Under the Pure Blood Moon


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"You right...Still a full moon is coming...If I can't cure her or prevent it then...What do I do?" Nick spoke hopelessly, rubbing his face.

She glanced as fiddling with her finger, "do you want my honest opinion?"

"Sure go again, don't let a cat get your tongue."

She titled her head, "Momo isn't here? And she doesn't like my tongue."

"Wait what?"

"Nothing, nothing...Anyway, what I honestly think you should do? Gather people she really, really cares about and tell them the truth and let her turn."

"What!? Sonja that sounds like a really bad idea," he said really the only people was him and Amber and how the hell would she reacting to finding out Wendy's a werewolf but knew she had to find out someday and her turning? That would make her a full werewolf he was try to stop that.

"I hadn't finished! Werewolves are primal wild creatures with heightening senses if they have...Maybe people they had a strong connection too, it would stop them from going on a wild rampage.

"So...You saying to use the power of friendship?"

She pouted, frowning, "I know it sounds silly but thinks about it if you were turning into a werewolf you want people to help you keep you calm, like any wild animal staying calm is the best thing to do to stop a panic! There is no reversing for what happened to her, I know and have learnt how life can be cruel, but she is still a living being with hopes, dream emotions mortals, she just a little different now...It would be best to help her accept what she has become so she can learn to live with it, and have friend to guide her into that will help the girl control herself."

Scratching his chin he couldn't help but let the idea sink into his mind sure from what he learns werewolf were powerful creatures that held onto their instinct and desires, but often time they weren't as wild as people thought even the book stated this saying how they could peacefully interact with other species even listening to reason than others invade their territory, giving a warning and guiding them off...Knowing Wendy, that would help her...Dammit it.

"You right...Hell, you've sold me on the idea...It dangers and to think Wendy is turning to a werewolf, never turning back, but again your right...And Amber is going to find out someday it just telling Wendy that she going to be a werewolf no matter what, that going to scare her."

Sonja placed a hand on his shoulder, "as long as you don't show fear and let it control you then you can stopping hers from taking over."

"R-Right...Ok...Now I just need a plan, thanks for everything Sonja I would have been screwed without you."

She blushed shying away from him a little.

"It ok you're a nice person...I like nice people, oh I suggest you get some anti-lycanthropy pills."

"Anti-lycanthropy pills?"

"Yeah, they stop the effect of a werewolf bite...It highly suggested to have one and have her take it, the effect last a month befor needing to take another."

"Good advice...Thanks again for everything."

"It all fine I hope you come by again, but right now I'm going to be busy," she pouted at the end.

"I can help if you want."

"No thanks I think Madam Mystery is downstairs, you can ask her for the pill thingy."

"Right...Well, I was wondering what with the Sir and Madam stuff anyway?"

"Oh, I know that, I know that," she jumped up excited, "If you meet someone with a Sir or Madam at the first before a name, like Sir Writer or Madam Mystery it means they are the best in the world at that craft, giving them the legendary title of Sir...Something and Madam...something it a highly respected title that they deserve and earned."

"So madam mystery is...The master of mystery?"

"Madam Mystery is...Another case, don't focus too much on it, she certainly is a mysterious person, but can most certainly be trusted...If sassy and scary at times...She doesn't like people giving her any attitude or messing with her."

"R-Right well thanks Sonja, again do you want help with the books?"

"Nah get you pills things and go plan...Whatever you were planning, cya Nick."

"Right...Cya Sonja."

And like that Sonja dashed back and forth into the dark rows of text putting the countless books spread across the bench table away, getting up his ass and leg felt like jelly, soon heading downstairs he found no one walking over a little nervously he found a little old-time bell looking like a boob with a nipple, he giggled softly at his perverted mind.

Tapping the bell it rang out across the whole store it sent a shiver through his spine and he glanced over to the mini statues in the corner, he swears one had moved and was staring at him a demoness looking one in a maid outfit...Creepy.

Ringing it again wondering where Amber went off, bursting through was an old woman looking sixty, tall, proud yet slightly hunched forward, wearing a large dark blue cardigan she in hand was this walking stick...which didn't look like one.

Looking more like a wizard's staff, the branch was pointed at the bottom but as it rises at the top where her hand was over, was an orb, a blue one that sparkled a little inside looking like a mini galaxy it was quite mystifying.

She had a soft frown on her wrinkled yet clear face.

"You know I heard you the first time, no need to ring it so many times," she said her voice feminine and clearly old-sounding more mature and old, to be honest.

"Sorry...So miss do you know where that last beauty was? I err need to buy something...odd...Please."

She frowned her sharp eyes focused head on him making him feel tiny, even tho she was shorter than him.

"I am no miss I am a Madam and you shall only call me as such and I think she was too good looking for you to go get what ever your looking for, with an attitude like that."

He panicked a little, "R-Right ok...Madam, I err really need some...I think there's called anti-lycanthropy pills...Please I can only handle so much weirdness, but I worried for my friend she, err, needs these."

She gave a hackling grin, resting on her odd walking stick.

"Now what would make you think I would have something like that, even if I'm the owner and creator of this whole place, but I thought you were looking for some beauty and what mess did your friend get into?"

"She err was attacked by a large...animal, a dog, and something's bad is happening to her...And I'm sorry about the beauty thing I just need someone anyone please."

She chuckled, "First off if you going to lie than do it well because we both know a large dog means a wolf there is no in-between so the moment you start tell the truth I'll help you with that pill ok?"

He sighed she really was sassy, and pretty headstrong, the type of people that terrified poor Nick.

"Ok, ok this sound insane but that what she saw attack her, all of this is insane, mythical creatures...They can't possibly exist but yet learning today and literally watching my friend turning into a werewolf...I'm just trying my best, it's impossible to stop the process now and in a few days, she will be transforming for the first time I need these pills so she doesn't turn anyone if she goes into a frenzy...I can't tell anyone, but I'm scared...Really freaking scared, all I want is to help my friend...It funny talking so casually about a mythical creature like this...A few days ago I would have never believed it until now...I don't know what to think anymore."

Madam Mystery's expression softens slightly sighing.

"It often stressful for anyone who finds out about the supernatural world, many people have different responses, either to hide or fight against it...You're doing pretty well for a normal person, rather hiding away you confronting it trying to learn about it and help...you a good person," she spoke sound like a grumpy yet loving grandmother speaking to her annoying grandson, it an odd feeling.

She reached under the desk grabbing the box, it was black and white, in the corner was an outline of a wolf's head with a cross in it, on the front 'anti-lycanthropy' inside were four pills needing to be taken once a month, she placed them next to the old-time cash register.

"That's £2.50...Tell me do you want to know why I made this place?"

Nick quickly grabbed the money placing it on the counter for her, he nodded curiously.

"Yes please," Nick asked course.

"In this day and age, it changes so much so fast, with technology advancing and people changing...That sense of wonder has seemed to...Fade away, slowly into nothingness, a true sense of adventure, the sense of discovery seem to be gone from most, content to just live a bland normal life unknown of the magical world hidden from them...For a good reason of course...So as I sat in my chair complaining about the world I wondered to myself, why not build a little shop and bring a little bit of wonder into this world...Bring a little unexpected curiosity into the lives of some folk while helping some supernatural creatures find a place to call home...If I could do a little bit of that...I'd be mighty damn fine about that."

Nick stood a little dazed maybe even a little inspired he barely knew this woman yet he felt like he already did, wise and old yet fiery and tough it really hit him, true he's been scared but everything seemed more exciting, more focused, there was always something new to learn and be discovered, at the library, in this crazy magical shop he could barely understand it...Guess that little bit of wonder has come to his life something he never expected...He was determined now...To help his friend and learn of this new world.

"That's...Oddly sweet," he grabbed the box, "thank you, Madam Mystery...I hope that all goes well."

She gave a soft chuckled and a mean grin, "thanks kid good luck with whatever craziness has entered your life, don't let fear control you, let it sharpen your senses, use that to learn the wonders of the unknown."

He smiled and nodded quickly leaving Madam Mystery's Mysterious Shop of Wonder.

He knew where he was going...straight to Wendy's home, no longer letting the fear control him no more avoiding, he had a plan to help Wendy accepting what she has and will become, coming to her home he grabbed the secret key under the plant pot and unlocking the door, it was dark the blind was down looking like nothing had chance, as soon as he entered a voice cried out.


Nick barely closed the door before Wendy came running down the stairs jumping and hugging him tightly, her whole body was shaking afraid, fear dripping from her like a leaky drain.

"You came back! I was so scared."


She blushed holding him tighter, "from what I did...You never came yesterday and I didn't think you come today," she snuggled into his neck, "I'm really happy you did."

Nick himself happily blush a tiny joy in his heart holding her, he hugged her back tightly no more fear...No more.

"You smell and feel...Different?"

"Good different or bad?"

"I don't know, only I feel..calmer...And...an unknown smell."

"Smell? Your senses must already be improving."

Y-Yeah," she gentle let go she was in some new pajamas looking like she heard the door then jumped out of bed rushing down to him, "Is that bad?"

Seeing the fear it was his time to finally act, finally man up no longer letting fear control him.

"No, no think about it, all the great food you could smell now, and the unknown smell might be Amber I finally saw her today outside the hospital and I made a friend at this place I went too she nice, reminds me of you."

"Hun...Ok then...Did your research go well?"

He chuckled, "better than you could think...However, I got some good news and bad news."

"Oh...Ok," she softly whimpered.

He quickly patted her head which she immediately responded too.

"Come let sit down and we'll talk."

Moving to the table and chair she didn't leave his side which he didn't mind the encouraged it always keeping the turn girl calm.

He quickly told her everything, about Amber or strange long lost cousin Fiona, about the changes to Amber, something she was wary off, then to Madam Mystery's shop, he didn't talk about Madam fortune and his fate...Including that hidden path.

Speaking on entering the magical shop and the coolness of it all as well as Sonja someone she would get along with, moving on he did some research finding some much more then he could from a normal library all thanks to this guy named Sir Writer.

He'd liked to consider himself a werewolf expect after that book and the others he checked, then he said he bought something and left the box still in his hand she hadn't noticed it yet.

"Wow, this...Place seems wonderful."

"Yeah, it crazy...Ok no longer beating around the bush, the good news and the bad news."

She stiffens nodding holding his hand, "I-I'm ready."

She had such a brave face on he was a little proud of her.

"The bad news is...This is no cure for what happening to you."

All the color drained from her face a hopeless look covered her, she gave in, which creaked at his heart.

"On the next full moon which is in two days, you will have your first transformation permanently making you a werewolf."

She accidentally let go just moved from the chair seeing it crashing to the ground she was scared freaking out grabbing her head her eye daring around madly.

"There no hope! I'm going to be a monster!"

"Wendy!" in flash Nick was up in front of her, "you not a monster buddy we spoke about this...Werewolves are not monsters, trust me I know, I've learned from all I've studied werewolves are like...Well wolves but smarter, bigger, they aren't mindless creatures your not one...Please calmed down."

Her eye shimmed silver for a moment he didn't let that sway him, but even if she focused on him she was still scared and frightened.

"You're still you buddy...Just a little bit more...Unique."


"Yeah don't worry I'll be there for you...Always bud."

The gentle shimming silver faded back to blue looking at him with wonder in her eyes it was pretty in his mind.


"Yeah...I do...But I must tell Amber."

"I-I don't about that Nick how would she-"

"Amber is our best friend you know she won't be scared we just have to explain this to her, you know she will help."

Seeming unable to say no to him she nodded.

"O-Ok...but not now, later."

"Don't worry I have a plan this will come as the good news."

"Which is?"

"A werewolf's first transformation is most important it how their mind and emotion can handle the new instincts while the body changes form a friend I was given an idea...How much do you care about Amber?"

"A-Amber? She must best friend...I-I love her like a sister...It always been the three of us... I can't imagine her without it."

"Exactly so...here is the plan, on Saturday is the night of the pure blood moon, thats when we tell her everything we will spend the day getting as relax and chill as possible so when it happens you not scared it will be easy we can get everything off our chest...Everything out in the open."

"Out into...The open," she blushed quietly...Sensing something he was holding back...A secret maybe?

"Yeah even those things have changed...It doesn't mean everything has changed, so what you're a werewolf that doesn't matter as long as your still you then honest my dear who gives a damn."

The fear and panic had finally faded replaced with a look of pure will power shining across her beautiful face.

"You right."

He chuckled giving a grin, "Of course I'm right...My god I've turned into Amber, I'm now the smart one," he laughed madly.

Wendy giggling, "don't say that to her, she will kick your butt."

"But it so fucking worth it...You had dinner yet?"

She shook her head, "no."

"Ah, I'll make some really."

"O-Ok I made some food yesterday...But I ended up eating almost everything."

"It fine tomorrow we will plan, get food, snack, drinks and set everything up, I'll invite Amber tomorrow, and by actually going to her home in person...She been oddly avoiding me and my messages."

"Strange, but ok then preparing for Saturday," she said putting on a brave face.

"This is exciting...I mean for the pure blood moon thing, think about it every 500 years it would be impossible for someone to see it twice."

"Well...A vampire could," Wendy said.


Since then the rest of the evening was quiet and nice, Nick made dinner with the remainder of what he had to work with (which was very little) as well as keeping Wendy calmed, she seems more...Affectionate than before, but he was fine with it that was just her wolf instinct kicking in, and he was a guy and her best friend, of course, she would be like that.

He tried sending a message to Amber getting nothing in return he was a little sad but knew she would at least message him later, both Wendy and Nick spent the rest of the evening snuggling together watching movies it funny it was like they were a couple which...Made him feel odd.

Neither less in a few days his best friend would turn into a full flat werewolf...And he couldn't help be a little excited to see it actually happen in person.


Friday was hectic, he knew he had extra food to buy and try and get Amber to come who still being silent with him, right now he was heading to her place, her home a little away from Nick's at the corner area of the residence, her home was like everyone else's she even had a garage inside a car sat, it was her parent's family car something she was free to use if she had a driver license.

Walking up to the familiar home he gently knocked on the door wondering if she was still sleeping, slowly the door crept open, red-eye looking at him the faintest sight of raven hair flowing.

"N-Nick? W-What are you doing here?"

"I'm on important business buddy...A lot as freaking happen this week and to be honest...We need to relax."


"Yeah, tomorrow is the night of the pure blood moon, myself and Wendy are setting up a little get together, something just for the three of us in this mythical, super, legendary, ultimate, rare event...And it won't be the same without you."

She blushed hidden away she could smell him and so eager wanted to taste him.

"I-I don't know."

He was shocked she would never say no to that, looking at her he inch a tiny bit closer a sad worried expression on his face.

"You haven't been the same since that night...You've been distancing yourself and...Did we do something to upset-"

Suddenly the door crashed open and she grabbed his shoulders bring him close...Very close.

"No! No, no, no I've just had a lot on my mind, you both haven't done anything wrong I'm so sorry for not being there and I've been a shit friend in Wendy's time of need!"

Again he was surprised by her sudden movement but smiled softly.

"She knows stuff as happened to you and is worried...So, this get together will be nice the three of us...Like old-times kicking back and watching the event...Would you like to join us?"

She gave him possibly the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his life, she truly didn't look the same as before yet still her face was familiar, more confined and refined something he never noticed and her eyes...They were so mysterious and beautiful always lulling him in, threatening to make him lost forever in her eyes.

"I'd love too...I have some important thing to say," her thumb rubbing her shoulder gently, "A lot to say."

"Yeah," he blushed glancing away, "I have some things to say too."

She sensed it, hearing it in his voice, the aura he gave off and the rate of his beating heart, he was nervous yet determined Fiona had taught her a lot in reading humans, reading people, instincts inside her telling her he hidden something personal, and that day...the single day to feel like a human...it was being given to her on a silver plate...She wouldn't waste it she wanted this needed this no more regret a day with her real family, those she truly loved.
