Too Many Secrets

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In a dystopian future, a low-level mutant changes everything.
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Even today, there's very little more innocuous than a long-haired teenager delivering pizzas and while I hadn't been a teenager for several years, the guise got me through the checkpoint without issue, the 'extra' supreme I left with the MEF officer helped. The pizza on the seat next to me was for me and Bethany. Bethany Richards was my partner, best friend, and confidant. There was nothing physical between us, we just complimented each other in a way that was difficult to describe, I would be nothing without her and I had developed connections that she needed; symbiosis at its best. The few friends I did have were convinced she was something I made up since they had never seen the two of us together, or her at all for that matter. To a certain extent, they were right. Bethany technically did not exist, but that didn't mean she was imaginary by any stretch.

The garage opened with the push of a button, I parked next to the bright red Corvette, made my way to the living room, and turned on the T.V. to the national news station for the latest on President Ryan's reelection bid, this was the first time in years he had actually had any opposition worth noting and even though he was expected to win easily, it made things interesting. All the news, even the remaining private channels, were focused on tonight's debate, curious to see what Phillips, the mutant rights candidate, was going to say and even more interested in how long the debate would remain civil. I ate a few slices of the pizza, leaving the rest for Bethany, slipped a piece of paper with log in credentials into the box and I was done.

I got to the checkpoint and apologized profusely for not having any extra pizza's and complained about what a shitty tipper my last delivery had been, complaining that it was costing me more to deliver the pizzas in the piece of crap car I was driving than I made. More than anything, nobody wanted to listen to someone else bitch and moan, so rather than listen to me complain and considering I was only a Level one mutant; basically, an oddity barely worth registering, they let me go, ten minutes later, I was home.

Bethany stepped out of the shower and grabbed the big fluffy robe from the hook as she went over the list of requirements for tonight in her head. Tonight's engagement had been arranged through the agency; a few well-placed referrals from the right people had ensured it was assigned to Bethany. What the customer thought was an offhand decision had been carefully crafted over the past few months just for this moment. There was the customer rating, five star, nice, and the aggressiveness scale, a marginal three out of five, she could deal with that, arrival and departure instructions, rules on how to behave in the room, specific clothing requirements, and even a specific perfume she was to wear, all standard for her line of work. She had plenty of time to get ready, so she grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, taking care to set the slip of paper Con had left for her aside for later, and sat down to watch the talking heads on the T.V. describe the carnage Ryan was going to leave in his wake as he verbally eviscerated Phillips. She just smiled, licking the tomato sauce from her fingers and went to get dressed.

The corvette rumbled to life as she woke it from its slumber, choosing sport mode, she shifted into first gear and pulled out of the garage; the salesman had laughed when she asked to try out the standard and almost wet himself during the test drive as she showed him just how wrong he had been to underestimate her driving skills. The car had become an extension of her soul and somehow, she never failed to wrangle her way out of a ticket; she seemed to know exactly what it took every time. The drive to the auditorium was uneventful, she wove in and out of traffic with ease, even the checkpoint was no big deal, where I had used the pizza thing, she had actual credentials for the night that got her waved through and an escort the rest of the way.

Following the arrival instructions, she parked in the indicated spot and knocked on the door. The Secret Service agent was expecting her, a short hall, a turn to the left, through the door on the right, and she was being introduced to President Patrick Ryan, she shook his hand and nodded acknowledgement to his wife who was not exactly happy to see her here but understood that this was part of what she had signed on for when she had agreed to stay instead of filing for divorce when her husband first ran for office. Bethany knew the President was not one to waste time, so she turned around and let him gently mover her hair out of the way as he sniffed her perfume and unzipped the little black cocktail dress she was wearing. It fell to the floor exposing the skimpy lingerie she had been instructed to wear. The President ran his hands down her arms, around her waist and up her stomach, giving her breasts a firm squeeze, pinching her nipples hard through the lace of her bra before he put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around and stepped back to admire the view. The First Lady's stare burned with a hatred only a woman scorned could know.

Bethany was tall at just over 5'9" with curves in all the right places, her breasts were impressive but not overly large, thin waist and nice hips, any man would consider himself lucky to be with her, the list of men that could afford her listed rate was not very long. The President pushed her to her knees. Bethany smiled and moved her hands to his crotch as she did as he demanded. She knew exactly what he liked and exactly how to make it happen, in her entire career, she had never been wrong. Unzipping his fly, she pulled his erection from his pants, he liked to leave them on for this part, and began caressing his cock with her tongue and lips, slowly moving it in and out of her mouth, taking it as deep as she could. He was average in size, so she found him easy to accommodate. His reactions told her she had been right again; she was doing exactly what he liked exactly as he liked it, his moans grew louder and more frequent and his hands moved to her head as he began to take control and started fucking her face, thrusting himself to the back of her throat and shuddering as his cum filled her throat.

Bethany knew she was not finished, continuing to lick and caress his member, she unfastened his pants and pulled them to his ankles as he slowly got hard again. When she knew he was ready, she stood and leaned over the sofa he had been sitting on when she entered the room. Ryan ripped her panties off and pushed her head down onto the cushions holding it there, as he found his way into her most private places, fucking her hard until he exploded again. When he was finally done, he forced himself back into her mouth so she could clean the residue of their tryst; the whole thing had been an exercise in dominance, his sexual gratification had been secondary. She kissed the base of his cock gently, smiled at the First Lady and pulled up his pants and put his cock back where she had found it. Picking up her dress, she stood up, smiled at him, slipped it back on, and turned to the door; it had taken just under thirty minutes, other than "hello, nice to meet you," she had not said a word. The money was transferred not her account with the agency taking its percentage; she had everything she had come for. The Secret Service agent that had shown her in escorted her to her car and she was gone.

Pulling up behind a delivery van parked on a side street less than a block from the auditorium, she pulled out the slip of paper Con had left for her and reached behind her seat grabbing the laptop. The secure network was there just as she had expected, she logged in and started typing, it took thirty minutes to enter her reports, one for the agency describing likes and dislikes and verifying the ranking on the aggressiveness scale, the other was even more detailed and had nothing to do with what had happened in the room. Doublechecking to make sure she had included everything, she uploaded the file, shut down the laptop and headed home.

The checkpoint was still there but the officers recognized her from earlier and waved her through, fifteen minutes later, she was curled up on her couch, eating reheated pizza, enjoying a glass of her favorite wine, watching the debate. The blood bath was worse than anyone expected, except it was Phillips who was winning on every point; it was as if he knew exactly what the President was going to say and was ready for him at every turn. He even had extremely damning details of the truth about the 'mutant threat' and what Ryan's true goals were, information about secret research projects, experiments being performed on mutants; it was not even close. At the end of the debate, the national news team did their best to paint it as a devastating loss for Phillips, but it was obvious to everyone who watched that Ryan was the one who had been destroyed. The private news agencies had a field day as detail after detail of the truth of what Ryan had been doing came to light, President Ryan was awash in a sea of controversy, fighting for his political life and scrambling to find out who had leaked what.

* * *

The checkpoints had become common during the Covid scare of the early twenties, when the socialists had taken power and done their best to dismantle the constitution, throwing the country into a decade's long depression. That was long before my time but the stories those that had been around at the time told were almost too much to believe; until 'The Event.' The asteroid had been about the size of a bus and had evaded detection until it was too late to do anything. It was going to impact the eastern seaboard of the United States and there was nothing we could do about it except pray, until it didn't. The asteroid had an insanely high phosphorous content, the heat of entering the atmosphere combined with the ready supply of oxygen, and it exploded in the most amazing fireball anyone had ever seen, spreading debris and starting small fires from the Rockies to the Florida Keys and everywhere in between.

Everybody sighed a huge sigh of relief until people started getting sick, the odd thing was nobody died, the most common symptoms were fever and chills for about a week, and some severe aches and pains; it was called space flu, but everybody recovered, and nobody died. The virus was extremely contagious and had covered the world in a matter of months at effectively a one hundred percent infection rate. A few years later it manifested, and the age of the mutant began, children born with wings or extra arms, kids developing extraordinary strength or speed as they entered puberty; night vision or the ability to breathe under water, the list was endless, it was like the X-Men from the old movies had become real and along with it, fear and panic. President Ryan had risen to power with promises of controlling the growing mutant threat and was elected easily. To his credit, he was able to undo a lot of the damage his socialist predecessors had done and actually put most of the original constitution back into place, with several key exceptions; he was now in his seventh term and showed no signs of being voted out of office.

Besides removing the limit on presidential terms in office, he had done things like legalizing drugs and prostitution; regulating and taxing the hell out of them, and removing the prohibition against unwarranted search and seizure, hence the checkpoints; but hey, the economy was booming, and the mutant threat was being managed by the Mutant Enforcement Force. It was standard procedure for doors to be kicked in and children taken from their families, some never to return, others returned severely traumatized, all on the word of a single informant. You could have a fricking armory in your basement, but one incident of something someone considered odd and you were a threat; but hey, we were safer, right?

Involuntary screening had been implemented in all schools and things like home schooling had been outlawed. When someone tested positive, they were screened and their powers categorized from a level one to a Level five, Level ones were people like me, a hundred years ago, we would have been sideshow attractions, level fives were true superhero level mutants. We were all sterilized, somehow the fact that the entire planet had been infected with the virus and the manifestation seemed to be completely random was lost on the MEF, despite all their best efforts, about one in a hundred thousand children were manifesting powers. If you got out of high school without a positive test, you were considered clean, if not you got a computer chip in your hand to signify your level and your powers; of course, there was always the checkpoint, all mutants were subject to arbitrary reevaluation.

I guess I had been lucky, or some would see it that way. It was bad enough that my mom had insisted on naming me Constantine, calling me Connie, I had been a late bloomer, not hitting puberty until I was fifteen. I had been teased mercilessly and subjected to all kinds of humiliation by the other boys in my class, if you can imagine being fifteen and looking like you're ten; especially as a boy, it was hell. But the worst of it I got at home. When my parents died, I went to live with my uncle Steve, he worked with MEF as an admin doing something, something he couldn't tell me about. When I had first moved in, I was a basket case and he had comforted me, especially at night, often climbing in bed with me and just holding me. Over time, it got worse and I experienced things no one my age should ever experience, but always under the guise of comforting me when the nightmares came.

When my powers had manifested, they were just as unimpressive as I had been, I could make minor cosmetic changes to my appearance, things like changing my hair color, making it grow unusually fast, or making my nose larger or smaller. It was more comical than anything else and the MEF considered me so low in the risk scale, they almost didn't register me but that's not what my uncle told me, he convinced me that shape shifters like me were considered very dangerous and it had only been because of his connections that I was not shipped off to a containment site. He used the threat to control me as I got older, making me do things, things I could never tell anyone.

Things changed forever the night of the party, I had turned eighteen a few weeks prior and I guess Steve needed to prove his dominance over me, he invited a handful of friends and coworkers over to drink and smoke cigars, watch the basketball game and play poker. He had me make myself as feminine as possible, we had worked on things like this over the past few years to satisfy his urges, I was to be the hostess, blonde hair, way too short dress, heels, and no panties. Steve reminded me that I was his property and any failure to do what he wanted would be met with the most undesirable consequences on my part. I had learned a long time ago how to shut out my emotions and accept my fate, tonight would put those abilities to the test, and expose wonderful new ones at the same time.

I had been putting up with the touching and fondling for over an hour when Bill got up from the table, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the sofa. Somehow, I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, without a word, even though I had never done it before, I could describe in explicit detail exactly how he expected me to suck his cock, how to make it as enjoyable for him as possible. I looked at Steve; he just smiled that sadistic smile and nodded. Bill sat down and unzipped his pants, I locked my feelings deep inside, praying for something to save me, hoping for an end to the humiliation Steve poured upon me. I shuddered as I took the cock in my mouth and, using the images that had flashed in my head, began to elicit responses I had only seen in Steve's porn movies. As Bill's arousal grew, I found that I knew more and more about him; I knew where he lived, what his wife looked like, his favorite porn sites, where he worked and which girls at his office he had fucked. By the time he came in my mouth, I knew his computer passwords and the access codes for his offshore bank account. I zipped his pants, smiled, and led him back to the table.

By the end of the night, I had sucked every cock in the room except Steve's; he had other tastes and I already knew them very well. I knew enough about the eight men Steve had invited to destroy their lives; I knew how to do their jobs, possibly better than them, I knew the names of their mistresses and the dates and times they had met, I knew their most intimate secrets and had access codes to every facet of their lives. For the first time in my life, I had power. I cleaned up the mess from the party, taking extra care to make sure the house was immaculate, took a shower and put-on Steve's favorite nightgown. Climbing into bed with him, I nestled up close, thanking him for everything he had taught me tonight, begging him to teach me just one more lesson as only he could, he eagerly obliged and then I knew his secrets' too.

It took some time to pull it all together, the job Steve couldn't tell me about was creating new identities for mutants MEF needed to relocate for various reasons, the others at the party were involved with the same department at MEF, doing various things that any self-respecting criminal enterprise would find invaluable to hide what they were really up to, making people disappear, through relocation and other less friendly means, hacking into computer systems to make information appear or disappear, laundering money, sometimes huge amounts and hiding it offshore; some of what they did was downright scary, a lot of it was going to be very useful and I knew how to do all of it.

The look on Steve's face was priceless when the FBI showed up and somehow knew exactly how to get to his vast collection of child porn, most of it pictures he had taken and videos he had recorded; he was easily identifiable in enough of it to make his guilt unquestionable.

I readily gave them detailed information on how and when he had started abusing me, the medical exam confirmed damage, I even had his semen inside me when they did the test. Steve went to prison and I learned the truth about my registration with the MEF, I was finally free; to do what, I had no idea; my imagination was only beginning to comprehend the possibilities.

All of Steve's assets were confiscated but I would be allowed to pack my personal belongings and take them with me; they were kind enough to give me a couple of days to find someplace else to be. I clamed Steve's clean laptop and took enough cash from his stash to buy a used Chevy, get a small furnished apartment, and pay my bills for a while. My long-term plans were going to depend on exactly what I could do with my newly discovered powers.

Being out in the world by myself was more expensive than I thought it would be and I quickly figured out that if I wanted the money I took from Steve to last, I was going to need a job to offset my daily living expenses, I quickly discovered that with the restrictions and the outright prejudice against mutants, my opportunities pretty limited. A lot of level twos found jobs in niche positions because their abilities offered them advantages that made them uniquely suited to doing a specific task, high voltage electricians that were resistant to electrical shock, that kind of thing. Level threes and fours were highly prized as their abilities were often impressive, but not so much as to be determined a risk to society; bulletproof cops, and welders that could breathe under water. Level fives were in one of the containment centers across the country, we couldn't have people that could control fire or create lightning from thin air running around, could we. A level one like me, well, I could hire on as a practice model at a hair salon, or I could deliver pizza. I did make a connection with a charity, Hair for Heroes, that provided wigs for pediatric cancer patients, I was their number one contributor and had the advantage of actually being able to generate the exact hair the patient wanted, I was donating hair for two wigs a month.