Two Horribly Years Later


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"Dennis don't be silly. They were telling me I would be as sound as a bell a month after I was out of there."

"Julie is was not that. I want to know tonight what the doctors told you from your own lips."

"Dennis that's what they told me."

"Julie if you are not going to tell me tonight. It tells me you have a secret to hide from me."

She was quiet for a while.

"Julie have you ever cheated on me. With a woman or umpteen men."

"Dennis, I have never cheated on you with any other women. I am not like that. You know we love having sex together don't you.

"I only wanted to know if you were going of the rails," I said.

She looked at me trying to work out what was going on.

"Julie, you answered me about the women but not about the umpteen men," I said.

Julie spats back at me.

"Dennis, I have never cheated on you. I love you and only you. What the hell is this all about."

"Julie please answer this simple question with a YES or NO. Have you ever cheated on me in our marriage even if you were drunk."

She was quick of the mark she changed the direction of our conversation.

"Dennis, nobody as called tonight I wonder why?"

"Since you have asked, I put a notice the front door it reads. GONE OUT FOR A ROMANTIC DINNER. I wanted for us not to be disturbed tonight. Let's get back to my question you have not given me a straight answer yet." I said.

She had a problem if she answered YES there would be more questions, she knew that. If she answered No. She had to lie. I watched her face closely. She was searching for an answer she could get away with.

"Dennis, I told you what the doctors told me can we drop this right now."

"Julie, are you going to give me a straight answer or not."

"Dennis, will you please stop this."

There was no way. I was ever going to be told the truth from her. It was now time for me to challenge her with everything I knew. That I had worked out weeks ago to what and what the doctors had said to her even though I knew the answer.

"Julie you can sit there until I have finished. I am going to tell you about what I know from over two years ago and were we are today. Over two years ago. I had to go away for work for two days. you knew it would happen from time to time. That was two months before the accident. I rang at night. You told me you were going round to Allan and Mary for a chat. I rang back after about ten minutes. There was no answer. So, I rang Allan and Mary house. Mary answered she was shocked I had phoned.

She said "sorry Dennis, Allan is not in. Want to leave a message for him." I told her no thanks. I will tell all about it when I am back home. I rang you at home there was no answer. I rang again after about half an hour. You answered.

I said to you, "I see you got home safe and sound." You told me you were tired and was going to bed. We said, "good night I love you."

I went to bed. I thought I had miss understood you so I let it go. Then the accident happened. You were in the coma for over two years. That first day when we were in the hospital the doctors were taking to me. As far as I can remember this is what they said.

"Sorry Mr. Wilson I have to straight with you. Your wife is a coma and...? "the doctor said. The other doctor butted in. Shaking his head at the other doctor. He changed the direction the conversation was going. Speaking about the coma."

I never gave it a second thought at the time. I was worried to death about you my wife in a coma. That year yes, I made love to four single women. I cheated on you.

I was at the hospital The doctors were in the room examining you. Also reading your medical history notes from the day of the accident. They put the file on the table. Suddenly a nurse burst in asking for the doctors to come quickly. They left the room. I picked up your medical file. I read the notes of the day of the accident. I dropped the file on the floor then picked it up and put it back on the table.

I had enough time and good sense to take a photo of the page notes. Then was in a daze. In walked in Allan and Mary. Followed by the nurse she picked up the medical history file on you and left as quickly as she came. So, I know exactly what was in the notes about you."

Julie was staring at me. She had been found out she was already to crying her eyes out.

"Julie, do you want to tell me from your own lips. What the doctor told you or must I tell you. It would be more honest if you tell me. "

Julie didn't want to say a word to me. After some time of silence, I decided to tell her.

"Julie, you lost a child due to the accident. You were pregnant from another man. You had been cheating on me. But I don't know for how long or who with. That does not matter now. You were having his child; I am 110 percent sure I know who it is. Are you going to tell me the truth or will I beat the living daylights of him and break up his marriage," I said.

The tears were flowing by now. Then it came Sorry. Sorry it happened that night you were away. I was in hell for those two months. That's why I fucked the hell out of you. I was trying to make me forget. I cheated on you. I even thought you would never find out.

Julie let me tell you two things.

"Mary had lost a baby while you were in the hospital and she can never ever conceive a child again. I hope she has told you. But more interesting. Is what I told you before we were married. I told you I had the mumps as a child. It was possible I could never father a child. You hadn't told me you did not want any children but if they come along so be it. Also, while you were in hospital and I was fucking those four single women I was checked out for STD. I also had my sperm test done in the hospital were you were in. It came back negative. So, I went to the other clinics and was tested by four others. I came back. The same negative. I am sterile unable to father a child." I said.

Picking up my briefcase I pulled out the copies of the results of the STD test all were negative. Passed them to Julie to read. Then passed to her five copies telling me I was sterile.

"That last month before the accident you were sick in the mornings. It was morning sickness. Most of the time. I was out of the house before you. I was a dope at the time but not anymore," I said.

Julie was crying her eyes out by now.

"Julie you were going to pass the child of as mine and raise it knowing who the father was. Because you had been cheating on me. I wonder with how many other lovers you have had since we were married. I thought we were faithful to each other. How fucking wrong was I. Are you going to tell me how many men have you been fucking behind my back. I am waiting for you to tell me all if you can remember all their names."

"Dennis, I don't know what I was going to do. Yes, I considered passing the baby off as yours. I did remember you had mumps. I had second thoughts. You are a kind and loving husband I was hoping you would except it as yours. Then I decide to have a termination. I was going to tell you my mother was ill. And be away for a couple of days while it was done. I had already booked in for a termination for the next week. Dennis I am so ashamed of myself and so, so sorry for what I did. Please, please forgive me I promise I will be a faithful and loving wife."

"Julie, I half believe you. I will forgive you if you tell me all the names of the men you have cheated on me."

"Dennis, it is was only one man."

"In that case who was the father I want his name now," I said.

I was confession time if she was going to tell me. She glared at me. I waited and waited she was not going to tell me no way.

"Dennis, I cannot tell you who he is it will kill you, "she said.

I stood up and phoned Allan and Mary house. Allan answered.

"Allan fancy a pint or two. See you in ten minutes."

Allan was in the pub; he had bought the beer and a glass of the hard stuff. He went to the loo. I order the same again but with two doubles of the hard stuff. I did not know when he was at home, he had already had two large glasses of the hard stuff.

His glass of the hard stuff went in his beer. He was in a drinking mood. Down went the beer followed by the double glass full of the hard stuff. We were on chasers.

He ordered the same again. I excused myself, heading to the loo. I picked up my glass of the hard stuff and held it in my mouth. Then headed to the loo. It was a waste the hard stuff it went down the loo. The so-called drinking session was like that for the rest of the night. I had the odd drink of the hard stuff. Allan asked me what's wrong why was I going to the loo all the time. I told him the old water works are playing up on me. Allan was as drunk as a lord.

During the session we started to talk about the women we had fucked. Allan was a jerk. He told me he was screwing two at work at the moment behind Mary's back. Even told me their names. What a jerk he was and thank god he was drunk.

"Allan, I must tell you. I would love to fuck your Mary all night long and give her a kid."

"Sorry mate she can't have kids. But you can fuck her one night. Leave it with me. We will make a date as soon as I talk her round for you," Allan said with a drunken giggle.

He drank more beer and a slip of his hard stuff. Then after a gulp.

"Dennis, I have fucked your Julie years ago. She was a good fuck. But she fought me and fought me all the time I was fucking her. Before she got away from me," Allan said.

Now I was utterly sure he was the father of the child Julie had terminated. And he was going to pay with a few broken bones and mess his face up for life. I got up heading for the loo. I was heading home.

Julie was drinking wine. Who could not blame her. I put on a pot of strong coffee. I sat down opposite Julie.

"Julie. I had my suspicion who the father of the child you were carrying. It was Allan's. Will you tell me honestly right now. DID YOU TRY TO FIGHT HIM OFF," I said to her.

"Dennis how do you know that but. Yes, I fought him tooth and nail for every second until he was finished. I was not cheating on you. It was nothing short of XXXX. That is why I decided to have a termination. What are you going to do about it," Julie said.

We are going round to Allan's and Mary house in two days' time when he's sobered up after all the hard stuff, he as drunk. Now put down that glass. I am dying to make love to you if you will have me.

In the morning we were still at it. Poor Julie she had to say stop it.

Two days later we were at Allan's and Mary house. Julie knocked at the door Allan answered it.

"Come in come in. Calling out to Mary. Dennis and Julie are here open a bottle of wine or two," he said.

The four of us had a glass of Allan's cheap wine. Allan was ready for a social evening with two great friends. Allan sat opposite Julie and myself opposite Mary. I told Julie to change places. Because the evening sun was hurting my eyes coming through the window, I told her.

The real reason was to stop, Allan from looking up Julie short sun dress. Allan had purposes left that chair for me. So, he could admire Julie without me seeing were his eyes were looking. They changed places. I was now facing Allan.

Now I was ready for battle to begin.

"Allan this is your house. you invited us in remember. I want to say a few things to Mary. Then I want to say a few things to you. You may not like it. But I want to clear the air if that is ok with you and Mary, "I said.

"Dennis we are old friends the four of us. Spit it out. Then we can have a good drink or too," Allan said.

I turned to Mary and told her first. Your husband is cheating on you with two married women both at where he works. Then I told Mary their names.

"Dennis what are trying to do break up my good marriage, get out of my house right now, "Allan screamed at me.

"Allan, you invited us in and agreed for me to say a few things to you and Mary. Please let me finish if not you are in for a big shock tonight," I said to Allan.

He sat down Mary was giving him the evil eye. Waiting for what I was going to say next.

"Mary please don't say anything until I have finished talking to Allan. Then the three of us can come with a compromise," I said.

"Right clever dick get the fuck on with it. And if you fuck up my marriage. I going to fuck up yours, "Allan said with clear revenge in mind.

"Allan two months before the accident when Julie ended up in a coma. You went to my house knowing I was away. You intended to fuck my wife. You managed to do exactly that. But Julie fought you back all the time until she got away from you, "I said to Allan.

Julie said nothing but she was watching Mary all the time.

"Well Allan, I don't think you know this, you made Julie pregnant that night, "I said to him.

Mary's head was going backwards and forwards to each of us and wanted to speak. I shook my head putting my fingers over my lips indicating to Mary not to speak.

"Allan the other thing is Julie had booked in to have the baby terminated the week after the accident. But due to the accident Julie lost the baby that night. That baby WAS YOURS, I said to him.

Allan jumped up shouting out.

"It's not true. Nobody would kill a baby after making passionate love."

"Allan you were not making passionate love you were XXXXXX her. That why Julie was having the baby terminated. Most of all Julie loves me not a XXXXXX, "I said.

Mary was now on her feet she threw the glass of cheap wine at Allan then she hit him in the face.

The next battle was about to start.

Mary poured out three glasses of Allan's good wine. Handing one to me and one to Julie keeping one for herself. Turning to me saying.

"Dennis what do you propose to do about this bag of shit. Sitting over there with his head in his hands," Mary said to me and Julie.

"Mary what I want to do with him. Is take him outside and knock ten bags of shit out of him. Put him in hospital with a few face alterations. And one or two broken bones. If he is man enough to come outside and defend himself, "I said to Mary.

"Yes, Dennis I agree with that, Mary said.

"Don't I have a say in this," Allan said.

"Shut the fuck up YOU XXXXXX, "Mary said.

"Mary, you can divorce him. Make him your slave and stay married or call the police and have him put in gail for what you know now," I said to Mary.

"Dennis, I am going to stay married to him. Can you install a tracker on his mobile phone and one in is car. So, I can keep an eye on him," Mary said with a smile at me.

"Consider it done, "I said.

"Don't I have a say in this," Allan said once again.

"Shut the fuck up, "Mary said.

"You can't do this to me," Allan said.

Allan looked at Mary.

"Mary, Mary please I am so sorry please forgive me I will make it up to you I promise you, "Allan said in a pitiful voice.

"Dennis I won't stand for this," Allan said.

"Allan, you have no choice. If I ring the police now, you will be in a warm cell for a few nights. On a charge of XXXX. And don't forget the loss of the baby is recorded for ever in the hospital. Mary, and mostly Julie will be hanging you out dry in for prison," I said.

Allan looked at me then at Mary and then at Julie.

"Allan I am going to get my own back. Even if you don't agree, and the threat of you will be hanging over your head for the rest of your life. where is the phone, "Julie said to Allan.

"No, No don't ring the police I will come outside but you know I am no fighter. And Mary, have the trackers fitted. From now on I will be a devoted loving husband and do as you wish," Allan said.

He was defeated the battle was over.


Mary tracked him for months on end, telling him where he had been. She even took control of his salary and did the bills from then on. Giving him pocket money. The year passed and Mary changed. She went out twice a week without fail. Dressed for the kill. Sometimes it was three or four times.

She told Julie she cheated on Allan and was getting well fucked in every way that was possible. Allan could not do a thing about it. He was truly fucked up. Because of what was hanging over his head.

Allan, he had, had enough of Mary rubbing his nose into her cheating. She had hundreds more lovers than he ever had and plenty of one-night stands. He swallowed a load of pills, drank a full bottle of the hard stuff. Connected the exhaust from his car to inside his car with the garage door closed. That was the end of him. Mary had become an A1 slut; a whore and she was loving her new way of life.

As for Julie and I because I was sterile. I asked Julie if she wanted a divorce and marry someone who could give her children.

She said to me," remember those words for better or worse the answer is No."

We considered foster care. But Adoption won in the end. Over the next seven year we adopted two boys and two girls from the adoption hospital. They were all either new born or days old.

I became one of the directors of the firm were I worked. When our youngest was twenty-one. Julie and I were getting on a bit, but still in love. We had a family meeting the six of us. We told our kids they were each adopted. Handing each of them a file. It contained the adoption papers and everything we knew from that time. I suggested to them they might want to find their biological parents if they wish too.

The four all said the same thing to Julie and I you are our parents and always will be to us.

Julie and I held each other tight and cried our eyes out. We had done a good job in bringing them up.

I am sure Julie would have liked our own kids she loved our adopted ones so much. I could see it in her eyes she must have wanted her own. That was my fault getting mumps.

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