Bunch a uptight locals. A few of them are lezi's but they haven't admitted it yet." Nichole sighed again and then chuckled.

Trying to be helpful I offered "Well, school won't last forever. Once you're out in the big wide world I'm sure you'll find someone." I was propped against Noah with his arms wrapped around me as I stroked his hands and arms.

After a while there was a lull in the conversation when Nichole suggested a game of Truth or Dare. We all were feeling pretty loose after a few beers so we all agreed, much to Nichole's delight. We had a couple of rounds of rock-paper-scissors to determine who went first, second, and third.

Noah went first. "Um, Nicky! Truth or Dare." Nichole picked "Truth." Noah thought for a bit and said "What's your favorite class?"

Nichole burst out laughing. "Aha ha ha ha! Oh my god! You are so bad at this, Noah! Aha ha ha ha ha! Oh my god!" I was stifling my own laugh as well. I looked over my shoulder to Noah who was blushing. "What? I couldn't think of anything." he said trying to defend himself. I half turned to him and gave him a reassuring kiss saying "You're so cute."

Nichole's favorite class remains a mystery to this day.

It was my turn next so I thought for a minute and hoped I would get an answer to a question I had on my mind since about a year ago. I felt I pretty much knew the answer but it never hurts to be sure. "Noah." I began. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." he said. I was 99.9% sure he would pick truth. I sent a private wish into the cosmos and asked Noah. "Will we be married..." I paused. Noah was hanging on every word. "...within the next two years?"

"Ooooo, snap, buddy! She's got ya there. You gotta answer, dude. Tell the truth, ya gotta tell the truth!" Nichole said egging him on. Noah glanced at Nichole and then looked at me. I knew what he was going to say because it was written all over his face. He answered simply "Yes." And kissed me softly.

"Boom! Done deal! You heard him, Emma! Start sending out the invitations!" Nichole laughed. She was really enjoying herself and we were having fun too. Perhaps Noah and I should have more people over. Nichole was next and I was smiling, anticipating what crazy question Nichole would come up with. I was only slightly terrified what Nichole might consider for 'Dare' so I had already decided to pick 'truth'.

"Um, okay. Ummmm. Emma!" Nichole said with a devilish twinkle in her eye. "Truth or Dare." I said "Truth."

Gleefully, Nichole asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Emma. How long have you been fucking your son, Noah here?"

My heart froze and my face dropped. I sat up and looked at Noah with bewildered horror. "Mom, I nev..." Noah started to say followed by a load smack as he clamped his hand over his mouth and his eyes wide with shock.

Looking between me and Noah, Nichole's eyebrows raised high with surprise and then she smiled joyfully.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Nichole shouted with laughter. "Dude! You're fucking your m..."

I panicked and shot off the sofa and ran to my room. "Emma, wait! Noah, I'm sorry!" I heard Nichole say, the humor having left her voice. I slammed the bedroom door and burst into tears. "No, no, no, no." I kept repeating to myself. Noah opened the door and quickly embraced me, wrapping me in a cocoon of his young, strong arms, holding me upright while my whole body trembled with fear.

"Noah, what are we going to do? What are we going to do?" I pleaded in a desperate whisper. Noah went into full-on protector mode. "Shh, shh, shh, Emma. It's gonna be alright. It'll be fine." I don't know how he was staying so calm. This was a disaster. I didn't blame him for his slip up, or even Nichole for asking the question. Why had I panicked like that? I should have brushed it off, laughed it off, or just lied. I should have denied, denied, denied.

"Noah, I could go to jail! We both could!" I said which set me off sobbing, my face buried in Noah's chest as he held me, rocking me gently. "No one's going to jail, Em. Calm down, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. You're not going anywhere. It'll be alright." He reassured me.

It was a minute before I heard Nichole's voice at our bedroom entrance. She was stuttering and clearly upset. "E... Emma, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that... I... sometimes say things without thinking. I... I... I've got no filter... I think it and it comes out. I'm so, so, so sorry."

I was hiding in Noah's cocoon but I turned my head and looked at her over Noah's embracing arms. "I would never... I'll never tell anyone, I promise. I'm so stupid!" Nichole pleaded. I could only look at her with deep hurt and humiliation on my face. "I'll get my stuff and go. I'm so, so sorry." Nichole said as she turned to leave.

It was Noah who spoke up. "Nicky." he said sympathetically. "Where are you going to go, huh? Just stay the night. We can sort the rest out tomorrow. It's been a long day so, let's all get some rest and talk in the morning. Okay?" Just hearing his voice, so calm and soothing while he held me tight made it seem not quite the disaster that it appeared to be.

Nichole looked at me. I stared for a moment, then put my head on Noah's chest and nodded my approval. Nichole didn't say another word and left. A few moments later I heard her bedroom door close.

I looked up into Noah's eyes, my sadness reflected in his worried eyes. "Noah..." I started to say but he cut me off. "Some night, huh?" I sighed and softly said "Some night." Then my son, my dearest treasure, the love of my life, guided me to the bed. I just wanted to be taken care of at that moment and Noah was there to protect me. Tenderly, lovingly he undressed me. He lifted the sheets and tucked me in. A few moments later he slide his naked body next to mine and again wrapped his arms around me and told me it was going to be alright. I drifted off to sleep feeling protected. Worried, but safe.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day two - Tuesday - Nichole's Nightmare

We were both awakened suddenly by screaming coming from Nichole's bedroom. I looked at the clock. It was a little after 3 in the morning. Not even bothering to put on our robes, both of us rushed to see what was wrong and burst through the door. I flicked on the lights and saw Nichole thrashing in her bed, arms flailing at some imaginary monster. I reached for Nichole's flailing arms. "Nichole! Nichole, wake up! It's okay, you're okay." I tried to reassure her.

Nichole's eyes were darting around the room and she let out another blood-curdling shriek when she saw Noah, naked, in the door way. She was trying to back away and pushed herself against the wall. "No, no, nonono." she kept repeating. I waved for Noah to leave. "I've got this, honey. Go back to bed." With a worried look, Noah nodded and left.

It was a few moments before Nichole blinked and seemed to realize where she was. She abruptly threw her arms around me, trembling. "I got you, hon." I said reassuringly. "Nightmares?" I asked. Nichole nodded her head on my shoulder. After a minute she released me but still had her hands on my arms. "You okay now?" I asked. She gave a tentative nod but when I stood to leave she pulled at me and said in the voice of a frightened little girl "Don't leave me. I... I... don't... I don't want to be alone."

"Well, do you want to sleep with us?" I asked but she quickly shook her head. She was looking at the doorway where Noah had been standing. Then, it dawned on me. "Oh. Do you want to stay with just me?" I ventured. She nodded her head. "Alright, give me a minute, hon. Okay? Just stay here for a sec." She nodded timidly.

I walked back to our bedroom and found Noah wearing his robe. He handed me mine. As I put it on quickly I explained what had happened and what Nichole wanted. Noah was puzzled though. "She's afraid of me?" he asked. "Well, not you personally, baby. I think it's any man right now. Whatever trauma she's had in her past has messed her up." I said.

"I'm sorry, baby. Would you mind taking her room tonight? Nicky will sleep with me." I sighed. "Of course. It's the least I can do." he said, understanding. Then he added "I'm sorry about all this. I didn't think it would..." I cut his apology short. "No, don't blame yourself. It's no one's fault. Like you said, we'll sort it out in the morning."

With that I gave Noah a hug and kissed him to show him my gratitude for his understanding. "Um, why don't you wait in the living room for a minute until I get Nichole to our bedroom." My wonderful man just said "Of course. Good idea." and gave me another kiss as we said our 'I love you's'. Noah headed to the living room while I gathered Nichole and led her to our bedroom.

I cuddled Nichole in the same way Noah had done for me just hours ago. Nichole was asleep almost immediately while I lay awake, wondering how things had gone sideways so fast. Worry for the future kept me going until, exhausted, I finally dozed off to a fitful sleep.

In the morning I woke to find Nichole gone from our bed. Groaning, I rolled out of bed, put on my robe and headed to the kitchen. Nichole was sitting at the counter while Noah was making breakfast.

"Morning." I sleepily said as I went to give Noah a hug and kiss. As I was yawning Noah handed me a cup of coffee with my usual dash of cream and a touch of honey. "Careful, it's hot." he said. It's exactly these little things that are so endearing and small reminders of how much Noah loves me.

I blew on my coffee and took a careful sip as I stood at the counter, opposite Nichole. "Sooo, I guess you're wondering what that was all about last night, huh." Nichole began.