Unaticipated - Alternate Version


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I played the recording. "Damn! That woman is delusional. She seriously did not think what she did was all that wrong. She is just upset you found out or rather you remember. She admitted to being a slut but thinks you have a future and acts like she seriously wants one with you." Gloria said Stacy loved me. "Well, if that is love, I'd hate to see what she does if she hated him."

"Oh, she loves him. She wants his babies and wants to stay married. " Gloria said. "You can hear that in her voice. She just wants to have a little sex on the side. She doesn't understand love is not enough to make a marriage work. There are several other things you have to have as well." Gloria looked at me intently but did not elaborate.

I waited until midweek to call Gloria, ostensibly to see how she was doing. I was surprised to see she seemed honestly pleased to hear from me. We talked and decided to get together the following weekend. "I want you to know, I was very happy you called, Army." she said when we got together. "I was reluctant to call you as much as I wanted to do just that." Now I was the one surprised.

"I hope you are trusting me this time." Gloria said and then blushed as she grinned and continued. "Maybe I ought to frisk you to see. And it won't be your waistband I'll be feeling." I stared at her open mouthed.

"Oh Hell. We are not children. I think we both feel the connection." she said. "Of course we met under the absolutely wrong conditions. I'm sure you have wondered what kind of shallow bitch I am to fall for a guy like Gerry. " I opened my mouth to protest but said nothing as she continued.

"I was in love with the idea of being in love. I let my hormones do my thinking. Gerry was smart, fairly nice looking and he had the physique that made every woman and most men admire him. It fed my ego to imagine them envying me being the one to win him."

"One woman who did not envy me was my Mom. She warned me he would break my heart. She said he was a shallow as a toddler's kiddie pool. Of course I did not listen and did not realize she was right until it was too late and got married. But I'm not a quitter either. " Gloria grinned sheepishly. "It is one time I should have quit, though."

"I can understand why your wife listened to his bullshit. The man could be a great coach or a salesman. Running the gym, he would praise clients telling them how he saw improvement and encourage them to work harder. He'd suggest changes to their routine. People loved that. I'd never seen him try to seduce another woman before. I'm not sure he ever cheated on me and of course he denies he ever did." Gloria explained.

"Mom apologized for her feelings but said she is not too upset to hear what happened and our marriage is over. It was just a matter of time until he stepped out on me. She said at least I did not have any kids with the bastard. "

"I'm not sure what Gerry saw in me either." she said and blushed. To me it was obvious. She was super intelligent, seemingly compassionate,and sexy as Hell. "I'm pushy to the point of being bossy. I am driven and want to do my best and want others around me to do their best. It was the way I was raised."

"Don't confuse that to mean I seek a big income. My Dad makes a relatively modest income as a mid-level manager where he works. Mom manages a small boutique. Both thoroughly enjoy their jobs. They raised two daughters and we always had lots of what we called quality time together. Dad once said his definition of success was to have a happy close-knit family with well-rounded kids. Both my parents pushed my sister and I to try new things. We took dance classes, and I studied the piano while my sister played the guitar. We even took karate lessons for a while. We were encouraged to at least try to play a few sports like soccer and volleyball. The idea was to try everything and see what we liked."

"Dad was careful to not say too much when I called them with the news about Gerry. I'm sure my Mom spoke for both when we discussed it several times over the past few days." Gloria said. "She even had a few things to say about you."

"Me?" I said, surprised. "I never met the woman."

"Yeah, but I told her all about you. You are an integral part of the story." Gloria said. I asked what her mother said. "Uhhh, most of it is between my Mom and I. Maybe I'll tell you someday. But she analyzed you and your wife the same way I did." I asked her what they came up with.

"Stacy loves you but does not respect you. We both agree with that." Gloria said. I nodded in agreement that Stacy did not respect me a bit but I wondered if she loved me at all. "Oh she loves you. She wants your kids. She went to great, even extraordinary efforts to keep your marriage intact. If she simply wanted to cheat, she would have done so and not really cared if you found out. Oh she'd probably have tried to hide it for a while and then just said it was too much effort and eventually left you." Gloria stopped to look me in the eye for a few seconds. I had the impression she was trying to read my mind as she continued. "No, she loves you and wants your kids. But part of her thinks you are not good enough for her. She wants an edge over you. You said it yourself the other day. She'd always know in the back of her mind she got one over on you. When you got in a argument, she'd think of that and know she won."

"That part of the tape where she and Gerry talked about her rubbing her pus... uhh crotch in your face after they screwed. You know what they meant. She was gonna make you eat his cum out of her. That is disrespect to an all new level. It pisses me off." I laughed and said it didn't exactly make me happy either.

Gloria surprised me when her eyes filled with tears. "You don't understand. It infuriates me. I want to rip the bitch's hair out by the roots for what she planned to do to you. She might not respect you but I fucking DO!" Gloria took a few breaths as she held up her hand for me to keep quiet. "I gotta say this. I respect you. I did from the first minute we met in that cafe. You had the balls to meet the wife of the man that destroyed your marriage and you carried yourself with bearing, you treated me with kindness, with respect. I liked it. I liked you."

"Please, don't say a word and let me finish." Gloria implored. "Something about you reminds me of my Dad. They say that, for good or bad, girls marry men like their father and men like their mothers. I don't know if that is true. I sure as Hell did not with Gerry. But I see some of Dad's characteristics in you. Subtle, but they are there."

"I told you my Mom said a few things to me that I wasn't going to tell you. " Gloria said in almost a whisper. She could barely meet my eyes but at the same time was trying to gauge my reaction. "She could tell I was attracted to you. More than that, after a couple times we talked she told me to be careful to not fall in love with you as it could lead to disaster. Then she corrected herself and told me to go slow as we both needed time to take care of business and heal a bit before we looked to the future. But I am busting a gut here."

She looked at me. "I gotta know. Do you like me?"

"I can honestly say I have felt a great deal of guilt over my feelings for you." I admitted. She looked at me shocked and dismayed with maybe more than a little embarrassment in the mix. "Something about you made me want to want to grab you and, well I was not sure what.. I wanted you, but when I thought about it I wondered if it was to fuck you just to rub Gerry's nose in it like he did me. I had the impression I could do it if I tried." I admitted. ""Then I realized I didn't care a bit what Gerry thought, I wanted you. And that made me feel guilty on a different level. I was married. Yes in a toxic marriage, but married none the less. It goes against the grain. I'd be violating my own sense of ethics."

I paused and hoped my own eyes were not going to tear up. "But to answer your question, yes, I like you. NO. I love you. I used to tell people Stacy and I were like two peas in a pod. We shared common interests. We just fit well. We shared the same interests."

"But you and I don't share the same interests. At least we never discussed what we wanted. But I see in you something I've wanted, something I need. Yeah. I like you and I am attracted to you. But it scares the shit outta me. I don't want this to be some rebound thing. I want it to be real. It is too soon. Too fast."

"Great!" Gloria declared. "So instead of me stripping and jumping on your cock right now like I SO want to do, I can take my time and see how we really do fit. " We both began to laugh.

"Oh, you may or may not be a little insecure about Stacy saying she felt Gerry's hard on and wanted it because it was so big. Well, it isn't. He has two very muscular thighs it sits between, but his cock is nothing to write home about. I was not a virgin when I met him but not a slut either, so I am not an expert when I say he is average. You are at least as large and I say that after many peeks at the bulge in your pants."

Gloria smiled at me a few moments, then said, "So if we are going to go slow so we don't fuck things up, can we at least kiss?" I nodded, unable to say what I was really thinking. She quickly shifted over and sat in my lap. With a smile she brought her face close to mine. When her lips touched mine, she shuddered or maybe it was me who shuddered, but when we came up for air she had a grin on her face. "I'm gonna own you. I'm like one of those old gold prospectors. I'm staking my claim."

"Oh? And when the gold plays out, move on?" I quipped before I thought she might take it the wrong way. She didn't.

"See. I knew you had a wit, jarhead." she giggled. "Nope, I'm gonna reinvest every ounce of gold I find and see my dream come true."

"But like any business, I'm not gonna overextend myself. And God don't I want to over extend! I am a half second away from stripping and raping you right here. And raping you is not gonna be that much of a problem. I can feel that hard cock. No, I want our relationship built on love and not just lust. Respect has to be a cornerstone. And we are going to have to agree in the middle. Because I am a pushy bitch who knows what she wants out of life, just like my Mom."

Over the next several days I thought about what Gloria said. To be honest I thought about little else. I knew I was rebounding from Stacy. But at the same time I realized this was different.

i agreed with what Gloria had said. Stacy loved me but did not respect me. Was I that much of a bum, whatever? She loved me but wanted a 'better man'. I was not good enough. That bothered me.

Gloria openly declared she respected me. I somehow reminded her of her father who I had not yet met. She professed her growing love. I knew I was more than attracted to the woman which scared me as it made me feel guilty at the same time.

I examined my initial impulse of wanting to fuck Gloria just to show Gerry I could take his woman. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. I could do that to Gerry without a second's hesitation. But the thought of hurting Gloria was inconceivable. That thought made me feel like shit. The guilt was overwhelming.

Mr. Price did file my divorce paperwork which immediately separated my finances from Stacy's. She had no job since she was afraid to go back to the gym. She did get half of our meager savings which basically allowed her to eat and put gas in her car.

The need to get legal representation required she call her parents to ask for help. That meant she had to confess we were separated and the reason why. As expected she did not divulge the full circumstances.

Her father called me to chew me out for being an asshole. "Now, I understand your feelings were hurt she flirted and even went too far with her boss. But she did not actually cheat. Don't you think you should at least try counseling?"

I asked him what she told him. It turned out she skipped over the whole oral sex issue. She confessed she had flirted with Gerry and admitted to cavorting around at the competition to work the arm wrestlers into a frenzy. She said she might have had to have sex with Gerry if he won but I won instead. I was upset and left her. Gerry and his friends came to the house to try to talk me down and I held them at gunpoint when they got over-aggressive. "Yeah, that is obviously over the top, but you guys have been married for a few years. Don't you think that is worth salvaging? Or at least trying?"

I told him I'd send him a copy of the audio recording of the evening's events and he could decide or himself if he would try to salvage the marriage. I mailed him a flash drive. Three days later he called me back to say he was sorry. He understood. He'd still have to help his daughter try to stay out of jail.

By the end of the second week all parties knew full well I had full audio recordings and would give them out. The two veterinarians were sanctioned and put on probation pending the outcome of their criminal trial. They could technically work but could not touch any anesthetic, which made their job almost impossible.

Every female at the gym was told in detail what Gerry had attempted with Stacy. Stokes Fitness fired Gerry to avoid a full walkout. Because they did not have a formal policy against fraternization, I could not sue the company itself. I had not thought of that myself but my attorney had.

It took six months before the actual criminal trial for the seven culprits took place. I thought that was a long time, but was informed it was extraordinarily quick. The local news media had got wind of the case. Because the six men were prominent in local business, it garnered even more attention than the typical quick 'report and forget it' news report. They kept the public informed by offering periodic updates. Somebody kept calling the stations to ask if they had any updates. I have no idea who that might have been.

As you might expect, lawyers tried to suppress the audio recordings which was the cornerstone of the prosecution's case. My own testimony would have been challenged as the rantings of a wronged husband. The six guys even tried to press charges against me for holding them at gunpoint. That was laughed out of the DA's office. The consensus was my actions were 'righteous'.

The six men underestimated Stacy. They knew she was a dumb bimbo but didn't realize she would turn into a vindictive bimbo. She was upset her marriage had been destroyed. Once her parents realized the men planned to essentially make her their sex slave, they pushed her to testify for the prosecution. That and her confession she had agreed with their plan to forcibly drug me in an attempt to wipe my memory, got her a two year sentence with eighteen of that suspended.

She detailed how the men had planned their assault on me during their drive from Kensington after the competition. They used their cell phones to talk it over between the three cars in a conference call. Of course she did not know what they planned for her. But what they discussed in front of her was enough to bury their asses.

I'd have liked to see them go to jail longer as the case progressed but to tell the truth, at the beginning I would have been satisfied to watch the wives and girlfriends attack from within. When I'd called the police, my primary goal was to mess up their relationships as much as they had mine.

I had to admit to Hal and a few of my friends that I traded up. After that first time Gloria opened up and told me she was staking her claim on my ass, I spent as much time as possible with her.

She was a rough taskmaster though. I had Gunny sergeants in the corps that were more easy going. Of course, none of those gunnies were as pretty or kissed as sweetly. Gloria made it clear I was doing myself an injustice. The very next semester at her insistence I was enrolled in the local junior college. Hal decided if I could do it, so would he.

Hal studied criminal justice and I took general studies which morphed into an interest in business. Both of us did very well and by the time the criminal trial hit the docket, we had completed a whole semester with surprisingly good grades.

Gloria lined Hal up with one of her girlfriends, Marie. I knew Marie as goon number three's ex. Like the other wives and girlfriends, she was a spectacular specimen of womanhood. "Don't tell Marie any damn stories about Korea, Army!" Hal had told me once. "Remember, I carry a gun and she is ALMOST worth shooting my best friend!" he added with a grin.

While Hal did not need to wait until his divorce was final, I did. Gloria told me she would accept screwing a married man the week after her divorce was final but I would not renege. She even told her mother when we went over to their house to celebrate we had still not 'done the deed'. Her mother had laughed and kissed my cheek, telling me she was looking forward to when I did and made her a grandmother.

I waited the extra week until I got my own decree before I finally took Gloria to bed. It was well worth the wait. The woman was insatiable and I was hellbent to please. After the first two days of our honeymoon, most of which we spent in bed and not on the beach in the Bahamas, she told me she had stopped all her birth control months before. "I didn't need it since I wasn't having sex. And I want your baby, Calvin."

That was another thing about Gloria, she would refer to me as Army when talking with my friends, but when she addressed me directly it was Calvin or Cal. "I own you, Calvin." she said several times while we dated waiting for our divorces to finalize.

Our honeymoon night, she grinned and turned around pulled down the bikini panties to display her right buttock. Across it read, "Exclusive property of Calvin Bostic." Marie had helped her apply the transfer. I had wondered why Hal, my best man had been laughing and giggling so much during the wedding ceremony and reception.

"Marie told me she is gonna get 'property of Marie' tattooed on my ass." he said. "but if I told you about the transfer, she'd brand it so I didn't forget who was in charge!" We both laughed and teased each other about our fates with such great women. Neither of us felt we were hurting a bit.

One weekend, Gloria and I stopped by Higgins Restaurant for a quick snack after a visit with my parents. Gloria needed to hit the bathroom as our baby was pressing on her bladder. She waddled to the bathroom while I sat in a booth. Who should come to the table to take my order, but Stacy.

"Hello, Army." she said, in greeting. "I did my time in jail and got my old job back here. I saw the woman you came in here with head to the bathroom." I nodded and told her Gloria was my wife and confirmed she was expecting. "She looks familiar."

"She was at the trials because she used to be married to Gerald Jenkins. You knew him as Goliath. Remember the guy with the big cock you wanted? Gloria says mine is at least as big and I can use mine better. I don't know firsthand, but I'll accept her statement." I said as Stacy's eyes got round as saucers.

"So you hooked up with her?" she asked.

"Yeah, but not until our divorce was final." I said. "I don't cheat. And I not only hooked up, but Gloria and I are married. That's my baby."

A different server brought our coffee. "I'll be taking over. Stacy had to step out for a while. Something seemed to upset her." the girl said.

Oh well....


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RocketMan12RocketMan1222 days ago

It out the last two pages and would of been a good story

Big_Tim99Big_Tim994 months ago

If anyone thinks like her we have some messed up concepts of love.

LoejtcLoejtc6 months ago

More an extended narrative than a story. The scene in Army’s house after the wrestling tournament was endless and boring. I finally skipped it. I thought Gerry had two kids but his wife didn’t have any. How’s that work?

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months agoAuthor

@ drbenchpress66 Bumblingfool is a friend of mine. He gets early reads of my works and comments on the. I do the same for his. He was a little more easy going on the cheating wife. His MC just wanted to get rid of the bitch and get on with his life. I just saw a little more evil in the situation. Not only with the soon to be ex but with the men who I saw were manipulating her skanky ass.

AllNigherAllNigher10 months ago

Enjoyed it, for the most part more than the original. But it ended a bit abruptly. A bit more trying up lose ends would have been nice but super fun read. Realistic? Nah, but fun.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story am happy for the guy

IndyOnIndyOn11 months ago

So what was the jail time for the six men? We read seven chapters to finally get to the payback and you cave!! How about their divorces....tell us how bad they got hit.

You can do a better ending than this. *3*

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 months ago

should be in non-erotic category

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Still don't accept cliche" not respect But love"

Honor, trust, And respect foundation for love

RanDog025RanDog02512 months ago

Excellent story and the comments attest to what I usually say, "Some people wouldn't know a good story if it slapped them upside the face." It wasn't a Cuck Shit story and it wasn't a wimp story, it wasn't a suck and fuck story! Right up my alley! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS. Thanks.

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