Under the Pure Blood Moon


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"Huh...You don't really hear a lot about a good Dracula."

Fiona shrugged, "It fine really, us vampires doesn't get annoyed at what human make...Well except for twilight...Fucking asshole."

Juliet started laughing, enjoying some wine, "that was the funniest thing, seeing Fiona get so angry at a movie."

"We don't sparkle I mean...What the hell!"

Amber couldn't help to laugh, truly realizing, knowing what she was she felt a little better, glad to not be a mindless monster maybe with some makeup she can hide what she was and still keep her friendship with Nick and Wendy...However one thing did concern her.

"I was wondering something, I did some research on vampires and...I...Heard they are very...Sexual...Creatures...Is that true?"

Both Juliet and Fiona blush glancing away seeming to silently confirm her suspicions.

"Y-Yes my dear we are...Nothing really gets the heart pumping like...Err...Sex...But let me tell you, us girls are no whores or sluts, we're more refined than that and can control our lust...However if it near something or someone we take a real liking too or a person your romantically interested or involved with...It gets a bit crazy."

"Yeah...My legs are still wobbly from...err...Last time," Juliet commented.

"That's...Ok," amber replied.

"Why? You have some boy you like? Or girl?"

She blushed glanced away, "I...I don't know, I have two best friends, a boy called Nick and a girl called Wendy...They are like family to me and...I feel strange when I'm around both of them."

"Huh...Do you feel something...Romantic towards them."

She blushed again, "I...Don't know."

"You might be bisexual...Many female vampires are bisexual, most are actually, but if you felt these feelings before then...You might have been from the beginning."

"B-But what do I do!? I-I can't tell them the truth, of what I am, and I might attack them as you attacked me... I'm scared."

Fiona came over to quickly calm the young vampire, "it will be ok... I know they always say to keep secrets and identity but...If you are able to truly trust them with your life...Then It would be good to tell them so you could hear it there and then."

"Not yet! Just...Not yet, once I understand this vampire thing more then I'll tell them."

Fiona and juilet gave each other a soft look before turning to her.

"Ok then...We have a lot to do...tomorrow."


"Yeah, there a certain shop that opens every day but Wednesday and Sunday, that's the shop to get some anti-vampiric pills, you're going to need to drink live blood soon...Newly turned vampires will go into a crazy blood rage, unable to control themselves and will attack anyone If you don't...you need those pills then to find someone to feed off."

"F-Feed," the chilling though went down her spine needing to attack and bite some innocent person and drain their blood...Like a parasite she certainly wanted to be away from Nick and Wendy when that happens.

"And preferably before the pure blood moon on Saturday...That is a historical event for all monster on that day, werewolf and vampire are more active in a full moon, but a pure blood moon...well thing will get interested, to say the least."

"O-Ok then...I-I'll try."

"Don't worry your in no rush it could be fine seeing as you just turned a few days ago, I'll be assisting you on your first hunt...Listen Amber...Think of this as a second chance, your this great powerful supernatural creature faster, stronger think about the magic and easily read humans, it could be exciting."

Juliet gave a harsh look to Fiona who shrugged Amber looked down rubbing her glass of tomato juice.


"So...Do you need anything else? I'll give you my phone number and please don't hesitate to call me or us, your a nice girl and...I've forced this life onto you I promise to always be there and help you."

She smiled faintly, "thank you...I think I can forgive you now but I won't forget it...When should we meet and go do this...What the place?"

"Oh even I know it," Juliet joined in, "Madam Mystery's Mysterious Shop Of Wonder."

"The owner is a very, very powerful sorceress and one sassy old lady...Don't fuck with her or she will literally and verbally destroy you...But overall a nice woman who will help anyone In need."

"I...Have never heard of this shop before."

"Well of course not, it's a magical shop that only revealed itself to those that are meant to find it or destined too."

"Wow...This world has gotten a lot strange."

"Yeah, most people living in complete bliss, unaware of all the supernatural things in the world...Hopefully one day we can openly reveal ourselves so wouldn't have to hide."

"Indeed we're lucky to even find someone to help us marry, sure human and vampire married are not looked down on, but let just say it not highly welcomed either."

"That seems...Sad...I think I'm going to go home this is a lot to take in honestly, I'll meet you tomorrow...I'll...Don't know I'll send a message," Amber said really just finally taking it all in.

"Alright then take care Amber It was nice to meet you and sorry for turning you into a vampire, I know you didn't want it but...I'll make it up to you, one day Amber."

"Thank you...It nice to meet you too both of you."

"And a pleasure to meet you too...Don't be a stranger it nice to have some company," Juliet smiled.

"Hey ain't I enough for you?"

Juliet giggled, "yes, yes you are but now you have a young vampire girl to take responsibly for so look after her."

"Yes, dear."

Amber soon left walking home, they were nice and at least they came to her time of need, But...She couldn't shake that feeling off...She a monster now a vampire all her life she has always been this nerdy, shy girl but now, life had to throw this at her...Maybe she could be more assertive more...confident, it felt right in her new mind.

Still, she was a danger, a danger to Nick and Wendy, she will control this, she will overcome this, she checked her phone finding a bunch of troubling messages from Nick, concerned and worrying about her she cursed to herself but she could message him later...Again, she sighed just wanting to get back home.

The evening sky was beautiful giving a faint smile she rushed back home quickly not wanting another thing to disturb her walk.

Meanwhile, across town Nick checked his phone again, he knew at least Amber had seen his message so why not respond? He could only handle so much stress, learning Wendy was a werewolf and now Amber was not responding, walking through the shopping area on the same route most people took to and from college and those more deeper into the city.

The library was shit, giving no information on werewolves and stuff, he gave up...Hours later, of course, Wendy hadn't responded to his messages either, he was wary of seeing her again sure he trusted Wendy but now that silver eyes version that almost raped him god dammit this was so freaky.

Now walking home, hours of his life wasted he was burnt out, his mind was tried and hungry not really know what to do next.

"Something troubling you young man?" a voice called out to him.

Stopping at the mysterious voice he soon found it to his right seeing an old lady, dressed in wild and exotic clothing making her almost look like a gypsy.

"Err...Yeah, something is but don't worry I'm fine," he replies entertaining the old lady, strange he never saw her before was she new to town or what?

"I can tell there is, you can't pull the wool over my eye, come into my little shop for a talk I'll even read your fortune for free."

Confused he rather past it he didn't need something silly like that in his life right now, but his fatigue and hunger messed with his mind, fuck it why not he was a little curious, seeing him coming she excitedly enter her tiny hole in the wall shop, holding the door for him, he thanked her.

The room seems bigger on the inside than outside, the place was messy yet organized, chaotic yet every weird item had a strange purpose for being there, filled with items, trinkets, weird objects and books, even a few skulls of animal, there was a small wooden desk as he enters she quickly moved past and to the back room where a single dark purple curtain blocked the view, she quickly hurried him inside.

Entering the backroom this felt more like a gypsy room with a circular table with a patterned cover, in the middle a crystal ball and two chairs opposite each other.

"Come sit my boy, we will begin the fortune, but first...My name is Madam Fortune, if you are curious."

"Madam fortune? Ok then, my future is in your hands, Madam."

She chuckled softly like his grandmother would, quickly sitting down she asked for his dominant hand, giving his right she gently took it in her hands, holding it firm but gentle.

"Ah...I see, your a very interesting young man, a man that is caught between three worlds...Your life...it will become more chaotic...Oh, this is interesting."


"Your fortune...your future, I see two branching paths...all around one important choice, connected to two certain people in your lives, this will create a confliction in life," her expression saddens, "no path is happier than the other once you pick one...The other will be destroyed never to return again...You will be forced into this...Decision unable to escape it...These two will truly change everything."

Nick froze looking at her, wondering if what she did was true, two choices? one he's forced to make neither of them would be happier than the other...He hatred that. He wondered hard, knowing that no matter what there was always another way another choice...Maybe...Whatever cruel decision in the future could possibly...Have a happier ending in his sadden, he noticed Madam fortunes eyes, frozen in place slowly widening as if she had seen something...Truly unexpected.

"Oh my, a hidden path has emerged, forced itself in this unchangeable choice, you most certainly are interesting, defying destiny and fate as if it was nothing...I like it," she chuckled softly with an encouraging smile, " a hidden path of one's own desire and bravery...this path is most certainly the happiest, yet the most chaotic...a a hidden path awaits you Nicolaus and even beyond that...Another choice that will change your future...Forever."

"Which...is?" he said generally getting into this.

"I do not know, I only know the fortune of something to come...Think of it as fate or destiny, I don't know what it is, but let us focus on the present...Your hidden path, it is unusual for a soul to have a hidden path yet this one here, oh how it feels to be young again.


"Indeed...Well, I am in a good mood about this it, not every day you meet a soul that can break away from there fate and journey toward on there own...I can also tell your plight."


"Indeed a strong kind young man who is quite fierce and protective...Like a lion yet something deep inside him, fear," she replies digging into one of her many pockets.

"Here...Take this card."

Handing him the card he glanced at in confusion, it was a name of a shop but one he never heard of.

"Go there...Tomorrow you will find what you're looking for there...I wish you luck on your journey...The pure blood moon is coming and it will change many lives that night."

"Right," he said not really believe the mumbo jumbo but to be honest after concluding about Wendy he might as well not second guess things.

Soon he left, turning and finding the shop had...Disappear, ok this is one freaky Wednesday, still with a small card in his hand he wonders home, hoping this weird shop will help with his...Unusual problem.


"So this place...Have you been to it before?" Amber asked talking to Fiona heading to Madam Mystery's shop now.

"Of course I've been there Juliet has been there too, kinda silly thing to ask."

"To be honest Fiona anything I can say is...my mind is still on frizzy with everything that going on."

Amber and Fiona walked through the shopping centre it was a peaceful cloudy day out, yet the weather never affected the two vampires, getting home Amber tried eating a dinner again only to slightly satisfying the hunger, she needed blood which she didn't want to think about, the thought still scaring her, drinking from a living person...She would no longer feel human if she did such a think and that scared for her even more. Forcing herself to stay home so she continued chatted with Nick and went off to sleep she found she didn't need as much sleep as before, but she enjoyed it.

Now it was past midday together with Fiona, the had two met up to get this done, Juliet wanted her lover to grab more pill to insure that what happened to Amber never happens to someone else, she sends her condolences to Amber again.

"So is Juliet ok with...having a vampire lover? I-I just makes me wonders...For certain reasons."

A small smile appeared on her face looking ahead.

"Yeah I was just as scared as you when I revealed myself, I planned on telling her...Someday, but that night we were attacked by...Err bad people I would have died if it wasn't for her...I owe her everything and I love her for that and swore to protect her till the end of her days...Well soon to be our days."

"That's sweet...She not scared of you?"

"Nah, I may be a pureblood...The reason why your look so good, if a turned or half-blood turned you, you would look the same but if a pure-blood or high ranking vampire turned you then you get the bonus of looking unfucking believable and irresistible, there's also a trick with your eyes...Don't let someone stare into them for too long...They might accidentally fall in love with you, but that only if they're a complete stranger."

"W-Wait what! S-Should we even talk about this...in public!" She said now she knew about her beautiful and silently thanking her for it.

"Don't worry most people don't listen to another's conversion and even if they heard anything they would just ignore it...This place is highly protected, no chance of anyone bad showing up, if they did they would have the SPG and Madam Mystery's employees to deal with."

Amber sighs wondering about these 'bad people' were there monster hunters? Do vampire killers like Simon Belmont exist? ready to show up and murder her? She has been talking with Nick too much.

"Can we change our eye colour? I'm getting a little paranoid about my red eyes."

"Yeah we can it's a handy trick I tell you later any vampire can learn it, we can learn over too like brightening our skin color and warming ourselfs up...It all thing I'll teach you, to help keep the bad men away

"Who are these bad-"

She froze...She could smell something...Something intent something sweet something familiar yet she couldn't describe, Fiona looking over concerned.

"You ok?"

She didn't know only it was good, nice...Delicious, what the hell was this-

"Yo buddy nice to see you walking about," a familiar voice called out.

She reacted, instantly turning behind her...Seeing Nick making his way over a goofy smile on his sweet face, she could see it...Or smell it was him...It was Nick's smell and gentle aura...Strange.

"Whos that?" Fiona whispered.

"Best friend, he doesn't know anything please stay quiet."

She nodded, Nick finally came over needing a minute to recover, once he was fine he glanced up seeing Amber...And a mysteriously beautiful woman with red eyes.

"Hey...Buddy...My...God...So tried!"

"Nicolaus! What are you doing here! You should be at college!"

"I'm doing important stuff dude...And it was a half-day, even got tomorrow off because of the Pureblood moon thingy on Saturday," he shrugged innocently.

"O-Oh I see," she said a little surprised.

"Only happens ever 500 years, don't worry buddy I've been keeping notes on studies for ya."

Amber blushed that strange smell, that feeling coming over her again his aura drawing her towards him like a bee to a flower.

"T-Thank you."

He nodded, "Now...Who your friend?"

Fiona had been watching the two interact it was clear they had a close friendship.

"O-Oh this...She...err...A...Relative?" Amber mumbled.

"Relative!?" Fiona asked.

"Y-Yes yes! She's a long lost cousin coming to visit!"

Nick scratched his chin he never heard of any long lost cousin, Amber just gave an awkward smile as Fiona just stared in confusion believe this lie was not going to work...Unfortunately for her, this was the first time meeting Nick.

"Oh seems legit names Nicolaus, but friends call me Nick," he reached a handout, "nice to meet ya."

She glanced in disbelief at such a terrible lie, maybe humans really were getting dumber, but this man seemed nice he had a good smell and aura to him something vampire could easily detected she reach out shaking his hand.

"Fiona...Nice to meet a friend of my...Little cousin."

"Friend? I have you know I am best friend status I take that very seriously," he grinned.

She chuckled, "I see."

Amber couldn't take her eyes off him something refused to let her, something deep inside her she didn't know what it was, but it was creeping her out, of everything that could have happened today why did he have to show up.

"So...Why you here? I thought you would be with Wendy?"

He shrugged glancing away a little, "She's most likely sleeping been really stressed, but you can come by later if you want...As for me, I spoke with some weird lady yesterday and I got a card telling me to head to this weird store."

She panicked it couldn't be possible...No it's impossible he had no knowledge of that place, she needed to know right fucking now.

"Which is?"

"Madam Mystery Mysterious Shop Of Wonder...Long but catchy name if you ask me."

Now Fiona joined in the panic the two vampires glancing at each other the shop wasn't exclusively a monster shop...But what was inside was not of the 'normal' range only someone who knew of the supernatural world knew about the place...did he know something or even more curious...Was he destined to go there? and for what reason.

"And why are you going there?"

"Because the weird lady told me too it sounded like fun you know I've always been A...where the wind takes me kinda guy."

"Last time you said that you fell in a ditch."

"The ditch was where the wind took me, it was destiny!"

Amber laughed which easily infected Nick the two friends laughed and soon started making there way to the shop, being lead by Fiona, he quickly found out they were going to the same one.

"So Fiona why are you and Amber heading to this mysterious shop anyway?" He asked his own suspicion rising.

She sensed it, "same as you hearing of this little shop and wanted to get a present for my fiancee I brought Amber along so we can bond."

"Aww, that sweet well don't take any noticed of me I'll probably be looking around before leaving I wonder if it has a library?"

"You studying? Now it's the end time."

"You know I'm quite a good reader, little lady...Say...Have you gotten taller? I swear you were shorter...And you look different too."

She panicked it had taken him this long to notice her body she didn't know if that worried her or make her glad still it only prove he cared about her more then her body that was just the type of person he was, lovable, kind yet sometimes annoying, but with a heart of gold...The through sent a strange emotion run through her making her shift a little close to him arms press looking straight at him with her alluring eyes.

"I-I don't know...what different?" She said strangely selective with a hint of lust.

Nick glanced at Fiona confused.

"Err...Well you taller, you look nicer whatever skincare your using, give me ten of them...That really it, I think?"
