Valiant Valkyrie vs the Boarman 11B


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"Just a gift," the Boarman chuckled. "A reward for becoming good little superheroines." He cocked his tusked head, and raised an eyebrow within his cowl. "What do you say when you get a gift from your worthy master, girls?" he suddenly asked, sharply.

Sun Idol gasped, at his tone, and rose up slightly upon her haunches. "Th-thank you!" she said - with the tone of a schoolgirl hoping that her correct answer will make up for being caught with bad posture.

The Boarman nodded. "You may rise," he said to them. Then, as they did so, he walked around to the other side of the control console, and took up position behind it.

Lifting up from their haunches, the three superheroines stood up in a row before him. After such a long period on their knees, their sleek and sculpted legs were shaky for a few seconds. And yet, old habits died hard. Finding themselves standing before him, their hands lifted up and instinctively started primping themselves. Reaching up, she teased and fluffed up her hair - despite the tendrils of semen all three of them had shot through there.

Sun Idol started to reach up to clean her face - but then she saw the Boarman waving a chiding finger at her and, with a gasp, swiftly withdrew her hand. The others, seeing this, did likewise - and learning swiftly to divine his wishes, did not remove a single dollop of the immense quantity of his cum that was splattered across them. But even so, they could not help themselves. Needing somewhere else to put their hands, out of long custom and practice, they dropped them down and parked them on their buxom hips. Soon enough they all stood in a row before him and, mighty thighs spreading apart, adopted their habitual power stances.

And yet, as they posed before him, looking almost like they were bask in the adulation of the press or some other more comfortable way of presenting themselves, despite the similarity of their poses the three heroines looked vastly different from how they had when first strutting confidently into the Boarman's city. Every last one, between her wrists and her knees, was naked. A spattering pattern of the Boarman's semen, worthy of an abstract painting, covered their faces. More coated their breasts, with swaying tendrils of Boar-cum hanging from their stiff and extended nipples. Between their mighty thighs their naked pussies glistened - and from each of their exposed meat flaps a few more tendrils of Boar-cum hung down - which, of course, had nothing whatsoever to do with the immense amount splattered all over their faces and busts.

But despite their situation, surprisingly enough, they seemed the opposite of depressed. Underneath his dripping cum their lips smiled, giddily. The tension and self-denial they had experienced for so long with regard to the Boarman was gone. They had been subjugated to him, utterly and completely, without hope of respite... and could take comfort in the simplicity and serenity that came with being completely beaten beyond the slightest hope of recovery.

"So... what are you going to do with us now?" Valiant Valkyrie asked. She tried not to sound eager, and failed.

"You'll find out soon," the Boarman promised. "But first - go back into your cases. We're going to record one short segment, and then you ladies will get what you deserve."

The three heroines turned around - and gasped sharply. Just behind them, they realized, amidst the sea of trophy cases, their own had been lined up in a little row. Their logos emblazoned proudly atop them, and their little costumes hung along the sides. Their eyes blinked wide, to see this.

"What... what we deserve?" Daring Diva asked.

"What's... what's that?" Sun Idol asked, rotating back around at her waist to face him - her enormous, cum-dripping breasts swaying ponderously in the process.

The Boarman smiled. "Do as you're told, and you'll find out," he assured her.

The heroines gasped. But, none of them could keep an eager wiggle out of their large round bottoms as, standing side by side, they contemplated it. One by one they licked their cum-stained lips, and their eyes grew distant - as if imagining the many filthy possibilities for what he might have in store, and finding each more thrilling than the last.

"Okay!" Valiant Valkyrie announced at last, happily - speaking for all of them.

Turning, the three heroines obediently strutted up to their own trophy cases. Shivering slightly, they stepped inside - as if turning their own naked bodies into mannequins, on display in between the skimpy pieces of their own surrendered costumes. Blushes appearing on their cheeks, and breath coming quickly, they turned back around and faced the dark and ruthless hero who had tamed them.

"Why don't you ladies give us a summary of your evening?" the Boarman asked them.

The three heroines squirmed. Once more, based on the large screen behind him, it was intensely obvious they were being filmed. Pits formed in their stomachs - but it did not dispel the giddiness that still filled them. Their broad bellies wiggled back and forth, as they squirmed. But, at the realization that they would have to give him what he wanted to be given it to like they wanted, they breathed deep - and then finally answered.

"We came," Valiant Valkyrie said, from within her case, "to show up the Boarman."

"I see," he said. "And how did that work out for you?"

The three heroines moaned softly - and then hung their heads.

"We... were defeated... utterly," Daring Diva said softly.

"The Boarman's city proved far too dangerous for... for mere superheroines, such as we," Sun Idol admitted.

"And then what happened?" the Boarman asked.

They lifted their wide eyes blinking wide.

"The Boarman saved us," Daring Diva said. She took a deep breath, making her vast ebony breasts shake under a thick layer of his pearly slime. "Saved us... from our own stupidity and foolishness," she quickly rushed to clarify.

Sun Idol nodded her own semen-covered head vigorously. "He saved us from our own folly...." she said. Putting a hand down, she stroked it lightly over her belly, just above her leaking pussy, and sighed. "He taught us.. the error of our ways..." she added, her buxom hips wiggling.

"Th-thank you, Boarman," Valiant Valkyrie said. "F-for l-letting us love you, as we should..." she added, wistfully.

The Boarman nodded, satisfied. "Very good, ladies," he said. "Now that that is done," he said, "we can move on to your next step for this evening."

The three superheroines whimpered softly. Shame at what they had just said - one more piece of pride-ruining evidence they had handed him, on top of the mountain he already had - warred with the sudden surge of lust at that news. They wiggled back and forth, bodies shivering in anticipation.

"What.. what is it?" Valkyrie asked, quivering with excitement.

"Are you going to have us dance for your pleasure?" Daring Diva suggested, hopefully.

"Or bring us back to your bedroom?" Sun Idol asked, licking her lips thirstily.

"Or unmask us and make us serve your secret identity, too?" Valiant Valkyrie asked, her entire body shivering in excitement.

At the three superhuman beauties' eager suggestions, the Boarman chuckled, while fiddling with his controls.

"Well, I think you can probably figure it out, ladies," he said. Upon his screen, he had a live view of the three of them wiggling in their little cases. With a wave of his hand, he swept an overlay into place - which was not replicated on the giant screen behind him. Then he began to adjust some settings.

"But, to review," he said - as his fingers fiddled with a different set of controls than the ones the frustratedly-squirming superheroines really wished he would seize hold of - "You three ladies all came to my city and, in the space of a single night, begged to be taken into my lair. Once here, you opened yourself up, and let me have my way with you."

The Boarman made a final adjustment on his controls. Upon the screen, using a converted alien bio-sensor far more advanced than the one the Hyboria Hospital tech had used on Vestal's tummy, little boxes appeared beside each squirming superheroine - showing him, at great magnification, the interior of their wombs.

Their cycles having been synced, all three of the curvaceous crime-fighters had all just recently ovulated. But, though close, their cycles were not perfectly aligned - and the exact position of each heroine's egg within her womb varied from one to the next. As it happened - very much not by chance - the distance his ejaculation had had to travel was the inverse of the order in which he had taken them - such that, like a time-on-target artillery barrage, each tremendous sperm sortie he had unleashed up into them was all arriving at the same time.

Upon the screens, within the wombs of the busty and oblivious champions, the Boarman observed a horde of flailing little warriors, each swarming like a brilliant solar corona around one hapless and fertile, superhumanly-endowed ovum.

"And for that service " the Boarman said, watching the screen intently, "you are about to receive your kind's customary payment..."

All at once, the desperate defenses of the heroines' sacred ova broke down. A single victorious Boar-sperm wriggled its way inside each of them. And, through the heightened intuition that came with being a superheroine, all three of the busty beauties seemed to be able to sense it. As one their eyes widened and their jaws dropped open, as they suddenly gasped for breath. In unison their mighty thighs spread wide apart and trembled, while their bodies quivered - as if they could feel the Boarman's seed inflicting one last deep and exceptionally total penetration upon them. Then, a moment later, it passed - but the experience seemed to leave them dazed and squirming, lips gasping softly for breath. But the tingling feeling seemed to leave them half-delirious - and extremely impatient for more.

""P-please!" Daring Diva gasped, squirming. "G-give us what we deserve!"

"Yes. H-hurry!" the Sun Idol begged, shivering.

"Anything you want, we'll do it!" Valiant Valkyrie promised, her immense breasts sloshing as she wiggled with her eagerness to serve him..

"Alright. Then, here it comes ladies!" the Boarman said.

He pressed a button on his console - and instantly, three panels dropped open, directly beneath their feet. Gorgeous heads darting downwards, the three heroines gasped - and then screamed, loudly, as they suddenly plunged down out of his sight.

"AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEE!" Valiant Valkyrie squealed as she and her two buxom comrades both plummeted down what proved to be a long metal chute. Even Sun Idol was in no state to resist and went hurtling down the tube along with her comrades. The three heroines shrieked as they were blown upwards and then back down, losing all orientation.

In a dark alley in central Broodhaven, a small aperture opened in the side of a building. With a wail, all three heroines tumbled out - and then landed sprawled out one beside the other Lifting their heads, moaning, they gasped - to find themselves laying upon vast heaps of garbage. A moment later the metal chute rattled again - and then spat out another heap of refuse, to splatter all over them. The mighty heroines moaned, as they found themselves heaped with still more trash, to go with the mountains of it their precious bodies were draped across.

In the wake of the rain of trash, a little speaker uncovered itself upon the side of the building, and spoke down at the dazed and sprawled superheroines.

"You're welcome, ladies," the Boarman's voice rasped down at them. "Don't call me, I'll call you. And you had better keep the promises you made to me. Every last one of them. After all, you know what happens if you try to displease me in any way, ever again..."

With that, the cover of the microphone rose back up and sealed itself - followed moments later by the cover of the chute. Within seconds, the side of the building looked like just another graffiti-covered stretch of inner-city ruin, like dozens more all around it.

Left alone atop the dense pile of garbage, the three heroines moaned, and their heads wobbled.

"Oh, God.... wh-what an asshole!" Daring Diva moaned - a banana peel hanging down sultrily over half of her cum-splattered ebony face.

"What...what a sexist pig!" Sun Idol hissed - a used takeout container perched at a jaunty angle atop of her lovely head.

Between them, Valiant Valkyrie took a deep breath. She had a number of used condoms - none of them the Boarman's it could be easily assumed - littered all over her. She took a deep breath, and then exhaled. "What... what a s-super STUD!" she finally sighed.

All three gasped. Their bodies squirmed, faces quivering - as they digested each other's words. Then, at last, throwing their heads back, all three let out a moan of agreement with Valiant Valkyrie's verdict. And, with that, surrendering to their utter exhaustion, their heads collapsed backwards. Their mighty buxom bodies arched briefly, and then sunk back down to lie in supine, exhausted surrender upon the heaps of trash.

Down below, two drivers sat in the cab of the rumbling garbage truck. The passenger turned to face the driver.

"Why we got to come all the way out here for just one load?" he asked.

One hand on the wheel, the driver shrugged. "Dunno. Who cares?" Reaching out, he slapped the side of the truck. "Let's get this filthy trash back where it belongs!" he said.

With a rumble, the truck jerked into gear, and then lurched forward. Up top, the subjugated superheroines moaned, as the sudden motion made their large breasts wobble and sway amidst the night air. But their moans did not last for long, and they soon settled down again into their assigned place amidst the rest of the refuse. Meanwhile the truck, bearing the words 'Beachport Garbage Collection' on its filthy side, trundled out into the street and, turning towards a distant skyline faintly visible in the growing dawn light, set out on the long road back to where it belonged.

Several months later, the Boarman lounged back on his console. He leaned back, a large screen in front of him and a few more to either side, as the call went through. Then the dark screen brightened up - to reveal Valiant Valkyrie and her two friends, kneeling side by side upon a large bed.

"I'm so sorry..." Valiant Valkyrie gasped, panting heavily. "I... I came as quickly as I could."

"I'm sure you did," the Boarman said, dryly.

Beside her, Sun Idol and Daring Diva were also gasping desperately for breath. All three of them had come sprinting when the alert had come in, to the new secret control room at the heart of their team base. But, despite their spectacular physiques, their changing bodies were making such exertions harder and harder to sustain.

As they knelt side by side upon the bed, each of the three beauties was clad in a modified version of her traditional skimpy costume. Their little super-panties, though still as skimpy as ever, had had to be carefully recut to allow for the large bellies that now swelled up just above them. Meanwhile, the previously mind-boggling cup sizes their tops had sported had had to scaled up substantially, to scarce-heard-of letters of the alphabet, as their already enormous hooters had swollen up considerably, in preparation to feed the healthy super-infants growing inside them.

Now all three of them gasped, and clutched their bellies in shock - as they beheld the super-baby-daddy responsible, looming on the screens over them. But, although her sleek thighs pressed together and rubbed hungrily to either side of her still-scantily-clad pussy, Valkyrie still managed, just barely, to hold herself together before him.

"What... what is it you need... h-honey?" Valiant Valkyrie asked.

Lounging back, the Boarman smiled. "I'll get right to the point," he said. Lifting up his arms, he folded them behind his tusk-tipped head and smiled. "I have another super-villainess crisis brewing up," he said. "And I think two superheroines would just be perfect to help deal with it."

At this suggestion, the three superheroines gasped. To either side, Sun Idol and Daring Diva could not keep the disappointment off their faces that his request had not been for them to come and serve him more directly. Between them, Valiant Valkyrie's blue eyes widened, behind her mask.

"T-two heroines?!" the blonde goddess gasped. She lifted up higher upon her haunches, making her huge breasts slosh in its enormous bra, over her bulging belly. "Wh-what happened to the three I just sent?!"

Upon the other side of the screen, the Boarman's smirk broadened.

To either side of his chair - unseen, just out of frame, to the three impregnated heroines squirming on the other side of his screen - two curvy figures knelt. Their heads, bowed low, were in the midst of bobbing and slurping obsequiously. Reaching out, the Boarman idly toyed with the two bikinis that lay in dainty heaps upon his desk - also just out of frame to the three heroines. One was made of fur; the other of white silk.

"Yeah, the, ah, environment of Broodhaven... proved much too strong for them," the Boarman said. "Again." He rolled Tiger Queen and Rebel Belle's panties back and forth in his fingertips, while down below the two redheads moaned softly - and continued sucking his cock. Further down, below the epic swells of their rounded derrieres, each of their bare pussies was leaking epic quantities of semen down the interiors of their thighs.

"They were all made short work of," he concluded.

Dropping their costumes back on the countertop, he gave a wave of his hand. Behind him, the third member of the latest crew sent to 'assist him' - and to show their own superiority, or at least they had quite confidently believed as they strutted smirking into his city - lay upon a wheeled bed, curled up on her side. Her position left her ass facing back towards the Boarman - and from her well-displayed cunt, a waterfall of semen poured down her ample buttock and to the bed. As the Boarman glanced back at her, she let out a tiny moan - as if the experience of getting her worldview corrected atop his cock had been so devastating as to leave her catatonic. Only her greaves and a few assorted other bits of paraphernalia littered around the bed identified her as Spartina. Said heroine's thong, which even by superheroine standards was quite daring on several levels, lay a little further down his desk beside the rest of her comrades' costumes.

To either side of the little bed, stood two lithe sidekicks. They were almost entirely naked, save for their masks - which gave them away as Dixie Girl and Wilderlass. Their bellies were just starting to swell up, as they started to show - having been sent together on a 'teen-only mission' to Broodhaven that had ended up, naturally enough, with both of them in the Boarman's bed.

Indeed, it had been their sidekicks' delicate condition that had partially motivated Tiger Queen and Rebel Belle to come as well, and give the foul Boarman a piece of their minds. Which, technically, they were doing - if you counted giving him superheroine brain.

At the wave of the Boarman's hand, they gasped. Then, they nodded. Despite their delicate conditions, they seized Spartina's bed, and began to wheel the moaning superheroine off to recuperate from getting her first taste of a real superhero's dick.

Turning back around, the Boarman faced back to the screen upon which Valiant Valkyrie and her comrades were still gaping up at him.

"Now, as I was saying," he continued idly, "send a blonde and an Asian this time." He stroked the bobbing scarlet head slurping at him - not bothering to notice which one, even as her lips quivered against him in gratitude for the attention. "I have it on good authority that this next villainess set is, ah, uniquely vulnerable to blonde and Asian superheroines, specifically."
