Vertigo Milf


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His hands follow the controls as I level us back out and throttle back to bring us down under five hundred feet.

"Look out for the trees! Oop, I'm fucking chunder." Hunter threatens and Hana laughs at him.

"You'll be right, Ern. Just watch out the window. David knows what he's doing little man."

We make two passes of the little strip just so I can get a feel for the breeze today and check it for animals.

"Whose little buggy is that?" Thomas asks.

"That's probably Kat come up to get us."

"Choice bruh. Is it fast?"

"Not really. Quick enough for the farm though. Okay, everyone. Landing this time. It might be a bit bumpier than you're used to. The strip is pretty flat but the grass can be a bit rough. All ready?"

The breeze coming down the strip is almost textbook perfect and makes me look far more competent than my hours would tell you I am. We touch down gently with a much lower groundspeed courtesy of the head wind and only need half of the five-hundred-metre-long strip. That's why Dad chose this spot on the high side of the creek. It's clear of trees at both ends and there's always at least a light breeze.

Dad would also have made some crude joke at this point about 'flaps' and wind. "This little plane is like your mother, all flaps and wind." Was his standard line. He'd flown Nomads and Caribous in the last days of Vietnam and seemed to think every take off and landing was a challenge to make it the shortest in history; often at the cost of passenger comfort.

"Oh god, is there a bloody mirror in this thing David?" Hana sounds a little panicky.

"You're beautiful, Hana. You look fine."

"You're not even looking at me. I've probably got drool on me somewhere and sleep lines. You're such an egg."

"Relax, gorgeous. This isn't an interview. They're family." I taxi us back toward where Kat has the UTV and go through shut-down.

Brakes, idle, electrics off, mag grounding, mixture cut off, ignition, master, control lock, cowl, fuel...

"Alright folks, belts off. Welcome to Karnten Downs. Hana..." I shake my head as I watch her trying to check her appearance on her phone screen. "Boy's tell mummy how pretty she is. Better still, lets all kiss her until she knows."

"Don't you-" She tries to protest but two little men are showering each side of her face with little kisses and she giggles. "Get off me, you muppets. I'll get you, David."

The boys and I sit in the tray of the little UTV and I point things out to them as Kat drives us down the track to the cottage. It's a good five kilometres or more from the airstrip but there's lots to see as we bounce along and the boys are bloody excited.

"He didn't! That... The fucking stupid going to sleep joke." I can hear Kat's eyeroll from back here. "He's such a jerk."

"Yeah, big man thinks he's a crack up. I just about shit myself. We out in the wops some place and I don't know how to fly the bloody thing."

"Mum's are dying to meet you. They've been cooking all morning. It's what they do when their nervous."

"I could go some kai, eh. We missed brekky. Boys are probably starved too but didn't want them chundering. They were too excited as it was."

"What's kai?"

"Tucker, food. Sorry Kat, I'm nervous. When I'm nervous-"

"She goes full kiwi on you." I interrupt.

"She'll go full postal on your shit-stirring arse you wanker if you pull stunts like that falling asleep thing. Do you know how much that freaks people out Uncle Dave? You're such a wally. Wait till I tell Mum's."

"Haha. Look out boys, Kat's gonna dob on me."

By the time we reach the cottage a half hour or so later, Kat and Hana are conspiratorially whispering like long lost sisters and I'm thankful for the welcome Kat's shown her.

"Now Mum T is not a big hugger, she'll love a handshake and a pat on the shoulder or something but Mum E is a sook. She'll probably need scraping off you. Serious, we'd almost given up on Uncle Dave ever loving someone again. I hope you like them. They can be dicks. Especially if he brought them weed. I'm almost nervous for you Hana."

"I'll be alright I think, little siss. The boys are a bit shy though."

"They'll be fine. I'm gonna take them for the grand tour. Can they ride bikes?"

"Yeah. Almost as long as they been walking, eh."

"We'll be back before dark then. Don't worry about the boys. Look, that's them. I told you they were excited."

Turning around to look out the front of the UTV, I see Tan and Ebby standing at the gate waving.

"That one's Tanya." Kat points. "And that one's Ebony."

"Tanya is pretty. Ebony looks a bit scary."

"Don't tell Tanya that, she's already got a crush on you." Kat laughs. "And Mum E is a pussy cat. Just a bad case of R.B.F."


"Resting bitch face." Kat shuts off the little vehicle when we pull up at the gate and a little whirlwind of family erupts.

"Oh, aren't you a handsome dude." Ebby smiles as she helps Hunter down off the tray. "You're going to break hearts with those big brown eyes little mate. And you must be Thomas."

She holds out her hand and Thomas shakes it shyly.

"Well Thomas, Kat can be very bossy but she's been pretty excited and has bikes ready to take you two for a look around the place. Just ride carefully," She ticks off on her fingers, "no racing and wear your helmets okay?"

"Yes missus um."

"Aunty E, hey?"

"Yes, Aunty E."

"Are you two gentlemen hungry?" Tanya asks after she releases a blushing Hana. For someone who's not a hugger, she made an octopus of herself welcoming her. "We've got a Bunning's Buffet for lunch. Sausages and bread then a big dinner later."

"Oh choice, I'd go hungus on a snag Aunty T." Thomas tells her. "Proper starved, eh. Didn't want to chunder on the plane but. You got sauce?"

And just like that, we were mob.

The same way Amara and Nikau welcomed me.

The same way Hana and the boys just fell in time with my steps and we walked on our way.



"I love them." She hugged me and whispered in my ear. "The old people. My old people, your old people, Catherine, Lulu, all them been working on this, I think. They feel like mob."

Her eyes dance on mine as she holds me around the waist and says a little louder. "Quick kiss me, I'm starving for a sausage."

"Gross! Hetero's!" Tanya laughs as I comply eagerly.

"Muuuum..." Kat rolls her eyes and loads a sausage from the barbecue onto Hunter's folded bread.

"Dave will hook you up with a sausage later, I reckon love. God knows I would if I had one." Tanya giggles.

"Tan baby..." Ebony shakes her head. "Dial it in, darling. You'll scare the pretty kid off."


"What the fu-" Hana stands and drops her half-eaten sausage to her plate.

A whooping Thomas stands on the foot pegs of the little eighty that buzzes along behind Kat on her one-two-five. Bringing up the rear, Hunter wobbles a little around the corner of the house then pins the tiny peewee 50 wide open to catch up with the others.

"Bikes..." Hana says. "I thought..." She makes a pedalling motion with her hands, "with pedals... you know..."

"Is it okay, love?" Ebby asks.

"Haha. Has to be now." Hana laughs incredulously. "I'd go straight to shit mum of the year trophy if I pulled em up now, eh siss?"

"When did you fix the little bikes girls? They can't have been going for years."

"Oh, Kat's been a little excited at the idea of cousins. She's been working on them after school for the last couple of weeks. The eighty needed a plug and the points set. The fifty had some really gummy old fuel in the bowl. She put it through the ultrasonic cleaner you got us for reloading, Dave." Tan says.

"Kat can fix bikes?" Hana asked.

"She tells us she's cis, but she's got a little bull dyke something-something goin on back there. I reckon she'll end up doing a trade as a mechanic or a fitter." Ebony smiles proudly. "She's Tan's daughter all over."

"Here David." Tanya pats my arm and passes me keys. "Painters have been. Take this pretty thing with you hey. Maybe you could convince her to help you fill the joint with kids. It gets lonely out here, just us lezzies. Be nice to have family around again."

Hana's blush is as deep as Ebony's snorted laughter is raucous.

"Just be back by dark for dinner. No need to christen every room." Ebony teases.

"You guys are relentless." I laugh and tell my favourite girls. "Come on Hana. You want to have a look around?"

"I want the whole tiki tour of the wops."

"Um... wops?"

"Like whoop-whoop I guess David." Ebony fills me in. "The bush. Back of nowhere. Beyond the black stump. Am I right, hot kiwi girl?"

"Straight up, siss." Hana laughs and takes my hand, "Well come on. Let's suss it out hey? Besides, that plane ride got me a little er..."

"Does it to all of us, little siss. Just, we'd probably frighten the pilot and crash the plane if Eb and I went all mile high club on him." Tanya laughs.

"She called me little siss." Hana tells me when I hand her the keys.

"We're a bit possessive of people we love." I smile.

"You said the 'L' word, David."

"You said it first."

"Did not. I had altitude sickness. No air in my brain or something. Don't know what you're on about. How's this thing- Oh. Got it. Woooo!"

The homestead is a long sandstone building built on the low side of the creek beside the airstrip. The site was chosen originally by my great-great grandfather as a mustering camp because water was close by and the sheer fifty-foot escarpment on the western side of the creek shaded the location from the afternoon sun.

Stone for the building was brought in from Brisbane on bullock drays as a back load for the wool that they produced here back then. Bit by bit, that immigrant Jewish ancestor assembled the homestead as an exact replica of his family's home in Austria.

There are four small guest rooms with individual ensuites, an office and a storeroom at one end of the house, a central kitchen and dining hall and the southern end holds the master bedroom and two larger rooms. My parents told stories of how in their youth, people travelled from all over to attend dances. They'd stay in the rooms at one end of the house, the children giving up their rooms for tents outside and the dining hall would be cleared for use as a dance floor after dinner.

"It's fucking massive!" Hana stopped the UTV in the tracks and stared at the homestead. "You lived here?"

"Once upon a time."

"Haha. In a land far-far away..." She giggled. "The lawns... Who?"

"Wallabies mostly. It looks like the girls have been over with the ride on lately though. I haven't seen it look so... occupied I guess since..."

"Catherine and Lulu?" Her soft brown eyes forgive my mumbles.

I nod.

"Is this one of those things. You know, on your lists?"

"Yup. I had a yarn with the girls a while ago. We... I needed a fresh... Fuck it, come on. Let's go have a gander."

"A squiz, take tane."


"I have to educate you. Give you a little bit of kiwi just in case you ever meet my people on the little islands. Squiz. Have a look. Have a squiz."

"Cool. Let's go have a squiz, eh cuzzy bro swoit fully choice."

"Er... maybe you just stay all white boy. You scare me a bit when you do that."

"Not even, chur. I'm munted, eh"

Her hand presses over my mouth as she laughs. "Shut up now, David or I'll use something much furrier to shut your stupid mouth. Now come on. Show me this Disney palace."

We got inside the door.

The moment it closed behind me though, I was pushed firmly back against it and a mischievous mouth smiled and kissed down my buttoned shirt while her fingers fumbled with my belt.

"You can show me around in a minute. I've been away for fourteen days. A girl has needs." She licked her lips and smiled. "Objections, spunky?"

I'd speak but can only shake my head 'no' as she sucks me deeply into her mouth and I rapidly harden for her.

"I'm surprised I didn't rape you on the plane." She laughs as she urges me down on the cold wooden floor. "God, I could smell myself the whole time. Lie down you muppet."

She's straddled me, lifting the hem of her light cotton dress and pulling her undies to the side. "I need you... oh god damn... there... inside..." she groaned as she worked herself slickly down me to sit heavily on my lap and grind.

"Not gonna last long, Hana." I warn. "It's been a while."

"Don't hold back on my account, spunky. I'm- almost- I'm- oh, oh, yup... Fark...Me... Oh my god. Yes!. Oh. Fuck!"

And as her tummy crunches and her insides contract on me I spill inside her, over and over until I feel like I've been wrung inside out. She's lying down on my chest, smiling and making circles on my shirt with her fingers.

"My best place. Right here, spunky. Slept so bad away. Surprised I don't have a sprained wrist, the number of times I had to get myself off so I could stop missing you and get some sleep. And now I have you right where you belong. Inside and all around me." She sits up a little to make eye contact with me. "You know I love you, David?"

"Hmm." I nod. "And I-"

She puts fingers on my lips, "Don't have to say it just because I did. You show me all the time anyway. Now, get off me and show me this castle."

"Er... you're kinda on me."

"Eww, that's gonna stain." She giggles as she climbs off and dribbles our mess onto my jeans.

"Why do I always get the wet spot?"

"Don't be a muppet. My turn next time. We have all afternoon. We have all week. Come on, help me up."

She takes my hand and I pull her up awkwardly. Her knees are a bit wobbly, "Oh my god, fanny farts. Eww, these undies are munted now. What? Oh, sorry. I'm a bit of a grotty cow when I let myself go."

"I love it, Hana. I love all these things I'm learning about you. Never apologise for being yourself. Especially about sex. It's supposed to be messy and intimate and not taken too seriously."

"We fit together pretty well, David. Now the tiki tour."

As we move through the house, I'm surprised by the transformation. It's hardly recognisable but intimately known still to me. The muted whites and greys give it a modern look now and the work in the kitchen has really brought it into this century. The ironbark floors have been freshly polished throughout and devoid of furniture the scale of the place is exaggerated.

"You'd need a housekeeper." Hana gushes as we walk out the kitchen door to the back yard.

"Laundry is a separate building. The place was expanded as new building and plumbing technology came about."

"What's that?" She points past the wisteria covered paved area where I picture Christmas lunches in years gone by, at another building a bit closer to the creek bank.

"Oh, the meat house. There's a cold-room and butcher's shop set up in there."

"Some of the sheds I worked on back home had little meat houses. Just tiny places with fly screens and you know. Can we have a look?"

"What? Not interested in the laundry?"

"Idiot. I'm a cook. That fucking kitchen blew my mind. The old wood stove, the big gas range but a butcher shop as well? It's like a- I don't know. Come on." She pulls me along behind her. "Oh god, you could like hang your meat and take fresh cuts when you needed. A beast, a lamb, no poultry but. Sausage making... It's like a fairy tale."

"A butcher shop is a fairy tale?"

"Shut up, David. It is to me." I'm fascinated just watching her inspection of the simple set up. She runs fingers along the old chopping block and examines cleavers and knives where they snap to a magnet strip on the wall. She even crouches down to inspect the plumbing under the sink. The wonder and joy on her beautiful face almost distracts me from the flash of her thighs and bum. Almost.

"Show me the creek." She pulls me along again like an excited teen, not a young mum. "Are there prickles?"

"Nope. Grandma use to hate prickles. If you couldn't find her, you just looked around the yard for the old lady with the bucket full of bull's heads and bindis and little metal fork. It was like a witch hunt for her."

Hana balances against me and takes off her runners to wriggle her toes in the deep green lawn. "Yours too, spunky. Can we wade in the creek or is it steep and muddy?"

"Sandy bottom. Feeds the alluvial system. Some small granite rocks. We can wade. It drops away on the other side where flood waters have carved out along the bottom of the little cliff. Good swimming over there. We had a rope swing when I was a kid but Granddad cut that tree down when Ebby broke her arm. What?"

Her eyes watch my reminiscing with rapt wonder. "I'd love to have had a life where I was so connected to a place. Where every little corner had a memory. Mum moved around a lot. After Ricky's dad died, we went from place to place for Mum to find work. She met Stevo's and my Dad when she was working in Nelson at the fisheries. Then we sort of went from rental to rental. Don't feel like I've ever put roots down anywhere, you know? Longest we ever stayed was one place in Wensley Road. That was Dad's place. We had to move when he got with that woman."

We're standing in the shallow water of the beach. It's almost clear enough to see our feet but it never really gets clear until you throw some alum flakes in the big holding tank up top. An old Lister pump draws water from the deepest part of this lagoon and pumps it up fifty feet to the top of the escarpment and that water then is gravity fed to the bathrooms, laundry and yard taps. Rainwater supply's the kitchen.

"Are you selling it?" She rubs my cheek, pulling my eyes to hers. "It was on your list that time?"

"No." I shake my head, "When the girls died, I just packed some clothes and shut the door behind me. I couldn't deal with it. There was just so much of them in there. I tried a couple of times, but it was like some kind of shrine. I had to let them go, Hana. It wasn't fair on the house either. It's been full of family over the years. I thought maybe if I cleaned it out and painted and such, maybe I could put someone in it. Maybe the girls would move in. I don't know really. Haven't got that far with my thinking yet."

"It was just time, eh?"

I nod.

"Well don't sell it. It's just too beautiful here. It's like stepping into a movie set or something. I can't explain it. It even feels..."

I nod again. She gets it. "It always felt like that. Something special about the seclusion and the space. Something about the water and the rocks over there. The grass." I shrug.

"It's a special place, David. We should probably get back soon." Hana smiles. "Just..."

Then my jaw does that python thing again as she lifts her dress completely off and strips her undies down those caramel thighs that go on for miles. Naked, she winks and starts unbuttoning my shirt.

"Let's take our time this time. We can wash up a little bit after too, so we don't reek of it when we get back. Ooh! He seems to like the idea."

"He likes you, Hana. You'll get all itchy." I warn as she lays back on the grass and spreads her legs for me.

"Stop pretending to care about me and get down here and use me. I mean it, David. Fuck me enough for the last fourteen days."

I did. I lost count for her but there were three runs on my board. I thought I was out for the count after round two ended with me pulling her hips to slam her onto me over and over while I took her from behind like the wild animals we were making of ourselves, rutting in the bright daylight with not a care in the world.

We lay there getting our breath back. Hana was lazily tracing a mucky pattern in my saturated pubic hair and watching clouds. "That one looks like a big old bum. See. Legs and-"

She laughs at me laughing at her then shuts her giggles off like turning off a tap. "Oh... anal."


"Anal. Sooner or later every bloke wants to try anal. You know like they need to own every part of a woman's body?"
