Unauthorized Exposure


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'Where did you get this?' I demanded to know. 'Some 'fine-art' friend, Charlotte found it on the server, forwarded it on to a couple of friends, then well you can imagine, everyone forwarded it to a couple of friends, and before you know, everyone has had a quick shifty.'

Laura came over to me and put her arm around me, looking a little sympathetic, a little amused.

'Well at least you look good in it, I mean in some ways it shows you at your..... best?' She giggled a little wickedly. I pushed her away, still raw with irritation. I just could not believe it, why had she done it, why had she decided to betray my trust. I still couldn't quite remember why I had gone along with her request to undress. I think I had expected that once I was undressed the chances of getting off with her were a lot higher.

They continued to taunt me and make generally entertaining comments, but I really was not in the mood and after an hour of ribbing, I decided to leave, and work from home. I walked back across the campus, wondering all the way whether everyone that I saw had already seen it. Was I a laughing stock across the whole place, or was it more of a storm in a teacup.

I got home, made a cup of tea and sat down at my desk, holding my head in my hands. I was feeling quite down, a little shocked and hurt. I tried to think back to the previous evening, I remembered her laptop sitting on the desk although the screen had been blank, so she must have started the camera app and then minimised it. But why had she sent it round the whole campus? I looked out the window and decided I had to know, was I just some part of some experiment, was she just pushing me further and further to see how I would react.

I walked up to the kitchen door of her house and hammered on it, oblivious to the fact that it was a pretty rude approach with a shared house. One of Brigitte's housemates was in the kitchen and opened the door indignantly, asking me what the hell I was doing. At the kitchen table sat Brigitte still wearing her nightdress from the look of it, and as soon as I walked in, I saw her face light up with a huge smile, obviously delighted to see me. I was bemused, how could she be pleased to see me, did she not know how angry was going to be.

'What the fuck are you doing?' I demanded of her. A look of terror and confusion crossed her face.

'What?' Was all she could muster as a reply, confusion replaced by fear.

'You know what, that film.' I continued, walking up to her, standing over her, looking down as she sat at the kitchen table.

'What film?'

I was amazed she was trying to balls it out, how did she think she could get away with it. I walked out of the kitchen, into her room and walked up to her computer. It was turned on and unlocked. I immediately navigated in Finder through to the shared area where I had seen the movie file. She followed me into her room, followed by her housemate.

'You stupid fucking cow' I continued. 'This bloody film, are you seriously going to deny it.'

I double clicked on the film and it started playing once again. I was hardened now to my naked form being displayed to all and sundry. Brigitte and her housemate both stood and looked goggle-eyed as a full frontal view of me, cock and all on view.

'Oh no.' She mumbled, abruptly there were tears in her eyes, I saw her face crumple as she realised what had happened.

'Oh, so you admit it was you.' I shouted at her, looking back to the film.

'But, no. I didn't mean it to go onto the shared area.' There were tears running down her cheeks. 'Oh Jack, I am so sorry. But how did you know?'

'Oh you complete idiot, I know because everyone on campus has spent the morning watching it. Even in the fucking lab they were looking at it. I am a laughing stock, and it is all down to you, you stupid bastard.'

'Oh Jack. I didn't know, I didn't do this, all my work is backed up automatically, but I didn't do this on purpose.' She was crying openly, tears streaming down her face, her shoulders were shaking with sadness.

'Oh give it a break. You made the film, you must have known. What the fuck were you thinking?'

'I don't know, I just wanted to have a record, I liked you, I wanted to see you again. Now I have ruined it all. I am so sorry.'

Brigitte's housemate left the room looking confused, closing the door quietly behind her.

I went back onto her computer, deleted the file off the server, and then forced her to email the administrators instructing them to trace any other copies on the server and delete them permanently.

'Brigitte, I never want to speak to you or see you again.' I stated. She sobbed. 'Just leave me alone from now, anything between us, of which there was nothing anyway, other than your continual teasing, is over.'

'No, that's not true, I wasn't teasing you, I really like you, I thought we were going to become lovers. Even today, I thought you were coming here to see me now. If you had come here this morning and taken me into my room, I would have done anything with you. Really, I saw you come in to the kitchen, I was wondering whether you had come here to take me, to fuck me.'

'Well it's over Brigitte, relationships are based on trust, and you have lost mine. I am not interested anymore.' I stated simply. 'What can I do to make it up to you? I am so sorry.' She pleaded quietly, still crying miserably. 'Look.' she said, 'Take your revenge, film me nude, send it round the campus. I don't care, but don't say it's over please.'

With this she slipped her nightdress over her head and stood nude in front of me. Her tears dripping down her chin, onto her lovely breasts, down her stomach and onto her pussy.

'Nothing, there is nothing you can do.' I walked out, displaying more certainty than I felt. I walked to the door, she grabbed my hand and held me back.

'Leave me alone, Brigitte. How can you expect me to want you now.' I insisted, opening the door and walking into the hall.

'Please Jack, stop. Don't go, let me say sorry.' She pleaded, following me, dragging on my hand.

'Just think about it, Brigitte. Think what you did, how I must feel.' My anger was waning now and I was starting to lose my resolve a little. I could see she was really sorry, probably more upset than me. She sobbed again, her eyes were red and there was a look of despair about her.

I walked into the kitchen, and she followed me, even though she was still nude. Her housemates turned to look at us, looking even more confused than before. She stood at the kitchen door, the front of her body wet with all the tears. Even her pussy looked damp by this time. I walked out of the room, looked back one last time and then walked back to my house.

Even as I walked into my house, I glanced back and she was still standing there in the doorway looking out at me, seemingly oblivious to her nudity, perhaps trying to demonstrate just how contrite she was, how she wanted to show me her regret. I shook my head to show her that her actions meant nothing to me. I felt sorry for her, but a burning fury at my own situation as well.

In the following few days, I threw myself into my work with renewed enthusiasm, my colleagues made the odd amusing remark, but they lost interest in the game quite quickly, once they saw that I wasn't going to retaliate and just wanted to put it all behind me. Anyway the extra energy that I put into the project meant that overall the entire scheme was flying along. I was involved in many of the different parts of the project, both the technology parts of the project as well as the music composition.

I went out of my way to avoid Brigitte, I was glad that I didn't have to think about what she had done, what she had said. At the back of my mind I believed that she probably had not distributed the film on purpose. I did some digging with Laura and some of the other people that she knew, and it became apparent that the girl who had distributed the film, Charlotte, had probably been the villain of the piece. The file had in fact originally been in a private directory, but one that Brigitte had given her permissions to read for a shared project. It had not occurred to Brigitte that from that point on, Charlotte might see everything that she produced.

Charlotte had then found the file while looking for a power-point that they had been working on together, and had unilaterally decided to publish it around the campus. Brigitte had been foolish, but anyway had hugely abused my trust by making the film in the first place, however it was Charlotte who had gone out of her way to distribute it. As I was working on my music project, I also started thinking how I might go about getting my revenge. As a bloke it is always difficult to get revenge on a woman, and so I needed to come up with something appropriate, either completely un-attributable to me or amusing. Ideally it would be both.

In the meantime, Brigitte was making ever more desperate attempts to contact me. I told my housemates not to open the door to her, or to allow her in. I didn't open my curtains, and didn't respond to her knocking on the window. I wasn't home much anyway as I could bury myself in the depths of the lab, it was actually all pretty nice to really focus on the project fourteen hours a day, living with my head in the code. As the end of the week came round, I checked my mobile and was amused to see tens of missed calls and texts, from family, friends and many indeed from Brigitte.

There was much debate in the lab about whether we were still invited to the party at Brigitte's house. Obviously I said, very straightforwardly no, we were no longer invited, and wouldn't go even if we were. Laura, who knew Brigitte anyway, was quietly stating that she was going anyway, and that my situation changed nothing for her. The lads had been working hard and frankly had been looking forward for an opportunity go and get drunk and mix with a bunch of pretty and posh arts graduates. They had found the whole thing very funny anyway, and once they discovered that it wasn't really her fault, just thought that I was being an idiot for not going back round her house and going to bed with her.

The story of her standing naked in the kitchen, in tears, watching me depart had also joined university legend, and the general view was that I was a fool, although a fool that looked tolerably good standing naked with a hard cock. I had tried to avoid the hoi polloi of the campus since my unveiling, but even when I went to the bar at midnight, or the canteen at 7am for breakfast, I always seemed to bump into someone that gave me a double-take, 'aren't you the nude guy from the film' look. I felt that I was infamous.

Thursday of the week coming up to the party night, I got together with a couple of the best programmers that I could find around the computing department and we had a bit of a hack-fest. I explained what I wanted to write, and the guys were either suitably amoral, amused or frankly evil to lend a hand. We built a very nice little new application that started out looking like a random movie file sitting on a shared drive. Opening it on a suitable laptop, of the kind for example that Charlotte owned, installed a nice little bonus application.

This application we wrote recorded a new movie, in a hidden directory close to the source movie file, composed of a blend of the original file intercut with any video that could be recorded from the camera of the device upon which the film was being watched. Once we had the software, we then hired a few first year students to provide a nice collection of honey-pot films. Generally we had rugby players and body builders stripping off in the changing rooms, filmed from camera phones, as if by a hidden voyeur. They were entertaining, without being exactly explicit. We even edited them to provide a blend of teasing nudity that we thought would captivate a female audience.

Next, we put the adulterated movies on another share on the servers using a borrowed anonymous login, and arranged for a suitable link to be circulated around the fine arts post grads first thing the next morning. Finally we permanently deleted all evidence of the development efforts, the honey pot film and all the associated development paraphernalia, and destroyed the hard drives from the two PCs we had used. No one was tracking this one back to us.

That afternoon Brigitte finally managed to track me down, and corner me on the way home. I was walking back to my room with Laura, when Brigitte came out of a door right next to the path we were walking on, and appeared at my side, taking my arm through hers. Laura took my other arm and without some kind of physical assault, there was really nothing I could do. I looked across at Laura and she grinned back at me, implicitly admitting that the whole thing was a setup, closely planned and coordinated. I shook my head, admitting to myself that my options were limited and not exactly heartbroken to be accompanied by two lovely attractive women.

'I am glad you have agreed to come to my party.' Brigitte observed, inaccurately.

'I never said that.' I responded, ambiguously.

'Yeah, but you are anyway.' Laura retorted, decisively. 'It is time you stopped being stupid, stopped ignoring the world outside the lab, and started seeing how lucky you are.'

'Yeah.' Brigitte chimed in with a smile. 'I can't believe that I stood in front of you naked, used my very best tears, and you walked away. Really, what is a girl to think? I mean, OK, so I filmed you, and that was wrong, but come on! You came out of it looking good. Frankly everyone I have heard from says they quite fancy you now. OK so mainly they are arts grads and can't get enough cock of their own, but still.'

I walked along in silence. This was not an argument that I had much chance with, it was two against one and anyway, they had all the best lines.

'So anyway, you are coming to my party tomorrow, and do not misunderstand, not as a miscellaneous guest but as my boyfriend.' Brigitte was growing into the role now, particularly I felt as she was getting very little push back from me. She pulled me closer, cuddling up to my shoulder.

We had arrived at my house by this time, and I opened the front door. Laura and Brigitte walked in in front of me and walked through into my room. Laura sat on my comfy chair in the corner and Brigitte resumed her previous place on the bed. I offered them tea that they grudgingly accepted, pointing out that frankly they would prefer a G&T. I made tea for three and could hear them chatting, giggling and generally feeling very pleased with themselves in my room.

I carried the tea in, and stole a packet of custard creams from my house mate's cupboard and returned to my room, intent on demonstrating that I knew how to show the girls a good time. They both tucked into the biscuits with gusto, surprisingly appreciative. We chatted a little about the party, and Laura tried to guess which of the arts girls might find which of the grungy music boys a suitable partner. I found myself easily falling back into conversation with Brigitte, she was truly lovely and I really started to feel a renewed desire for her.

It was pleasantly warm in my room and Brigitte was wearing a massive cable knit cream jumper. What with the wool and the tea, she started to look like she might melt. She got up from the bed and slowly lifted it over her head. Underneath she was wearing a nice tight white vest top, with another polka dot bra underneath poking out from the sides of her breasts and also in the gap as the top plunged down between them. Laura looked over at me, winked with a gentle grin on her face and then made her excuses.

'Well kids, gotta go. And try not to get into any trouble this time, I don't know. I can't believe how hard you two have made a relationship look.' She turned to Brigitte with a big smile.

'And you, I don't want to hear you have left here without having screwed this bastard. He's been moping around all year, and frankly needs a good shag.' I turned to her, open mouthed.

Once she was gone, there was a very strange atmosphere in the room. Maybe she thought she was clearing the air, but somehow having her state what her expectations were made it more difficult for the two of us.

I didn't make a move, and perhaps Brigitte thought the same thing because she immediately started another conversation about my work, the guys I was working with and how we all got on with Laura. It was an interesting relationship, I think we had all made a pass at her at some time, but she had rejected us all consistently but firmly.

I wandered across the room and sat down on the bed next to her. She leaned across to me, laying her head onto my shoulder, inviting me to put my arm round her. Instead, I pushed her very gently away, took the bottom of her top with my fingers and lifted her top over her head. She happily raised her hands up as I took her top over her head, looking slightly nervous and biting her lower lip lightly with her teeth. She looked up at me, directly into my eyes, then down at her breasts. There was lace around the top edge of the bra, and I could clearly see the bulges in the material where her nipples were straining at the pressure.

'Take it off.' I instructed her quietly, kissing her lightly on the neck, taking her face gently in my hands.

She obeyed immediately, putting her hands behind her back, swiftly unclipping the clasp and then pulling the material away from herself. 'What do you think?' She asked, looking down at her tits. She pushed them up, running her hands round the underneath, up over her nipples.

'I think that they are absolutely beautiful.' I ran my hands down over her, brushing her right nipple lightly with my hand.

'Not too small?' She looked up at me, straight into my eyes.

'What? No, they are perfect.' I replied running my hands round the left one, squeezing it very gently.

She kissed me lightly with her mouth, pulling herself closer, pulling my head closer to her. Then she forced her tongue into my mouth. She explored it gently as I darted my tongue back at hers. We sat like that for a few minutes, gently exploring one another. I kept my hands around her breasts, rubbing her tits as they swelled very slightly, becoming harder. All the time, she kissed me more and more passionately, licking my teeth, biting my lips gently, letting me put my tongue into her mouth.

I could feel my cock harden in my trousers, eager to get out as she ran her hand down over my fly, undoing the buckle of my belt, gently easing at the button and then slowly sliding the zip down. She slid her hand down into the gap she had created, then moved it down, inside, underneath my shorts until she held my cock in her fingers. I was fully erect by this time, and on one hand wanted to push her back onto the bed, and take her. The other side of me was enjoying the slow inevitability of it, luxuriating in the lingering unforced intimacy.

She stood up and started to undo the buttons on her jeans, opening the front of her trousers exposing her pretty lace black knickers. She slid her hands into her trousers and started to slide them down her legs, looking up at me as I watched her lean forward, her breasts hanging forward and swinging very slightly as she moved her hands to side her jeans off her knees.

As she was sliding the first one off, there was a slam at the front door, and some loud talking in the hall followed by footsteps coming down the hall towards my room.

'Hey Jack, you home? You have got to see this.' They shouted, it sounded like one of my project team, there were two of them, laughing raucously. I realised to my horror that I had not locked the door once Laura had left and there were now two oafs standing just the other side of an unlocked door, with Brigitte standing in front of me wearing nothing more than a lace string.