Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04


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The redhead screamed into Hannah's pussy.

The white witch laughed and threw back her head, her own orgasm taking her.

Paul pulled out of the redhead gently, rolling her onto her side. He kissed his way down her body.

"I think you're getting the hang of this," Hannah whispered. She crawled over the redhead and embraced Paul. "Soon all of this will feel completely normal."

Paul stared into her eyes. He wasn't fully transformed, he knew this. He knew Hannah could make him do anything she wanted. A single directed thought could change him forever.

Yet she chose not to. She chose to speak to him gently, to seduce rather than control.

He kissed her gently.

She smiled and nodded. She kissed him and pushed him back into a sitting position.

Hannah straddled him and sat down, his cock sliding deep inside of her, his recent cum not mattering in the slightest - he was still rock hard.

He kissed her neck, her breasts. He moved to suck her leaking nipple into his mouth.

She stopped him and shook his head. "No. That wouldn't be fair on my part. No Ambrosia. Just fuck me, pet." She rose and fell on his lap as they returned to their kiss.



A sex robot comes with attachments, Nancy learned.

And there were more attachments than just the warm, hard cock that thrust in and out of her pussy, more than the smaller cock that pushed its way into her ass, lubricating her as it went.

Small cables slid out of Colin's body, his arms, his legs. Each ended in an electrode that suctioned onto her body in dozens of locations: inside her thighs, behind her knees, the bottom of her buttocks, multiple points around her pussy, the side of her neck, her breasts. Every place they touched tingled with a mild electric current designed to stimulate an erogenous zone.

His lips were not only warm and wet, they vibrated as he kissed her neck, her breasts, her nipples.

And his fingers, two pressed against her clit, moving, vibrating.

She was lost in an orgasmic wonderland, unable to do anything but ride wave after wave of pleasure. His body was like an orchestra, his mind the conductor, each thought playing a rhapsody that moved her body to the brink and over again and again and again.

Nancy screamed in his arms, and he held her tight.

Slowly, the electrodes detached, the cables pulled back into Colin's body. The 'cock' in her ass shrank and withdrew.

He lifted her gently off the cock in her pussy, then both appendages retracted back into his groin.

Nancy's eyes fluttered open. "Did you? Did you cum?"

He smiled. "It's different for me. Yes, I felt an orgasm. I just didn't pump anything."

"Oh. Can't you?"

"Oh, yes, I can. I just... didn't need to."

She laughed. "That was... I mean, I never felt anything like that. It was like you were everywhere on and in my body at once."

"Did I do okay, Miss Davis?" He asked with a slight grin.

"Okay? Okay?!" She pressed him back onto the floor playfully and he let her. "I just told you, Tin Man, you rocked my world." She kissed him.

"Silicone, Latex, Polycarbonate, Magnesium, and some Titanium, actually. No Tin." He winked.

"The back of my knee? Really? Who knew?"

"Cosmopolitan magazine back in the 70s, actually. Map of the female erogenous zones. I memorized them. Then when they gave me the electrodes, I experimented till I got them right."

"Colin the Sex Wizard. I'll bet you were adorable as a nerd."

"Who says I was a nerd?"

"Honey, you have nerd written all over you. Don't worry, I like it."

He stared into her eyes. "Just like?"

She closed her eyes. "If I were single? No. More than like."

He nodded. "But you're not."

"No. I'm not. I have to be the hero in my story, right?"

"More than one way to be the hero."

She laid her head on his chest. "I have to try."


Eric and Christine

Christine paced back and forth naked in the hotel room as Eric read the contract on the bed. The contracts had been in the lobby, all Christine had to do was pick them up as they came into the hotel.

"So, what do you think?" She asked.

He held up his hand. "Still reading. There are a lot of clauses here..."

"Most of them are benefits, though, right?"

Eric sighed. "If you believe any of it. Immortality, immune to all diseases, stronger, faster?"

"Look around you, Eric. You know it's true. These people are physically perfect. They would reduce a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon to tears. Christ, they even changed the national language to English by reprogramming the minds of everyone in the country. I'm inclined to believe they can do what they claim."

"Which is terrifying. And, what about the part where you turn over all your financial holdings, real estate, everything to the Church of Morpheus?"

She shrugged. "In exchange for immortality?! They can have my house on Lakeshore. Screw the rat race. I'll still be a doctor, you'll still be a lawyer."

"Yeah, and for that we get a really nice place to live that belongs to the Church. We'll work for the Church basically in exchange for our needs. They will quite literally own us."

Christine smirked. "Yeah, like the IRS and Citibank don't own us right now, Eric?"

He rubbed his eyes. He held up a separate stapled document. "Then there's Nancy..."

"All her needs will be taken care of, Eric. We'll make sure she's happy..."

"She's my wife, Christine."

"Don't remind me. She'll be happier in a subservient role. You saw the video of her on the plane. I don't think there are names for half the things she did. You know she'll love being our... toy."

He stared at her. "Do you hear yourself?! She is a human being, Christine."

"Who cheated on you at every opportunity, Eric, or have you forgotten that?"

"Oh, no, I haven't forgotten that. The answer to that is divorce not... this."

She sat down beside him on the bed. "They want us, Eric. They value professionals like us. They will indulge our every desire..."

"That doesn't make it right, Christine." He took her hand. "Listen, I'm in love with you. I will sign my part of these papers and I will live here with you in this 'paradise' forever. But... Nancy needs to go home. I can't be so vindictive that I take away her freedom."

Christine stood up and paced away. "Do you honestly believe they will let her leave? They value us, Eric, but they value people with her skillset as well. Sign the papers. At least someone who cares about her will have a say. Otherwise, it's all up to the Church of Morpheus."

Eric thought about what she said.

Eventually, he picked up the pen.



Colin rode the elevator up. The call had come in to the front desk fifteen minutes after Nancy had boarded the same elevator to return to her room.

Would it have made a difference in her decision if he had told her Eric was in bed with Christine at the same time she and Colin were making love? The cybernetic part of his brain was completely linked up with the goings on within the hotel.

He knew where Eric had been.

He just couldn't bring himself to tell Nancy.

Sometimes he wished he really were a machine.

Nancy was so caught up in punishing herself she couldn't see how wonderful she was.

He exited the elevator on Nancy's floor and wanted so badly to go to her door and knock. Colin wanted to take her hand and lead her away from here.

Two years ago, he might have done just that. Taken her out of the building to a White Witch he knew and have her made compliant for her own good.

But then he had found his coven and his coven had some pretty strange ideas. A living god named Adam was teaching a different way to Whore Caste.

And his way was better.

As much danger as Nancy was in? She had to come to terms with it herself.

Colin knocked on Christine and Don's door.

Christine opened it almost immediately.

Colin could see Eric sitting on the bed looking rumpled and somewhat embarrassed behind her.

Christine handed some papers to Colin. He looked at them.

Requests for admission to Professional Caste.

And one other request.

He stared at the third request form.

"We're supposed to give these to you, right?" Christine asked.

"Y... Yes, Ma'am," Colin said.

"Thank you," Christine said and shut the door.

Colin turned and stared at Nancy's closed door.

The choice had been made for her.


Monica and Diana

"I won't wear that," Monica said as she stared in horror at the outfit Diana had brought her.

"He wants a virginal bride," Diana whispered.

"I don't give a fuck what Senator William fucking Craig wants! I am not wearing that!"

It was a white satin and lace bustier with a matching garter belt and stockings. A pair of sheer lace panties completed the look.

Diana sighed. "Hecate will make you. Do you understand? I can't stop her."

"Then I'll kick him in the nuts or I'll rip his dick off with my teeth. Either way this isn't going to go the way Hecate wants."

Diana laughed. "You would, wouldn't you?"

"It's not funny."

"No, it isn't. Nor will it be funny when, after you hurt the senator, Hecate hurts you... or someone you care about."

Monica felt herself deflate. "They're monsters."

"Yes, and she's among the worst."

"So, I'm just supposed to be his virginal bride..."

"Appearances are not always as they seem..."

"He's coming here tonight to breed me!"

"I have a plan."

"Want to clue me in on it? Because I'm having a hard time trusting anyone right now."

Diana smiled. "If I did tell you? And somehow Hecate picked up on a subtle change in your demeanor? We would all be in jeopardy."

"A subtle change in my demeanor? I thought the extent of her power was inflicting pain?"

"Hecate is a genius when it comes to reading people and situations. She's the head of Sister's military and a brilliant tactician. She didn't get where she is by being a fool." She handed the lingerie to Monica. "You and your friends have landed in the middle of a Cold War. There are spies everywhere, especially here. Now, please, put on the damned lace and help me help you."


Baphista and Terri

Cardenas Beach

Casa Wanker

When Terri and Baphista stepped into the big contemporary house on the beach, Terri had been pleased to see someone she took to be another Succubus Whore like Baphista.

The woman was a little shorter than Baphy, but her skin was crimson, and her hair was black - Terri naturally assumed this woman was the same as Baphy.

However, as soon as the woman saw Baphista, she screamed, drew a large knife, and then launched herself through the air at Baphista. "Die, Demonica!"

Baphy's eyes looked like saucers as Willy caught the crimson assassin in his strong arms.

"No! Berniece! She's not Demonica. She's our friend," Willy said.

A tall woman with red hair came out of the kitchen. "Goddamn it! How does she keep getting the kitchen knives? They're locked up!"

Terri smiled when she saw the redhead. The binding! She was bound to this woman.

The woman caught Terri's gaze and smiled back. "Kayla. And this homicidal maniac is Berniece."

"Willy! Let me go! Dangerous!" Berniece squealed as she tried to get loose.

"No, calm down. She's not Demonica. She's Baphista and she is part of the coven now," Willy said as he held the wriggling crimson woman tight.

"Not Demonica?"

"No, Berniece. She belongs with us."


"Yes, Berniece."

Berniece dropped the knife and Willy let her go. She threw her arms around Baphista's neck. "Pretty! Red like me, Willy!"

"Is she a succubus?" Terri asked.

"No," Willy said. "One of Santa's elves."


"It's a long story," Willy said. "Many of the coven are away. Most will be here tomorrow night though..." His cell phone rang. "Just a second."

He answered the phone and frowned. "Whoa, hold on, take a breath, pal. I'm listening, I promise just... go slow."

"Is he okay?" Loretta asked.

Willy shook his head. He listened for awhile and then looked at the floor. "It's going to be okay... yeah, I know. Wait... what did you say her name was?" Willy listened and then he blinked. "Okay. We'll talk tonight. Yes, it will be fine." Willy hung up.

"What was that about?" Loretta asked.

Willy looked dazed. "Dumb luck. Dumb fucking luck."


Monica and Diana

Monica was getting used to being led naked, or, in this case, very nearly naked, through crowds. She stood in the lingerie beside Diana in the cathedral elevator surrounded by sex tourists and rubber nuns.

When they had gotten on the elevator, the nun who accompanied them had inserted a key card beside the 'Penthouse' button before pushing it.

"What's in the Penthouse?" Monica asked Diana.

"Sister's personal quarters. The 'throne room'. And bedrooms for... VIPs."

Little by little, the crowd exited on the lower floors as the elevator continued skyward. Finally, only Monica and Diana and their escort remained.

The nun turned to Monica and smiled. "You look very fuckable. The senator will be pleased."

Diana squeezed Monica's hand.

The door opened on the Penthouse level and Monica followed Diana into the long marble hallway.

The nun remained on the elevator as the doors closed and it descended once again.

"I'm very fuckable," Monica whispered.

Diana shrugged. "Nothing wrong with being fuckable."

"There is when you don't want to be fucked."

A large door at the end of the hallway opened and Hecate emerged.

Monica half-expected her to sprout demon wings and fly down the corridor toward them.

Instead, she walked.

The tall Mother Superior smiled as she drew near. "Dr. Baal has outdone himself." She reached out and stroked Monica's cheek. "Nice wrinkles. If you're into such things."

"What? Your pet senator has a mature woman fetish?" Monica asked. She tried to look defiant, but she was afraid she only came off as terrified.

"No, whore. He needs a sow to stand beside him at public events, push out his children from her cunt, and perhaps choose the White House china pattern one day," Hecate said. "You need to be of a certain perceived age for that."

Was she purposely trying to make Monica fight back?

"Where is the senator?" Diana asked.

Monica glanced at Diana. The White Witch always put herself between Monica and Hecate, always drew her fire.

Whether she trusted her or not? Monica appreciated Diana.

"The senator is in consultation with Sister. He will be along presently," Hecate said. "Take her to the 'honeymoon suite'. Make sure she takes the ovulation drug."

Diana held up a brown pill. "She will be ready, Mother Superior."

Monica felt sick to her stomach looking at the pill.

"See that she is," Hecate said and turned back toward the room at the end of the hall.



Nancy heard Eric insert his keycard shortly before midnight and open the hotel room door.

She looked at him from the bed.

Nancy hadn't bothered with lingerie this time, she was simply naked. She smiled and patted the bed beside her.

"You and Don have fun?" She asked.

Eric stared at her. "Yeah."

She smiled. "You didn't do anything nasty did you?"

"Just a strip club. I looked at girls and drank."

"I figured a Cuban strip club would be like Sodom and Gomorrah? You sure you didn't do more than just look?"

"Did you?" Eric asked as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Nancy froze. "What?"

"Did you do anything while I was gone?"

"I... I went to the bar and had a drink..."

"Just a drink?"

"Yes, Eric, just a drink," she lied. "What's this all about?"

"You like it here, don't you? This sexual freedom thing? This is your idea of paradise, isn't it?"

"I... don't know. I thought it might be good... good for us. Now, though, I'm not sure, Eric."

"Have you thought about becoming one of them? One of Whore Caste?"

She sat up on her elbows. "No! Why would you ask me such a thing?"

"You think I can't see how much this place turns you on?"

"Of course, it does! Everything here is about sex. Why wouldn't it turn me on? Doesn't it turn you..."

"Yes. Yes, I'm turned on, Nancy. I want to fuck."

She blinked. In all their marriage, he had never been that upfront about his desires. "Alright, Eric. Come to bed."

"On the floor. Get on the floor, Nancy."

She laughed. "You want me on the floor? You've never..."

"Get on the fucking floor."

She smiled and climbed off the bed. "Yes, Eric." She walked toward him.

"No. On your knees. Crawl."

"Okay." She dropped to her hands and knees. She crawled across the floor to him.

He unzipped his pants. "Now, suck my cock."

"Yes, Eric," Nancy whispered as she looked up at him. She reached into his open fly and pulled out his stiffening cock.

"Call me Master."

"Yes, Master," she whispered. Nancy licked the tip of his cock, tasting his precum.

He put his hand on her head and thrust forward, pressing his cock against her lips.

Nancy opened her mouth and let him inside.

He pressed back further and further.

Where had this come from? He had never been like this before. Had he seen something at the strip show?

He hit the back of her throat and she gagged.

She tried to pull away, but he held her fast.

"Take it, bitch."

Nancy moaned. She relaxed her throat and waited for the gag reflex to subside.

Then she took him deeper.

He pulled out abruptly.

"Is something wrong?" She whispered.

He twisted her hair and made her spin around.

"Oh, God, yes!" She cried as he sank balls deep inside her.

He was fucking her and then he pulled all the way out.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Then his cock was probing at her ass.

"Oh! Go slow..."

"Don't act like you haven't had cock in your ass before, Nancy. We both know that's a lie." He thrust forward.

Nancy gasped as he pushed past her sphincter.

She reached behind her and put her hand on his abs. "Eric, go slow, please. Make it last."

He began to fuck her slowly. "Tell me you love it."

"I do! I love it, Eric. I love it when you make love to me."

"You love getting fucked. You love getting fucked in the ass, don't you?"

"Yes! God, I do, Eric. Fuck me!"

He groaned and grabbed her hips, his thrusts stopping. "God!"

Nancy laughed. "Oh, yes! Yes, cum in me!"

She felt him throbbing as he shot cum in her ass.

A moment later, he pulled out and collapsed near the foot of the bed.

She crawled into his arms. "Where did that come from?"

"I wanted... to fuck. That's how you want it, isn't it?"

"That way, yes. And, anything else you want, Eric." She closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest.


Monica and Diana

Monica had expected a bedroom.

It was not a bedroom.

The room was made of shiny black marble - floors, walls, and ceiling.

The rear wall was glass and showed a panoramic view of the neon Havana skyline.

Soft lights glowed in the corners.

There was no bed, instead there was a gleaming chrome sculpture formed from metal tubes in the center of the otherwise empty room.

It reminded Monica of an enormous spider or perhaps a scorpion.

"What is that?" Monica asked.

"A breeding frame."

Monica turned to Diana and looked at her in terror. "A what?"

"I'll help you," Diana whispered.

Diana guided her backward into the sculpture.

Metal restraints closed on Monica's wrists and ankles.

"No! No, Diana, no!"

"He likes his women restrained."

"No, please," Monica whispered.
