Ultimate Betrayal


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I shook my head, confused thoughts flooded my overworked brain.

"Let go of the past, Fetu. I had to, and it's the hardest part. You can't forget, but you can forgive."

We hugged, and she gave me a very sweet kiss. "Live well, Fetu. Not in the past. You can't enjoy the future, if you live in the past."

Wow, suddenly she's Confucius or something. Easy to give advice. I paid for my items, and left.

The day finally arrived. I loaded the stuff into my car and headed south. It was a ten hour drive, and gave me plenty of time to consider everything.

Bloody Taylor and her fortune-cookie advice. Easy words to say, but much harder to live. As the kilometres clicked by, a dark mood descended. Taylor was allowed to say what she did, because she was living proof it could work. For her at least. If she could do it, could I?

Luce and I hadn't talked for a while, and I was pretty brutal on my last visit. She had probably moved on. It wasn't a flash of lightening, or a light bulb moment. As I drove, it was more a sinking reality. Luce, had never really left me, I had never been able to completely expunge her from my head, or heart.

My mood lifted as I got closer to Wellington. The sun set over Kapiti as I drove through Paekakariki. There were some good tunes playing on the radio. I started singing along, then before I knew it, I was singing t the top of my lungs and I was feeling pretty good. I had a room booked at a hotel not far from home. I wanted to have things sorted before going home. First, was a place to stay.

I looked the next day, and it took almost all day, I must have looked through a dozen places. Thankfully, the last one, turned out to be all right. A little more than I wanted to pay, but it had a lockable garage, three bedrooms and it was close to my parents' place.

The firm my boss recommended had a position going, and I was booked in for an interview the next day. Walking into the office tower, I did feel a little anxious. This was a big firm, and the position came with more responsibility than my previous position. I had to pump myself up a little before being called in.

I don't know why I was so nervous. It went great, and I was offered the position following the interview. A day shopping, not new stuff, but after hunting around op shops and second hand stores, I had enough to a get me started.

With the house tidy enough for my mother's inspection, I drove to their place and knocked on the door. Mum opened the door, looking worn out. The shock on her face slowly dissolved into a big smile. "Fetu." She stepped forward, her arms open wide. "What are you doing here?"

Shipping into her embrace, I said, "I was hoping to be invited in for dinner."

She squeezed me tightly. "Oh, Pele, it is so good to see you."

As we hugged, a little face appeared beside Mum. He reached out his arms. "Uncle Fetu, cuddle."

Mum's scowl made me reach down and pull him up into a cuddle. "How you been, little guy?" He just giggled...

Mum gave his rosy cheeks a little pat. "Come inside, Fetu, I am getting dinner."

I followed her into the kitchen, where she was preparing the food. "Where's Luce?"

She gave me a tired sigh. "She is at work. She will not be home until six."

"Yeah? What's she doing?"

"She works as office administrator at the school."

She handed Luka a cookie and started nibbling one herself. "Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?"

She scoffed. "Who told you that?"

"Sione, called the other night."

Her scoff turned into a smile. "He called you?" She couldn't hide the glee.

"Yeah, he called to tell me you haven't been looking after yourself."

"Hah, I'm okay. He worries about nothing."

"Mum, I'm worried. Diabetes is serious. You need to be careful." I snatched the cookie out of her hand. "No more of these." I stuffed the cookie in my mouth and gave her a smile.

"What do you care? You visit once a year, stay two days and vanish again." Wow, she knew how to lay down the guilt.

"Mum, I have moved back to Wellington. I am back living here now."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"It just happened. I didn't plan it."

"What about your girlfriend?" she asked accusingly.

"We broke up."

Her frown returned. "What happened?"

"Mum, I don't want to talk about it. It wasn't meant to be."

"Fetu, I am your mother. I want to be part of your life. I want to know what is going on in your life. I can help."

"I know, but when Luce, and I divorced, you chose her side. You put her interests above my own, and then you kept trying to push us back together."

"We were just trying to keep our family together."

"Mum, you don't get it. You treated me like the bad guy. Sione, who was the bad guy, you treated like he did no wrong."

"That is not true," she snapped back. "Your father beat Sione. It was the first time I was ever worried. I thought he had gone too far. Sione knew he did wrong."

"But all those things he said to me, he goaded me, tried to humiliate me. Dad never said anything."

"That's because he holds you to higher principles. Sione, has always been a cheeky boy. I hate to say it, but I have seen a new side of him since your fight. He has been far more respectful."

Things went a bit quiet as we both stood staring at each other.

Dad got home first, and when he saw me, he opened his arms wide and welcomed me into one of his bear hug greetings. Although this time as I squeezed him in return, I felt him wince. "You all right, Dad?"

Shaking it off, he gave me a reassuring smile. "It is nothing, a pulled muscle. Why are you here?"

"He has moved back to Wellington," Mum stated accusingly.

"Why is this the first we are hearing of this?"

"It was time. I wanted to come home. Things didn't work out with Taylor. Guess I needed my family."

"I wasn't complaining, Fetu. I am glad you have returned. Had we known, we could have helped. Your bedroom is in use for a couple of weeks."

"Dad, I have my own place. I got a place up on, Leonardo's way."

"Are you staying for dinner?"

"Yes," Mum called. "He most definitely is."

"What are you going to do for work? If you need money, we will help."

"I don't need money, Dad, I have a job. I'm working for Stephenson's, on Quay street."

"Oh, very posh," he said with a friendly chuckle.

Luka came running back inside yelling, "Mummy's home." He rushed past us, headed for the door.

"That boy is a Mummy's boy." He said it with a smile, but I could see the serious concern. He turned to look at me. "He needs a male influence."

"Dad, there's no bigger man than you."

"No, Fetu, I'm not here enough. We are working long hours at work at the moment. He needs a father."

"He has Sione." I said, trying to hide my disdain.

"What use is he? He hates the boy. We try to keep him involved, but there is to much anger in him regarding Luka. Sefina doesn't help. She resents his presence, as well, and she makes it hard on Sione."

"It was her fault, Dad. She came up with the stupid idea."

"I think that's why it hurts so much. Guilt is a terrible thing" Dad might not say a lot, but he had a way of hitting the nail on the head. "Let's not talk of that. The past is behind us. You are home, the future is in front of us."

Luce looked confused. Luka had obviously told her I was there.

"Fetu, what's wrong, why are you here?" She looked around. "Is something wrong?"

Mum walked over and gave her a hug. "Nothing is wrong. Fetu has moved back to Wellington."

She looked bewildered. "Moved home, but..."

"It was time." I said softly, hoping Mum and Dad would keep quiet about Taylor.

I saw the uncomfortable look on her face as she asked, "Are you staying for dinner?"

"I had no choice." I replied. Dad added a hearty laugh. I saw a questioning expression pass between Luce and Mum. Luce reached for her phone, but Mum interrupted, saying. "Is there a problem?"

Luce, turned and walked for the door. "No, I had a date tonight. I'll cancel."

"Not on my behalf, I hope. I'm only here for dinner."

"But, I wanted to catch up. See what you're doing."

"There'll be other times," I replied. Why shouldn't she have a date. I had no claim on her, but damn, it still hurt.

She rushed out to get changed for her date. Mum scowled. "Why did you say that. She was going to stay."

"Mum, I haven't come home for Luce. I came home to be closer to you. You're not well, and neither are you, Dad. I'm going to be around a lot, so get used to it."

"Who told you this nonsense?" Dad grumbled.

"Sione," Mum spat out.

Dad smirked. "You have been talking to, Sione?"

"Only the once. He told me you had a serious back condition, but won't get it fixed."

"Huh," He spluttered. "That boy needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."

"Dad, I'm not going to lecture you. It is your decision. I'm here to take the load off. I'll do as much as I can."

He nodded, scowled, but said lightly with respect, "Thank you, Son."

Luce came in looking pretty damn sexy, a nice green dress that seemed to merge with her sparkling eyes. Her makeup was nice, not slutty, but it certainly worked. She looked hot.

Mum gave her a severe glance, but gave her a kiss as she set the table. "Be careful, daughter." Mum said, as much for my benefit as Luce's.

She was gone, and we were left alone.

Alone, except for Luka, I asked. "Has she been dating this guy for a while?"

"A little while." Mum said, not committing to any term.

I spent some time with Luka before taking over cleaning up the dishes. Mum scolded. "Get away, what are you doing?" In Mum's eyes, men didn't do housework. That was her role, and felt compromised.

"Mum, go and sit down. Luka and I have this."

She looked to Dad for support, but he just shrugged. "Come and sit with me. Tell me about your day.

Luka seemed confused, as well, but he never quibbled. He stood on a chair beside me, drying as I washed.

Back at my own place, I stretched out on the bed. That look of pain on my fathers face was telling. He never showed, or admitted to pain. He was the rock, and rocks never budged.

Saturday morning, I rocked up to Mum and Dad's, I pulled the lawnmower out and started mowing. It was the first thing that stood out to me. Mum and Dad, were incredibly proud that they were one of the few Island families that could afford to own a home. Their lawns and gardens were always pristine. Now, they looked overgrown. This was my first step in helping take the load off.

The lawnmower brought Dad running outside. "What are you doing?" he complained.

"Go back inside and rest. I said I'm here to help."

"This is my job, Fetu."

"Not anymore, Dad. From now on, I will be here every week. I want you to relax, put your feet up."

He moaned loudly, but I saw the relief in his eyes. He came back a bit later with a drink. After the lawns, I started on the gardens. I'm not gardener, but anything that looked like a weed came out.

I was on my knees, weeding, and when I looked sideways, there was Luka. I had to keep an eye on him, because he was just going like a maniac. I tackled him, laughing quietly. "Are you trying to get us in trouble? If Grandad sees this, we will get the chop."

As we worked, I showed him the ones that looked like weeds. At lunch time, Luce brought us out a plate of food. "Wow, you boys are going for it."

"Yeah, it's all happening out here."

She sat with us, and it was tense. "How's the new job going?" I threw out as a door opener.

"It's okay. The money isn't great. I still need the benefit, but it helps."

"Sweet, I'm happy for you."

"Fetu, the date..."

I put my hand up. "Luce, you don't have to explain. Is it serious?"

"What? Oh hell no." She said softly to Luka. "Honey, could you get me a glass of water?" He scampered off, and she said. "Fetu, it was a booty call. I have needs, I'm still young."

"Booty call, huh. Mum said you've been out with him a few times."

"Yeah, a couple."

"He must be doing okay then. Pressing the right buttons."

"I'm lonely, Fetu. I just wanted some affection and somebody to talk to. I am so grateful to your parents for taking me in when nobody else would. But it's hard. I know they resented me for a long time. Thy blamed me for breaking up the family. I felt so low, because they were right. But they stuck by me, and I love them so much for doing that." She burst out crying, just as Luka arrived with her water. "Are you sad, Mummy?"

"Yeah, babe. I'm sad. Thank you for the water."

Luka and I went back to work, and Luce stayed to help. By dinner time, we had a massive pile of rubbish heaped up, but the gardens looked great. Sunday, I borrowed an old mates ute, and took all the rubbish to the refuse centre.

There was no escaping the family dinner. Sefina and Sione turned up, as well. "Bro, you missed your calling. You shoulda been gardener."

"It would have gone quicker if I had a hand."

He frowned. "Yeah, sorry bro, I had footy."

After dinner, I jumped in to help Mum, but she wasn't having that. Not with Sefina there. She pushed me away angrily. "What in heavens name are you doing, boy? Get out and talk to your father."

Dad was outside walking around, chatting with Sione. They were looking at a big pile of Sione's, old car parts piled in the corner. "I'll get rid of them, Pop. Give me a week."

Yep, there was a pile of shit, a real mountain. "I can grab the ute again."

Sione gave me a grim look. "Nah, I got it bro."

Sione walked off in a guff, and Dad grumbled, "He's been saying that for over a year."

"I'll do it, Dad. If it's still here next week, I will take it to the wreckers."

"Fetu, you don't have to do this. I am all right."

"Don't lie to me, Dad. I'm not an idiot. I see the pain. Sione told me you have a herniated disc. He also said the hospital want to operate, but you're scared you'll lose your job."

He didn't say anything, but I saw him searching for words. "Dad, you can be honest with me. I'm not here to lecture, just help. Why don't you talk to the boss about taking on a supervisory position? I know they respect you. They offered you something like it once before as, I remember."

He nodded, "Fetu, they showed me the application forms, it is not easy. To be a supervisor, you must have school cert as a minimum. I never stayed in school. I had to get a job to help out the family. School was not a priority."

"Then get school cert."

"Fetu, I'm fifty-five years old. Far to old for that."

"Dad, you are a clever guy. I could help. Do it online."

I could see his mind going round and round. "Dad, there's more to life than breaking your arse day in day out. At the rate you're going, you will be in a wheelchair before you're sixty. What use would you be to the family then?"

"I don't know, Fetu. I'm not good with numbers. We don't even have a computer."

"Bullshit. I've seen you working with numbers every day of your life. Valve clearances, bearing sizes, compression ratios. You use them all the time. As for the computer, we can use mine."

"That is different."

"No it's not. If you take the classes, I'll come around every night and help. You'll get recognition for prior learning for some work."

That's how I became my father's teacher. Every night, we sat side by side. Luce managed to get an old computer from the school. It cost me two hundred bucks, but they didn't have to know that.

Friday night, I stopped by Sione's house. Sefina opened the door and looked shocked to see me. "Fetu..."

"Is Sione home?"

"Yes, come in."

I found him with his feet up, having a beer. "Hey, bro, what's up?"

"Those car parts at Dad's. I'm taking them to the wreckers tomorrow. I would like your help."

He slammed his beer down on the coffee table. "Oh fuck, bro," he barked angrily. Sefina screamed, "Language, Sione."

He turned and gave her an evil stare. "C'mon, bro. I have footy in the afternoon. The only time I get with the family is in the morning."

"You're the one who wanted me to come home and do my bit. Well, I'm here and trying."

"Yeah, all right, it'll have to be early though. Eight. can you get a trailer?"

Yeah, I can organise it. Just don't be late."

Eight O'clock I was backing the ute down the back and lifting parts onto the ute. Sione at least turned up. Luce was first up, and she came out to help, followed by Luka. Luka came for a ride as we took the first load to the scrap metal dealer. On the way back, he asked. "Could we get ice cream?"

I nodded, "Yeah, on the next load, aye?"

He looked pretty happy. I saw him rush over to Luce, who looked up smiling broadly. We loaded the last of it, and Sione said, "Bro, I gotta go. I'm already running late."

As we were getting in the ute, Luka wriggled his way into the middle of the seat, and Luce squeezed in beside him. "What are you doing?" I asked.

She looked at me, confused. "Luka said you invited us for ice cream." He had a mischievous grin on his face.

"He did, did he?" I said with a chuckle, ruffling his jet black frizzy hair.

"Would you rather I stayed here?" Luce asked with a sad face.

"No, come with us, although you'll have to do your share if you want ice cream."

At the scrap dealers, Luka worked extra hard. I think he thought I was serious about Luce having to do her share.

At the dairy, Luka rushed inside and was already ordering his. Luce laughed, giving me a happy grin. "It's nice to see a smile on his face. He loves being around you."

"He's a good kid. You've done a wonderful job, raising him on your own."

"I wasn't alone. Fetu. Mum and Dad, they've been amazing. I couldn't have done it without them."

"Maybe, but his nature, that's down to you."

We sat in the ute, slurping away on our ice cream cones. "Mummy, could we go to the beach?"

She looked at me anxiously. "Honey, Fetu has to go home. He's busy."

Seeing the sad look on his face, I said, "I'm not in a hurry, although I have to drop the ute of, and pick up my car."

"Yay," Luka screeched.

After dropping off the ute, Luce asked, "What's you new house like?"

"Nothing flash, just a house."

"Could we go and have a look?" she asked.

As we walked in through the front door, she sighed. "Bloody hell, it's awesome." Luka ran straight inside and sprinted from room to room. "It's a bit sparse. I only got enough basic furniture so I could move in."

"Fetu, you're lucky. God, I'd kill for this space."

I felt bad. She lived in that tiny converted shed. "Yeah, I don't know why, I got this place. I should have just got a flat. I'm a bit lost in here."

"I will swap you any time you want." she said with a playful giggle.

"Yeah, I bet you would. Then I would have to put up with my mother."

"Don't say it like that, Fetu. She might get a bit carried away, but she loves you."

"I love her, as well, but I couldn't live there."

The sun was getting a bit low in the sky by the time Luka was finished at the beach. "Bloody hell, we're late. Mum will be angry," Luce whined.

"Ring her and tell her you won't be home for dinner. We could go to KFC, or something."

Luka seemed pretty happy with that outcome. It was a special treat for him. Mum and Dad never had fast food or takeaways. Over our dinner, Luce and I talked, it was just so nice. The tension and anger was gone, we were laughing and joking like old times, Luka giggling at some of the stories.

Pulling up out side Mum and Dad's, I turned off the car. Luka was asleep in the back. Luce slid her hand into mine and gave it a little squeeze. "Thanks for today. It was so nice. I haven't seen Luka this happy in a very long time."

I reached over, and covered her hand with mine. "It was a nice day. I've missed you."

"God, not as much as I missed you. I still love you, Fetu. I always will."

When she leaned across to kiss me, I didn't fight, it felt right. Her beautiful sensual lips sliding wetly over mine, her tongue cuddling mine, her kisses were always like that, sweet and juicy.
