To Service is Divine Ch. 02


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It was at that moment it dawned on her. A broad grin cracked her face and she laughed. She couldn't believe her husband had this made from a cast of his own penis. That ridiculous Jokester sent her a rubberized reproduction of his penis so she could pleasure herself while he's away. He obviously exaggerated his length and thickness, because he's nowhere near the size of this dong. What a ridiculous gift to send your wife. He and I will definitely have a serious discussion about this stupid idea.

She quickly tossed the monstrosity back into the box and sealed it shut. Instead of tossing it in the trash as she initially intended, however, she took the box to her bedroom and buried it in her closet.

She went back to checking her emails, drank one more cup of coffee, and then left for work.

* * *

The three whores were in absolute shock at Mia's reaction to the realistic dildo. The idea that the woman would simply place it back in the box was incomprehensible. She hadn't even attempted to put it in her mouth.

How could any woman not be tempted to use it immediately to pleasure herself?

The dildo was the key to beginning her process of degradation, and it hadn't worked. A whole day with nothing show for it.

Cindy was at a loss as to what to do next. Everything had hinged on the woman using the rubber cock. Whores like the three of them would have had that dong buried in their pussies the moment it came out of the box.

It wasn't easy making a mold of Josh's erect cock, nor was it cheap having the mold made into a dildo that looked and felt like the real thing.

It then occurred to Cindy that it would be impossible to change Mia's behavior without applying an external influence. People in general have set behaviors and most never act outside their normal behavior unless an external force is applied, such as alcohol, drugs, or coercion. It was her hope that Mia would simply fall under the sway of the female pleasure toy and immediately masturbate with it. Cindy's plan had been formulated based on her thinking as a whore and that was why it failed.

She turned to Amy and Lori. "I have an idea. That doctor who hypnotizes prostitutes to help them stop smoking, does he still have a practice? If so, can either of you provide me with his address?"

If Once You Fail, Try Again

It was early evening when Mia returned home from running her errands. She laid the two bags of groceries on the kitchen counter. It didn't take long to put the perishables away. Normally, Josh would help her, but he was still avoiding her and hadn't been home for a couple of days. She knew he was okay because he left voice messages to alleviate her worry. It was just difficult to accept that her son was now a man and was becoming independent. It was also difficult getting used to having an empty house. She felt lonely.

The doorbell rang.

Standing outside the doorway was the family that recently moved in across the street. The nice family held a plate of freshly baked cookies. She welcomed them with open arms.

The mother introduced herself as Angel Perkins and her husband as Jim. Her two daughters, Amy and Lori, were homely looking in their long, flowery dresses. Both of them wore glasses with thick lenses, and neither used any makeup at all.

It was common courtesy to invite the new family to the neighborhood, so they all took a seat in the living room. She was quite impressed with Angel. The woman was deeply religious and carried a Bible at her side. Her husband, on the other hand, was quite odd and rarely spoke or made eye contact. He appeared uncomfortable and anxious, like the visit was an inconvenience. She simply shrugged it off as behavior typical of the male gender. Her husband was often like this at family get-togethers.

After eating half the cookies, she began to feel tired and sluggish. Moments later, her vision began to blur and she had difficulty maintaining focus. She tried to continue their chatty dialog, but drifted into unconsciousness mid-sentence.

Cindy said, "You did well, Dr. Perkins. Those sedatives worked like a charm. What now?"

Dr. Perkins said, "I can't believe I'm doing this. What you want me to do is so unethical . . ."

Cindy gave Dr. Perkins a hard stare and put her fists to her hips.

Upon realizing his predicament, Dr. Perkins continued: "Hold on, Mrs. Chesterfield. Don't start in on me like you did earlier. I took your money and I'll see this through. I'm only voicing my objection to this diabolical plan. Why you would want me to do this to this nice lady is beyond me."

Cindy stood and glared down at the doctor.

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, okay, the next step is to inject her with this drug. It'll wake her up, but leave her slightly groggy from the sedatives. In order to hypnotize her, she needs to have a high degree of focus on my LED light pendant to induce the trance. Once implemented, she will become more susceptible to the suggestions you want me to implant. Without the drug, this process simply wouldn't work. It will also fail from the slightest distraction, so refrain from talking or moving about. As I tried to explain to you earlier, people under hypnosis don't simply act like automatons and do as commanded. It is impossible to make them do something they don't want to do, or which goes against their morality."

Cindy said, "Are you able to implement the process or not? Don't waste my fucking time. I told you I wasn't looking to make her a fucking robot."

Dr. Perkins replied, "Understood. Like I tried to explain, it's possible to implant suggestions that affect physiological changes within the body that would drive behavior. Since behavior can be driven as a natural reaction to changes in body chemistry and mood, a person can be manipulated to towards an intended goal. As I've said, based on the key words you want implanted, she will most definitely experience sexual arousal to the degree you require. I assure you that I have never failed to invoke the process effectively. However, I must warn you that hyper-inflating this woman's libido will ultimately change her and not necessarily for the better. I don't know your intended purpose for doing this to the woman and I don't want to know."

Cindy said, "Then we should proceed with the process. The key words to activate her arousal are 'pussy,' 'cunt,' and 'snatch.' Fuck, you know, any word related to the vagina. The words I want to hyper-accelerate her horniness are 'cock,' 'dick,' 'prick,' and, most importantly, the name 'Josh'. You get the picture. What phrase do you suggest I use as the trip-switch to return her normal state? I don't need her humping the vacuum cleaner handle all day. I'm not trying to destroy the woman's sanity, just coerce her towards specific behaviors."

"Mrs. Chesterfield, that's an extensive list. Normally, activation is by a single key word, but I'll do as you asked. I will implant the phrase, 'It's a new day' as the switch, and she will simply act upon her natural state of arousal as a normal woman would react. However, please be aware that if any of the key words are used again, it will reactivate her hyper-sensitivity for arousal. I must warn you that each time a key word is used, her state of hyper-arousal will build upon itself until pleasure turns to pain and she convulses from over-stimulating her system. A middle-aged woman becoming so aroused that she convulses from the sexual stimulus could actually kill her. I'm sure that's not your intended purpose for doing this to her, so please use those key words sparingly."

Cindy was surprised by Dr. Perkins' statement regarding the dangers. She was not aware that there was actually a possibility that the woman could die from this process. How could she explain to Josh the reason his mother died was because they made her too horny?

Dr. Perkins continued his explanation. "There is no way to simply turn off these programmed responses without completely erasing the hypnosis-induced suggestions. I am pleading with you to contact me so I can erase this from her mind. I cannot see a person carrying on their normal life under the conditions you've created for this woman. It will simply drive the woman mad, possibly fracturing her mind to a point of developing some form of psychosis."

Something about how the doctor explained his statement bothered her, as if he had experienced this firsthand. "Doc, how do you know what could happen if it's taken too far? You explained it like you know from experience."

The doctor was silent. He turned his head away in shame. Cindy's voice rose as she demanded, "Turn your head around and look at me!"

He turned to face her once again and she saw his expression.

"You motherfucker," she said. "You know this process has flaws because you've done something like this before, haven't you?"

Dr. Perkins expressed a deep sadness. He replied, "Yes. I have done this in the past for my personal gain. I'm a skilled hypnotist and overindulged in my ability to change a person's behavior. I once took advantage of a young woman who came seeking help. I intentionally twisted her into a whorish young slut to use as my personal sex toy."

Cindy said, "You gave me all your shit about how unethical this process was and now admit that you abused it for personal gain and ruined someone's life in the process. You're two-faced, Doctor. Go on with your story. I believe you're going to tell us how it ended in disaster."

Dr. Perkins disliked remembering the event that occurred that day. It was traumatic; yet although he swore to never do it to another human being again, here he was, about to do exactly that.

"She was married. Her husband became aware that something was wrong because of her strange behavior at home. He found out what I had done to her. That day, he forced his way into my office and found her and I fucking. He separated us and pointed his revolver with the intent to kill me. I had not foreseen the disaster that would result from my irresponsibility. One of my biggest mistakes was imprinting her with the desire to love me. Love is the most dangerous of all emotions, and it often drives people to do things they would not otherwise do. The imprint I gave her was designed to make her love for me overwhelming—it made her do nasty, sexual things with me that she would have never done with her husband. That overwhelming love motivated her to sacrifice her life for mine. She intentionally jumped in front of the bullet meant for me."

Dr. Perkins had to pause, overcome with emotion. If it wasn't for Amy and Lori guarding the door, he would have run and never looked back. This demanding woman was going to force him to imprint Mia Johnston in a similar way, and he feared for the outcome that would eventually result if it were abused.

He sighed heavily and turned his head to stare down at the floor while he gathered his composure. He said, "She died saving my life. My only course of action was to remove the event as if it had never occurred. I won't bore you with the details as to how I cleaned up the mess. I carry guilt over her death to this day. However, I've had difficulty feeling any remorse in making her my personal sex puppet. I swore to never abuse that power for personal gain ever again. When the temptation arises, I remind myself that it can't end well. That is why I'm warning you that nothing positive will result from changing this woman's behavior."

Cindy understood what the Doctor was saying; she simply chose to ignore his warnings. Her promise to Josh had to be fulfilled. Moreover, there was a secondary motivation that now drove her to follow-through with her diabolical plan.

It began the day she had attempted to turn the family and two clerks into lustful whores. The end result of that experiment had prompted her to question her obsessive passion for Jacob. She now believed the feelings for him weren't natural. They were simply forced upon her as a programmed response. She had become his perfect whore based on nothing more than some check-boxes.

She was angry at the possibility that her identity as "Cindy the loving mother" had been forever erased. It had been overwritten to create "Cindy the incestuous whore." She had accepted herself as a whore, but now something within her had dramatically changed. The idea that she was broken was the catalyst that created the yearning for some semblance of who she had once been. She was quite aware that she no longer exhibited any traits of her original identity. Even the religious undertones that once drove her had simply vanished.

Without them, she was unbound by the morality that once restricted her. She was simply a whore derived from a selection of whorish traits that were compiled and reassembled to form an incomplete facsimile.

She knew it was just a matter of time before Cindy Chesterfield ceased to exist. In her place would stand an unrecognizable husk willing to spread its legs for man, woman, or beast. The voices in her head were gradually driving her towards madness. Her original identity wasn't among the growing voices populating her mind. There was doubt that her previous identity could ever be regained; however, her greatest fear was losing her existing identity. The recent changes within her were a warning sign that she was slowly slipping away: fracturing from the onslaught of voices.

A few days ago, she had made contact with the entity that made her a whore and struck a bargain. The great fear of losing her identity was the reason she agreed to the entity's plan. She saw very little choice but to fulfill her contract with the monster that made her. It promised to return her to who she had once been.

Since that day, she couldn't help but feel jealous of Josh's mother. That jealousy had grown into a gnawing obsession that was driving her to commit an atrocious act. She felt anger that Josh's mother would live a normal life. That anger grew over the idea that she would spend my life as a whore, whose only purpose was to suck and fuck her own son?

Overall, her reasons for following through with this plan were malicious and driven by insane jealousy. She had every intention to transform Josh's mother into an incestuous whore like herself. It was imperative that Amy, Lori, and Josh never found out that the initial goal was no longer the end mark for completion.

Cindy intended to not just transform her, but to completely annihilate the woman's identity until Mia Johnston no longer existed. She would devolve her into the lowest form of degenerate slut imaginable. Dr. Perkins gave her the means to that end. Mia Johnston, mother to Josh, would soon be systematically broken and manipulated into indulging in every manner of depravity. She intended to make 'Mia the gutter whore.' The woman would replace her as a degenerate husk willing to spread her legs for man, woman, or beast.

The Construction of an Incestuous, Bisexual Whore

Mia awoke and slid her back against the headboard of the bed. As she stared across the empty room gathering her thoughts, she realized she still wore the clothes from yesterday.

She remembered the new neighbors from across the street had visited, but she couldn't remember what was discussed or how she came to find herself in bed. The only explanation she could rationalize was that she passed out. If that was the case, then she was fortunate the new neighbors were with her. They obviously managed to put her to bed after she blacked out. Whatever had caused her condition left her with a pounding headache.

It wasn't just the headache, though. It was the sexually explicit dreams that caused her to toss and turn relentlessly throughout the night. She definitely remembered waking up and staring intently at blinding car lights bleeding through her bedroom window. It had been a restless night and she felt exhausted.

She crawled out of bed and attempted to stand. She immediately reacted by reaching out and grabbing the dresser as she wobbled with wooziness. "Oh my goodness, what the hell is wrong with me?"

Once the woozy feeling subsided, she began to undress. Upon finding the crotch of her pantyhose ripped away, she verbally reacted with shock at what she found. "What the hell? My panties are soaking wet and pulled to the side. That's what I call a fucking wet dream. Shit, so freaking embarrassing."

She tossed her torn pantyhose in the trash and dumped her moist clothing in the hamper.

Whatever had afflicted her was a clear indication that perhaps she had become sick. It would be in her best interest to take the day off and try to recover.

After taking a shower, she put on her robe, drank some coffee, and lounged on the sofa. She didn't expect company, so she didn't see an issue with walking around the house nude underneath.

Although she was taking the day off, she couldn't help but check her email in case she had received any orders from her customers. She was perplexed by the fact that she hadn't received a single email, not even spam.

She sighed and turned on the TV with the intent of catching up on her favorite soap opera. She watched thirty minutes of her favorite show and became so turned-on that she switched it off. The dialog between Dick and Jane was unnaturally arousing and every moment Jane called out Dick's name, she caught herself rubbing her clit.

She sat and stared at the blank screen while trying to comprehend her reaction to the drama. What the fuck is wrong with her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Standing with a troubled expression was the red-headed daughter, Amy. Unlike yesterday, the young woman now wore a short plaid skirt and white blouse, which revealed a gifted amount of cleavage. The dress was quite similar to something a young schoolgirl might wear as a uniform.

It was also odd to find Amy no longer wearing her thick glasses. She had difficulty understanding how the young woman could walk around without them. Without the horrific glasses, the young woman was quite attractive.

Mia said, "Amy, what's the matter? You seem upset."

Amy replied, "It's my boyfriend. I really need your advice. I can't talk to mom because . . . ah, you know, because she's so hung up on her religious mumbo-jumbo."

Mia was confused by how much Amy had changed since last night. She wasn't acting like a shy, homely girl.

"Come in, Amy, and we can discuss what's troubling you." Mia led her to the sofa and they sat next to each other for a face-to-face. "I don't know what advice I can give you, but I'll try and help."

Amy and Lori's degradation had taken them down a path that made them do the most depraved and sexually demeaning things imaginable. Their strong desire for popularity was used as a means to manipulate them into whoring themselves out to numerous nasty video productions. Although they never made a dime, they did succeed in becoming the most popular disgusting sluts on the internet. If little else, this experience provided Amy with the basic ability to act. She did her best to put on a performance for Mia.

Amy looked directly into Mia's eyes. She wanted to catch her expression when she explained her troubles. She attempted to act sad, but her bubbly personality made it difficult and she soon gave up.

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "My boyfriend, Dick, went to the river to snatch some beaver pelts and . . ."

Mia's face flushed a heated pink and her mouth opened slightly with a pout. Amy saw her wobble uncomfortably at the mention of "Dick," "snatch," and "beaver." She observed Mia's confused expression produced by her sudden hyper-aroused state.

Moisture began to accumulate between Mia's thighs.

". . . then Dick came home and showed me his beaver pelts. I told him he was a stupid twat for going beaver hunting. A real man wouldn't be such a pussy. A real man would go hunting for big cocks. A real man would bring those big cocks to his girlfriend so she could stuff them in her wet pussy."