Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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The other elves began to ooh and ahh.

"Aww!" Honey said. "You're like our goodwill ambassador!"

The elves were looking at the other transformed and licking their lips.

"Umm, you don't think they're all going to want handjobs do you?" Richie asked.

"I am not doing that," Carter said.

"In the interest of peaceful coexistence, I will do my part," Honey said.

"They're really... big," Hannah said and she smiled.

Gina stared at Hannah. "What the fuck are you bitches smoking?"

Carter shook his head. "Pheromones! Shit, Hannah and Brenda aren't fully transformed. The elves are giving off pheromones."

"You mean I don't really want to... stroke this big... thick... elf dick?" Brenda mumbled with her eyes half closed.

"Then why is Honey being affected? She's fully transformed," Gina asked.

"Who me? I'm just super friendly," Honey said.

"Wait," Brenda said. "Are you telling me... this little fuckwad... is mind controlling me?"

"Yes," Carter said.

"Motherfucker," Brenda said through clenched teeth.

Then she stopped jerking off the elf and punched him in the face, knocking him across the room.

The other elves watched him tumble away.

Then they turned back to Brenda and screamed.

"So much for peace in our time!" Brenda said and ran back to Carter. She grabbed the Stop sign and pointed it at the advancing, snarling elves.

"Try not to hurt them!" Honey yelled over the screaming.

"Hurt them? I'm going to fucking kill them!" Brenda yelled back.

"I told you," Honey said. "You can't kill."

"Fuck off!" An elf screamed near the back of the horde.

This one was female with big boobs for her small body.

She had a butcher's knife in her hand.

The others looked confused. They made space for her as she walked past.

A male reached toward her, and she hissed, slashing at him with the knife and sending him yelping away.

She walked slowly toward the transformed, glaring angrily at the other elves who looked completely perplexed by her actions.

She stopped a foot from Brenda and then turned toward the elves. She crouched with her thighs spread and pushed the point of the butcher's knife into the tile floor. "Cut you. Make you bleed. Go away. Fuck off!"

The elves began to back up.

"Hi?" Honey whispered.

The girl elf looked up at her and smiled showing a mouthful of sharp teeth. "Good elf."

"O... kay," Honey said and nodded.

"Willy coming."

Honey smiled and Loretta put her hand on Honey's shoulder. "You know Willy?"

"Mate! Love Willy!"

Honey and Loretta blinked.

"Alrighty then," Honey said.


The door to the restaurant was cracked open and Willy stared through it at the crowd of elves at the end of the hall.

He smiled when he saw Honey and Loretta staring at Berniece.

"I take it that's Honey and her transformed?" Kayla asked.

Willy nodded. "The blonde is Honey. Look at her. What do you feel?" He whispered.

Kayla stared over his shoulder. "I... I'm not sure."

"Yes, you are. What do you feel, Kayla?"

"I..." She choked back a sob. "It's not possible."

"To be in love with someone you've never met?" Willy asked and kissed her cheek. "That's who we are. We're bound. You and me and Honey and, very soon, Loretta."

He looked back over his shoulder at the two dozen exhausted, confused humans he had convinced to follow him out of the basement.

He had never mind controlled that many people at once and he was a little tired himself.

He looked back toward the crowd of elves. "The sex zombies must be on the other floors looking for our human friends here, so at least we caught one break in all this. Okay, Berniece has them flustered. Let's see if we can pull off phase 2. You ready?"

Kayla rolled her eyes. "We're all going to die."


"Drew the Dominator, Whore Caste, Designation Whore Master," Drew said as his eyes snapped open.

Patricia almost jumped out of her seat at the sound of his voice. It was deeper and somehow terrifying.

The changes in Drew over the last hour were unbelievable.

Her husband was now four inches taller and bulging with muscles. His skin was tanned and healthy - he looked twenty years younger, the gray in his hair replaced with wavy blonde.

He was also tattooed... everywhere.

Vivid porn vignettes covered his body, all of them featuring Drew performing sex acts that would have put an X-rated film star to shame.

A massive black inverted pentagram stretched from his navel to his cock - a seventeen inch cock which was also tattooed: 'The Dominator' was written in black, gothic letters from the root of his dick along the back of his shaft to the glans.

"Drew?" Patricia whispered. "Are you okay?"

He looked at her, his face expressionless. He reached out and touched her hair.

Then he reached down and cupped her breast.

He stared into her eyes, and it felt like her heart stopped.

"MILF Whore," Drew said. He didn't seem to recognize her.

"It's me, Drew. It's Patricia..."

"Tricia Tease. Unbound. MILF Whore," Drew said.

Her head hurt. "Drew... are you... in my head?"

"We were married," Drew said.

It felt like ants were crawling under her scalp. "Drew... what are you doing?"

"Marriage is not for the transformed," Drew said. "Take off your clothes."

"What? Drew, honey, we don't have time. We have to help the others."

"I can make you do what I want, Tricia. Do you want that?"

Patricia stared at him. "What... happened to you?"

"I'm Whore Caste - a Whore Master. You're confused. Weren't you programmed? No, you weren't, were you?"

Patricia's eyes grew wide. "Oh, my God..." She pulled her cellphone out of her bag.

Four bars.

"Oh, no... there's internet here..."

He stroked her cheek and smiled. "Please do what I tell you. I won't hurt you, Tricia. You don't have to be afraid."

"Drew, listen to me. You have to fight this programming..."

Drew sighed. "Strip, please."

Patricia's hands moved on their own. "Oh, God." She pulled the t-shirt over her head. Her breasts were exposed - their only covering the nipple clamps.

He smiled. "Show me your tattoos."

"I don't have tattoos," she whispered. She was staring at his lips.

He laughed. "We all have tattoos. Yours just aren't activated."

Patricia gasped as lines and splotches of color began to appear on her skin. Her entire body was decorated with a black lace tattooed bodysuit. There were portraits in the lace - portraits of Patricia, stripping on a stage. Others showing her with a beautiful blonde woman suckling at her breasts. Another with her riding a young man's cock cowgirl style. "Oh, fuck," she whispered.

He opened her jeans and traced the pentagram on her lower stomach. "You're beautiful. You'll bring a lot of people to the Church."


He pulled her close and kissed her.

She was terrified but she melted. It was Drew, even if he seemed so... alien. He was still the man she loved.

His hand pushed into the front of her open jeans.

"I like your ring better here, Tricia," Drew whispered as his fingers found her clit and played with the diamond ring.

"Please don't call me that," Patricia whispered.

"It's your name."

"No... my name is..."


Patricia screamed as she orgasmed. Her jeans were suddenly warm and wet.

She had squirted! Patricia leaned over and buried her face in his neck as her entire body throbbed.

He held her gently and she smiled up at him.

"Tell me your name," Drew said.

"Pat... Patricia."

"No. You want to cum again so bad, don't you, Tricia?"

Desire swept through her like a fire. "Wha... What are you doing?!"

"Tricia wants to cum. Don't you?"

Her body was literally aching. "Drew... stop!"

"I will. Just tell me your name and I'll let you cum again."

She clamped her thighs together trying to rub her clit against his fingers. "Drew please!"

"No. Obey. Tell me your name."

She gritted her teeth. "No... I... won't!"

"I can do this all day, Tricia. I actually like doing this to you." He kissed her cheek. "It's getting so hard to think isn't it?"

"Unnh," Patricia groaned. Her body had completely betrayed her. "Why... are you doing this?"

"I'm trying to help you, Tricia. You don't understand what the names mean do you? Drew the Dominator? Use your imagination."

"N... no... Drew... you have to..."

"Tricia, if you don't cum? You're going to pass out. And, if you do? I'll just wake you up and do it again."

"Fuck," Patricia moaned. She had never been so turned on in her life. Her entire body was tingling.

"Say. Your. Name." He moved his finger in gentle circles around her now swollen clit.

"Tricia! Tricia Tease!"

"Very good. What are you, Tricia Tease?"

"What? I'm your..."

He tugged her clit ring and she screamed.

"What are you, Tricia Tease?"

"I'm a whore! I'm your whore! I'm a MILF Whore, please God, let me cum!"

"Cum, Tricia." He whispered and his tongue touched her ear.

Patricia screamed out and squirted again. She smiled as she fainted.


Willy walked down the hall with his hands behind his back, the chain wrapped around his wrists. He looked at the floor.

Behind him, Kayla walked with her head high, projecting the regal air of Mrs. Claus.

The mesmerized guests followed, their eyes locked on Willy.

The elves began to shriek when they caught sight of Willy and Kayla.

"Silence!" Kayla commanded.

The elves immediately dropped to their knees.

The small group of transformed looked as confused as the elves.

Honey stared at Kayla. Then she began to smile.

Kayla looked at her and nodded.

She turned to the brunette beside her and whispered.

"What?" The brunette whispered back. Then she turned her head toward Kayla and looked her up and down.

Willy glanced up and winked at the two transformed.

The brunette slowly began to smile.

"I see you've captured these transformed?" Kayla asked.

The elves stopped groveling and stood up, smiling.

"Very good. Santa will be pleased. He wants me to bring the transformed and these humans to him."

Berniece walked over to Willy and smiled up at him. She took hold of his pants leg to climb up.

Willy grunted and shook his head slightly.

Berniece looked at him in confusion and then she smiled. "Ha!" She took her butcher's knife and poked his left leg through the snow suit.

The other elves laughed.

Kayla looked at the transformed. "Alright, you degenerates. I'm taking you all to meet Santa. You're not going to enjoy it." She locked eyes with Honey and motioned toward the door.

They all began moving toward the door.

The elves followed.

Kayla spun around on her heels. "No! Santa says you are all to stay here in the lodge."

The nearest elf looked at her and hissed.

"How dare you disobey him! Do you know what he'll do?!" Kayla said.

The elf who hissed cowered.

"Do as you're told."


Kayla turned and looked down at the floor.

The desk clerk, Dinah, was waking up. Her nose was bloody, and her lip was split.

"Oh, fuck," Kayla whispered.

Dinah sat up. "Mrs. Claus? What are you doing?"

"Santa... wants me to bring the prisoners to him."

Dinah seemed to be having trouble focusing. "He... what? Why is the Whore Master still alive?"

The elves became restless.

"He... wants to kill the Whore Master himself," Kayla said as she began shoving the hypnotized humans toward the door.

The transformed moved to let them pass and then closed ranks behind them to cover their escape.

Dinah stared at Kayla and frowned. "No. No, that isn't right."

"Of course, it is," Kayla said as she began backing toward the doors.

Dinah stood up. "She's lying! Stop them!"

"Fuck it! Run!" Kayla yelled.

Willy stood up straight and pulled the chain from Kayla's hand. "Stay behind me!" He swung the chain over his head, and it whistled through the air.

He brought it down across the tile and sent shards flying.

The elves danced back.

"Don't let them get away!" Dinah screamed. She looked at Willy and smiled. "He's going to kill you! He's going to kill all of you!"

The elves ran forward.

There was a roar as flames shot across the tile floor.

Loretta pointed the flamethrower a few feet ahead of the elves and lit up the tiles again. "Back off!"

"Everybody out," Willy said.

He stood beside Loretta and they both backed out of the lobby.

Luckily, nothing had caught fire.

The elves eyed the flamethrower warily.

"He'll come for you," Dinah laughed. "He knows when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows when you've been bad, you assholes."

Loretta shook her head. "Bitch, you are nuts."

She and Willy ran out of the lodge and joined the others.


He wasn't Drew.

Drew the Dominator wasn't Drew. The realization made very little difference: Patricia was in love with her husband and, even though he now seemed to have been completely transformed into someone different, she could no more abandon that love than she could give up breathing.

For better or worse, she thought. Some people bailed when the going got tough. She didn't. Drew and Patricia didn't give up.

She stood naked other than her snow boots beside the SUV, her nipples hard in the cold air, her breath fogging in front of her.

Drew, also naked other than his snow boots, walked slowly around her, inspecting her. He stroked her waist. "Nice, strong ass."

"Drew, please. We need to find the others."

His cock was hardening, rising up from between his thighs.

He reached out with both hands and cupped her breasts. "Firm. I like transformed breasts, don't you? They're firmer." He put his hands on her waist and picked her up.

She felt like a doll in his hands.

He set her butt on the hood.

Patricia gasped from the cold chill of the icy metal against her bare skin - the engine was running, so it wasn't freezing cold, but it was cold enough to take her breath away.

He pushed her back and set her ankles on his broad shoulders.

"Here? Now?" She asked.

He smiled down at her. He leaned forward and kissed her.

She wrapped her hands around his neck.

She smiled. "Yes. Okay. Yes." For better or worse and she knew that here on the cold hood of an SUV in broad daylight things were about to get better.

He kissed her and she felt his cock pushing against her.

"Yes," she said as she kissed his lips, his face.

When they were bound, it would be okay. Everything would be okay. It would be like Honey said it was between her and Willy, how it was for Gina and Richie.

He smiled at her, and, for that moment, he was Drew again.

She smiled back.

He pressed forward and she gasped. She remembered the feeling of Honey's small hand pushing into her yesterday, but this was bigger.

Her pussy was stretching to accept him.

"Yes," she whispered and smiled.

Her long legs were pressed against her big breasts, and he slid inside her - that familiar feeling she loved but now it was deeper than he had ever been before.

Her body was a wonderland of desire unlike anything she had ever felt before. She smiled and bit his neck drawing a grunt and a laugh from him. He pushed forward.

This is where she should have felt him pushing against her cervix but that was gone now.

He slid deeper.

"Oh, God, yes," she whispered

He was deeper than humanly possible and still going deeper.

She kissed him and his tongue slid into her mouth - deep in her mouth. She was startled and then she remembered the instructions she had given when she had started his transformation.

Drew's tongue was longer.

She let him probe at the beginning of her throat.

Drew was fucking her mouth and pussy at the same time, and she loved it! Their bodies were literally made for each other.

And then his cock found that new spot transformation had made deep inside her.

The second clitoris.

She screamed around his tongue as Drew paused with his cock fully inside her.

Then he began to move, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through her.

She came hard, dragging her nails across his back, drawing blood.

He moaned and grunted as he thrust into her.

Patricia slung her head from side to side on the metal car hood, listening to the thrum of the engine and the slamming of Drew's body into hers. The smell of him and the smell of snow and the smell of car exhaust mixing together. "Fuck me!" She screamed.

He laughed and rose up, arching his back. "Who am I fucking?" He growled.

She raised up on the car hood, following him, finding his lips and biting him. "Tricia Tease! You're fucking your whore, Tricia Tease!"

He smiled and the look in his eyes was pure evil.

And she loved it! She loved what he was doing to her and what she was becoming.

She threw her head back and screamed as her body exploded in orgasm.

He held her as she thrashed and cried beneath him, his touch now tender as he whispered in her ear.

Patricia ran through every expletive in her vocabulary and then started making words up.

"Cum," she whispered. "Please cum in me."

He laughed.

And pulled out.

She immediately rolled onto her hands and knees. "All over me! My face, my breasts!"

He shook his head and walked away from the SUV, stroking his cock.

"Drew? What are you doing?"

He groaned.

A jet of thick cum sprayed out and fell on the snow. He continued to jerk himself as he looked at her.

Patricia watched as he emptied his balls on the white snow.

"I... don't... I don't understand," Patricia whispered.

He looked at her quizzically. "Oh, my cum would bind us together. I thought you knew that?"

Patricia stared at the precious fluid melting into the snow. "Yes, I know that. That was the plan. You said..."

Drew laughed and shook his head. "Things that we decide before transformation don't really count, Tricia. You're a wonderful fuck and you're going to be an amazing whore but I'm still deciding on the binding."

She stared at him unable to do anything except blink.

"Don't worry, Tricia. Even if I don't claim you? The Whore Masters and White Witches will be all over you at the auction."


Loretta and Willy stood just outside the lodge's sliding doors.

If the elves tried to come through, Loretta would singe them with a blast from the flamethrower.

Behind them, Richie and Gina were ushering the humans Willy had hypnotized onto the large, white, Greek Peak Lodge shuttle bus.

Carter was at the wheel - the keys had been in the ignition.

The elves pushed toward the doors again.

Loretta hit it with a blast. "Sure wish they had some kind of gauge on this thing. We might be running out of propane."

Willy put his hand on her waist. "Think positive."

"Yeah, I'm positive we're going to run out of propane," she said and looked toward the bus. "We need to move, Richie!"

The lodge doors opened, and Loretta flamed them again.

The elves shrank back and screamed.

"Not exactly the honeymoon I had in mind," Willy said.

"Oh, there was going to be a honeymoon? You didn't tell me that," Loretta said. She looked back toward the SUV and Kayla. "Going to be a crowded one."

"Polyamory is the norm for us," Willy said.

"Yeah, I didn't realize until now that this whole transformation thing is one big patriarchy party."


"You're the sultan and you get a harem."

He laughed. "Okay, first: a coven can be led by a White Witch, a Futanari, or a Whore Master. Everybody in a coven gets an equal vote on adding someone new."


"There can be other men in our coven."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were into..."

Willy laughed. "I'm not. But that doesn't mean I would be against adding a man to our coven. Or a futanari. Or a White Witch. Bisexuality isn't a requirement for any of us, Loretta."