Vicki's Story Ch. 07


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Livvy stood staring, her eyes twinkling. "Hello Vicki." She said anxiously. Her voice wavering quietly.

"Hey Livvy, nice to see you again."

She opened her arms and suddenly we were embracing, her head resting on my boobs. "God, I have missed you." She gushed.

"Yeah, likewise. That dress looks wonderful by the way." I offered cheekily.

She giggled, "I managed to confiscate it when you left. I always loved seeing you wear it."

"Looks better on you." I threw back quickly.

"Liar." She said with a little squeaky giggle. "It does feel nice though. I love your blouse, cream makes your eyes sparkle."

I did a little twirl. "It's one of Nan's timeless classics. I could never afford it on my salary." I glanced at Dad, "Although, I am still to hear what my new job offer will pay."

He squinted evilly. "Well, new starters usually start on a fairly low rate. I'm sure we will come to an agreement."

"Do new starters normally bring fifteen new clients with them?" I said proudly.

He recoiled, his face twisting into an admiring expression. "No, not usually. I take it you can confirm that?"

"I can do better than that. I spoke to most of them this afternoon. When I told them I was coming to work for you, they indicated they would probably follow as well."

His face smiled broadly. "Damn it, that is good news. When are you going to start?"

"Monday if that's okay?"

"Monday is perfect."

We sat in the living room, sipping our before dinner drinks. The conversation flowed quite easily.

We talked about work and what her plans were.

"Well, I have started looking for an apartment. Lisa is fun, but remember when she said we couldn't live together? Well that is true. We love each other but, wow. She is such a pig. She never cleans up and leaves everything lying around. I love her but, I can't wait to move out."

"I could help your apartment hunt sweetie." Mom threw in.

"Thanks Jackie. I would love that." She replied.

"I could use a house mate, if you were interested?" I said without thinking. The words were out before I could stop them.

She smiled. "Thanks Vicki, but I don't want to put you out."

"No, it would be fine. There are plenty of spare bedrooms. It would be cheaper than an apartment."

"Are you sure you want me there?"

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't."

"I guess, you do have that hot tub." She smirked teasingly. "Who would be doing the cooking?"

"Me." I said firmly.

"I'd write that into your lease if I were you Olivia." Dad interjected.

"Good point, I might just do that." Turning to me, the smile faded and I saw the anxious expression replace it. "Are you sure Vicki? I mean, it's a big step. I wasn't expecting it. I mean I hoped but well, I don't want you to do it from obligation."

"Livvy, all I'm offering is a room. I hope it grows into more but, I do want to take it slowly. There may be a lot of fallout from my departure from Connie's."

She nodded. "Yes, your father said what might happen. I am prepared for that."

"Are you sure Livvy? It might not be so appealing when everybody asks you what it's like to live with a tranny."

"Fran." Dad snapped. "That will be enough of that. Stop putting yourself down. If I hear one single person refer to you like that, I will be talking to them in the parking lot."

"Sweetheart, nobody sees you like that. The people who have picked up on it, are nothing but supportive. Many say we look so alike, it really is like having a daughter."

I hadn't noticed but, after she said it, I realized it was true. I did have her features.

Livvy waited for the right moment, perhaps choosing her words. "I am ready for whatever the world throws at us Vicki. My insecurities were never about you or my feelings for you. It was all internal. I have tried so many times to dig up the courage to tell the world I am gay. Every single time I chickened out."

"You should be proud Livvy. You're an independent woman. You have carved out a wonderful career. You're smart and beautiful. You have it all."

"Thank you, perhaps if you could help me?"

"I will do more than that. I will support you completely."

During dinner, Mom asked, "Honey, when you were much younger, you used to go with me to tennis at the club. Well, we have a competition on Sunday, would you be my partner?"

"Holy hell Mom, that's a bit naughty. That wouldn't be fair, I am still legally a man."

"Oh, don't be silly. You, my darling, are no longer a man." She blushed. "I mean, you might have the bits but who would know? Please, it would really mean a lot to me."

What could I say? "Yes, okay Mom but, be warned, I haven't played in a very long time."

She smiled warmly and it lit up my heart. "I don't care about the tennis, I am just going to enjoy having you by my side."

Saturday was golf day and Dad was on fire. He was hitting a long ball. As we walked and talked, he thanked me for agreeing to play tennis with Mom. He laughed, "She has gone mad and bought a brand-new outfit. For god's sake, she hasn't played for years. I don't know why she has this sudden urge."

I knew but, kept my mouth shut. I hadn't even thought about what I would wear. Shit, I was going to have to go shopping straight after the game.

We played another hole and he stood close by me as I prepared to tee up. "Want to make it interesting?"

"How so?"

"Well, I want to make a little wager."

"Go on." I muttered.

"Well, we could talk about your new salary. I'll give you a starting point. If you beat me, you get to choose how much higher I go."

"That's damn sneaky. You'll have me starting on a junior's salary."

"Oh, don't be a wuss. You have been improving and it's not often I beat you by more than two or three shots. I think you have been letting me win lately."

"No way old man. If I could beat you, I would. You're just too good."

In the end, he twisted my arm and we played. It was going to be tight. He was right in the fact I hadn't been trying too hard but, I didn't want him to know that. I kept even with him all the way. He was only one shot ahead when we got to the eighteenth. He struck a mighty tee shot straight down the middle. A beautiful shot. When I teed off, I put everything into it and drilled mine about thirty yards passed his, although mine was off to the side of the fairway.

As we walked up the middle he grinned. "I knew it, you god damned faker."

I smiled. "Hey, a little luck is good sometimes."

He slapped me on the back as I walked past. "Horseshit, that was a damn fine shot. Better than you have been doing. If I catch you holding back on me in the future, we will never play together again."

I saw the steely look in his eye and realized he meant it. "Sorry Dad." We ended up tied and if I had not been holding back a little earlier, I would have beaten him by two shots.

As we were packing the gear in the car, he raised his eyebrows. "Vicki, I want you to look after your mother tomorrow. She is looking forward to playing with you. Oh and, showing you off to the other country club snobs."

I had to race off straight away to find, not only something to wear but, buy a racquet and some shoes. Christ, it had been years since I had even picked up a racquet.

I found a classy little mini tennis slip dress. It was classic white with some red and blue piping. I made sure I was tucked tightly. I spent an age getting my makeup right, I was so nervous. I didn't know what the hell to expect. I met Mom in the car park and we walked in together. She kissed me. "Thanks for today Honey. I am so looking forward to it."

"It's okay Mom but, what is going to happen? How does it work?"

Bubbling, she replied. "It's nothing special hon. It's just the girls. We play some tennis but mostly we drink martini's and have some fun."

As we got into the courts there were about twenty women all gathering together, laughing and chatting. I had sort of expected them to all be Mom's age but, there were all ages here, some younger than me. She started introducing me to her friends and the compliments were flowing over my new outfit. I blushed brightly under the scrutiny. As we were talking, I got the surprise of my life. In walked Connie, dressed to play. My heart sank but, god she looked hot, smoking hot. She moved among the women talking and chatting.

The moment she noticed me her expression changed and I could see her facial lines tighten. She forced a smile, walking over to give Mom a peck on the cheek. Looking dismissively at me she sneered "You play tennis as well, do you?"

I chuckled. "No, not really, I am just making up the numbers."

She didn't look convinced and suddenly, I was keen to play well. How she had that effect on me I will never be able to explain. I remembered back to the very first time I saw her, she had that same power. The power to turn my brain to mush, to send all of my blood racing to my cock. She was definitely my Kryptonite. My heart raced frenetically. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

The first game was getting underway and Connie was up. She was partnered by a woman about her age and it was evident they weren't fooling around. They were here to play serious tennis.

They annihilated the two ladies they were playing against. They were merciless. Christ they hardly even broke a sweat.

As they were having a drink, Connie stood close enough for me to talk to. "Well played Connie, that was pretty impressive."

She looked a little stunned at my compliment. "Thanks Vicki, I appreciate that. It was good fun."

Her response surprised me. She was like a different person. The smile, the bright bubbly manner. This was not the same snarly, short-tempered witch that threw me out of the office.

As Mom and I gossiped away with her friends, I noticed Connie's eyes never stopped staring at me. I felt like the quivering prey and she was the huntress.

Mom, as well, noticed and I saw her concerned frown. I don't know what was driving her concern but, she definitely wasn't happy.

Later, Mom and I were up and it was a tough game. We were up against a couple of young women who were pretty good. Mom was still fit and athletic but these girls were on song and playing hard. I had to run my ass off to cover for her. We won the first set but, the second set went down to a tie break, which we won in a pinch.

As I was getting my breath back sitting next to Mom, Connie came over with a drink for us both. She smiled, "Good game Vicki, you have played before." She sounded authentic but, it was laced with the venom of old. She was putting on a brave face for her friends.

The afternoon progressed and some of my old ability came back. I was breathing hard, this was really my first exercise in ages, apart from the golf with Dad.

Mom as well, struggled. I could see she hadn't played in a while. That just made me work harder.

Luckily, we got opponents more her age in the next round.

Eventually though, the way the draw was designed. We ended up playing Connie and her partner.

They were good but, I was on a mission to impress her. I played hard and we edged in front. I could see the cracks forming between Connie and her partner. They sniped at each other and targeted Mom seeing as how I was outplaying them. I asked Mom to play at the net and let me cover the rest. She looked tired and worn-out but, she was in it to win it, as well.

Connie, in particular, persistently hammered the ball back directly at Mom, eventually one hit her hard, right on the fleshy part of her shoulder and dropped her like a stone. I rushed to help her out and her face was twisted in a tight scowl. "Are you OK?" I asked as she sat back up.

"I will be fine honey, don't fuss." I helped her stand up and Connie was at the net offering false concern. For it to be real, she would have had to wipe the smirk off her face.

Mom steadied herself and whispered in my ear. "Don't let that bitch win, I don't care what it takes." She had a very determined glower chiseled into her face.

I ramped up my attack and started serving at full speed. Up until that point I had been holding back while I served but now the gloves were off. I targeted Connie, waiting for every chance to aim directly at her body. It was fast and furious and Mom was right into it as well. The first set was close but, the second wasn't even a competition. We killed them and Mom was ecstatic. She jumped into my arms and hugged me tight. "Thank you honey. Nan would have loved that."

After we shook hands and drifted inside for more drinks, Connie's partner approached me. "Jesus that was fierce. Where did you learn to play like that? Your serve was so fast."

I smiled. "Oh, I played at college, nothing serious."

"Bullshit." She snapped. "I play a lot of tennis and I don't bump into many women with a serve like that."

Connie, who had to swallow her pride to shake our hands at the net, gave me the most evil glare. She hated the fact that we beat them.

Mom's friends were wonderful. They rushed around after her, making sure she had an ice pack for her shoulder and a drink in her hand. Not that I think martinis were a recommended hydration tool.

We went out for dinner following the tournament and Mom was so happy. She moved gingerly but, you couldn't wash the smile of her face. Dad met us at the restaurant and helped us celebrate. As Mom told him about the day he grinned. "That was very naughty young lady. You know you have an advantage over those other women."

I tried to figure out if he was joking or not. "I held back for most of the time I only brought out the A game when Connie picked on Mom."

He snorted. "Jesus Christ, next you will be wanting to use the ladies Tee."

Mom giggled mischievously. "What's wrong with that? She should be anyway."

"Well I tell you what, we will have to watch our backs from now on. That woman has an evil streak a mile long."

"Don't worry Dad, I will sleep with one eye open."

"It's not just you I am worrying about, we will all have to watch out. She will be looking for revenge."

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Hooked1957Hooked19573 months ago

This is flowing well and going strong.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I take it you don’t live in the USA, it’s English but yours seems not the English spoken here. But I still really love your story.

laurieg_tvlaurieg_tv3 months ago

Loving the story - keep going. But you diverted somehow in the writing. LIvvy won't be public about her relationship because it will affect her job and won't move to be with Vicky. These are the barriers. She quits her job and moves to the same city as Vicky and doesn't tell Vicky? "Nervous" is the reason? Livvy is now working for Vicky's father and having dinner with Vicky's parents. I can't believe she didn't pick up the phone before accepting the job offer and calling Vicky. "Can I come home? I quit my job and I want to move in with you!" The two women cry their eyes out. We cry our eyes out. Everyone cries their eyes out.

Remember that Livvy was afraid that being a lesbian in front of Geoff would ruin her career. She now works for a man that clearly has no problem with her choice in partner. Aside from her parents, there are no more reasons to hide.

OzeminotaurOzeminotaur3 months ago

Absolutely love this story I can't wait to see what Connie does and Vicky's reply I hope Vicky shows what a homophobic bitch Connie is and maybe expose her husband and there basketball friend as rapist

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthere3 months ago

It feels like liv flipped too quickly, and so did she. As an Ohio native, I've been loving a story set in the neighborhood, but this is the first time where the dialog felt more appropriate for NZ. Perhaps I was just paying more attention this time round?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

like your writing

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wow . This is more like a drama than the romance and other nighty plays. Nice chapter.. but hopefully more romantic encounter may come soon right!

Anaya Chandra

MigbirdMigbird3 months ago

Simply gets better if that is possible; how about, simply reveals/uncovers more and more of a captivating storyline around a great ensemble.

Anita71Anita713 months ago

Another great chapter from a story I like, Connie will probably find out Vicki's true self, it will be exciting

FlamethrowFlamethrow3 months ago

I am enjoying the story but can't shake the feeling that Vicki is in some ways being pushed into decisions about her life, reacting rather than proacting.

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